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Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227

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Breathing during cardiac arrest following exercise: A new function of the

respiratory system?
Philippe Haouzi ∗ , Andry Van De Louw, Alice Haouzi
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We have found in four sheep that, following a muscular exercise, minute ventilation is maintained for
Accepted 14 March 2012 34–131 s during a cardiac arrest (CA), at a magnitude (from 28.2 and 54.7 l min−1 ) similar to the level
of ventilation (and thus proportional to the metabolic rate) preceding the period of asystole. Breathing
Keywords: was maintained despite the lack of pulmonary blood flow and the cessation of the muscle contractions,
Cardiac arrest (CA) leading to a dramatic reduction in alveolar FCO2 (1.9 ± 1%). Secondly, swings in arterial blood pressure
Arterial blood pressure (ABP)
(ABP) were observed (pulse pressure of 31 ± 3 Torr) in phase with breathing movements in place of the
cardiac activity. This “protective” response, deprived from any role in blood gas homeostasis, as circulation
Ventricular fibrillation (VF)
Respiratory control
is virtually abolished, is not predictable from the traditional respiratory control feedback systems thought
to be involved in exercise. We are presenting the view that this response, dissociated from the pulmonary
gas exchanges, is the expression of a rudimentary defense mechanism aimed at limiting the consequences
of an acute failure of the cardiac pump by the thoraco-abdominal pump.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the production of gasps (Guntheroth and Kawabori, 1975; Duffin,

2003; Eisenberg, 2006; Bobrow et al., 2008; Haouzi et al., 2010),
One of the most fundamental and still poorly understood char- with their unique and specific breathing pattern, which occur much
acteristics of breathing control is certainly its ability to “track and later along with an apnea. Incidentally, this makes breathing an
match” the level of metabolic activity. Such a coupling is maintained inappropriate surrogate marker of CA (Berdowski et al., 2009).
in keeping with the inter-species and intra-species differences in The major consequence of this observation relates to the fun-
body size and metabolism (Frappell et al., 1992; Mortola, 1993, damental physiological mechanisms, meaning, and implications of
2004), or following any increase in metabolic rate during a physical the maintenance of a normal breathing activity with no circulation.
activity (Dejours, 1963; Whipp et al., 1982, 1984; Whipp and Ward, The challenge, which we could not resolve in our previous report,
1990, 1991; Dempsey et al., 1997). was to reconcile the known effects of the main feedback systems
We have recently shown that at the onset of a cardiac arrest (CA), affecting breathing control during a CA with the actual breathing
fundamental physiological responses are still expressed (Haouzi pattern we observed (Haouzi et al., 2010). These feedbacks com-
et al., 2010), limiting transiently the effects of the absence of the prise the respiratory effects of an abrupt cessation of pulmonary
cardiac contractions. The most intriguing of these responses is blood flow/cardiac output and arterial CO2 oscillations along with
certainly the persistence of the normal activity of the thoraco- the consequences of a drop in blood pressure and in cerebral blood
abdominal pump: in sedated sheep, the generation of normal flow.
breath cycles is maintained at the onset of a cardiac arrest for 40 s up The goal of this study was to establish the relationship between
to 2 min, despite the absence of flow generated by the heart (Haouzi the activity of the central pattern generator of breathing, in a
et al., 2010). We also found that breathing is maintained unchanged “no-flow” situation, following a muscular exercise wherein the
in humans during the transient periods of an experimental fibril- metabolic/ventilatory levels are increased (Whipp and Ward, 1991;
lation induced CA while testing implantable defibrillators (Haouzi Haouzi, 2006). The question is whether ventilation can be main-
et al., 2010). This breathing activity should not be confused with tained as at rest despite the lack of blood flow and the cessation of
muscle contractions; and if it is, at what level?
The hypothesis we are testing here is that there is a genuine,
although rudimentary, adaptive response to conditions of very low
∗ Corresponding author at: Pennsylvania State University, College of Medicine,
or no blood flow, which has been overlooked, as this response
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, 500 University Drive, Mail Code
H047, Hershey, PA 17033, United States. Tel.: +1 717 531 0003; fax: +1 717 531 0224. cannot be predicted from the properties of traditional feedback
E-mail address: (P. Haouzi). systems when considered separately. For all these reasons, how

