E-Book Puzzle of Tenses

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self-study             systemizing            visual learning

an explanation of  tenses in the  English Language  to help you understand and
 memorise the differences between them and also, to learn their structures

bubblebeetv.com | bianka@bubblebeetv.com | Worthing, West-Sussex, UK|

Puzzle of Tenses

Table of contents

Introduction to the E-book  .............................................................................................................      2

The big picture ......................................................................................................................................      3
In Focus: the present tenses ...........................................................................................................      4
The Present Simple .............................................................................................................................      5
The Present Continuous ...................................................................................................................      8
The Present Perfect ...........................................................................................................................    10
The Present Perfect Continuous ..................................................................................................    12
Verbs not to use in the continuous ..............................................................................................    14
In Focus: the past tenses .................................................................................................................     15
The Past Simple ...................................................................................................................................    17
The Past Continuous .........................................................................................................................    19
The Past Perfect ..................................................................................................................................    21
The Past Perfect Continuous .........................................................................................................    22
Expressing the future with 'will' ....................................................................................................   25
Future Continuous ............................................................................................................................     27
Future Perfect .....................................................................................................................................     28
Future Perfect continuous .............................................................................................................     29
Expressing the future with 'to be going to' ..............................................................................     30
Expressing the future with the Present Simple and the Present Continuous ...........     32
In Focus: expressing the future ....................................................................................................     33
Verb structures .................................................................................................................................       35
Recap .......................................................................................................................................................    39
Puzzle of Tenses

Hello and Welcome to the e-book

This e-book is an essential part of the course, Puzzle of Tenses.

You can have it  with you offline and you can look up anything you need whenever you
feel it necessary.

First of all, I have to mention again that this course is one that systemizes the English
Tenses, helps you to understand the relationships and differences between them and
gives you more examples and explanations.

With more graphics and visual elements it also helps you memorise when and how to
use the tenses correctly.  

How to use the e-book

It's best is if you read the relevant chapter after watching a lesson to repeat the usage
and structure of each tense.

The E-book can also be used as quick reminder whenever you need to look up a verb
structure quickly.

It follows the videos but has some additional information here and there as well. 

Enjoy and have fun! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
BubbleBee TV.  

-2- Introduction
Puzzle of Tenses

The Big Picture

We have past, present and future tenses. 

past present future

past perfect continuous present perfect continuous future perfect continuous

had been learning have/ has been learning will have been learning

past perfect present perfect  future perfect 

had learnt have/has  learnt will have learnt

 past simple  present simple  future simple

learnt learn/ learns will learn

 past continuous  present continuous  future continuous

was/ were  learning am/is/are learning will be learning

We have continuous tenses in the past, present and the future. We have simple tenses
in past, present and future as well. You can see the perfect tenses and the perfect
continuous tenses in past, present and future too. 

past perfect continuous present perfect continuous future perfect continuous

continuous had been learning have/ has been learning will have been learning

past perfect present perfect  future perfect 

perfect had learnt have/has  learnt will have learnt

 past simple  present simple  future simple

simple will learn
learnt learn/ learns

continuous  past continuous  present continuous  future continuous

was/ were  learning am/is/are learning will be learning

-3-  The Big Picture

Puzzle of Tenses

In Focus: the present tenses

We use the Present Continuous if the action is happening now, at the moment, at the
time of speaking when something is happening for only a short period of time,  so

We use the Present Simple if it’s a habitual, regular action and we are  speaking about
something in general and when something happens permanently.

Permanent is that which lasts and remains unchanged. 

Temporary is that which lasts only for a short period of time. 

 present  simple  present  continuous

difference no1
 timeline  timeline

habitual actions NOW

regularly at the moment
things in general at the time of speaking

difference no2
permanently temporarily  

-4- In Focus: the present tenses

Puzzle of Tenses

Present Simple

when  & how

We use the Present Simple when we would like to speak about:

1. something  in general/facts, NOT ONLY the moment of speaking 

My father speaks 3 languages. 

They teach biology and chemistry. 

2. things which happen again and again - 'how often?'

British children eat fruit and vegetables 5

times a day.

a day I never drink coffee.  

-5- The Present Simple

Puzzle of Tenses

downloadable and you can pin it onto YOUR English Learning Board from Pinterest BubbleBee TV

3. general truth

The sun rises in the east. 

