Game Design Document: ITECH 2001-Game Development Fundamentals

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ITECH 2001- Game Development Fundamentals


HIGH CONCEPT STATEMENT...............................................................................................2
GAME GENRE.....................................................................................................................2
HIGHLIGHTS AND HOOKS...................................................................................................4
GOALS, OBSTACLES AND CONFLICTS...................................................................................4
INTEREST CURVES..............................................................................................................6
MAIN CHARACTERS............................................................................................................7

GAME WORLD/ SETTING..................................................................................................11

PROGRESSION THROUGH PROTOTYPE.............................................................................11
ALGORITHM FOR THE EVENTS TO BE TAKEN IN GAME......................................................12
LEVEL DIAGRAM/ MAP.....................................................................................................13

Alice’s Escape is a 3D endless running game where a girl named Alice has gotten lost
somewhere in abandoned place and is trying to escape from the zombie who is following
her by running on the mysterious abandoned platform. The main concept of the game is for
the girl to save herself and the platform will be littered with different kinds of gems from
them she will get points by collecting them and there will be some kind of gems that will
give her extra powers where zombie will be unbale kill her and some where they will help
her to run faster than her normal running speed. This is not going to be just simple running
game, there will different kind of obstacles that the player have to overcome by either
jumping past them or avoiding them and if she is unable to pass through them her speed
will slow down and then zombie can catch her which will result to the end of the game. The
difficulty level will keep on increasing with longer the distance she will cover

This game is from Platform Game genre as an endless running game where there is no final
ending or the end of the pathway where player is running. This game will only come to end
when the player will be catches by the zombie or collapsed because of the obstacles in her

Inspiration: This game is mainly inspired from the Subway Surfers game and Temple Run
game as well. These both games were very famous games for both android and IOS mobiles
where temple run is still very well-known game in IOS users. These both games have
importance to me because I like playing these kinds of games where you feel more
challenging and experience exiting things as in subway surf the guy is running with his dog
and there is a security guy trying to catch him. Similarly, in temple run you can choose
different characters and they are also running from a bird or animal who will kill the player
and then only game will come to an end and these both games do not have any specific
background story or history like my game. it very exciting for me as player experience
different kind of obstacle in his path like fire, felled down trees, narrow trench like things.
They will get different kinds of powers from collecting the coins and gems which makes
game very exciting and difficult at the same time.

Figure 1 Subway Surfer [ CITATION Ale20 \l 1033 ]

Figure 2 [ CITATION Chr12 \l 1033 ]

Following will be the main features of the game that will inspire the player to start playing
this game to continue paying this as well:

 Mysterious and attractive background of the game which will make player of game
to get an interest in it to see how this is going to be.
 3 D Graphics will make game seems interesting
 The player is been followed by a zombie in some abandoned place where she does
not have any idea where she is going and finding different kinds of gems and coins to
collect points. There are some gems as well which will give her different kind of
powers like power to run faster and cover more distance, coin with highest number
of scores, gems that will help her to escape zombie easily.
 Never ending pathways where difficulty level keeps of increasing as more distance
the player will cover and will find more interesting things as well in the pathway
similarly in TEMPLE RUN game where there are so many evil demon monkeys are
trying to catch the payer and he just have to keeps on running where he keeps on
collecting coins and then some different powers like higher speed, going invisible
and can pass through all the obstacles with jumping or sliding them which make that
game more interesting.
 Similarly, in SUBWAY SURFER where payer will pass to running trains, jumping on
them collecting the coins, collecting jumping shoes, skates, extra points and then
game will only finish he got hit by something or the security guard catches him.

By taking inspiration and some ideas from these two famous games Alice scape will its own
new version with the combination of both and with more exciting and new things as well.


Goals: The main goal of the game to save the character controlled by the payer in this video
game who have come under the world of zombies and set a new record of scores for next
time the game to be played. There is no ending in this game but their ae set number of
obstacles that needs to be jumped over or ducked, with a range of terrains as well.

