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“Consumer behavior trends in barangay Commonwealth, Quezon city

regarding food purchase amidst of Covid-19 pandemic.”

A Research

Presented to

The faculty of Senior High School Department

Commonwealth High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject

Requirements for the

Practical Research

Ampuan, Haniya

Asugao, Angeline

Macabayao, Rayhana

Marquez, Lialyn

Paming, Milagros

Rosauro, Aple Grace



Chapter I


In this chapter of study, we provided a brief information which support the

background of the study in order to define the problem and explain the situations

related to the changes on consumer behavior specifically in food purchasing

behavior during pandemic Covid-19.

One of the most frightening event of year 2020 is this out breaking covid-19

pandemic. It change the world in a vary way, people tend to panic, anxious, and fear

this spreading virus.

In late December 2019 an outbreak of several cases of severe pneumonia

was detected in Wuhan, China. It is a mysterious pneumonia characterized by

fever, dry

cough, and fatigue. And lately known as Novel Coronavirus Disease (Wung, et.al ,

2020). Covid-19 is a highly transmittable viral infection caused by severe acute

respiratory syndrome (Shereen, et.al , 2020). As the COVID-19 cases increased 13-


outside China within two weeks, the WHO announced on March 11, 2020, “COVID-

can be characterized as a pandemic” (World Health Organization, 2020). We are in


century where people is strongly connected with each other so virus spread



One of the primary responsibilities of a business is to handle and provide the

customers’ needs and wants. Business lived for customers’ expectations and

satisfactions where they should meet. The current business environment is becoming

more competitive and challenging than before especially the cosmetics products are

becomes well known in worldwide. With multidimensional challenges and demand of

globalization, the organizations are forced to reengineer their products and systems to

improve the service quality and remain competitive. (Yasin et al., 2004; Rodie and

Martin, 2001 cited in Qadeer, 2013), However, some businesses did not reach their

customers’ expectations and they failed to provide the services that are needed.

Nowadays, customers have high expectations on a certain product as Leonard

& Sasser (1982) cited in Qadeer (2013) stated that consumers are now demanding

higher quality in products than ever before. Customer expectations are pre-trial beliefs

about a product or service (Olson &Dover, 1979 cited in Almsalam, 2014) where

expectations have long been a part of the theory of service marketing. Indeed, service

quality itself has been defined as a disconfirmation of the expectations that customers

have (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Berry, 1985; Brady and Cronin 2001 cited in Beverly,

2015) and Expectations have been categorized formally and in different ways into many

areas, including expectations about the environment, the timeliness of service, the

performance of employees, and more (Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1993; Brady &

Cronin, 2001 cited in Beverly, 2015). Customers may have many expectations where

Tse &Wilton (1988) cited in Almsalam (2014) suggest that consumers may use multiple

types of

expectation in their satisfaction evaluation process.

study should answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following :

1.1. Name (optional)

1.2. Sex

1.3. Age

2. What are the most common expectations of the customers?

2.1. Customers Expectations in Customer Service

2.2. Customers Expectations on Product

3. What are the effects of Customer Expectations in Customers Loyalty in the

cosmetics product?

Scope and Delimitations

This study focused on determining the common expectations of customers and

the effects of customers’ expectations in the cosmetics industry. The respondents of

the study will be randomly chosen. A total of 30 respondents were involved in the study,

particularly customers of Payatas and Commonwealth. This study will help the business

owner to be aware of the different expectations of the customer and its effect in their

loyalty in a cosmetic product.

Significance of the study

The result of the study will benefit the following:


The results of the study will provide some knowledge about their own expectations. It

will help them to identify where their expectations’ categories and how these

expectations affect their decision making in purchasing a product.

Business Owner

The results of the study will provide some knowledge about the customers’’

expectations and how it will affect in getting more sales. The data can serve as their

guide in identifying strategies to meet their customers’ expectations and they can get

more sales.


The result of this study would give knowledge and information to the educators about

the different customers’ expectations educators would be able to understand how

customers construct their expectations towards cosmetics products.


Future Researcher

The result of this study will help the future researcher to find the gap between

customers' expectations and cosmetics products.


The researcher would improve their skill, strategies and knowledge about the different

expectations in engaging the research.

Conceptual Framework


1 :The

Effects of Customer Expectations in the Loyalty to the Cosmetic Products

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study; wherein the Customers

have different expectations that have an effect in the cosmetics industry. This shows that

customers’ expectations can be in service or on the product itself where these

expectations can affect the sales of the business of the cosmetic industry.