Vegans don't eat animal products.  

'Do you remember that  simple tenses are 'one word  structures' 

1. one word structure   (I cook; they send an email; he watches TV...etc.)

We have to be careful when we talk about a man, a woman or an object. After he, she
and it the verb has an 's' at the end of it but after I you , we , they it doesn't. 

-6-  The Present Simple

Puzzle of Tenses

2. In questions and negatives we use do/does and don't/doesn't.

'What does he do in his free time? ' ' I don't know. '
'Does Joe normally go skiing with you?' 'No, he doesn't
like winter sports. '

Don't forget that when you have already used does or doesn't in the sentence the
main verb doesn't have the 's' at the end of it. 

'What does he does in his free time? ' ' I don't know.'

'Does Joe normally goes skiing with you?'

'No, he doesn't likes winter sports. '

-7- The Present Simple

Puzzle of Tenses

Present Continuous

when  & how

We use the Present Continuous when :

1. we are in the middle of doing something - 'right now', 'now', 'at the moment' 

| I'm doing the washing up at the moment. 

NOW What are you doing right now?

2. temporary actions, maybe not happening right now but around the moment of

| Tom's reading the new novel by Patrick M. 

NOW They're building their new house. 

3. irritating, annoying habits

My brother is always listening to loud rock
This phone is useless. It is always switching

-8- The Present Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses


1. continuous tenses to be + verb + ing 

in the present

am/is/are + verb + ing

2. In questions and negatives we can use am/is/are and am not/ isn't/ aren't

'Is Gina working this week?' 'No, she is off sick.'

I have my exam period this week. I'm not sleeping
much as I'm studying day and night. 
What are you doing now?
Is she staying with us while her apartment is under

-9- The Present Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

Present Perfect

when  & how

1. life experience

| I have been to China twice. 

 timeline 1985 2011 NOW 2025 Have you ever tried sushi?

We often use ever and never in these sentences. Please note that never is already a
denial so if you use it in a sentence you have to use like this:

I have never been to Japan.

I haven't never been to Japan.

2. something started in the past and has continued into the present - since /  for

for + period of time

We have lived there for four years. 
2013 2017
moved in

I saw you
I've been in love with you since I first
since  + the start of the period saw you. 

-10-   The Present Perfect

Puzzle of Tenses

3. already / recently/ just / yet

Tom has already watched this movie. 

I haven't slept a lot recently.
She's just come home. 
Have you found your glasses yet?

4. something happened a short time ago, that's still important / connection with 'now'

| It can be published now. I've finished  this

NOW 'What are these broken pieces on the floor?'
'Oh, I've dropped the vase.'
minutes ago


1. perfect tenses have/has + verb (past participle form)

2. In questions and negatives we can use 'have' and 'has' to ask and deny

Have you ever seen a crocodile?

Has Jane worked in this office yet?
My parents haven't visited us since we moved in. 
Michael hasn't arrived yet. 

-11- The Present Perfect

Puzzle of Tenses

Present Perfect Continuous

when  & how

We use the Present Perfect Continuous when something started at some point in the
past and it's still going on continuously at the moment of speaking  and we focus on
the activity.

They have been waiting for us for hours. 

Jerry has been learning to sail since he was a

What a lazy Sunday. She has been She has read the book.  Now, she knows what
reading her book on the sofa all day. - The it's about. - The result is in focus not the
activity is in focus.  activity. 

1.                         perfect tenses     +                             continuous tenses

have/has + verb (past participle form) to be + verb + ing 

have/has + been + verb + ing

-12- The Present Perfect Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

2. In questions and negatives we can use 'have' and 'has' to ask and deny.

They haven't been playing since 2 o'clock.

What have you been doing since we graduated?
How long has she been crying?
I haven't been waiting long, don't worry. 

-13-  The Present Perfect Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

Verbs not to use in the continuous

There are verbs we don't normally use in continuous. Instead we use them in the
simple tenses.

I usually tell my students to remember two groups of verbs.

The first group is the 'verbs of heart' or feelings:

E.g: adore, love, like, prefer, hate, dislike, want, need...etc.

The second group is the 'verbs of mind' or thoughts:

E.g: know, understand, forget, remember, believe, mean, promise, apologise...etc.

'I think this film was really silly.' ' What do you mean? Didn't you like the story?'

