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WARNING: Follow this exactly, and your life is guaranteed to change. Drastically. Use at your
own risk.

1. Self-image work. Read Psycho Cybernetics. Maxwell Maltz (author) is the

founder of self-image psychology. He was a plastic surgeon. People would come
to him feeling sad because they had some deformity. Let's say a scar on their neck.
They come in, he does the surgery and they leave still feeling sad. He was shocked
as it happened again and again. The reason was that the way they saw themselves
didn’t change. That’s why people diets don’t work. People lose weight but gain it
right back because they still see themselves as a fat person. Change your self-
image to the type of person you want to be. Be that person.
2. Travel. You will be a different person once you see how other people live in
different parts of the world. I live in Miami, and I forget how spoiled I am. I literally
live on the beach. Everything I need is beside me. It’s not like this for most of the
world. Seeing a third world country will change you.
3. Delete social media. It affects you more than you realize. If you want to truly
change yourself completely, you must cut off ties to the old you. Plus it’s a gigantic
waste of time unless you are making money off it. If you aren’t the dealer and only
using it, delete it.
4. Move. Live with your parents? Move. Go to a different state. A country. A
change in the environment will shift you internally.
5. Workout. Get in the sexiest most powerful shape of your life. The process of
working out week in and week out will change you. You will be confident. You will
be disciplined. You will become more successful the more you appear attractive.
Utilize the halo effect to your personal benefit.
6. Approach women. Women are ruthless. There is no better way for men to
improve themselves. They will take your insecurity, bleed your heart dry and test
all your boundaries. Let them. Never ever become bitter of it. Love women
through the entire process. They are the true development. Only a woman can
show a man where he is falling up short.
7. Learn to think for yourself. Study cognitive biases, critical and rational
thinking. Make your own opinions on subjects. Go over everything you think you
believe in and ask. Is this my opinion or someone else's?
8. Do not listen to music with lyrics. The best way to change yourself is through
your thoughts. Most songs have absolutely horrendous lyrics. You are literally
brainwashing yourself with garbage.
9. Become a VIP bouncer of your mind. Your mind is everything. Protect it
ruthlessly. No shitty music. No negativity. Only think great thoughts. This is
challenging at first and easier over time.
10. Listen to subliminal audio. They are affirmations designed to bypass your
conscious and go directly to your subconscious. Be skeptical and try them out.
They work. Find a company that has a good reputation with a money back
guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I
use PowerfulSubliminals personally.
11. Don’t watch the news. The less news, the more you will be confident. The
more news, the more fear.
12. Learn how to be high status. High status is a cheat code to life. Learn
everything about it. Read this article about 39 ways to become high status.
13. Climb a mountain and don’t tell a soul. We rely on external validation more
than we would like to admit. Do something great and do not tell anyone. For at
least a year.
14. Read life-changing books. Jordan Peterson has a list of incredible books you
should read. Check out this list. These books will fundamentally change the way
you see reality. Beware.
15. Change your clothes and haircut. Appear as your new self-image (step 1). Get
a fresh haircut. Stop looking like a fucking loser. Wear clothes that fit. Look good.
Feel good. Present yourself the way you would like to be seen.
16. Take psychedelics. I left this for last because it’s a shortcut. Honestly, it won’t
do much unless you do other parts of this list. If you are doing a psychedelic
experience, make sure you are not doing it to avoid the real work.
17. Spend an hour a day by yourself. No phone. No people. Better if in nature.
You will build a relationship with yourself that will last a lifetime.

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