● Background of the ES ● Common expectation of customers

study S ● The effect of customers expectation

in cosmetics industry

● Statement of the ● Data

problem Gathering

● Demographic Profile of Data

Respondents Analysis

-Sex ● Survey

- Age

● Review of Related


The input phase or the knowledge requirement stage consists of the following:

Background of the study

researchers conducted a research on the scope of The Effect of Customer

Expectation in the Loyalty to the Cosmetics Products.



The Statement of the problem

The researchers identified the questions and problems addressed in the research

Demographic Profile of Respondents

The researchers recognize the demographic profile of the respondent in the study, its

gender and age.

Review of Related Literature

The researchers conducted a research on the different literature and related systems

to serve as a guide in determining the solution of the study.


Data Gathering

The researchers made questions that will be distributed to the respondents of this

study to gather information as a basis of finding out the solution.

Data Analysis

All information was analysed by the researchers. Modeling data that uses useful

information that supports the research.


After the evaluation and gathering of data, the research titled “The Effects of Customer

Expectations in the Loyalty to the Cosmetic Products”


H1 : There is a significant effect between customer expectation and getting more sales.
Definition of terms

The following terms and words that are used in this research and define their meaning

according to the used in this research topic.

Customer - A customer is an individual or business that purchases another company's

goods or services. Customers are important because they drive revenues; without


businesses cannot continue to

exist. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/customer.asp.

In this study customers are the people who buy this product or services.

Customers’ Expectations - customer expectations are any set of behaviors

or actions that individuals anticipate when interacting with a company. Historically,

customers have expected basics like quality service and fair pricing — but modern

customers have much higher expectations, such as proactive service, personalized

interactions, and connected experiences across channels.

https://www.salesforce.com/research/customer-expectations/. In this study customers’

expectation is the behavior of one customer's expectation in the product or in services.

Loyalty- Loyalty is a measure of a customer’s likeliness to do repeat

business with a company or brand. It is the result of customer satisfaction, positive

customer experiences, and the overall value of the goods or services a customer

receives from a business.


%20Customer%20Loyalty%3A%20Definition%20and%20Gui de&text=Customer

%20loyalty%20is%20a%20measure,customer%20receives%20from %20a

%20business. In this study loyalty Is the measure of customers' likeness to repeat in

buying the product and services.

Satisfaction - Satisfaction is the act of fulfilling a need, desire, or appetite, or

the feeling gained from such fulfillment. Satisfaction means you’ve had enough in a

good way. When a product says "Satisfaction guaranteed" it means you’ll like it or

they'll give

you your money back.


0act%20of,give%20you%20your%20money%20back. In this study the satisfaction of

the customer about the product and services of the cosmetic industry.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies that are

necessary for enhancing the ideas regarding this research. It also provides

explanations and logical connections between previous researches and

present study.

Foreign Studies

Nowadays, the business environment has become more competitive

and challenging than the past years. Customers play big roles in the success

of a company or business. They are also known as clients, purchasers, and

buyers, are organizations or parts thereof, either business-to-business (B2B)

customers or end-user consumers (Peppers and Rogers, 2011 cited by

Majava et al., 2013). Griffin (2005) cited by Majava et al., (2013) stated that

customers can be current or potential, and all others with problems and needs

who seek either product or service solutions.

The customers do have expectations of both an explicit and implicit nature

(Chowdhury, 2009 cited by Stromberg & Frisk, 2011) and according to

Zeithmal & Bitner (2000) somehow personal and situational factors also affect

the process of customer satisfaction where personal factors such as personal

needs or desires effect the customer perceptions and expectations, whereas

situational factors such as positive or negative word of mouth leads to

satisfied or dissatisfied customer responses/ opinion about the specific

service where it shows that customers have different priorities and some

customers may even drive the efforts, individual customers neither participate

directly in the development nor solely dictate product functionality.

Furthermore, besides customers, other important requirement sources exist it

can be internal and external sources, such as marketing, sales, customer

care, users, and customer studies (Gorschek et al., 2012 cited by Majava et

al., 2013).

The customers’ expectation about the product or service is the core of

their satisfaction because before buying a product or service, every customer

might have some kind of expectations about the performance, price, quality,

after sales service, etc. with respect to that product. Once the product or

service is capable of meeting or satisfying the customers’ expectation, it can

be termed as customer satisfaction, or customer delight (Olson & Dover 1979

cited by Hamza, nd.). In the study of Van Eerde & Thierry (1996) cited by

Beverly (2015) shows that customers bring with them expectations organized

as valence towards possible outcomes and experiences so each customers

have their own expectations toward a certain service and product quality.