Obstacles: Obstacles are hazards for the player to destroy and finish the run in Alice's
Escape game. some of the obstacles that the player will be facing in game are:

 Trees felled down on the road that needs to be jumped.

 Poles and pillars that needs to be jumped over or slide under.
 Fire that need to be avoided by jumping.
 Change in platform as from changing to road to wooden or cliff sometimes that will
make game more difficult and interesting.

 Dark alleys will appear as well where player will be not be able to see anything or the
 Water, if the player felled down in water it will kill him and will finish the game.

Figure 3 fire as an obstacle [ CITATION WHA19 \l

1033 ]

Figure 4 [ CITATION Dow20 \l 1033 ]

Conflicts: In this game one of the most difficult conflict is that Alice cannot kill the Zombie
and they could find the end of the game as well. The player will be facing many other
conflicts such as the increases in the speed of the game where everything will start to move
faster it will get difficult for the player to control the character. The player will may be able
to overcome the obstacles, but they will keep on appearing again in game.
The conflicts in this game are not creating or developed they can be expressed through
emotions as when the player will start paying the game they will feel emotions like fear,
challenge, victory when they overcome the obstacles and set a new record for themselves
to break next time or for their friends.


There are so many interest curves in this game that will keep its player excited about the
game and will maintain their interest as well. Firstly, its will be the background platform
design is very mysterious and will catch the attention of users. The increase in difficulty level
with the distance covered will players feel challenged every time that they want to complete
this section and make a new record of distance overed. The score board level make player
excited and they will keep the interest to break the score records when they will play next
time. The special powers and strength to be given to player during the game will help to
keep their interest as well.

There are only two main characters in this game those are:

1. Main character that will be controlled by the player is going to be a girl who has
gotten lost is trying to save her life from the zombie who is running behind her.
Name of the character: Alice
Archetype: Hero
Traits: Determined, Selfless, passionate, fearless.

Figure 5 Alice main character [ CITATION ZHA15 \l 1033 ]

2. Supporting character that is the second main character of the game is Zombie
(Enemy), but he will not be controlled by the player it is a computer-controlled
character. This zombie will be following the main character of the game that is a girl
because she has come to his world and he cannot bear seeing any human in his
territory so he is following her and will kill her whenever he got the chance.
Name: Zombie
Archetype: Monster
Traits: aggressive, intimidating, punishing, evil

Figure 6 Zombie- supporting character [ CITATION Rbo15 \l 1033 ]

There are some objects as well that will be used in the game except the main characters.
These objects are the coins, gems, power gems and lives for the player that they have to
collect during their run to score as many points as possible to set the highest score for the
next time or for the next level. The gems that will be used to collect points/scores in this
game will be like as shown in this image like different colour of diamonds and coins.

Figure 7 Gems and Coins [ CITATION TUR18 \l 1033 ]


This game is a 3-Dimensional game within continuous space. As this in an endless running
game so the platform space of this game will be continuous with insertion of length, breadth
and height in the space. The space of this game will look like a pathway with walls covering
it in some of the areas and in somewhere in this pathway there will be no walls to cover the
road so if player did not take the turn or slipped from the road she will fall down the crevice.
The space will be having stairs, steep surface and obstacles to increase the difficulty level.

Alice’s Escape is an endless running game with a platform genre so there is no time-limit in
this game to finish it or to make the player lose his or her game. But there are other features
in the game that depends on time like the speed of game will become faster the longer the

player will play to increase the difficulty. As the time increases and payer covers larger
distance, they will experience different kinds of gems that they have unlocked and will get
different powers from them as well.