'Why is the baby so cranky? Does she need anything?'

-14-  Verbs not to use in the continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

In Focus: the past tenses

With different types of past tenses we can express actions that happened at different
times in the past in relation to other actions.

A Past Simple action can ‘interrupt’ a Past Continuous one. 

The Millers were driving home when their car broke down. (they were in the process of driving
home when their car broke down and interrupted their driving).

one of the actions  past perfect continuous present perfect continuous future perfect continuous

happened had been learning have/ has been learning will have been learning

in the middle of  past perfect present perfect  future perfect 

another one had learnt have/has  learnt will have learnt

 past simple  present simple  future simple

past  continuous  learnt learn/ learns will learn

 past continuous  present continuous  future continuous

was/ were  learning am/is/are learning will be learning

past simple 

So with past continuous we express that somebody was in the middle of doing
something at a certain point in the past and this action started before and was still going
on/ hadn’t finished at the point of reference.

Or we can actually show that two situations happened at the same time continuously if
we use two Past Continuous actions in our sentences. 

I was reading in bed while my husband was watching the Late Night Show with Matty. 

two situations
 happened  past perfect continuous present perfect continuous future perfect continuous

at the same time  had been learning have/ has been learning will have been learning

past perfect present perfect  future perfect 

had learnt have/has  learnt will have learnt

past  continuous   past simple  present simple  future simple

learnt learn/ learns will learn

 past continuous  present continuous  future continuous

was/ were  learning am/is/are learning will be learning

past  continuous 

-15-  In Focus: the past tenses

Puzzle of Tenses

With past tenses we can also show that something happened earlier in the past.

When we use the Past Perfect in combination with the Past Simple, we advise that the
perfect action had happened before the simple action in the past.

When I got up I found  breakfast beside my bed which my husband had prepared for me. 

past perfect continuous present perfect continuous future perfect continuous

something  had been learning have/ has been learning will have been learning

 happened  past perfect present perfect  future perfect 

earlier  had learnt have/has  learnt will have learnt

 present simple
in the past  past simple  future simple

will learn
past simple  learnt learn/ learns

 past continuous  present continuous  future continuous

past  perfect was/ were  learning am/is/are learning will be learning

-16- In Focus: the past tenses

Puzzle of Tenses

Past Simple

when  & how

We use the Past Simple:

1. when we talk about a finished past event

My son graduated last year. 

Their neighbours moved out yesterday.
last year yesterday

2. actions happened one after another - story telling

Tom arrived home  at 7 pm. then he cooked

his dinner and watched TV.

-17- The Past Simple

Puzzle of Tenses


'simple' tenses are 'one word  structures' different from e.g the
perfect tenses which are 'two word structures': 'have + verb3

1. one word structure V2  (I cooked; they sent; he watched...etc)

! Don't forget to download the list of the verb forms (screensaver versions are also
available on the website of BubbleBee TV ).

2. In questions and negatives we use did/didn't + the infinitive  form of the verb 

Did you see Susan yesterday?

No, I didn't see her but I met Thomas on the

Don't forget that when you  have already used did or didn't in the sentence, the main
verb stays in its infinitive form. 

'did'already shows the past form

'Why did he called  you last night?'

'go' not 'went'

Did they go with you yesterday?

'come' not 'came'

'No, they didn't come with me. I went alone. '

-18- The Past Simple

Puzzle of Tenses

The Past Continuous

when  & how

We use the Past Continuous: 

1. when a longer action was interrupted

I was eating my pizza when Tom arrived home.      

( was eating' - longer action/ arrived - interruption)
The guests were dancing when the fireworks
started. ('was dancing - longer action / started -

2. when we talk about what was already happening at a particular time in the past 

The movie started at 7.15 and ended at 9.40 so at 8

o'clock both girls were watching it. ( You were in the
? process, in the middle  of watching it at 8 o'clock)
What were you doing on Monday evening? (What
process or activity were you in the middle of on
Monday evening?) 

-19- The Past Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses


1. continuous tenses to be + verb + ing 

in the past

was / were + verb + ing

2. In questions and negatives we can use was / were and wasn't / weren't.
She was reading last night. 
Were you reading in bed last night Mrs Adams?
No, I wasn't reading in bed last night. 

