Environmental Protection

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Environmental protection Environmental protection

Vocabulary (Sample)
the most burning problem – найбільш нагальна проблема Nowadays, environmental problems are the most burning for
water/air/land pollution – забруднення води\повітря\грунту the society. Air, water, land and nuclear pollution badly damage the
nuclear pollution - радіоактивне забруднення nature. People cut down trees and destroy the habitats of animals. As
exhaust fumes – вихлопні гази a result, many species are in danger of extinction. Factories pollute
ozone layer destruction – руйнування озонового шару rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. The increasing number
global warming – глобальне потепління of cars in cities has led to the growth of harmful gases in the
the greenhouse effect – парниковий ефект atmosphere. There is much litter everywhere, our parks and forests
acid rains – кислотні дощі are full of rubbish.
overpopulation - перенаселення Scientists stress that the problem of global warming is
to damage wildlife – завдавати шкоди дикій природі becoming more and more serious. The results of human activity such
to put …into the atmosphere – викидати … в атмосферу as acid rains, greenhouse effect and ozone layer destruction cause
to litter - насмічувати changes of the climate and destroy the planet. All these facts have a
to destroy animal habitats – руйнувати місця проживання тварин bad influence on our health. More and more people suffer from
to upset biological balance – порушувати біологічний баланс allergies and breathing problems.
to have a bad influence on …- мати поганий вплив на … No doubt environmental protection is of primary importance
today. Firstly people should use natural resources in a rational way
to protect environment – захищати довкілля and look for alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar
to preserve wildlife – зберігати дику природу energy. Secondly we can create parks for endangered species of
to install filters – встановлювати фільтри animals. We should also use public transport instead of cars to cut
to protect endangered species – охороняти вимираючі види down air pollution. If we stop wasting paper and start recycling it,
to recycle waste materials – переробляти відходи we’ll save millions of trees.
to reuse – повторно використовувати But the most important thing we must do is to act immediately.
to use ozone-friendly products – використовувати нешкідливі для The Earth is our home and we should protect and save it for
озонового шару матеріали ourselves and for the future generations.
to use wind and solar energy – використовувати енергію сонця та

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