This game is 3-dimentional game so the objects and characters to be used in a game will be
3-D as well and the objects that will be used in the game are gems, coins, background
platform, different platform scenes, buildings and other stuff. Different attributes will be
used to define the objects like with the increase in distance covered game’s speed will
increase by itself. Background platform and buildings will remain the same throughout the
game but the objects like gems and coins their shape and color will change according to the
levels in game and their color will also define the score that player will get by collecting

 Player can move left and right with-in the platform to collect gems and coins.
 Player can make turns as well to move to different platform.
 Player will be able to just and slide through the obstacle to save her life from zombie.
 Every time the player collects gem or coins there will be a score given to it.
 Player can run faster when gains power by collecting power gem.
 Player can move one side of the screen to other to escape.
 If payer hits with any of the obstacle in her path it will make her stop and then
zombie will kill her.
 If player did not make turn at the right time, she will fell down the notch and will
lose life.

There are some specific rules that need to be followed by the player to save their life:

 Player need to keep running or else they will get killed by the zombie.
 Player should jump or slide down the obstacles.
 Player should avoid getting hit by any obstacles.
 Player should make turns at the right time to avoid falling down and getting caught
by the zombie.
 Player will get 10 points by collecting the coins and 20 by collecting gems.
 Game speed will increase with increase in distance covered.
 If player got killed by the zombie, they will lose the game.

Player have different kinds of skills in the game like running, taking turns, collecting points,
jumping, slide through, move left and right.

The chance in this game will depend on the player who is controlling the character like if
they take the change of moving left or right to collect points or just keep going to save them
from getting killed. Some players have the ability to calculate the chances by looking at the
probabilities and skills of the character.

As this is an endless running game so the game world is going to be a pathway which does
not come to an end. The pathway will be very dark and mysterious and will create the
environment of zombie world. As the character Alice has gotten lost somewhere in this
world of zombie and will be running on that mysterious and strange path.

The game environment will have:

 An abandoned pathway.
 Mysterious and old buildings.
 Complex twists and turns
 Power gems for the player
 Mysterious landscape and complex path


Events and triggers:

It is a single player game where player need to keep running to save her life. There is only
one life for the player, if they got hit by the obstacle or stopped in their trach they will be
killed by the zombie and will lose the game.

Progression of player with events and triggers:

 Player will start at the specific starting point on the platform.

 Player will be followed by the zombie.
 Player can move left or right by using buttons on keypad to collect coins and gems.
 Player will get score by collecting coins and gems.
 Player need to jump to avoid the obstacles and slide through as well some of them.
 Player needs to take turns at right time to avoid collision.
 Difficulty will increase with increase in time.


Objects will be located randomly on the platform as there are only gems and coins that
will be scattered all over the platform throughout the game and only at one particular

Obstacle as objects will be located randomly but on some of the specific location that
will clearly explained in the level design map. These obstacles will be placed where
player will be able to make jumps and slide through them or can avoid them. They will
be placed at the difference of some distance from each other and will randomly with
increase in time.


There are only two characters in this game one is the main character (Alice) that will be
controlled by the player and the other is enemy or supporting character (Zombie) that
will be following the main character and they will at the starting point of the game when
game start and will then keep on running according to the instructions given by the
player. There will be no other character that will used or located somewhere else in the




Player STARTS running

FUNCTION (zombie following the player)

IF player STOPS


OR IF player_do_not _ STOP


FUNCTION (score)


IF player_collects_coin




AND IF player_collects-gem





FUNCTION (collision with obstacles)


IF player_collided_with_obstacles



ELSE IF player_avoided_The_obtacles


Continue GAME




Figure 8 Level Map for Alice's Escape

In figure 9 the map is drawn by hand as a prototype of the game platform/ level to express
how the game will look like as it has been mentioned that it is an endless running game, the
game map is also infinite as it never comes to an end every turn to connected to the other
and the cycles keeps on going. The different shapes of obstacles are shown with the coins
and gems to be randomly scattered on the pathway. There will be stairs, pits one the path to
make it interesting as well. the twist and turns have been explained in the above section as

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