I/ he / she / it   was I/ he / she / it   wasn't

__________________ _______ tired last night.  __________________  _______ tired last night. 
we / you / they were we / you / they weren't

-20-  The Past Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

Past Perfect

when  & how

We use the Past Perfect when something had happened before something else in the past.

I wasn't thirsty. I had just had a glass of water. 
The flat was a total mess. They hadn't lived there
wasn't thirsty for years. 

had had a glass of water (earlier)

1. perfect tenses have  + verb3 (participle form) 
in the past

had  + verb3 (participle form)

2. In questions and negatives we use had and hadn't .

Before she moved to New York, she had learnt a

lot of English. 
Had everybody gone by the time they got there?
It was Susan's first flight, she hadn't flown before.  

-21- The Past Perfect

Puzzle of Tenses

Past Perfect Continuous

when  & how

We use the Past Perfect Continuous when something was in progress up to a point in
time in the past. We're focusing on the activity and not the result of the action. 

Z Tom was very tired when he arrived home. He
had been working very hard all day. 
The house was spotless. My wife had been
cleaning a lot . 

1. When it comes to the structure of the Past Perfect Continuous you have to mix the
structures of the perfect and the continuous tenses, like this:

perfect tenses continuous tenses

have  + verb3 (participle form)  to be + verb + ing

in the past

had  + been + verb + ing

-22- The Past Perfect Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

2. In questions and negatives we use had/hadn't.

At the time  we received the parcel, we had been waiting for
two days.  
She looked exhausted. Had  she been working all day?
Suddenly I had an idea when  I hadn't even been
thinking  about it  before. 

-23- The Past Perfect Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

Future Simple

when  & how

1. we decide to do something at the time/ moment of speaking - instant decision

(Someone's carrying a heavy bag)          'I'll

NOW help you. '
 (A child cannot reach the cookies on the
I'll help you. table.) ' Hang on. I'll get you one.'

2. we promise something 'I promise, I'll send you the email today'
'I'll pay you back as soon as possible.'

3. I think..., I'm sure...., I think they'll leave early today. 

I'm sure this project will pass the tests.

4. I'm not certain - predict / forecast It will rain tomorrow

You'll be rich and famous. (At a fortune

-25-  The Future Simple

Puzzle of Tenses


1. simple tenses 'one word structure'

in the future '+ will

will + infinitive verb

Tom will pick me up after dinner. 

His parents will definitely bring some presents. 

2. In questions and negatives we can use will and  won't (will + not)

They won't be happy to see this mess. 

Will you please come with me to Paris?

-26- The Future Simple

Puzzle of Tenses

Future Continuous

when  & how

We use the Future Continuous when we'll be in the middle of doing something at a
certain time in the future.

 This time tomorrow I'll be climbing Mount

| |
NOW tomorrow
4 PM 4 PM

1. continuous tenses   'to be + verb + ing'.
'+ will in the future

Between 1 and 2  o'clock I'll be writing the exam. 

will + verb + ing

2. In questions and negatives we can use will and  won't (will + not)
They won't be harvesting this time next year if
they don't plant anything now. 
Will you be participating  in the challenge

-27-  The Future Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

Future Perfect

when  & how

We use the Future Perfect when something will be ended, completed at a certain
time in the future.

By the time he arrives tomorrow, we

will have cleaned the whole apartment. 

1. perfect tenses   have + verb (past participle/V3)

'+ will in the future

will + have + verb (past participle/V3)

The ceremony will have started by the time we
get there.

2. In questions and negatives we can use will and  won't (will + not)

They aren't working very hard. They  won't

have finished the project in time. 
Will Tom have run the marathon by 3 o'clock?

-28- The Future Perfect

Puzzle of Tenses

Future Perfect Continuous

when  & how

We use the Future Perfect Continuous when we stress how long something has been
going on by a certain time in the future

In 2020 I will have been teaching English for

twenty years. 


 perfect tenses    continuous tenses

 will in the future
have + verb (past participle/V3) to + verb + ing

will + have + been + verb + ing

2. In questions and negatives we can use will and  won't (will + not)

Will they have been studying for six years

before they finally get their qualification?
They won’t have been spending much time on
the beach as it’s a bit chilly in Tenerife at the

-29-  The Future Perfect Continuous

Puzzle of Tenses

'to be going to 'structure

when  & how

1. we can see a sign, something that makes us think that something is going to
The woman is laying the table. They're
going to have dinner. 
Mike is packing  his suitcase. He is going to
travel somewhere. 