1569-9048/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Haouzi et al. / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227 221

breathing is affected at the onset of a cardiac arrest following exer- 2.4. Muscle contractions prior to CA
cise remains an outstanding question.
In the present study, the ventilatory, gas exchange and arterial The hindlimbs were shaved, and two pairs of large electrodes
blood pressure (ABP) responses were determined breath-by-breath with conductive gel were placed on both thighs. Muscle contrac-
during VF induced CA following electrically induced muscle con- tions were generated using a modulated stimulation frequency
tractions of the hindlimbs in sedated spontaneously breathing of 40 Hz, applied for 2 s every 4 s. Current intensity was set to
sheep (Haouzi and Chenuel, 2005; Haouzi et al., 2010). between 10 and 15 mA with a rise and fall time of 0.5 s. Muscle
contractions during this stimulation protocol produced a rhyth-
mic extension and adduction of the hindlimbs resembling dynamic
2. Methods exercise. The contractions were performed against a resistance con-
sisting of rubber bands attached to the distal part of the limbs and
We have previously reported the ventilatory responses follow- were of sufficient intensity to at least double minute ventilation
ing a cardiac arrest in resting conditions (Haouzi et al., 2010). In this and metabolism (Haouzi and Chenuel, 2005).
previous study, every episode of ventricular fibrillation was termi-
nated by delivering a 20 J biphasic DC shock upon the third gasp 2.5. Protocol
following respiratory arrest. This allowed us to produce several
episodes of cardiac arrest at rest in the same animal, in the course After a period of at least 15 min of quiet and stable breathing, at
of a 4–5 h study, as we found that breathing returned to baseline least 30 min after a previous FV, contractions were produced and
within less than 20 min, with rapidly reversible change in arterial maintained for 5 min prior to experimental CA and terminated upon
pH. The following protocol was applied in 4 of these animals. initiation of VF.
Ventricular fibrillation was terminated by delivering a 20 J
biphasic DC shock upon the first gasps following respiratory
2.1. Animal preparation arrest.

