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Why global warming is a hoax?

In a 2003 speech to San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club, popular science novelist

Michael Crichton described the religion of environmentalism, predecessor to the Church
of Global Warming:

“Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism,”
Crichton disclosed. “Environmentalism seems to be the religion of choice for urban
atheists. There’s an initial Eden, a paradise, a state of grace and unity with nature, there’s
a fall from grace into a state of pollution as a result of eating from the tree of knowledge,
and as a result of our actions there is a judgment day coming for us all. We are all energy
sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability.”

Most environmentalists have no technical or scientific credentials whatsoever. What they

have are major news outlets ready and willing to publicize their every utterance
regardless of whether or not they are backed up by scientific proof. Atmospheric science
requires highly technical knowledge and skills, not possessed by the vast majority of the
so-called environmentalists, who yet feel qualified to demand that human activity
subjugate itself to the whims of their new deity, Mother Nature.

Environmentalists claim that the Earth’s atmosphere is getting hotter. They claim that the
polar icecaps and glaciers will melt and sea levels will rise over two hundred feet,
flooding most coastal cities. They claim that many areas of the Earth will turn into
deserts. They make all these claims but cannot substantiate them with real scientific
evidence. Parts of the polar icecap and glaciers are melting but other areas of the polar
icecaps and glaciers are thickening. The environmentalists base their “proof” of the
existence of global warming on the melting areas but are strangely silent, even militant to
the point of violence, if anyone mentions the areas that are thickening, and those
thickening areas are many.
Some myths

MYTH 1: Planet earth is currently undergoing global warming.

FACT: Accurate and representative temperature measurements from satellites and

balloons show that the planet has cooled significantly in the last two or three years, losing
in only 18 months 15% of the claimed warming which took over 100 years to appear —
that warming was only one degree Fahrenheit (half of one degree Celsius) anyway, and
part of this is a systematic error from ground station readings which are inflated due to
the ‘urban heat island effect’ i.e. local heat retention due to urban sprawl, not global
warming…and it is these, ‘false high’ ground readings which are then programmed into
the disreputable climate models, which live up to the GIGO acronym — garbage in,
garbage out.

MYTH 2: Even slight temperature rises are disastrous, ice caps will melt, and people will

FACT: James O’Brien, emeritus professor at Florida State University who studies
climate variability and the oceans, thinks not. “When the Arctic Ocean ice melts, it never
raises sea level because floating ice is floating ice, because it’s displacing water,” he
points out.

“When the ice melts, sea level actually goes down. I call it a fourth-grade science
experiment: Take a glass, put some ice in it, put water in it, and mark level where water
is. . . . After the ice melts, the sea level didn’t go up in your glass of water. It’s called the
Archimedes principle.”

The glaciers on Kilimanjaro and other mountains in the area are shrinking due to a
change in local sublimination. In 1880 the climate in the area changed from a very humid
to a very dry climate resulting in less clouds and more direct sunlight. (Sublimation of an
element or compound is a transition from the solid to gas phase with no intermediate
liquid stage). Recently Kilimanjaro has gained substantial ice covering in last two years.
MYTH 3: Carbon Dioxide levels in our atmosphere at the moment are unprecedented

FACT: Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, currently only 350 parts per million have
been over 18 times higher in the past at a time when cars, factories and power stations did
not exist — levels rise and fall without mankind’s help.(See Harper study above

MYTH 4: Mankind is pumping out pollutant carbon dioxide at a prodigious rate.

FACT: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant, but a naturally occurring atmospheric
CO2 makes up .054% of the atmosphere.
Volcanoes produce far more CO2 than humans.
Animals produce more CO2 than volcanoes.
Decaying vegetation produces more CO2 than animals (remember Gore’s explanation for
why the red line is so wavy?; He left out half the explanation.)

96.5% of all carbon dioxide emissions are from natural sources, mankind is responsible
for only 3.5%, with 0.6% coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1% from fuel to
heat buildings. Yet vehicle fuel (petrol) is taxed at 300% while fuel to heat buildings is
taxed at 5% even though buildings emit nearly twice as much carbon dioxide!

Then there is the eruption of volcanoes, such as Mt. St. Helens, ejecting dust and ash into
the Earth’s atmosphere. The amount of dust and ash in the atmosphere varies the amount
of energy that can cause heating or cooling of the Earth’s atmosphere. Volcanoes also
eject the kind of compounds that environmentalists call greenhouse gases. A single
eruption the size of the Mt. St. Helens (ex.1980 eruption) released more of these gases,
dust and ash into the atmosphere than all such emissions by human activity since the
beginning of recorded human history. And there are numerous volcanic eruptions yearly.

