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ACCREDITATION NO. 1030-022018-0068
CERT NO. 72587-032821-012-BAT
I. General Project Safety and Health Policy
The Project Site Safety and Health Policy are to ensure the protection, wellbeing
and security of workers and the general public at the project site. We believe that each
employee has the right to derive personal satisfaction from his/her job and the prevention
of occupational injury or illness is of such consequences to this belief that it will be given
top priority at all times.
Safety, Health and Environmental protection are disseminated to all concern, from
project manager to workers for their appropriate compliance. The state of security and
safety in the construction including the general condition of health of its personnel and
nearby communities are fully informed to management which provides guidance and
direction to ensure a continuing dedication and commitment to this objective.
The objective is to protect every workingman against the dangers of injury,
sickness or death through safe and healthful working conditions, thereby assuring the
conservation of valuable manpower resources and the prevention of loss or damage to
lives and properties.

II. Composition of Project Safety and Health Committee

We will create an Osh Committee before the start of construction which is
composed of:
Chairman: Project Owner
Safety Officer:
First Aider:
A. Objective
To ensure that the Construction Safety and Health Program will be enforced
and observed at the project site throughout all operations.

B. Duties of Project Safety and Health Committee

 Initiates and supervise the conduct of brief safety meeting or toolbox meetings
to the whole construction team every Monday.
 Plan, develop and oversee the implementation of accident prevention
programs for the construction project.
 Directs the accident prevention efforts for the construction project in
accordance with the rules of CSHP.
 Review reports of safety and health inspections, accident investigations/
 Prepare and submit to DOLE reports on committee meetings.
 Initiate and supervise safety and health training for employees.
 Provides necessary assistance to government inspecting authorities in the
proper conduct of their enforcement and other activities.
 Develop and maintain a disaster contingency plan.
 Performs all duties provided in the Construction Safety and Health Program or
those that are necessary and incidental to the fulfillment of their duties herein

C. Duties and Responsibilities

1. Chairman
 Acts as the overall technical personnel and in-charge of the actual execution of
construction project.
 Establish in his workplace occupational health services to provide a healthful
place of work.
 Organize and maintain an occupational health program.
 Provides all necessary materials & equipments used to the project site.
 Provide first aid medicines at the construction site.

2. Secretary
 Prepares minutes of the meetings.
 Report status of recommendations made.
 Notify members of the meetings.
 Distributes a well-written handout prior to the meeting.
 Submit to the chairman a report of the activities of the committee, including
recommendations made.
 Keeps all the records of the OSH Committee.

3. Foreman
 Tasked to be present at the construction site at all times.
 Responsible of assuring he technical conformance of all design, materials,
process and work procedures rendered to the construction project, including
safety and health of all persons at the project site.
 Conducts daily toolbox among workers.
 Instruct and briefs the workers on the planned work and the assessment of the
past works.
 Review with the new worker any hazards and specific safety rules applicable
to the job assignment given to him before putting him to work.
 Assigns workers which will take in charge for the house cleaning before each
day work.
4. Workers
 Attend the daily toolbox before they go to their designated work area.
 Avoid activities that would endanger self or co-workers.
 Works in accordance with accepted safety practices and standards established
with the chairman.
 Report unsafe conditions and practices in a workplace by making suggestions
for removal of accident hazards.
 Encourage and motivate co-workers in implementing safe work practices in
the workplace.
 Assists government agencies in the conduct of health and safety inspection.

III. Project Safety and Health Personnel

We will submit Safety and Health Personnel which is composed of:
Safety Officer – person with COSH course or trained accredited by DOLE
First Aider or Nurse
Safety Man – serve as Secretary to the Health and Safety Committee

IV. Duties and Responsibilities of the Safety Officer

 Performs work efficiently and in a safe manner.
 Conducts safety meetings regularly every Monday morning.
 Reminds the workers to always wear the prescribed PPE.
 Reports all accident, its near misses and dangerous occurrences that have lead
or may lead to injury or damage to property and environment.
 Assists in the investigation of accidents or dangerous occurrences with the
objective of introducing measures to prevent a recurrence.
 Keeps tools in good condition.
 Refrains from horseplay and abuse of safety devices, equipment and welfare
 Ensures that the workplace and other premises are maintained at a healthy,
clean and sanitary condition at all times.