Expectations have been categorized formally and in different ways into many

areas, including expectations about the environment, the timeliness of

service, the performance of employees, product and more (Zeithaml, Berry, &

Parasuraman, 1993; Brady & Cronin, 2001 cited by Beverly, 2015). Customer

expectation are pretrial beliefs about a product or service (Olson &Dover,

1979 cited by Almsala, 2014) where it plays an

ambivalent role in the satisfaction formation process (Alavi

et al., 2016), and customer have many source of information that lead to

expectation about upcoming service encounters with a particular company

(Almsalam, 2014), prior to their visits, brought about through a vast collection

of evidence presented by word-ofmouth sources, by advertising and other

marketing efforts, and by a person’s life experience, including prior

experience with the service or similar service (Zeithaml et al., 1985 cited by

Beverly, 2015). Expectations are developed based on situational and

personnel factors and According to Woodruff et al (1983), cited by Hamza

(nd) prior to every purchase and use of a brand, consumers would form

expectations of its performance in a particular use situation so the

expectations about the service standards are compared with the value

perceived based on price paid or the performance of service delivered

(Qadeer, 2015). Oliver (1980) cited by Almsalam (2014) stated that “In the pre

purchase stage, expectation influence consumer decisions on which brand or

type of product or service to buy and during the consumption can be effected

can be the attitude of service personnel, other customer and equipment .In

the post purchase stage, expectation from the basis of evaluations of

satisfaction”. However, Customers’ needs and expectations are always

changing, and this will lead to a situation where customers keep setting ever

higher standards, (Langerak et al., 1997 cited by Felix, 2015) where it can
affect how certain product features are likely to be perceived and evaluated.

Before the customers make a final purchase, they build expectations about

desired products, the benefits they will provide and the needs they should

fulfill where the moment a product is purchased and used, the judgment

begins to it. The level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction we experience depends

upon how well the products performance meets our expectations (Harold et

al., 1997 cited by Felix, 2015).

Achieving customer satisfaction is one of the important things that the

business or company should consider because it is supposed to be an

important motive of customer loyalty, repeated business (with customer) and

positive word of mouth (Bearden and Teel, 1983) that happens when they

meet the customers’ expectations. However, the quality is not the only factor

that affects the customer satisfaction, there are other factors besides quality

like Performance, Expectations, (Mohr, 1982) desires and price factor affect

the customer perceptions and the overall satisfaction level where quality of

service is a descendent of customer satisfaction as described by Cronin and

Taylor (1992). In the study conducted of Petr Suchánek and Maria Králová,

(2018) analyzed that the customer satisfaction has an impact on the

performance and profitability of a company. It has also been demonstrated

that customer satisfactions has a direct, positive impact on business

performance and from the perspective of the company it is necessary to know

customer satisfaction, as it is reflected in the company’s performance where it

can be seen as long-term, that based on repeated purchases and on overall

customer experience with the product, including the evaluation of the selling

or supplying party, meaning not only the manufacturer but also the retailer as

Churchill and Surprenant (1982) cited by Qadeer (2015) stated that “customer

satisfaction is an outcome of purchase, expectations and use resulting from

the buyers' comparison of the rewards and costs of the purchase in relation to

the anticipated consequences”. Karolina Ilieska (2013) also stated that

customer satisfaction index as a base for new strategic marketing

management. Researching customer's behavior, the person is used as a

factor for making marketing strategies and adapts the marketing mix to their

needs. Customer satisfaction is the feelings of pleasure or disappointment

resulting from comparing a product's perceived performance (or outcome) in

relation to his or her expectation of the customer.

Grönroos (1984) cited by Almsalam (2014) proposed the concept of

service quality whereby service quality consists of two dimensions: technical

quality which is the quality of what is delivered which is the quality of how the

service is delivered – the care and manners of the delivery personnel.

Meanwhile, Fornell et al. (1996) cited by Almsalam (2014) defined two types

of perceived quality, which are product quality and service quality where

perceived product quality is the evaluation of recent consumption experience

of products while the perceived service quality is the evaluation of recent

consumption experience of associated service like customer service,

conditions of product display, and the range of services and products.