Four sheep (43–55 kg) were pre-medicated with ketamine 2.6. Data analysis
(40 mg kg−1 , IM), with subsequent anesthesia induced with a load-
ing dose of sodium pentobarbital (6 mg kg−1 , iv). Procedures were Data were analyzed offline using Chart software (ADInstru-
approved by the local Institutional Animal Care and Use Commit- ments). The flow signal was integrated for breath-by-breath
tee. Sedation was maintained throughout the experiment using measurement of tidal volume (VT ), and derived for the deter-
urethane (25%, 30 mg kg−1 , IV) and ␣-chloralose (5%, 150 mg kg−1 , mination of gas acceleration. Breathing frequency and minute
IV) solution. Animals were tracheotomized, and a catheter was ventilation (in BTPS conditions) were determined breath-by-
introduced into the left carotid artery to monitor arterial blood breath. All data are expressed as individual results (in the figures)
pressure. Another catheter was placed in the right external jugu- and as mean ± SD or the median.
lar vein for injections of anesthetic agents. At the termination of Each cardiac arrest was analyzed as a separate event. The arterial
the experiment, sheep were euthanized with sodium pentobarbi- blood pressure and ventilatory parameters were analyzed during
tal (200 mg kg−1 ) and potassium chloride (∼9 meq kg−1 ) injected the last minute of exercise preceding the CA and during the entire
IV. period of cardiac arrest when eupneic breathing was maintained.
Data were compared using Wilcoxon signed-ranked tests, p < 0.05
was regarded as significant.
2.2. Measurements In our previous report (Haouzi et al., 2010), we were surprised
to see that ABP did not appear to follow the change in lung vol-
Animals breathed through a two-way valve (1420 Series, Hans ume (and thus the expected change in trans-pulmonary pressure).
Rudolph, KS, USA), coupled to the tracheal cannula via a cali- We therefore analyzed the change in ABP more systematically in
brated pneumotachograph (Fleisch No. 2, Phipps and Bird, VA, USA). keeping with the respiratory cycle (inspiration and expiration) as
Expired CO2 was analyzed using a fast responding infrared analyzer follows: the total pressure produced by the respiratory system
(model #17630, Vacumed, Ventura CA, USA). Oxygen uptake was at a time t (Prs(t)) to mobilize a volume V at a flow V , and an
determined from the measurement of mixed expired O2 fraction acceleration V can be regarded as the sum of the elastic pressure
collected in an expiratory bag (model #17630, Vacumed, Ventura (proportional to the elastance (E) and the volume of gas mobi-
CA, USA) along with the corresponding level of expired minute lized (V)), the resistive pressure (proportional to the resistance
ventilation. Arterial carotid BP was continuously recorded using a (R) and the flow of gas mobilized (V )) and inertial pressure (pro-
pressure transducer (Model MLT0380/D, AD Instruments, CO, USA). portional to the inertia (I) and the acceleration of gas mobilized):
The transducer was calibrated before each experiment using a mer- Prs(t) = E · V(t) + R · V (t) + I · V (t). The multivariate linear equation
cury column. All signals were collected with an analog–digital data was therefore computed between ABP, V, V and V to determine
acquisition system (Powerlab 16/30, ML880, AD Instruments, CO, the relative weight of each of the 3 respiratory variables in the
USA) at a rate of 200 Hz. generation of ABP. Four parameters were therefore obtained, three
proportional to V, V and V respectively and one corresponding to
mean ABP. Computations were performed on 3 consecutive breaths
2.3. Fibrillation protocol at the peak of the oscillations in ABP during a given episode of
A 7 French ICD lead (Boston Scientific, Endotak Reliance G 0185)
was advanced into the right ventricle. The tip of the lead was then 3. Results
screwed into the myocardium. A Medtronic Intrinsic DR ICD gen-
erator (Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota) was implanted 3.1. Effects of muscle contractions
subcutaneously. VF was induced using high-frequency burst pacing
(50 Hz, 8 V). Induction of ventricular fibrillation was confirmed by An example of the response to electrically induced mus-
the surface ECG. cle contractions is shown in Fig. 1. Responses were identical
222 P. Haouzi et al. / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227

