Family Business EA Final Report - 12418093 - KEN Fajriansyah Firdaus

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KEN Fajriansyah Firdaus


Final Report
In the case of Sanwa Shurui, I found that they have a strategy marketing called “ iichiko
”. Basically, what iichiko do are related to the combination of marketing strategy which is 4C.
But before I discuss the question that has been asked, I would like to summarize a bit of the case.
Sanwa Shurui is family-based company that has been established since 1958, they
produce brewery in this case especially shochu. The man behind the success of Sanwa Shurui
was Hideya Kawakita and the one who helped him Noburu Wada who spread the marketing
strategy. From my point view the family management has strong relationship between each
other, they tend to do leader rotation in order to maintain relationship. In the second case, they do
the marketing strategy with an innovation that continue to carry on during developing marketing
strategy. Like from the case we know at that time they are using poster ads in train station in
order to people see what the product offer. They even innovated the product to become more
aromatic and it was the uniqueness product. They use word of mouth in order to spread the hype
of the product, because word of mouth is quite effective in that era. In the part of distribution,
they signed a contract with Nishuhan in order to help he spread of Sanwa Shurui product and
help them to avoid the price wars in brewery sector. In 2009 a lot of people think that iichiko was
with Fuyumi Sakamoto for the TV commercial, which is more gain people to buy the product
because of the influence of the singer, although a lot of people don’t know that the song was
connect to the product. Lastly, they do think much about customer, they even make “Customer
Sourcing Department” in order to handle each of every market need.
I think the strategy market for iichiko was the good combination of 4C and 4P. They mix
both of the strategy to surpass another competitor in their era. It was really unique in their era for
example the part they used the poster instead of TV ads, the effectiveness using poster in that era
are more need it, they place the poster position in the strategic area that people will see while
walking in the train station. It seems that people who go to train station are the one who worked,
and probably when they see the poster after work they can go to bar and try the iichiko shochu
because every day they are seeing the poster, I think it is a psychological factor that if people
always see something even if they don’t want, sometimes they curious and try the product this
part I could say include some of the 4C and 4P parts which is the Command and the Placement
and Promotion. The next example, it come to the prices they always think about the price wars
and competitor of the product they strategy are signed a contract with well-known company
KEN Fajriansyah Firdaus

Nishuhan to distribute more their product in other area in Japan in this part it was include the
connectivity between the two company with a good placement for the distribution and the right
price to lower the price in order to reach people needs. Although the priced for iichiko shochu
are having a lot consideration, they try to make the image of iichiko are more unique, the price
are becoming lower and people can afford it and the next things they are making the shochu
more aromatic these two combinations where the roots of their success begin. The continuity /
long-terms investment begins when they always have innovative that implement on their product
such as they solve the price problem, the promotion problem, the connectivity and etc. the
outcome are they still exist until now days.
I think the good family business management since the first case I found that the roots of
the family are really strong and maintaining their communication in order to maintain the
relationship among it is family member are important aspect. But in this case, I assume that there
is other side positive side of the company, why the marketing strategy success despite of good
communication and maintain the relationship, they have a freshly idea to penetrate the market by
combining the 4C and 4P, both models can work together to find the right balance between the goals of
the company and quickly responding to the changing desires and needs of the consumer. It seems in this
case the company found the purpose using this method, they combine each the marketing strategy
perfectly and the outcome are they are dominating the local market with their product. But, to extend is
not about the 4C and 4P again it is more like the way they innovate the market are more interesting, they
always found a way to reach the top of the market with the way of unique marketing, like using the poster
instead of TV ads, aromatic shochu, and etc.
Lastly, the philosophy of Sanwa Shurui is “Serving the community eternally” and the connection
with the marketing strategy iichiko are the way they innovate the product until the needs of the customer
are reached. I think when it come to the needs of the customer is knowing and understanding customer
needs is at the centre of every successful business, whether it sells directly to individuals or other
businesses. The case of Sanwa Shurui they make Customer Sourcing Department, I think this is one of the
ways they implement they philosophy in marketing strategy. The way of the department works is
handling the each and every need of the market, and the needs of feedback for they innovation in the
future. In my opinion the philosophy already planted in their family business, they always solve a
problem with a good innovation that will continued for the future of the business. Without a good
communication, maintaining the relationship, combination of strategy market this family business are the
good example of the family business management that I have learn in this course.
KEN Fajriansyah Firdaus

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