The oceans are also a major source of greenhouse gases, as are trees. Trees and other
vegetation take in carbon dioxide and give off other gases such as methane, a major
greenhouse gas, and a host of other compounds, many of which are also greenhouse
gases. Decaying vegetation also gives off methane gas. Studies of smog in the Los
Angeles basin indicate that over 90% of the smog is generated by the vegetation in the
area. To aid in perpetuating the hoax, however, environmentalists, aided by major news
media outlets, censored and suppressed this study.
MYTH 5: Carbon dioxide changes in the atmosphere cause temperature changes on the

FACT: A report in the journal ‘Science’ in January of this year showed using
information from ice cores with high time resolution that since the last ice age, every time
when the temperature and carbon dioxide levels have shifted, the carbon dioxide change
happened AFTER the temperature change, so that man-made global warming theory has
put effect before cause — this shows that reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a futile
King Canute exercise! What’s more, both water vapor and methane are far more powerful
greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide but they are ignored.

MYTH 6: Reducing car use will cut carbon dioxide levels and save the planet.

FACT: The planet does not need saving, but taking this on anyway, removing every car
from every road in every country overnight would NOT produce any change in the
carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere, as can be seen using the numbers from Fact 4,
and in any case it is pointless trying to alter climate by changing carbon dioxide levels as
the cause and effect is the other way round — it is changes in the activity of the Sun that
cause temperature changes on earth, with any temperature rise causing carbon dioxide to
de-gas from the oceans.

MYTH 7: The recent wet weather and flooding was caused by mankind through ‘global

FACT: Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issue reports that say ‘global warming’ is real
and that we must do something now.
Scientists draft reports for the IPCC, but the IPCC are bureaucrats appointed by
governments, in fact many scientists who contribute to the reports disagree with the
’spin’ that the IPCC and media put on their findings.
The latest report suggests that the next 100 years might see a temperature change of 6
Celsius yet a Lead Author for the IPCC (Dr John Christy UAH/NASA) has pointed out
that the scenarios with the fastest warming rates were added to the report at a late stage,
at the request of a few governments — in other words the scientists were told what to do
by politicians.
MYTH 8: There are only a tiny handful of maverick scientists who dispute that man-
made global warming theory is true.

FACT: There are nearly 18,000 signatures from scientists worldwide on a petition called
The Oregon Petition which says that there is no evidence for man-made global warming
theory nor for any impact from mankind’s activities on climate.
Many scientists believe that the Kyoto agreement is a total waste of time and one of the
biggest political scams ever perpetrated on the public … as H L Mencken said “the
fundamental aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence
clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of
them imaginary” … the desire to save the world usually fronts a desire to rule it.

MYTH 9: Global warming cause flood and famine.

FACT: Some months back I went through a news report claiming floods and famines are
result of the global warming. He had clearly not remembered his class 10th concept of the
El Niño Southern Oscillation, a weather cycle that is often referred to as the most
powerful after the changes of the seasons.

When strong El Niño’s have been active (warm surface water to the east of the Pacific),
the monsoon in India is often weak, leading to crop failures and, a couple of centuries
ago, famines that killed millions. At the other extreme (warm water to the west), La
Niñas tend to cause stronger monsoons, with accompanying floods. El Niños have
predominated for the past some years, but as La Niña conditions would soon b stronger

When strong El Niños have been active (warm surface water to the east of the Pacific),
the monsoon in India is often weak, leading to crop failures and, a couple of centuries
ago, famines that killed millions. At the other extreme (warm water to the west), La
Niñas tend to cause stronger monsoons, with accompanying floods. El Niños have
predominated for the last couple of years, but as La Niña conditions would build up in the
Pacific we should expect a strong monsoon soon. There is no evidence of a connection
with ‘global warming’ whatsoever.

That journalist was simply jumping on an uninformed bandwagon, which is a perfect

example of how this myth of global warming is maintained and spread.
Pacific since about May, we should have expected a strong monsoon with flooding last
year. There is no evidence of a connection with ‘global warming’ whatsoever.
That journalist was simply jumping on an uninformed bandwagon, which is a perfect
example of how this myth of global warming is maintained and spread.
Myth 10: solar activity can’t be reason for ups and downs in temperature.

