Geology 1993 Discussion

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REPLY Bradley N Opie Deparment of Geol! Scenes, Une of Michigan, ‘tem Abo, Michigan 1091089. Same CC. Waker Deparment of Genk! Sciences and Spe Phonics Research Leboratory, Deparment of Aespher, Osan, and Space ‘Science Unie of Michigan, An Arb, Michigan ‘iste Daring the wo decades sine Cave et (972 pubsbed tee ‘ompition of Toloene carbonate neato rats, sve ‘te seentsshve comple sar etal (179) Hay and ‘Southam (177, an Kinsey and Hopley (19) have compiled tote Acca a sugested that he probe ea ‘hon eatonate xo shallow water cnt ier han ‘wold be wera equlibdam with Knows Holocene wearing ‘ts Whats aplomb xp he Myron ae ‘quanta estimates othe eiftrnes between Holoeee aia Posteollisional extension of the Caledonide orogen in Scandinavi eating charge rom tone to Hatcene tine te 2 tpi of broad intrest The covery of petubtons witha ‘cea Shot an rected a anon frie a "hese shor ine ner wl crest onl interest in ise (Dinctal, 197). Cerny, any new data concerning changes ‘wethrng ats fom te fst ghca in the Holoene of em Spposcs for obtaining then dal, willbe welcomed byw oF ‘eaaze in cabon ee madeline (Chae Fo Sih 8. and Rey, 1, 7, Caron pracion by Se et Min G1 1 ia SA Caen AS, Not BK Shon, L198, Seu 0 Sica abewes Anion Mand a ed a ‘Kine, Dan Hoe, D1, The seer fcr es al ted snke“ Rexam to gente: Paap. Pl ig) Pana. pS vag sh ets Hehe, Spe Ve ‘Structural expressions and tectonic significance: Comment and Reply ‘comMENT MG. Satenpah Deparment of Geol, Auburn Universi bon abana 90) eM. Barty Deparament of Geology and Geophys, Users of Utah Sal Lake Ci, Utah 8112 Fossen an Ryka (1982 extrapolate well docment te Clon crs exeson in oust Norway ney 2 an sonthwar ino the Often rein, where sich sate a oly ow begining wo be recog. We song conc it te mag ‘ade ad st of pcotaconl extn inthe Calesondee "slgnieapt qos, and ossen and Rykel hve sues Provocative, bu specalive,imepretabonof Often. Fasen and yl 192} preset fone sta ro Often, however they scarcely acknowledged he zl foes ead Ing ust question the val of hk itepretain Herein, we ‘Sanmentonbow apes of el map clos sectors ad stuca ‘polampienerpetaions of Often confit wh pis dt wear manga ofthe Rom window Hodges, 98S; Comey, 199) ve documenta pervasive topto-eeast hast zo ba ne fa to econ even of anh hk weeping aoe of motes wih abundant dava-howest ayant tractor” (Foscn tnd Rye, 1982, p73). These a other ‘rks (gy Slenpobl sadBarey, Baker, 18) dove ‘ped dtd egoally consistent oration! ad eam Pc Soqunce chat dus tat eal cof to Fosse sd Hye ets sggsted regional DI contacon flowed by fegonal D2 xenon Casha (190 st repated dete sbsevations on steep weap, op tote essex eit the Rema window, which were inetd reco aecnsedby Bea Inning etwar-avacng thrust shes, Selepa aos Ba ley (38) dosent ine oporthe-wetnaporn On a Tepoaly silent ever, arate ty ease, po. thew date sear ane nd mesoees forges Wea ‘pentacoordinate an scant Socks iets da hey epee secre WA sep ‘stdiping eal sulces tht probably ord i ye pall ‘Song: The repo Otten syn elise mao al, ‘nari srr scl asin nds) peek “bag te western in ane cot nt Seno snd Bare iy 18), apternenaty opont of Fosenand ya 953, Fig. 2, Band C) depiction The obverse Docks this Jo 20 resemble the ~S-1Dkm ample, ecimben, wesc ds epic Fs and Ryka) Few, wich was deh heh th same wes we estat, We abo baked the solu tiningotine gr as nOfrenbewec be Ey Stn Sn Late Devon fStstenpob snd Bary, 18), This age ange testo sggs ht he te phe as Ofte were elt to the vet ha fed he Devin basins n nthe Norway a Fonscn and Rh 1983) ave done alg we coe both Seca emcinsms en Metamorph inthis regis ery amps, varying verily hgh ape racks wl tly hcml ce t the Often yom (Bae, Step tl 199), Lae ses, regress, geese sacs redeveloped St smo al ecemcetagpic eves andar once ang ‘st ones (Darker, 18) These ele tee ook ‘earasimieretion a hyetetal ng, sextet slog it western ug fhe Rasa wow Speci ayects of Fssn and le seta, tee ‘oa ao with he puso Metre. We