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- Written on a first
person’s point of - Written on a third
- Based on the person’s point of view
writer’s evaluation
- Based on the - Based on a
- Provides the writer’s reference
writer’s life/view
- Contains reflective - Contains reviews
- Has a purpose of and criticism
entries to provide
sharing thoughts and regarding the film to
the reader a better
ideas inform the reader it’s
understanding of
your thought idea

- Journal entry is different in format; it is written on a first person’s point of view rather
than a third. Furthermore, it is based on the writer’s experience or view in a day. Film review,
on the other hand, is based on the writer’s opinion of a certain film; wherein it is written in a
third person’s point of view. They may differ in format, but they are still the same opinion
shared by a writer.



What is the text all Review regarding the Narration of a certain Report describing
about? film Heneral Luna, crime of passion with how the victim died
(subject/focus) emphasizing how the thorough description and how certain
history was retold of the crime scene as factors caused
using the script and well as the internal injuries
cinematography perpetrator
What is the writer’s Analyze the film in Providing a journal Serves as evidence
goal in writing the terms of different regarding a crime of which thoroughly
text? (purpose) factors such as passion evaluates the cause of
message, cultural death of a person
artistic value,
technical skills, etc.
Who is the target Filipinos, especially Journalists Spectators in a
reader of the text? students courtroom; lawyer;
(audience) jury; family of the
What is the point of Third person’s point First person’s point of First person’s point of
view used in the text? of view view view
(first person, second
person, third person)
How much does the The writer has vast The writer’s The writer has a clear
writer know of the knowledge regarding knowledge is based grasp of the
subject? (writer’s the topic. on observation; thus, information especially
knowledge) there’s minimal the terms to be used
knowledge on the for the report
subject itself. The
writer narrated the
scene based on
his/her own
How did the writer The writer organized The writer organized The writer organized
organize the text? the text by means of the text by means of the text by means of
(style) persuading through narrating describing
Did the writer write in It is written in an It is written in an It is written in a
a formal or informal informal manner informal manner formal manner
manner? (tone)
How did the writer The language used The language used The language used
choose the words and was informal to was informal, since it was formal as it is a
organize the provide a better is written through a report based on
sentences? Was the understanding for the narration of what is scientific findings
language formal, audience seen by the writer
informal, or casual?

- Academic text is: written by experts or professionals. It uses formal language and information
based on facts. Furthermore, it is critical, objective, and specialized. Thus, the authors’ emotion
or opinion is not included in the text.

- Academic text requires: evidence and a clear, concise, focused structure.

- Academic text is different from creative essay, a business letter, and a legal document in
terms of: subject, form, purpose, audience, and style


DISCIPLINE: Natural Science

- it is a unit of measurement that can be
applied to any substance possessing energy
- Calories describe the potential energy in food
to maintain bodily functions, grow or repair
1. Description
tissue, and perform mechanical work such as
- Food calories may take the form of fat,
carbohydrates, or proteins
Once consumed, enzymes act on these
nutrients through metabolic processes and
break them into their perspective categories
of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids. These
2. Order/Sequence molecules travel through the blood stream to
specific cells where they are absorbed for
immediate use or sent on to the final stage of
metabolism where they release their stored
energy through the process of oxidation.
an individual weighing 59 kilograms (130
pounds) would expend roughly 500 calories
3. Comparison/Contrast per hour swimming or playing basketball.
However, this same person would burn an
estimated 200 walking or playing table tennis.
The number of calories burned during an
4. Cause and Effect exercise depends on various factors including
body weight and the type of exercise.

Title/ AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine gets FDA emergency use

Writer Discipline Natural Science
(Natural Science, Social
Science, Mathematics,
Beginning The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted emergency use
authorization (EUA) to the Covid-19 vaccine of British drug maker
Ending The national government said about 300 companies and 39 local
government units had signed a tripartite agreement to secure 17
million doses of vaccines of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Three companies are still waiting for their EUA approval from the
FDA: Russia’s Gamaleya Institute, China’s Sinovac, and India’s Bharat
Purpose To inform the audiences/readers that the Covid-19 vaccine of British
drug maker AstraZeneca was recently granted with the emergency use
authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Furthermore, it also aims to provide information regarding the said
vaccine and why is it was granted with the emergency use
authorization (EUA)
Audience Filipino Citizens
Language Informal
Is the article an example of an academic text? How did you say so?
- Yes, because it contains information based on facts and it is written by a professional.
Furthermore, its purpose is to inform the audiences regarding an information classified
under natural science.


Description AstraZeneca is the second vaccine to have

secured an EUA in the country, after Pfizer-
BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine.
The vaccine has an efficacy rate of 70% after
the first dose, based on the interim data from
the ongoing Phase 3 trials. The efficacy rate
after the second dose is still being
Chronological There is no mentioned text that has the text
structure of chronological
Sequence There is no mentioned text that has the text
structure of sequence
Compare and Contrast The advantage of this vaccine is that it’s stored
at 2 degrees to 8 degrees. It is not very picky,
and it can easily be transported and stored at
the vaccination site.
Cause and Effect Its adverse effects were all very mild, very
similar to getting any flu injection, mostly pain
at the injected part, slight fever, a slight
headache that is all transient and easily
Problem-Solution There is no mentioned text that has the text
structure of problem-solution.


1. Market Leaders - Business

Compare and Contrast

Operating System designed by Apple and Google

Alike Differences

allow users to connect to app stores Apple makes the iOS operating system
and download applications powering their iPhones and iPads.

Google makes the Android operating system

that can be found on many different mobile
phones and tablets.

Apple makes all of its own hardware. The iOS

operating system only appears on products
created by Apple.

Manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, and LG

use the Android operating systems.
2. Downloading Apps – Applied Science


6. Also, if you are

under the age of
5. Not all 18, get your
applications are parent’s
free, so make sure permission before
4. Once you have downloading
found an that you know
how much the app anything
3. Use the search application that
or browse you want to try, costs before
functions to find click the button to agreeing to
2. Once your download
phone is receiving fun, interesting, or download and
data, go to the useful programs install it on your
1. Connect your
application store device
device to a Wi-Fi
network or data on the device
connection from
your phone

3. Lost and Found - Applied Science

Problem and Solution

A mobile phone is lost every second by some SOLUTION
estimates. A 2011 survey shows that about
Today’s smartphones have free applications
22% of Americans have lost a mobile phone.
that allow you to find your lost phone using
When a person loses their phone, they don’t
GPS signals. Even if you cannot retrieve your
just lose a device that may have cost as much
phone, you can use these applications to
as $600, they lose phone numbers, photos,
delete your data so that you are less likely to
and sensitive information. If the phone isn’t
become a victim of identify theft
locked and it gets lost or stolen, someone
may use it to commit identity theft
4. Eyes on the Road - Social Science

Cause and Effect

Drivers may
get bored or
while waiting
in traffic

while driving

Some drivers are

so used to
receiving and
responding to

5. The Intelligent Telephone - Applied Science


first use of the phones got even

term smartphone smarter when the original
1997 was when Ericson
described its GS
88 as a “smart
2003 Andy Rubin
launched the
Android mobile
2007 iPhone was
phone.” operating system
6. Difficult Decisions - Applied Science

Compare and Contrast

Alike Differences

Galaxy has a
cool phones
bigger screen

iPhone connects
same cost/price with iTunes

could use Google

Play to upload
old songs and
buy new ones


We all agree that writing is a skill that has to be taught. The student has to develop an
interest in it no matter the circumstance. It is essential in assignment writing. Most importantly,
it comes in handy when the student is handling complex writing assignment, more specifically
academic writing. There are different levels of writing, and academic writing is one skill that not
many people learn. Writing a few essays in class does not mean that you have become a good
academic writer, nor does it make you one, for that matter. It goes beyond sounding
professional and comes with its own sets of demands, which include strict adherence to
instructions, the right academic writing tone, high-quality content and so on.

As such, every student must understand the importance that comes with academic
writing. Several aspects make academic writing important. However, we have first to
understand what academic writing is, before we can delve on its importance. For purposes of
clarity, academic writing is a concise, clear, focused, and structured piece of writing that is
supported by evidence. The main purpose of this type of writing is to help in enhancing the
understanding of the audience. It follows a formal tone and style, but it is not as complex as
many people would think and does not require the use of long sentences and complicated
English words.
Every subject has its writing requirements, vocabulary, and type of discussion with
which you have to familiarize yourself over the course of your studies.

From a student’s perspective, writing may instead be a laborious and even dreaded
exercise of attempting to place thoughts on paper while developing mastery over the rules of
writing, such as spelling, citation format and grammar. According to Defazio et al, Whatever the
reasons may be, the bottom line is that the majority of students do not possess the skills necessary to
effectively communicate in a written format that will enable them to become successful upon
graduation. There is a significant need for students at all levels not only to be good written
communicators, but also to understand the importance of good writing skills. In addition, an important
facet of written communication is being able to critically assess the writing of others, particularly at the
graduate level as well as in professional programs.


It’s been almost a year since the WHO had declared the virus COVID-19 as a pandemic.
The said virus had caused a lot of death around the world, which is why the government
ordered for a lockdown in various places while some are under an enhanced community
quarantine. During the past months, only limited personnel are allowed to go out and buying
necessities should only be the reason for them to go out. If we will investigate some social
media sites, we could see various news about the updates regarding this pandemic, and some
information regarding anxiety and depression that a lot of people had been experiencing right
now. Some cases of anxiety and depression during this pandemic is due to the virus that has
been lurking around, while on the other hand some are experiencing these mental disorders
due to pending works or school mandated activities and personal problems.

According to the United Nation’s office of the secretary-general’s envoy on youth, there
are 5 things that the youth can do to join the global COVID-19 response. Firstly, follow simple
and routine World Health Organization WHO guidelines; properly wash your hands more often,
avoid crowded spaces, avoid handshaking, if you are sick wear a mask and seek medical
attention immediately. Secondly, educate your families, friends, and community; spread
community awareness online and offline. Unfortunately, fake news spreads so fast in times of
uncertainty. So be responsible. Verify every news and information before sharing. Be a source
of calm during this storm. Thirdly, volunteer and donate. Find a reliable charity to donate and
find opportunities to volunteer in your community. If there are older people or
immunocompromised people help them out. Help out vulnerable people in your community to
pick up their groceries and medicine. Healthcare workers around the world are called to work in
high demand and they might need your help looking after their children or looking after their
parents while they attend to life-saving work in clinics and hospitals around the world. Lastly,
hold the Government accountable; advocate for free testing, reliable information, paid sick
leave, investments in science and Universal Health Coverage.


- My journey through this lesson enabled me to learn: the different purposes of an academic
text as well as how it is written and classified. According to the lesson, it is classified according
to the nature of information it contains; and it is written based on a certain format which
contains different text structures such as description, cause and effect, comparison/contrast,
order/sequence, and problem-solution.

- It made me realize that: it is important to provide evidence that would back up the academic
text because of its purpose which provide information, either to persuade or to argue.
Furthermore, I’ve also realized the importance of academic text. It could give utmost benefit to
the audience, spreading information based on facts could educate a lot of people.

- I therefore commit to: keep in mind the certain points regarding academic text, especially the
important ones such as its tone, format, structure, and evidence; because these are key points
that would definitely help a writer attain his/her objective in writing academic text, and if I
were to write one these would be beneficial for me.

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