increase toward a maximum of 46.16 ± 24.89 l min−1 , followed by

respiratory arrest (apnea). The median of total duration of eup-
neic breathing before respiratory arrest was 67 s (ranging from 33
to 131 s), and minute ventilation averaged 39.85 ± 12.19 l min−1
(range 28.21–54.77 l min−1 , median 44.61 l min−1 ) across this
entire period (NS vs. exercise). The relatively high rate of pul-
monary ventilation with a virtual absence of pulmonary blood flow
caused FETCO2 to decrease dramatically, averaging only 1.9 ± 1.0%
(range 0.8–3.2%, median 2.6%, p < 0.001 vs. exercise) when breath-
ing stopped (Figs. 1–3). The apneic period was interrupted by
typical gasps occurring later into the apnea (Fig. 2).
Throughout all the period of eupneic breathing, ABP dis-
played obvious oscillations in phase with the breathing cycles
(Figs. 1, 2 and 4): peak, nadir and mean values of these blood pres-
sure oscillations averaged 36 ± 3, 9 ± 4 and 28 ± 7 Torr respectively.
The frequency of the swings in ABP was identical to the breath-
ing frequency (36 ± 3 cycles min−1 ). Following the cessation of the
respiratory activity, mean ABP stabilized at a level of 15 ± 3 mmHg
(reflecting mean filling pressure) without further oscillations.
Clearly the changes in ABP, which occurred in phase with the
persistent breathing cycles, did not follow the variations in lung
volume (Figs. 4 and 5). Rather ABP appeared to follow factors tem-
porally related to gas flow and to a lesser extent to the deceleration
of gas in the airways. This was observed for all breathes without
a single exception. As illustrated in Fig. 5, ABP started to increase
when inspiratory flow decreased, but before expiration. A multi-
variate regression analysis between ABP, volume, flow and accel-
eration of the gas confirmed these observations (Fig. 5): ABP was
accurately described as a function of V, V and V (R2 = 0.83 ± 0.1)
Fig. 1. Panel A: Example of the ventilatory effects of exercise and ventricular fibril- with corresponding parameters averaging 0.03 ± 0.25 mmHg l−1 ,
lation induced cardiac arrest in one sheep. Breath-by-breath expired CO2 (PETCO2 ), −5.21 ± 1.41 mmHg l−1 s−1 and −7.64 ± 6.33 mmHg l−1 s−2 respec-
instantaneous respiratory flow (V ), Carotid blood pressure (ABP), respiratory rate tively (Fig. 5). In other words, factors associated with gas flow and
(f), tidal volume (VT ) and minute ventilation (V̇E ) are displayed. The horizontal arrow
represents the period of exercise. The vertical arrow is the moment when the heart
acceleration rather than volume appear to be essential in the pro-
was stopped. Note that breathing increases during the period of exercise by almost 4 duction of ABP fluctuations during CA.
times while ABP decreases due to peripheral vasodilation. Clearly, ventilation does
not stop when the heart stops. Panel B: magnification of the transition between
exercise and cardiac arrest shown in panel A. Same legends as in panel A. Note that 4. Discussion
breathing is unchanged at the onset of the cardiac arrest, remaining at the same
level as during exercise, then minute ventilation continues to rise reaching values We found that not only does an effective activity of the cen-
of above 40 l min−1 . Consequently, alveolar CO2 decreases dramatically.
tral pattern generator for breathing persist during 33–131 s at the
onset of a VF induced cardiac arrest following muscle contractions,
to those we have already reported (Haouzi and Chenuel, 2005; but ventilation remains at or above the level that was generated
Haouzi et al., 2010) consisting in an increase in breathing asso- prior to CA. Since breathing increases in direct proportion to the
ciated to a peripheral vasodilation. Indeed, ventilation increased level of metabolic activity during and following exercise (Dejours,
in an exponential fashion from 9.71 ± 4.32 l min−1 at rest to 1959; Whipp and Ward, 1991; Haouzi, 2006), ventilation was much
34.32 ± 6.87 l min−1 during exercise (p < 0.01) while pulmonary O2 higher during CA following exercise than at rest, before an apnea
uptake increased from 401 ± 249 to 1081 ± 249 ml min−1 (p < 0.01). occurred (Fig. 6). The resulting high ventilation/perfusion ratio led
Mean ABP decreased significantly (as illustrated in Fig. 1) from to an even more severe reduction in alveolar PCO2 (and rise in PAO2 )
112 ± 10 to 83 ± 9 mmHg (p < 0.01). The reduction in ABP mainly than we previously found during a CA at rest (Fig. 6). Finally, as
affected the diastolic pressure, which decreased from 104 ± 6 to a result of the elevated respiratory activity, swings in ABP were
69 ± 5 mmHg (p < 0.01), while the systolic pressure did not change produced at a similar level than at rest despite exercise induced
significantly (144 ± 15 mmHg at rest vs. 136 ± 5 mmHg during mus- vasodilation (ABP was much lower during muscle contractions than
cle contractions). Endtidal PCO2 did not change significantly from at rest). The meaning and implications of these findings are dis-
resting baseline values throughout the period of muscle con- cussed in the following paragraphs.
tractions (39.0 ± 4 vs. 37.2 ± 4 Torr during exercise and at rest
respectively). 4.1. Breathing with “no heart beat”

