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True Love?

Love is something that we can all relate to. From our love of our parents to love
for a series, any person can find something to love.According to the Meriam-Webster
Dictionary, love is defined as a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by
intimacy, passion, and commitment”. This definition however would not be enough to
express how powerful love truly is. It has caused many important events in human
history both big and small, and both good and bad. The love of knowledge has led to
people innovating to create new technologies. A person’s excessive attraction to
someone might even drive them to do unimaginable crimes. Love truly is, without a
doubt, a powerful emotion.
Nowadays we often see love as a word to be used to express attraction for
someone and is especially common amongst teens who have crushes. This
interpretation is right, but is sometimes misconstrued as lust. Lust may seem identical to
love, but in reality lust is just overwhelming emotions caused by hormones and desire.
Lust causes us to put someone on a pedestal, thinking that they are perfect and
amazing, and that blinds us from their flaws. Love on the other hand, takes time and
goes deeper than sexual desire. You end up thinking about them all the time, you have
real affection for them but most importantly, you are willing to compromise and be
consistent just to maintain balance in your relationship. Lust only lasts for a short time,
but love causes people to persevere every single day, rain or shine, because they know
that it’s part of the process.
We should cherish our precious time with our loved ones. Makes sure that even
in the simplest ways, they can feel that we care for them. Even if you have
disagreements, you must make compromises to show that you care for them. Our love
should be steadfast, always persevering even during the toughest times as it shows our
dedication and this holds true for all types of love. Love your family every day and treat
them with the care they deserve because you’ll never know when they may die. And on
the tragic day that they pass away, reminisce on the good times that you have had
because you loved them.
Always remember that honesty goes a long way, especially if you want to
maintain a health relationship. When you have fights remember that your partner is not
the enemy, but an ally to help you face the problem. Last but not least is to
communicate properly because you will spend the rest of your life with them. These are
only a few ingredients to create a true love that will surely last forever.
But even love has it limits that we should recognize. You may love someone, but
if they say no you have to take it as an answer. Don’t stalk them or be creepy just
because you can’t handle rejection. If you truly loved them, you would wish them the
best and leave them. You must also know your limits in relationships. You have to give
and take equally so as to not be abused. Love for oneself also exists so it is important to
remember that you must care for yourself first. Being dependent on someone for love is
too dangerous as you have no control over their actions. In fact if you can’t find
someone the “right” person, be the right person that you envision. Learn to love yourself
and grow as a person so that when the right time comes, you know that you are well
prepared and when you find love, be sure to remember that it isn’t always about
climbing every mountain or swim through rough seas, but loving someone every day
without falter.

In the end, love is a complicated feeling that even the smartest nor toughest of people
can avoid. But one thing is for sure and that is true love will persevere in the toughest
of times and wants the best for all the people involved. Like all good things love is not to
be rushed so be sure to take your time and plan accordingly. You may not make right
decisions all the time, but at least you won’t regret them because you did your best. But
most important of all is to follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

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