Delivering quality service is considered an essential strategy for

success and survival in today’s competitive environment (Dawkins and

Reichheld, 1990 cited by Qadeer, 2015) where the Delivery of high service

quality to customers offers businesses an opportunity to differentiate

themselves in competitive markets (Yavas and Benkenstein, 2007 cited by

Almsalam, 2014). The Service quality seems to lead to positive word-of

mouth, lessening of complaint tendencies and continuity in bank-customer

relationship (Caruana, 2002 cited by Almsalam, 2014). Levesque and

McDougall (1996) cited by Almsalam (2014) also stated that high service

quality results in customer satisfaction and loyalty, greater willingness to

recommend to someone else, reduction in complaints and improved customer

retention rates so we can conclude that the effect of expectations of quality on

customer satisfaction is positive and significant (Anderson et al., 1994 cited by

Qadeer, 2015) and regarding the positive effect, customer expectations

increase satisfaction by increasing customers’ perceived product or service

performance (e.g., Anderson and Sullivan 1993; Gupta and Stewart 1996;

Oliver, Balakrishnan, and Barry 1994 cited by Alavi et al., 2016) and

Perceived performance in turn positively influences satisfaction (e.g.,

Anderson and Sullivan 1993; Gupta and Stewart 1996; Patterson, Johnson,

and Spreng 1997 cited by Alavi et al., 2016 ) however, the higher expectation

the customers have, the more difficult to meet, increasing customers’

expectations tends to evoke disconfirmation and thus negatively influence

satisfaction (e.g., James 2007; Poister and Thomas 2011 cited by Alavi et al.,

2016 ).The Service quality has a big effect on the customer willingness to buy

or afterwards repurchase intentions and if the customer is satisfied with the

service standards, he will be more likely to buy the same service again and

will become a loyal customer. A Dissatisfied customer would never like to

continue the relationship and will switch to other service providers in the same

industry (Qadeer, 2015). Studies show that there are great differences

between customer expectation and actual product performances, it may

cause a less favorable evaluation of a product that leads to customer disparity

(Anderson 1973, Buskirk & Rothe 1970 cited by Hamza, nd.).

Experiences of customers can also affect their expectations toward a

product or service as Brakus (2009 p.52), cited by Stromberg & Frisk (2011)

stated that “Brand experience affects consumer satisfaction and loyalty

directly and indirectly through brand personality associations”. However, All

brand experiences are not equal in intensity and strength depending on the

brand; brand experiences also differ in the level of reflection meaning that

some brand experiences are spontaneous and short-lived while other are

purposely and long lasting and the long lasting brand experiences that will

linger on in customers’ memory and it will affect the satisfaction and loyalty of

the customer where the repeated purchase is a sign of loyalty meaning that

the customer experiences the brand as positive which equals lower risk of the

customer switching to another brand (Ngobo, 1999 cited by Stromberg &

Frisk, 2011).

Former research has proven that customer delight, satisfaction is the

key to loyalty and positive feedback to others (Berman, 2005 cited by

Stromberg & Frisk, 2011) where the customers feel satisfied and joy toward to

the services or products that they obtain and According to Berman (2005
p.140 cited by Stromberg & Frisk, 2011), when succeeding to create a

delighted customer, the organization can “generate the same lifetime value of

as many as eleven customers who are merely loyal”. Instead of focusing on

dissatisfaction and satisfaction, focusing on delight and outrage is more

probable to lead to a better understanding of customer emotions and how

these come to affect customer behavior and loyalty (Schneider & Bowen,

1999 cited by Stromberg & Frisk, 2011).

The service management literature argues that customer satisfaction

comes from the perceptions related to obtained value” . . . where the value is

equivalent to service quality perceived in relation with price. . . (Hallowell,

1996). However the role of price in assessing the expectations and

performance with regards to satisfaction level is not very important to consider

if service performance is consistent with the paid price (Voss, Parasuraman

and Grewal, 1998). Also Oh and parks, (1997) explained that perceptions

about the performance of the service provider (the way services are

performed and delivered) positively influence service quality perceived,

customer satisfaction, and positive word of mouth and ultimately repurchase


According to Stevenson (2002) cited by Khan & Tabassum,2010, stated

that the quality refers to the ability of a product or service to meet or exceed

customer expectations consistently where Biljana Angelova and Jusuf Zekiri

(2011) stated that the Quality of service and customer satisfaction are very

important concepts that companies should understand if they want to stay


competitive and grow their business competitive environment today that

delivers high quality service is the key to a sustainable competitive advantage

and Other research (Arasli, Haktan Ekiz, & Turan Katircioglu, 2008; Arasli,

Katircioglu, & Smadi, 2005b; Arasli, Mehtap-Smadi, & Turan Katircioglu,

2005a; Suvittawat, 2015 cited by Suchánek & Králová, 2018), has shown that

Customers Expectations and Customers Satisfaction with a product is also

affected by employees.