3.2. Cardiac arrest What drives breathing during CA following exercise? The ques-
tion is even more complex than at rest as one should clarify not only
Five episodes of ventricular fibrillation (VF) were triggered why is breathing maintained but why and how it is maintained at
in the 4 sheep (one sheep had 2 episodes of VF separated by a much higher level than at rest. Breathing control and metabolic
60 min). VF produced an immediate and complete disappear- rate are closely linked, maintaining blood gas homeostasis when
ance of cardiac activity on the ABP signal. Mean ABP decreased metabolism varies (Whipp and Ward, 1991): during a dynamic
within seconds from 83 ± 9 mmHg to 23 ± 3 mmHg (Figs. 1 and 2). muscular exercise, alveolar ventilation increases in proportion to
Despite the cessation of cardiac activity, ventilation remained the metabolic rate preventing PACO2 to increase and PAO2 to drop.
unchanged for 15 s (36.72 ± 9.46 l min−1 ), before beginning to The physiological ventilatory changes associated with the variation
P. Haouzi et al. / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227 223

Fig. 2. Other example of ventricular fibrillation induced cardiac arrest following exercise. This example shows one of the longest periods of eupneic breathing following CA.
Same legend as in Fig. 1. Note the swings in ABP during breathing at the onset of CA and the drop in alveolar FCO2 . When breathing stops after about 2 min, the apneic period
is interrupted by typical gasps.

in pulmonary gas exchange are fast: the fastest components of the gas exchange and the cessation of the muscle contractions, venti-
ventilatory response at the onset of a step change in work load lation remained constant, increasing at an even higher level after
occurs within one breath (Dejours et al., 1957; Dejours, 1959, 1963, 10–15 s. The challenge is therefore to clarify how all the putative
1989; Dempsey et al., 1997), then ventilation continues to rise fol- “respiratory feedbacks” operating during exercise recovery, could
lowing factors temporally associated with the change in pulmonary interact with those produced by a cardiac arrest resulting in the
gas exchange (Whipp et al., 1982). Similarly minute ventilation persistence of breathing at the onset of CA.
decreases within one breath following the cessation of exercise, Briefly, mechanisms which should decrease breathing when
then declines exponentially with a 1 min time constant toward rest- muscle contractions cease include the sudden interruption of all
ing level (Dejours, 1959). The typical decline in minute ventilation mechanical feedback related to limb movements and muscle con-
during the off-transient and the recovery of muscular exercise was tractions traveling through small and myelinated fibers (Mense and
abolished during CA. Despite the dramatic reduction in pulmonary Stahnke, 1983). Similarly all mechanisms potentially sensing the

Fig. 3. Left panel: Individual values (range, mean ± SD) of the duration of the periods of breathing in each CA. Middle panel: individual values (range mean ± SD) 1 min before
and during the period of CA wherein breathing is maintained following exercise. There was no significant difference between the level of ventilation before and after CA.
Right panel: individual values of alveolar FCO2 1 min before and during the period of CA (range, mean ± SD). Endtidal CO2 decreased dramatically during CA following exercise
(*significant difference between pre and post CA).
224 P. Haouzi et al. / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227

Fig. 4. Example of recording obtained in one sheep showing respiratory flow and carotid blood pressure changes before exercise (A), just prior (B) to and during (C) the first
minute of CA following exercise. Note that ABP is produced during CA through the persistence of an active expiratory activity. Panel D shows the individual values of ABP
prior to and during CA.

rate of venous return, blood flow to the limbs, pulmonary blood level, or some of its cardio-vascular components (Kostreva et al.,
flow (see Haouzi, 2006 for review), or stimuli related to the oscilla- 1979; Lloyd, 1984; Huszczuk et al., 1986). The fact that ventilation
tions in arterial PCO2 at the chemoreceptor level (Band et al., 1973, persisted at the same level despite an absence of CO2 pulmonary
1980), should rapidly decrement the drive to breath as soon as blood flow induced by exercise also contradicts series of experi-
exercise stops. During a CA, these mechanisms postulated to play a mental data suggesting an obligatory matching or coupling between
role in exercise hyperpnea are not effective anymore to reduce the CO2 pulmonary blood flow and respiratory control during exer-
drive to breath in keeping to the level of metabolic/gas exchange tion (Phillipson et al., 1981). On the other hand, the anticipated

