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Nama : siti aminah

Nim :0305173202

No Kind Defenti Purpose Generic Languag

of on struktur e Kinds Example
teks future

1. Refo Report Presenting =General =Use =news Panda

rt text is a the classification activie Many people know this tame and cute
text text information This section is verbs animal it called panda. Panda have a
which about the initial part white coat with black fur around their
presents something that usually lies =Use past ayes, on their, muzzle, legs and
the which at the beginning tense shoulders.
informat describes of the paragraph Its welgh about 100-150 kg. A panda
ion of class of =Use eats bamboo forests, high mountains of
samothi things, =Description conjuncti western china.
ng based whethe This section is on They can also swim and clim trees. But
on the natural or an advanced when panda have a defent it can
=The first
scientifi made part of the certainly fight back glan pandas willl
c general person (I display aggression by lowerring their
analyses classification or we) or heads and staring directly at the
of which contains the third opponent.
obserfati further person
on. explanation and (he, she,
details or, they)

2. Narr Narratie The =Orientation =Use =Fairy The legend Of Malin Kundang
ative text is a purpose of activie stories, Orientation :
text story this teks is =Complication One uvon a time lived diligent boy
with to amuse, =My named Malin Kundang he lived in the
complic entertain =Use past steries seashore with has mother they were
ation and to deal =Re-orientation tense very poor but they lived quiet and
orprofle with actual =Scienc harmonies. Complication :
matic or various =Use e fiction One day a big ship closed to the
events experienc conjuncti beach near their village. They asked
and it in different on people jo join work in their ship and
tries to ways (the went to the cross island. Malin
=The first
find the purpose of =Horror Kundang wantedto join with them
resulotio this text is person (I because he wanted to improve his
ns to to or we) or familys life. But his mother didnt
solve entertain) the third =Advent permit him she worried to Malin
the person ure Resolution :
problem (he, she, Malin still kept his argument and
s or, they) stories finally he sailed with the bigship.
Coplication :
=Use =Fables Several years later, Malin Kundang
spesipic succed and become rich trader then, he
nouns came to his native village with his
beautiful wife. But his wife didnt know
=Use legends Malin real descent. His happy
adjective motherquickly approached Malin and
and =Histori
cal broughta plate of village cake Malin
adverbs favorite, but malin didnt admint that
woman as his poir morher. And then
he kicked the village cakewich brough
=Ballad by his motgervby his mother until
s scattered.
Resolution :
=Slice His mother verry broken heart
of life because Malin rebellious to her who
had growth him then, his mother
=Person cursed Malin became stone.
al Re-orientation
exprienc Suddenly the bigship wich Malin had
e was vacillated by a big storm and all of
his crewmen tossed aside out Malin
ralized that was his foult that rebellious
his mother he bowed down and
become a stone
3. Desc DescriptTo describe =Identification =Use Elephan
ripti ive textsomething, simple Identification :
ve is a text
such as =Descrition Elephan is a herbivor animal and eat
Text which person, tense all almost all of the vegetations and
describeanimal, fruits. They have almost hairless skin,
somethi thing, or =Use wide, ears, four legs and long trunk,
ng, suchplace, in a adjective elephan is known as the largest
as detailed so mammals.
person, that the =Use Description :
animal, readers or linking The elephan also also have verry
thing, or
the listeners verb sharp auditory because they have big
place, in
are able to and wide ears by these ears. They can
a understand hear sounds from a distance about tens
detailedwhat we kilometer. At the back of the car, they
describe have one of the a 200 manouts
and are ( elephan trainer ) use their feet to steer
able to or give commandsto the animal via tha
imagine the knuckle now, they are a kindof
thing we protected animal s because their
describe population remains little in their
even habitat. Their population began to
though they deeline year by year.
have not
seen it
4. spoo Spoof ion of =Orientation =Use Penguin in the park
f text text is spoof text tense Orientation
which is a text =Events Once manwaswalking in a park when
tells a which tells =Use the come acrossva penguin.
factual factual =twist action Event
story, story, verb He tookhimto a policeman and said “l
happene happened Twist have just found this penguin. What
d in the in the past =Use the should I do?”. The policeman replied
past time with word “take him to the zoo”
time unpredictab timing The next day the policeman sau the
with le and and place some man in the same man in the same
unpredic funny describtio park and the man still carrying the
tbleand endding. Its n pinguin with him. The policeman was
funny social rather supriseed and walked up to the
ending. function is =Told man and asked “why are you still
to chronolog carrying that pinguin about? Didnt you
entertainan ical take in to zoo?”
d share the Twist
story “ I certainly did” replied the man”
and it was a great idea because he
really enjoyed it so today I am talking
him to the movies,and the next day I'II
take it to the beach. It I'II be so much
fun”. Said the man
Owh my got, you are so stupid.I
asked you to take the pinguin and give
in to the zoo. I didntask to take it to the
zoo and had fun there with it
policeman said.

5. Explan Explanatio The purpose =General =Writte Full moon

ation ntextis a Explanation text Statemen n in General statemen :
Text textwhiche is to explain the =Squence present A full moon is the lunar phase that
xplainsthep processes of the d of tense occurs when the moon is completely
rocessesrel forming of a Explanati illuminated as seen from earth this
atetoformin social, cultural, on =Text occurs when the moon is in opposition
gof natural, natural, or arranged to the sun
social, scientific into ( whenitisontheoppsitesideoftheearth
cultural, or phenomenom. some sun ; moreprecisely, whenthe eliptie
scientific numbere logitudes of the sun and moon differ by
phenomena d points 180 degrees ) is almost fully
, such as and illuminated by the sun and appears
how a written round (while the for side is almost
motorcycle in a completely unilluminated).
is a made sequenc Squenced of examination :
or how e. The time interval betwen similar
bees make lunar phases- the synodic month-
honey. =Time averanges about 29.55 days. Therefore
connecti in those lunar calendars in which each
ves month begin on either the 14th or 15th
of the lunar month. Because calendar
=echnic months have a whole number of days
al lunar months may be either 29 or 30
vocabull days long.

ms with
s with

r the

on the
6. Proced Prosedure The purpose of =goal HOW TO MAKE SANDWICH
ure text text is a prosedure text is =material Ingredient
text that is to tell the reader =steps -two slice of bread
designed ti how to do or =result -cheddar cheese
describe make something -tomato sauce
how though a squenc -mayonnaise
something of action or -tomatoes
is achiwed steps -lettuce leave
through a Steps
sequenc of Firs, place a slice of bread,
action or Second, put the tomatoes,cheddar,
step mayonaise,tomato sauce, affter that,
add lettuce leaves, then, put a slice of
bread on the top and finally,serve it!
7. Anecdo The root of To raecound a =abstract =Use a Corruption court
te text anecdote past incident =orientati past Abstract
line in the animed at on tense one day,in a country that certainlynot
greek entertaining the =crisis =use our country, so mani state officials are
word’s breader =reaction conjincti corupt. However only a few cught.
original orblisteber with or inciden on of Orientation
sense in an unusual story =coda time at the height of political corruption
english was or one that can =use trial,prosecutors attacket a witness.
seretor make people rhetoric Crisis
private laught question Is it true, he criet “that youreceive five
story about =exclam thousand dollars to compromise this
something ation case the witness stared out the window
that =intensit as if he did not hear the quastion”.”is
happened. y word not is true that you receive five
thousand dollars to ,compromise this
case?”the awyer repeated.
Finally the judge said, “sir please
answer the question attorney.”
“oh,sorry,”the witness told the judge
he wassoprised, i thought he was
talking to you.

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