Fact: The current state of the science as put about by the media and politicians is out of
date. A connection between solar activity and climate change has been evident for at least
200 years.

But the measured changes in the heat output from the Sun weren’t enough to explain the
changes in temperature on Earth. So, when, after three decades of cooling (1940-1970)
the climate started warming up again in the 1970s, it was assumed that this might be due
to the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas that had been building up; it was known that CO2 was a
greenhouse gas, and as the solar influence was not understood, this was a reasonable
But the connection is not good. There are many sets of figures describing both,
temperature and solar activity, but taking some of the best data available over the past
century, the correlation between CO2 levels and temperature has been about 0.2 (below
0.3 is considered a weak correlation). The correlation between solar activity and
temperature is about 0.8, and values above 0.7 are usually considered strong. In addition,
mechanisms have now been described that explain the amplification effect of solar
radiation. Too complex to describe here, but the mix involves the solar magnetic field,
cosmic rays and the Earth’s cloud cover, not just the radiant heat from the Sun. The
numbers add up well; with this theory now explaining the temperature changes we have
been seeing.

Myth11: The most absurd myth: Mr. Gore has no ulterior motive.

FACT: There are huge dollars to be made from global warming alarmism. However,
conceivably no one is better positioned to financially benefit from this scam than Dr.
Global Warming himself, former Vice President Al Gore, by developing a Green money-
making machine capable of eventually generating billions of dollars for investors. A fact
media will surely not share any time soon. Gore's company, GIM was specifically
established to take financial advantage of new technologies and solutions related to
combating global warming.

According to their own documents, GIM intends to invest in, or buy companies poised to
cash in on Global Warming concerns.

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay
for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce
energy consumption around the globe…
Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as
its investments prosper. In other words, he “buys” his “carbon offsets” from himself,
through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to him.
To be blunt, Gore doesn’t buy “carbon offsets” through Generation Investment
Management – he buys stocks.

THINK: An individual in Europe or USA discovers that he commits a sin by driving his
SUV. He buys carbon offset or stock from any green technology company.

If the present rate of sensitivity increases further, then the day is not far off when AL
Gore would address someone walking on the road “hey man you are producing 1 kg of
CO2 everyday. You need to have ablution”. “Buy share of my company and feel better”.

Similarly a multi national company recognizes it has the new avenue of boasting its CSR
by investing in green technology.

TRIVIA: Dr. Global Warming travels the world in his private jet all the time telling us
it’s okay because he’s buying carbon offsets. He’s actually purchasing these investments
from himself.

According to Nashville Electric Service records, Gore’s palatial home and pool house use
more than twenty times the national average of kilowatt-hours (Tapper, 2007). So what
do you do when your leader, who preaches that the masses should reduce their deadly
emissions, is found with his pants down consuming enough energy to power a third world
country? Well, that’s when fanaticism comes in handy.

Mr. Gore what about per capita emission????

Furthermore, and maybe more important, Gore stands to benefit financially in a

potentially huge way if more and more people buy into this junk science.

Isn’t that special?

When you add it all up, this is a flimflam of epic proportions:

• First, Gore sets up a company that will invest in other companies that will benefit
from global warming alarmism

• Second, Gore gets some Hollywood types to fund and produce a movie designed
to scare the c-c-carbon out of the population

• Third, Gore travels the world promoting this movie, while pushing the view that a
cataclysm is imminent if the world doesn’t immediately act

• Fourth, an adoring media falls for the con hook, line, and sinker. Rather than
debunking the flaws in the theories, the media promote every word of it while
advancing the concept that Gore’s views represent those of an overwhelming majority
of scientists

• Fifth, scared governments and citizens across the globe invest in alternative
energy programs driving up the shares of companies Gore’s group has already
invested in

• Sixth, Gore and his cronies make billions as they laugh all the way to the bank at
the stupidity of their fellow citizens.

• Fascinating! Mind-boggling!!

DR. Harper Study

In his analysis of CO2 as a factor in climate change, Dr. Harper affirmed that CO2 is not a
cause for alarm, as it is neither a pollutant nor a poison. Indeed, Harper argued that
CO2 limitations, such as the 450 ppm (parts per million) standard recommended by the
IPCC to “stabilize” CO2 in the atmosphere, will actually damage the environment.