V. Worksite Safety and Health Promotion and Continuing Information

A. Safety Board at the construction site must be provided to warn the workers and the
public of hazards existing in the work place. Safety Board shall be posted in
prominent positions at strategic location and as far as practicable and be in the
language understandable to most of the workers employed.
B. Specifics on how employees shall be briefed by the Foreman on safety and health
Policies – Mandatory Construction Safety Orientation and Job Procedures

This safety program was designed to assist companies in developing an

employee orientation package. It is the policy of this company to perform work in the
safest manner possible consistent with good construction practice. The rime
responsibility for accident prevention and the safest program for each individual
project rest with the superintendent. The following principles shall govern our safety
1. Maximum protection for the worker.
2. Maximum protection and minimum inconvenience to customer.
3. Education of the individual worker on accident prevention.
In addition to all safe work practices and procedure that are outlined in any
Provincial Statutes, the following safe operating practices and procedures are
Company Policy, and shall be strictly adhered to all workers, regardless of the nature
of their specific duties. These are to be explained to each new man during
indoctrination. They must be emphasized at meetings and in day – today contacts.
They are minimum requirements, and are to be rigidly enforced.

C. Specifics on what kind of trainings and seminars will be given to employees.

All employees will be trained by the safety officer in the following:

1. Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or
release of hazardous substance in the work areas.
2. The physical and health hazards of the substance in the work areas.
3. How employees can protect themselves from these hazards.
4. Procedures the employer has implemented for employee protection.
5. Appropriate work practices.
6. Emergency procedures.
7. Personal protective equipment to be used.
8. Explanation of materials safety data sheets.
9. How employees can obtain and use appropriate hazard information.
10. Personal hygiene when working with hazardous work.

D. Specifics on how employees will be trained and briefed before performing hazardous
work – Hazards Communication.

The goal of the Hazard Communication Standard is to reduce the occurrence of

workplace illnesses and injuries caused by hazardous works. The standard is designed to
achieve this goal by providing information and training for employees who work with
hazardous works.
Foreman is required to review new employee any hazards and specific safety rules
applicable to the job assignment given to him before putting him to work. Foremen are to
tell regularly scheduled weekly safety meetings as well as special meetings before starting
ne operations. These meetings shall be encouraged for suggestion and discussion.
E. Arrangement on conveying the safety and health information

The project owner shall organize and maintain an occupation health program
to achieve the following objective:
1. Assess the worker’s physical, emotional and psychological assests as
well as his liabilities in order to facilitate his proper placement and
ensure the suitability of individuals according to their physical
capacities, mental ability and emotional make up in work which they
can perform with an acceptable degree of efficiency without
endangering their own health and safety and that of their own health
and safety and that of their co-workers.
2. Protect employees against health hazards in their working environment
in order to prevent occupational as well as no-occupational diseases.
3. Provision for first-aid, emergency services and treatment depending on
the nature of the industry.
4. Assure adequate medical care of ill and injured workers.
5. Encourage personal health maintenance and physical fitness and proper
nutrition practices.

F. The Health Program shall include the following activities:

1. Maintenance of a healthful work environment by requiring occupational health
personnel to conduct regular appraisal of sanitation conductions, periodic
inspection of premises, including all facilities therein, and evaluate the
working environment in order to detect and appraise occupational health
hazards and environment condition affecting comfort and job efficiency.
2. Health Examinations.
3. Diagnosis and treatment of all injuries and occupational and non-occupational
4. Immunization programs.
5. Health Education and Counseling in which the safety personnel shall
cooperate with the supervisors in imparting appropriate health and safety
information to employees, such as health hazards and proper precautions,
habits of cleanliness, orderliness, safe work practices, use and maintenance of
available personal protective clothing and devices, and the use of available
health services and facilities.

G. Toolbox/Safety Meetings
1. Toolbox Meeting
The Foreman will conduct a daily 15-minute toolbox meeting at 7:00 am to
discuss with the workers and anticipate safety & health problems related to every task,
and the potential solutions to those problems. All workers at the construction site must
attend before going to their designated work area. The foreman shall remind the
workers on the necessary precautions that need to be undertaken.
The objective of this is to impart the value of it in any operations in worksites.
It will also enumerate the procedure involved in conducting the meeting including
when, how long its frequency.
2. Safety Meeting
Safety meetings will be conducted by the Safety Officer regularly every
Monday at 7:00 am to 7:30 am to discuss the health and safety measures in the
workplace. There are times that the safety officer shall invite some expert speakers to
conduct the meeting effectively. The whole OSH committee must attend. Ensuring
workplace safety is another way by which we show our car and concern for the
Meetings will be conducted on some topic such as:
 Construction Safety Tips
 First Aid Kit
 Use of PPE
 Hazard at work
 Fire safety guidelines
 Use of fire extinguisher
 Electric safety tips
 Tips to lift heavy objects
 Safe use of power tools
The following can help in conducting safety meetings effectively:
 Hand-outs shall be given to the workers prior to the meeting, to build
their interest and concern.
 We will encourage and motivate our workers to share their experience
(if any), when they have come across a hazardous situation in the
 While implementing safe work practices in the workplace, we will
involve our workers in the process and ask their ideas and suggestions.
 We will encourage them to come up with solutions about how to
prevent injures at work, or how an accident that has occurred could
have been prevented.