ages, homer, that tpsoabowest exten may bea ic acorn he structural evolution of the Often repo. We oye ta are in ‘eepretatogs of is evet in Ofte wl eter ene wa Is rend own abo the ploy a hs es RIKELAY sh cameron be Casa mpestaoh Soa ii, Oaten hana pe coi cena man eg a oi F188, Tetons an tacit LE As Ri SAE Nog Soh Hoag ve etn src eto te “Ei Sire mes, Nera cde Cue Nees ‘Siena Mi nd Br, M8 rs tab ea be ‘onan tos Osa Soe of Ameri Dali, v.10, stl BG, Anko A nal, 19, Libis rein oe Suge ens ator Cram es ‘Stace re putes ste Newega ‘Gibunier Ng Gepar Unrate Ap. 1 REPLY ‘Stata RGF, N-02 Bergen, Nery tng Hyli Price, Boars 2, Box 8 N78 Narses, Neray Stop parley may bert in saving tat we shoul have acnowloged more ofthe exiing Wat fm Ofte, ovever, thas eaverein moc extn proper nthe ye el, 1992; Rykkeld and Andese, 199, unpushed) ta so sve hater docameniation snd con Of ew Sts Or paper ‘ros sonar of sever yeas ole wk and vere, ting “memati analsfrsreatwheremore ol honed” mas = ‘ey septation of deformation sng uber 0 Sin Oe) ‘taint phased colton folds ceswage ons p05 ‘cale—had been applied Is becoming gradually Cte to eco ‘ss hat hs tran wy of eto ole sactre oteoaermabie withthe Jyarlatre of rons roses, od ‘he growing amount of err tht ose on nderetging de {Graan tere oftneatce tse it neice ‘mayin fact be more etl inundrtncing the star mics ‘omg bes "ibematic indo have gery been dsepadd in pe- ows sues, perhaps Deane ofthe aco serpin tmestalPlceci ductile deformation inte Caeser relied autre, wall athe i thick eens Often sat zane. Wiese bucks (F6in Hodes, 1S in Stang nd Hare, 198; Fin Crome, 198) wee, however, ete 0 tested shear by Steph and Bary (158, ahoug is ‘was never eapine! or cet nich det. tenon Bary (1988) per to uve eld thse feo Caledonian de Formation and 1 luce "but nary coeval erst hat. Incr o ie be 1o the poss domes i he Often acs and possi longi etre nth of be Narwelan Cedi. They Farther sipped tt thee gnc dees se the remo Cle ‘nian compression a hat he ate ds re the pot of te ‘Cledni ssa ranspression. The later inte etatin i of cours, prey speculative, becuse no evidence fr sins shear ag artes tending her soos his ben rd “They abo sgt ncorelton between hese roses and sia movement athe DvonanbiascfscweseraNory, empl diez the voluminous resent Irate hat doe ‘une he exes tise af es tai Te rom ay quay well be expaed by oter mechani, su southward trp of noon mute enised by esac giana st ‘te within be orogenic wedge rlarge-sene dilerenal move ‘ents wih he nappes ding emcee Ride 185 oe to Rome nl Bx 1352, ago that the bck are ‘snp with Caledon esnpeson bu very well wth our tert fin we ced king wh Ite to vena pastcompresil extensor toes. We ‘Stat terest brent wind nteSeanaen ‘leasamey iertoe Water Gneae reported ea ‘vest ping excsional shear ones nd erly id ot fom by fs errence. Asan explanation may i prt exp he tasermen window the Often sre "The bck nthe Often spr were enlarged on oor rofl fo make te in geometry vail, and we age tht the tl lars comer alr However, the pra pat {th presence of bund os nth fee sat, alton {hat wan oped in ay experment were nmlaneo ack !moveeat of Caledonian mpes above a drei spt ex {cra mes her soe wes mle (Posen and Ry 1959), We thnk Steenpe abd Bare for oitig out a Ickftdsare more rly develo the Often shes 2n08, Adweempnsethat sis fllagcerent wth our experimental res whee “neta mrice separate th aren foi fom UHeasonent shear zone bya ane of exten. "ft atmo ap nema aby Ch rman (950), who tecopizl several extasoal bsenest Shee ones tht she elated othrasting rater noe enesiona tectonics, On the ba of ae Bld werk and experince reseed the conssion thatthe enna ear ones ae moe ely to potdat thrsite The spprent testinal he eter ‘Sonal shear zones hy te ovetyng Teal thst can be explain by simultneous tackling of mappes and development of exer ‘Sonal shear anoe in the tasemet, as modeled by Fosse ad yk (182). “The regression to grenschis-aisassrbags may be cnmon wi terol wed, bt infomation nthe Ket Shout the conitons nea the sl hast zoe (oppermes