According to Dr. Harper, the current warming period (which actually ended 10 years ago)
began in 1800 following the close of the little ice age (1300-1650 AD), Between 13 th
century to 17 century there was a temporary ice age .This fact can be corroborated from
Thames and Amazon freezing in mid 15th century and also napoleon retreat from Russia
due to stormy and cold weather.

This was preceded by a Medieval Warm Period (800-1300 AD). Harper noted that the
temporary ice age and the Medieval Warm Period were curiously omitted from the IPCC
report and that the Medieval Warm Period was as warm or warmer than today. Clearly at
that point in time, global warming had nothing to do with the burning of fossils fuels.
Also, Dr. Harper explained that several warnings have existed over the last 10,000 years
since the last ice age, thus confirming that climate change has occurred multiple times
without mankind’s actions.

Evidence: Global temperatures stopped rising after 1998 and have plummeted in the last
two years by more than 0.5 degrees Celsius. The 2007-08 temperature drops was not
predicted by global climate models. Los Vegas witnessed unprecedented snowfall in
2007 and 08.Arcatic ice caps reclaimed substantially too.
Furthermore, plants and our primitive ancestors evolved when atmospheric CO2 was 1000
ppm. This compares to our current level of 380 ppm.

Dr. Harper reported that higher levels of CO2 benefit the environment because they result
in higher crop yield and more drought-tolerant plants. He cited a modern day example:
greenhouse operations that are typically maintained at 1000 ppm. In truth, Harper said we
are actually in a CO2 famine as most of the earth’s CO2 levels throughout the planet’s
history have been at least 1000 ppm or higher. At these points in time, “the oceans were
fine, plants grew, and animals grew fine. So it’s baffling to me that we’re so frightened of
getting nowhere close to where we started,” he said.

Dr. Harper also cited examinations of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets
as further evidence of his claims. From that data, past temperatures and concentrations of
CO2 in the atmosphere can be determined. (Antarctic ice core samples show that the rise
in carbon dioxide levels lags behind temperature rise by 800 years therefore cannot be the
cause of it.)The findings indicate that first temperatures rose and about 800 years later,
CO2 levels rose from the CO2 released from warmer oceans. This finding is in direct
contradiction to the beliefs of global warming advocates who believe that higher levels of
CO2 cause warmer temperatures.

Dr. Harper maintains that the current climate crisis is a political creation that does not
enjoy consensus but has the backing of the media, influential politicians, certain scientific
societies and well-funded non-profit organizations. He cautions that climate warming
dogma, absent critical analysis and the presentation of contrary data, is being taught in
our schools along with the widespread viewing of the seriously flawed film The
Inconvenient Truth.

Not a surprise, Dr. Harper, was ironically fired by Al Gore.

Farce of Kyoto protocol and international leaders

Efforts to quickly reduce human greenhouse gas emissions would be costly and would
not stop Earth’s climate from changing. Reducing U.S. carbon dioxide emissions to 7
percent below 1990’s levels by the year 2012–the target set by the Kyoto Protocol–would
require higher energy taxes and regulations causing the nation to lose 2.4 million jobs and
$300 billion in annual economic output. Average household income nationwide would
fall by $2,700, and state tax revenues would decline by $93.1 billion due to less taxable
earned income and sales, and lower property values. Full implementation of the Kyoto
Protocol by all participating nations would reduce global temperature in the year 2100 by
a mere 0.14 degrees Celsius (as Kyoto protocol itself assert). In truth it would have
almost 0.00 affect on temperature.

Politicians have been responding to the failure of the Kyoto Protocol by showing they are
‘doing something’. They have adopted pointless and expensive impositions on energy
industries, energy supplies and transportation. And the public is paying the large costs of
this in their energy bills.
The Copenhagen Conference will provide a decision because it has to, but that decision
will have no more effect than the Kyoto Protocol. And this will put more pressure on the
politicians to be seen to be ‘doing something’ with further cost and harm to peoples and
to industry.
There is as yet no clear evidence that the additional climate change is happening. But
environmental groups are pressing the politicians to act “before it is too late”.
And politicians are responding because of the fear of dire consequences from the
additional climate change

Get rid of all of these rotten politicians (presumably, Republicans in Washington),

who are nothing more than corporate toadies.

The hallmark of science is the testing of a plausible hypothesis good that is then
either supported or rejected by the evidence.

Save forest, save endangered species, save electricity forget global


Let Common sense and good science rule the day.


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