VI. Accident and Incident Investigation Reporting

A. Provision for accident and illness record system

Reports made by the employer shall be exclusively for the information of the
Regional Labor Office or duly authorized representative in securing data to be used in
connection with the performance of its accident and illness prevention duties and
activities and is a requirement distinct from that of the Employee’s Compensation
Commission or any other law. These reports shall not be admissible as evidence in
any action or judicial proceedings in respect to such injury, fitness or death on
account of which report is made and shall not be made public or subject to public
inspection except for prosecution or violations under this Rule.

B. The following accidents or incidents that must be reported:

1. Fatalities
2. Lost Time Accident
3. Recordable Accidents
4. Vehicle Accidents
5. Equipment Failure
6. Fires
7. Security Violations
8. Electrical short circuit or failure of electrical machinery, plant, or apparatus
9. Near misses with the potential for injury or damage.

C. The foreman is responsible for the investigation of accidents occurring on his project,
and must take the necessary corrective measures to prevent recurrence to the degree
that he has jurisdiction, and the superintendent shall assist him.

D. The employer shall maintain and keep an accident or illness record which shall be
open at all times for inspection to authorized personnel containing the following
minimum data:
1. Date of accident or illness
2. Name of injured or ill employee, sex and age
3. Occupation of injured or ill employee at the time of accident or illness
4. Assigned causes of accident or illness
5. Extent and nature of disability
6. Period of disability (actual and/or charged)
7. Whether accident involved damaged to materials, equipment or machinery,
kind and extent of damage, including estimated or actual cost
8. Record of initial notice and/or report to the authorized representative

E. When to file the report

The formal report shall be submitted by the employer on or before the 20 th day
of the month following the date of occurrence of the accident or when the illness, is
established and an investigation report in the prescribed form shall be submitted by
the duly authorized representative on or before the 30th day of the same month. In case
of temporary total disability where the injured or ill employee has not reported back to
duty on the closing date of reporting, an estimate of the probable days of disability
shall be made and entered in the report and corrected after the return of the injured. In
all computation, this estimate shall be used. After the return of the injured, the
corrected days of absence shall be used.

F. Who shall receive and review copies of the report and submit it proper authorities

All general constructors shall be required to submit a monthly construction

safety and health report to the BWC or to the DOLE Regional Office concerned. The
report shall include a monthly summary of all safety and health committee meeting
agreements, a summary of all accident investigations/reports and periodic hazards
assessment with the corresponding remedial measures/action for each hazard.

In case of any dangerous occurrence or major accident resulting in death or

permanent total disability, the concerned employer shall initially notify the DOLE
Regional Office within twenty-four (24) hours from occurrence. After the conduct of
investigation by the concerned construction safety and health officer, the employer
shall report all permanent total disabilities to DOLE Regional Office on or before the
20th of the month following the date of occurrence of accident using the

VII. Provision for the Protection of the General Public within the vicinity
A. Procedures to ensure the safety and health of the general public:
1. A safe covered walkway shall be constructed over the sidewalk for use by
pedestrians in a building construction work less than 2.3 m (7ft.) from a
sidewalk or public road.
2. Steps shall be taken to protect workers from falling materials, such as
provision of safety helmets and safety shoes.
3. Tools, objects and materials (including waste materials) shall not be thrown or
tipped from a height, but shall be properly lowered by crane, hoist or chutes. If
such is not practicable, the area where the material is thrown or lowered shall
be fenced and no person allowed in the fenced area.

B. The Project Owner will provide the following to ensure public safety within and
around the worksite:
1. Adequate supply of safe drinking water.
2. Adequate sanitary and washing facilities.
3. Suitable living accommodation for workers, and as maybe applicable, for their
4. Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for men and women

VIII. General Safety With-in and Around the Project Site

A. The foremen will have assigned two workers which will take in charge for the house
cleaning before the end of each day work at 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
We will implement our good housekeeping guidelines but not limited to:
1. Work locations, tools & equipments are to be kept clean and orderly at all
2. All work areas are to be free of dangerous projections or obstructions.
3. Sanitary facility will be maintained in a clean hygienic condition.
4. All scrap and refuse will be properly segregated.
5. Flammable waste will be stored in metal containers, properly labeled and will
be located at a safe distance from any possible ignition source.
6. All stacking of materials will be made on ground that is level and all stacks
will be neat and stable.