Fig. 5. Left panel: Example of a recording in one sheep showing the acceleration, flow and volume of the respiratory gas along with ABP during CA. ABP has also been
represented with a reverse axis to illustrate the similarity between the flow and ABP profiles. Note that 1 – ABP follows clearly respiratory flow and 2 – the level of “systolic”
pressure is dictated by the level of expiratory flow. Right panel displays a graphic illustration of the relative weight of the parameters of the multiple linear regression analysis
used between V , V , V and ABP. In this example (one breath is shown), like in all episodes of CA, factors related to respiratory flow dictate the major part of the changes in
ABP. Acceleration affected the signal during the transition phase between expiration and inspiration only. Lung volume had virtually no influence on ABP.
P. Haouzi et al. / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227 225

Fig. 6. Panel A displays the relationship between the level of ventilation prior and during CA. Closed circle are the data reported in the present study, while the open circles
represent 8 episodes of CA in the same animals performed at rest, at least 30 min before and 30 min after the episode of CA during exercise. These data have already been
reported elsewhere (Haouzi et al., 2010). Clearly, the higher the level of breathing prior to CA, the larger the level of breathing during the period of eupneic breathing. Panels
B and C display the relationship between endtidal FCO2 and the duration of eupneic breathing (panel B) or the total volume of gas mobilized during this period (panel C). The
reduction of CO2 in the alveolar gas depends on the duration of the period of relative hyperventilation (total volume of gas mobilized) during CA. See Section 4 for further

consequences of a cardiac arrest on blood pressure should have due to muscle reuptake, may well be still present during a CA
stimulated breathing with no delay: this response, which should (Paterson, 1992). Muscle afferent fibers responding to ischemia,
occur within one breath (Brunner and Kligman, 1993), involves the rather than to muscle tension, have been proposed to be involved
arterial baroreflex and chemoreflex, being elicited by the severe and in the integrated cardio-respiratory response to exercise (Kaufman,
immediate reduction in ABP (Brunner and Kligman, 1993; Saupe 1995). Group III and IV afferent fibers are indeed stimulated during
et al., 1995; Haouzi et al., 2003). Just like at rest, ABP did drop imme- ischemic contractions (Mense and Stahnke, 1983; Kaufman et al.,
diately but with no increase in breathing for several breaths. We 1984). However, the role of this sensing mechanism on the con-
previously suggested that none of the circulatory feedback mech- trol of exercise hyperpnea and its recovery is far from clear. We
anism(s) stimulating breathing during a CA can be reconciled with and others have shown that when the circulation to and from the
the temporal profile and the amplitude of the breathing pattern limbs is impeded during recovery from exercise, i.e. following con-
during a CA. tractions, breathing is inhibited and not stimulated (Dejours et al.,
Breathing control continues to operate as per the pre-CA 1957; Rowell et al., 1976; see also Haouzi et al., 2004 for review),
metabolic demand, despite a profound disruption of the feedback unless ischemia is maintained for more than a minute.
systems postulated to be involved in the control of exercise hyperp- Another putative mechanism that could still be operative dur-
nea (see Whipp et al., 1984; Eldridge and Waldrop, 1991 for debate ing a CA is the progressive distension of the venous side of the
and discussion) as well as those produced by the cessation of circu- circulation which occurs during CA, as blood shifts from the arte-
lation. As illustrated in Fig. 6, breathing level appears to be dictated rial compartment to the highly compliant venous system as soon as
by the drive to breath prior to the cardiac arrest. the heart stops (Guyton et al., 1954). We postulated that this could
Could some of the mechanisms stimulating breathing in propor- constitute a stimulus to breathe during exercise through the pres-
tion to the change in metabolism in exercise be still active during surization of the post-capillary/venous compartment of the muscle
a CA, regardless of the absence of circulation and muscle activ- capillary bed, involving in turn unmyelinated fibers in the skeletal
ity? The arterial blood gas composition at this moderate level of muscle (Haouzi et al., 2004).
exercise was not different from rest, making unlikely that the chem- Since the normal decline of breathing observed following exer-
ical control of breathing could account for the difference between cise is abolished during a CA, the possibility that the maintenance
rest and exercise (the blood exposed to the peripheral or cen- of spontaneous breathing represents an active strategy of the cen-
tral chemoreceptors is in a no flow condition the same whether tral pattern generator for breathing should be explored. The abrupt
at rest or following muscle contractions). However, other blood cessation of the cardiac activity is a unique condition wherein, at
born factors may persist in proportion to the metabolic activity, the very same time, ABP drops and pulmonary and systemic blood
for instance, the higher concentration of K+ in the blood bathing flow cease, while venous pressure increases. The effects of the com-
the carotid bodies during exercise (see Whipp and Ward, 1991 for bination of these signals have never been investigated, but they
review), which drops rapidly during the recovery from exercise could represent a specific source of information for the medullary
226 P. Haouzi et al. / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227