Customer satisfaction has a positive impact on the profitability of an

organization. Satisfied customers form the foundation of any success

business as customer satisfaction leads to repeat sales, brand loyalty, and

positive word of mouth which will get your company high sales. Customers

are very different nowadays, because of their exposure to information, they

are better educated, and more demanding of the products and services they

need, and they are more familiar with technology. Therefore, relationship

marketing will build lasting relationships and improves corporate performance

through customer loyalty and customer retention. Experts also say that

customer satisfaction should be the fundamental principle of all the service

firms as it is the key indicator of firm’s performance. Sakthivel et al., (2005)

cited by Qadeer, (2015) stated that “Customer loyalty and satisfaction is

proved to be the major determinant for long term survival and financial

performance of the company”.

In the study conducted by Almsalam, (2014) indicates that customer

expectation has significant positive effect on customer satisfaction also

perceived service quality has significant positive effect on customer

satisfaction where it is critical for marketers to find out about the customers

‘expectations in advance because a failure to meet or exceed these

expectations could lead to dissatisfaction and defection. Other studies show

that the overall experience with the service quality results in customer

satisfaction which leads to customer loyalty that Kumar, Kee and Manshor

(2009) cited by Khan & Tabassum (2010) agreeing to it by stating that high

quality of service and meeting the customers’ expectations can result in high

customer satisfaction and increases customer loyalty where Melecio &

Chavez (2015) Kitrungpaiboon & Kim (2016) cited by defined loyalty as the

degree of commitment and satisfaction toward a specific product or service

that is often displayed via frequent or repeated purchase.

Local Studies

Shopping online or traditional shopping is one of the Filipinos hobbies

and SIS International Research (2008) cited by Agulo et al., 2015 covers eight

ways to boost customer satisfaction, detailing the aspects of shopping

experience that can be improved. One way to combat dissatisfaction is to

make indirect buyers happy as the customers have expectations of what

service they will receive.

Dineshkumar (2012) cited by Agulo et al., 2015 indicates that

customer satisfaction is the key factor in knowing the success of any retail

store or business; so, it is very important to measure it and to find the factors

that affect the customer satisfaction because most of the customers likely to

appreciate the goods and services they buy if they have been specially

produced for them or for people like them and there are several reasons

behind why people visit the mall. Some of these reasons may involve the

enjoyment of the company of other people, while the other reasons may

concern the shopping opportunities a mall can offer and whatever motivated

you to visit the mall, though, you‘re guaranteed to have a good time exploring

the establishment‘s different stores and services (“Reasons Why People Go


Malls”, 2013 cited by Agulo et al., 2015). According to “Teens’ Mall Shopping

Motivations” (2003) cited by Agulo et al., (2015) teens compromise a large

segment of the population and thus have a strong impact on the economy and

the retail market where a lot of teens shop in malls because of having more

free time than other age groups and often see the malls as a social and

cultural destination.

Customer satisfaction presents a versatile cross channel metric to

measure the retailer‘s strengths and weaknesses from the customer‘s point of

view and since the satisfaction drives behavior, a more thorough

understanding of what drives multi-channel shoppers ‘satisfaction will give

and help the retailers about the insights they need to influence customer

behavior in the short term and long term, where in this way the customer

satisfaction is being harnessed to become a driving force in sales growth and

increasing loyalty where each channel is optimized to meet the customer‘s

need and exceed their expectations where it becomes as a driving force in

sales growth, increased loyalty and a strong multi-channel strategy where

each channel is optimized to meet customer‘s need (“Customer Satisfaction”,

2005 cited by Agulo et al., 2015).