part of ‘octen and depeitona cover seinen) achive ads prt, Ineo compare undscamested laminin Crowley [18 ith dts yl and Andres 1955. Farter doesent {dds ofthe M2 zningsb our gue 2Best Delon Sa Ryland Andresen (95, on! opi) ‘We emphasize the imparts a kien alls blog 2p pled in conjunction with more sass rca focnigies coli, rsennga tec cate ier piel shes nisin sor Diner expres ‘Teshopynce ep te se HET Ka nity ttl alo i, 8 a ign ioc Ramer 2h tol enor Sen Snir onn OvegiceRott thes On Nonay, Uneray ef Oa Polo 9 in ci sie MN SOE ine Seay cages an Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 612 bolide event: New evidence ofa late Eocene Impact-wave deposit and a possible impact site, U.S. east coast: Comment and Reply Wchane Wet Serpe htt of Ocanograpy La Jl, Californie ‘ops og et (19) posted coining evidence for Ite Eocene inpattave poston the U.S. est coast pli How fr dpe wih the sgstion tat nde proposed int rate and te impcwave depos ress fom the sane input vet the North American (okt Bel Insta ‘get tht tr roponed pet crater an the ipac-wae de tons lyre eed yer impact ever ch ts not mentioned by Pong a. (92) {Was been wel etait hat culy ston withthe Dont American microtek layer sy ler cect lyse ‘einen waa tom aor (las a, 1S ele ta, 19h, The older Iyer conte inepyonee aig spe ‘led merken (lar sn Bus 196, dt see on in teense equrrl Ian Ocean, ego acl al of Monica Carian Sea Cn a, HRS; Keller et, 1987) “Th pac ect a Ste 61 conto a mck yer on op areckiytteayer stout dehy (a 8, agree eget (12 hat the mt ject at DSDP Sie 612 the same Imicrotekte layer at Site 612 eorelates wih the North American nok lar al the miro er at ite 12 cores ‘ith te widespread mivkrystite layer scl with he eu “ronal. Det examination of DSDP Ste 612 by Miler et (G9) ines hat the miolsyt yes immediately above 4 mor hits (24m). Tht hn a en interpreted he ‘ul stumping tegeed ya bod mpc (Gas 185), whch "pptety can aso frie oder bed np wave depos) ‘Muley Poop etal (152), Tasmeaas tt help eve hat roe he lero an the pat erat of Poet (992) ity cna wr the mire vet at ne ie ‘Younger Noth American mice event Farhemor he po ped input rater a Pag et 1992} aly tobe the source tthe Noth Ameren motel yer Psa there io de: eta tus or owed ttl ected wih the mirtekte layer Site 12 (se Mile, 1981 ws abou 3 navy Ste 12 an the reat ny one input vet, ns Pog ta (199) Sryarely dione shoud Colt ata wih he wey a Iibwted micokyste yer rate tan the Noe American rolkite ier because moet te pesca at Ste S12, ‘ees ie have never ee fod inthe Neth Aresca mi ‘otek er (ln et a, SS ln, 18), “don phen py tlt: La a Far Hid: blaaec eticniemeesemedseoa, ci Boge Wie Sg Fe to, AA 19, = anes eee neat eee rol ht Bape le, iw a, Sey cot emt Oca, p REPLY . Wye Pog: Lavtec J. Pope: Dvd W. ole U.S Geog! Suey, Hoods Hole, Maracas 0258 Dav 8. Powars Rae B on; icy B. Eavards US. Geoaal Sire, Reston Vigne 32082 Seat ce Vina Ste Water Contra Boor, Richman, Vga 2728 ‘Wor cammens pesos hat the sear succes: sive sundance peaks of merokystics and micetektits a DSDP Sie 612 (Gn, 1985) and rom to stewie depen ‘ret. We conten, however, tht thestratgphicnnddepestona ‘lato of eta ick Seman Se 62 are more completed than gency resized We ae curenly realy the xa ‘pardt rected (unto raialra endear nec) ‘nd depstona history at Site 62, and we have eacbed the fo Towing pcinry cnc: The osc peas ote Gls (Goo anouneien resents ened wae ep tinted, they represen! saps ee contacts ial ‘eos depose spat of «sgl erie (bio dept). “Thasdcbre encompass 22cm ntrval of oe 612-23 O19 canines te fetet-colred chalk mice: Vasey of Mbchhonos clots; mined averages of Pactecey cry Eocene mie Eocene, a te Eosne mics and eve ‘ypesachotsis ig Thetwo ng coarse gainedlass (tow cle outed by regular onan in at 1-103 mand 011-1155 on ele the peak coments of micotektes, oucont ras, and ier rocks aod minerals documented by ‘Gin (18), Pek values ofmicokryster come fom max he, SC T1S5-118 em, bere numerous anal sts are prose All

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