respiratory neurons to keep the same drive to breath, as a “safety compressions during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (Kern, 2009;
mechanism”, until brainstem anoxia occurs. Such a response is Mitchell and Nichol, 2009). Indeed, cough CPR, chest compression
different in nature from any phenomenon of short term mem- with or without lung inflation, CPR with active compression and
ory or after discharge which may well operate following exercise decompression, abdominal compression with lung inflation, or the
(Eldridge, 1977), but which cannot prevent a decline of the respi- inflation of a vest have long been proposed to be able to replace the
ratory output toward resting levels. The present observation could cardiac pump (Berg et al., 2011; Cave et al., 2011). In addition, large
well reflect the attempt of the respiratory pump to compensate for breaths such as those produced during gasping (Eisenberg, 2006;
the lack of cardiac pumping during CA. Bobrow et al., 2008; Suzuki et al., 2009) or during cough (Criley
We have however no explanation to offer to account for the et al., 1976) can generate cerebral blood flow (Suzuki et al., 2009)
rather variable duration of eupneic breathing. It is clear that the allowing patients to remain conscious during a CA (Criley et al.,
animal that had the longest period of breathing during CA at rest 1976).
was also the one that displayed the longest period of breathing This neo-circulatory system cannot allow circulation to be self-
following exercise, but this duration was so variable, in keeping sustained by means of respiratory movements even after exercise.
with the number of tests, that no correlation could be established. Incidentally, any spontaneous respiratory effort against a partially
Clearly, medullary hypoxia should develop during a CA after a delay, closed glottis should have been able to generate much higher intra-
leading to anoxia induced apnea, followed by the production of thoracic pressure, a phenomenon that could not be observed in
gasps; but we could not find any simple predicting factor explaining tracheostomized animals, but which can be involved during a CA
this variability: neither the level of breathing prior to CA nor the in humans (see also next paragraph).
level of ABP during CA were different among the various tests.
4.2.2. Modification of the alveolar gas during CA
4.2. Maintenance of breathing as a survival strategy The second consequence of the maintenance of breathing during
CA after exercise is a very high (almost infinite) pulmonary ven-
The present observation also impacts the pathophysiology and tilation/perfusion ratio resulting in a profound “hypocapnic” and
treatment of CA since the vast majority of sudden cardiac deaths “hyperoxic” alveolar gas. This effect is obviously related to the dura-
in young individuals, comprising children, athletes and soldiers, tion of the period of eupneic breathing, its amplitude (Fig. 6), and
occurs during a muscular exercise (Drehner et al., 1999; Amital the volume and composition of the blood in the pulmonary cir-
et al., 2004; Balady, 2004; Eckart et al., 2004; Borjesson and culation. The much higher level of breathing during CA following
Pelliccia, 2009; Maron, 2010). If some form of strategy of survival exercise counteracted the higher volume of blood and CO2 present
can be generated by the persistence of an automatic activity of the in the lung. This can be seen in Fig. 6C, where a similar level of
thoraco-abdominal pump in keeping with the level of breathing alveolar CO2 is reached at rest and following exercise, despite the
prior to CA (Fig. 6), our current views of cardiac asystole should be higher level of ventilation in the latter.
modified accordingly (see following section). Whenever CPR is initiated following a muscular exercise,
one can predict that blood flow redistribution toward the post-
4.2.1. Generation of blood pressure changes exercising muscles will make it essentially impossible to generate
The effects of the ventilatory activity on ABP were obvious. the level of cardiac output needed to maintain adequate coronary