B. The foreman/supervisors will provide the following danger sign and safety instruction
at the project site.
1. No PPE, No Entry.
2. No Entry- Authorized Personnel Only.
3. Protective barricades and warning signs will be installed around excavations,
holes or openings in floor or roof areas, edges of roofs and elevated platforms,
and wherever necessary warn people against falling in, through or off.
Protective barricades must be a physical nature.

C. Provisions to ensure safety on all walkway surfaces

1. The Project Owner will provide clear and covered walkways.
2. Posting of danger sign whenever necessary.
3. The parts of floors over which any person is liable to walk shall be sufficiently
even to afford safe walking and safe tucking of materials.
4. Such parts of floors shall be free from holes and splinters, improperly fitted
gutters or conduits, protruding nails and bolts, projecting valves or pipes, or
other projections obstructions which create stumbling hazards.
5. Floors, stairs-treads and landings shall not be slippery under any conditions or
made of any materials which will become slippery through wear.
6. Stairways, ramps, elevator platform and similar places where slipping may be
especially hazardous shall be provided with non-slip walkway surface.
7. Standard guardrails must be erected around all floor openings and open-sided

D. Provisions to ensure safe means of access at the project site

1. The project owner will install ladders that are soundly constructed and
2. Ladders are to be inspected before and after use. Any observed defects must
report to your foreman for repair or disposal.
3. Only non-conductive ladders will be used for electrical work.
4. All scaffolds will be inspected daily or each shift by a competent person.
IX. Provision and Use of PPE
The project owner will provide personal protective equipment of approved design and
construction appropriate for the exposure and the work to be performed to all project
workers free of charge.
The foreman shall be responsible for the inspection of PPE used in the project site.
Types of PPE to be provide if necessary at project site:
1. Hard hat
2. Safety glasses
3. Safety shoes
4. Full body harness (for elevated areas 2 meters above)
5. Cutting and burning goggles
6. Hand protection
7. Ear protection
8. Welders hood/sleeve
9. Face shield
10. Cover all (as needed)

X. Fire Protection Facilities and Equipment, a per requirements of BFP

The project owner will provide a 10 lbs ABC Type Fire Extinguisher at the site.

XI. Fire Aid and Health Care Medicine, Equipment and Facilities
The project owner will provide first aid medicines at the construction site as
required by the OSH Standards as Amended
 Coordination with the appropriate emergency medical facility.
 Coordination with the emergency service vehicle in case of emergency.
 Providing and maintaining complete first aid kit.
 Informing workers about emergency procedures and emergency telephone

XII. Workers Welfare Facilities

The project owner will provide the following welfare facilities in order to ensure
humane working conditions:
 Adequate supply of safe drinking water.
 Adequate sanitary and washing facilities.
 Adequate accommodation of taking meals.
 Adequate facilities for the storage and drying of work clothes.
 Suitable living accommodation for workers.
 Temporary office at the project site.
XIII. Hours of Works & Rest Breaks
 Regular working days will be from Monday to Saturday.
 Sunday will be the rest day.
 Working hours is from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.
 15 minutes break time in the morning and in the afternoon (9:30 am - 9:45 am
& 2:30 pm – 2:45pm)
 1 hour lunch break and rest period (12:00 nn – 1:00pm)

XIV. Waste Disposal at the Project Site

 Waste segregation and proper disposal will be strictly implemented at the site.
 Scrap and refuse bins will be removed and collected daily.
 Spillages of oil, grease, etc. will be cleaned up as soon as possible.
 Materials Recovery Facility will be established.

XV. Fire Emergency Contingency Plan

The foreman will ensure that good housekeeping will be implemented to
prevent the accumulation of fire hazard materials. Adequate and reliable sources of
fire water supply shall be provided by the Project Owner to ensure that water is
available under all emergency circumstances.

XVI. Demobilization
 Materials and equipment shall be removed from the site as soon as they are no
longer necessary. Before the final inspection, the site shall be cleared of
equipment, unused materials and rubbish so as to prevent a satisfactory clean
and neat appearance.
 Throughout all phases of construction, until the final acceptance, we shall
keep the site clean and free from rubbish and debris.
 Excess excavated materials, forms and lumbers shall be removed from the site
before applying for occupancy permit.

XVII. Penalties for the violation of the OSH Standards and Company Safety and
Health Policy
Violation and Penalties:
1. Not wearing proper PPE
First Offense – Reprimand
Second Offense – 1 week suspension
Third Offense - Termination
2. Horse Playing
First Offense – Reprimand
Second Offense – 1 week suspension
Third Offense - Termination
3. Taking Alcoholic Drink During Office Hours
First Offense – Termination
4. Gambling at Construction Site
First Offense – Termination

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