Lucas (2012) cited by Agulo et al., (2015) claimed that enhancing

customer satisfaction as a strategy for retaining customers is a big factor for

many customers in remaining loyal. In an organization, efforts could be a

deciding factor in customer ratings for the quality of service rendered. Building

good relationship in order to increased customer satisfaction is valuable,

because it can lead to repeat business – the key to keeping a business

productivity and profitable where Kuzak (2012) cited by Agulo et al., 2015,

defined Customer Service as satisfying customer exceptionally well to make

this shopping mall their store of choice. A positive memorable customer

service experience is what it takes in attaining customer patronage and loyalty

and to be the best retail store it should committed to provide an exceptional

customer service for a memorable and delight experience that could fosters

customer loyalty. Marasigan, et al., (2010) cited by Agulo et al., (2015) also

encouraged the employees of the company to be more consistent in their

behavior, attitude and performance in dealing with customers. Encouraging

everyone to give suggestions to the management that they think could help to

enhance and improve the training program. Marasigan, et al., (2010) cited by

Agulo et al., (2015) encouraged also the management of Bench to have a

regular evaluation regarding the customer service training program to

maintain its effectiveness. Aguba et al. (2008) cited by Agulo et al., (2015)

also indicated that efficient and constant supervision of the employee must be

observed to maintain the good impression of the customer where it indicated

that customer‘s evaluation should be considered to obtain service

improvement such as Food Court operator may encourage their employees to

be more productive and motivate to attend to the customer‘s need, request

and complaints.

In the article of Hague‘s (2012) entitled “Customer Satisfaction

Surveys and Customer Satisfaction Research”, he detailed the factors or

attributes of customer‘s points of view on staff and service of a company

where it includes courtesy from sales staff, representative‘s availability,

representative‘s knowledge, reliability of returning calls, friendliness of the

sales staff, complaint resolution, responsiveness to enquirers, after sales

service and technical service and in the study conducted of Sriyam (2012)

cited by Agulo et al., (2015) found out that most of their respondents identified

tangibility as the most important factor in determining satisfaction. It includes

the personality and appearance of the hotel such as cleanliness of uniform,

appearance of staff both received high ranking and when front office staffs are

well dressed and wear smart uniforms, and their appearance impresses

customers who feel more confident with hotel services where it found that

service quality was related to the tangible behavior and appearance of

employees. The best predictor of overall service quality was the “tangibility”



This chapter presents the Research Design, Research Locale, Research Subject,

Research Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure and Standard Statistical Treatment

used in the study by the researchers.

Research Design

The study is a quantitative research where the researchers use the

survey type of a descriptive research design which involves the collection of

data so that information can be quantified and subjected to statistical

treatment in order to support or refute alternative knowledge claims (Leedy &

Ormrod 2001; Williams, 2011 cited in Apuke, 2017). It involves gathering data

that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the

data collection further (Glass & Hopkins, 1984).

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Payatas and Commonwealth where these two

places are both part of Quezon City. The respondents will be answering a

survey that will be sent through their email.

Research Subject

The consumers who came from Payatas and commonwealth Quezon

City were the respondents in this study. They were composed of 30

consumers who use cosmetics products and with the aid of teachers is the

letter of approval managed by the researchers. The subjects who were willing

to cooperate were included in this study through answering survey

questionnaire that will answer by the consumers

Research Instrument

The researchers develop will be use survey questionnaires where the

survey questionnaires are developed and invalidated by the researchers. The

survey questionnaire used consisted for two parts. The first part consisted of a

close ended demographic question regarding the name, age and gender of

the consumers. The second part consists of the prepared questions by the

researcher to answer the study of the researcher.

Data Gathering Procedure

As an initial preparation for the gathering data, the researchers sent letters

privately through online to the professors asking permission to allow the

researchers to conduct surveys about the study. The researchers also asked

for the permission of the respondents to answer the survey questionnaire by

sending them a consent letter through online.

Prior to the actual test administration, the researchers gave the survey

questionnaire to the respondents through Google forms where there was an

explanation to each part for proper guidelines.

The following procedure will be followed in sequence in collecting the data.

Step 1: The researchers developed a survey questionnaire that will be given

to the respondents of the study.

Step 2: The researchers also develop consent letter that will seek permissions

to the respondents that will answer the survey questionnaire.

Step 3: The researchers choose the respondents through quota sampling

where they are chosen by the predetermined characteristics so that the total

will have the same distribution of characteristics.

Step 4: The consent letter together with the survey questionnaire

administered to the target respondents

Here is the sample questionnaire that will administered to the target respondents.

Part I.

Name (Optional): Gender:


Part II. Direction: Please answer the questions honestly.

1. What are your expectations when you buy a cosmetic product?


2. What are your expectations on the services that a cosmetic store



3. When you buy and they meet your expectations what did you feel?


4. Are you satisfied with the product that you buy? Why?


5. Are you satisfied with the services they offer? Why?


6. If they did not meet your expectations what action did you do?


7. Is there a tendency that you will be a loyal customer of a specific cosmetic

product? Why?


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