Naturally occurring respiration during a CA is however different and cerebral perfusion pressure (Tiangco and Haouzi, 2010). More
from chest compressions, in the sense that infra-atmospheric pres- importantly the pulmonary circulation will be “contaminated” by a
sures are generated in the thorax during spontaneous inspiration, venous blood coming preferentially from the post exercising mus-
increasing in turn thoracic blood volume (Cave et al., 2011). We cles, which have the lowest vascular impedance, a high metabolic
found that the fluctuations in ABP generated by the spontaneous activity and O2 deficit. This will occur even though blood flow
breathing activity at the onset of a CA were not the direct result generated during CPR is low. Consequently, although a proper the-
of the change in intrapleural pressure, a function of volume, but oretical and experimental frame of reference is lacking to fully
were dictated by factors proportional to flow and even accelera- understand the effects of an exercise on CA, one could anticipate
tion (Fig. 3). The mechanisms of ABP production during a cardiac that following exercise, the level of ventilation compatible with
arrest are rather complex (Kern, 2009): we found that during inspi- a resuscitation should be several fold higher than the levels rec-
ration, ABP dropped below the mean filling pressure (Guyton et al., ommended by the current guidelines (ECC Committee, 2005). The
1954), this was even more true during augmented breaths or sighs present results may prove these predictions incorrect. The actual
(Figs. 2 and 4). The magnitude and briskness of the reduction in composition of the gas present in the FRC (low PACO2 and high
ABP during the diastolic phase (inspiration) suggest that the aortic PAO2 ) whenever circulation resumes during CPR or spontaneously
valves may not be continent during CA in our sheep model. should delay the drop in blood oxygenation and rise in PaCO2 /pH
The clinical relevance of respiratory driven ABP oscillations of the blood which would have occurred if ventilation and cardiac
relies on their ability to produce blood flow (Mitchell and Nichol, activity were to cease at the same time.
2009). The latter will depend on the pressure gradients created Just like for the circulatory changes, the effects of CA on breath-
between the venous and arterial sides of the circulation through- ing remain to be described in “physiological conditions”, i.e. in a
out the breathing cycle. We have suggested that the effects of non-intubated or non-tracheostomized model, since partial closure
increasing rhythmically intra-thoracic pressure should not result of the glottis during inspiratory movements may create conditions
in a “static blood column moving to and fro”, as the arterial and the of upper airways obstruction, which can minimize this effect on the
venous sides of the circulation are to be pressurized and depressur- alveolar gas composition we have observed in our sheep model. As
ized with a positive “arterial-venous” pressure gradient. In other pointed out in the previous paragraph, this in turn should greatly
words, when the thoraco-abdominal pump “ejects” blood toward magnify the circulatory effects of breathing, making the thoracic
the peripheral vascular bed, pressures do not equilibrate in the pump a much more efficient circulatory pump than with active
venous systems at the same rate as in the arterial compartment open upper-airways. It should be pointed out, however, that 1 –
(Kern, 2009). Due to the large compliance of the former, pressure gasping which occurs later into CA does produce respiratory flow
should increase much faster and higher in the latter, creating in turn and 2 – at the onset of a CA in humans, respiratory flow pattern
spontaneous blood flow in the body. After all, the possibility to gen- is unchanged (Haouzi et al., 2010), suggesting that upper-airway
erate systemic blood flow constitutes the rationale for using chest muscles are active during inspiration in CA.
P. Haouzi et al. / Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 181 (2012) 220–227 227

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