2. plan, NO arrangements
'What are you going to wear tonight?'
If the weather is good this weekend I'm
going to swim in the sea. 

am/is/are going to + infinitive verb form

In questions and negatives we can ask and deny with am/is/are. 

What are you going to do with the rubbish in

your garden?
I'm not going to go out with you tonight. 

-30-  Expressing the future with 'to be going to

Puzzle of Tenses

The difference between the use of the Present Continuous and the 'to be
going to' structure

Usually we emphasise that we made the arrangements with the Present

Continuous but the difference is very small and most of the time you can use
either one, they are interchangeable.

-31- Expressing the future with 'to be going to'

Puzzle of Tenses

Expressing the future with

the Present Simple and the Present Continuous

Yes, we can express the future with present tenses.

When  we have decided to do something and made the necessary arrangements we
can use the Present Continuous tense to express the future event. 

I'm playing tennis with Susan on Saturday

I'm having breakfast with Katrin at 9 this morning. 
I'm meeting Paul in front of the cinema tonight. 
We're getting married on the 25th.

So remember whenever you speak about something that is happening because you
arranged it with someone you can use the present continuous.

We use the Present Simple tense to express the future  if we talk about times fixed
in a timetable.

The film starts at 7.30

. The cruise ship leaves at 9.15

 Expressing the future with the

-32-  Present Simple and the Present Continuous'
Puzzle of Tenses

In focus: the future tenses

Let's say it's 0 % when something is not happening and 100 % when it definitely is
happening. This is the line of certainty, how certain, how sure I am that something
will happen.

Will appears first on the bottom of the line. Because we use will for prediction.

It will rain tomorrow. 

You will be rich and famous. 

Then comes the 'to be going to' structure because we normally use it when we
have already thought about a future event and we have an intention to do
something but we haven't made any arrangements with anyone yet. It's just a plan.
So plan, no arrangement.

It's followed by the Present Continuous which we prefer to use when we would
like to stress, emphasise that we have made arrangements. So plan and

So the difference between the Present Continuous and the 'to be going to' stucture
is very small and very often it's possible to use either one.
They are interchangeable.
-33-  In focus: the future tenses
Puzzle of Tenses

And at the top of everything is the Present Simple because we can express
timetable events with it. These are very likely to happen, they're agreed, fixed or
written down.

-34-  In focus: the future tenses

Puzzle of Tenses

Verb structures

We have past, present and future tenses. We have simple continuous, perfect and
perfect continuous tenses.

The continuous tenses are in the form of

to be + verb + ing

The same structure is in each continuous tense. The only thing you have to keep in
mind is to use the correct form of 'to be'.

When you're in the past, you have to use 'to be' in the past, which is was/were.

When you're in the present the correct form is am/is/are and when you speak about
the future you always have to use will be. 

-35- Verb structures

Puzzle of Tenses

These are verbs made up with one word only - it is simple, isn't it ? - 'one word
structure' .

'one word structure'

But we have to be careful how we use this 'one word'.

In the past we have to use the - let's say - 2nd form (Past Simple form) of the verb.

In the present we have to be careful when we talk about a man, a woman or an object.
 After he/she and it the verb has an 's' at the end of it but after I/you/we/they it

Finally, in the future we're lucky as it's really simple: will + simplest/ infinitive form of
the verb (even if we talk about a man/woman or an object)  

-36- Recap
Puzzle of Tenses

The next group is the perfect tenses. 

have + third (past participle form) of the verb

The verb is always in the third form or participle form, it doesn't change at all.  Only
'have' changes and shows us if we're in the past, present or the future.

In the past, it's in the past form of have: had. In the present, we use the present form
of it: have. has, so if we talk about a man/woman or an object it's 'has'  and in the
future  it's 'will' plus the infinitive (simplest) form of it: have. 

-37- Recap
Puzzle of Tenses

Our last block on the Table of Tenses is the block of the perfect continuous tenses.

have + been + verb + ing

The only thing changing is again the form of 'have', had in the past, have/has in the
present, and will have in the future. 

-38- Recap
Puzzle of Tenses


Please note that all of the following charts are downloadable.

Check the 'Content' of the course. 

-39- Recap
Puzzle of Tenses

-40- Recap

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