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1 In human beings, a rise in the amount of heat generated results in the dilation of blood vessels close
to the skin, which causes blushing, that characteristic red color of skin, and facilitates cooling. Another
cooling mechanism available to the body is perspiration, which cools the body through the effect of
transpiration as the liquid sweat on the skin evaporates. You can get an idea of how this works by
putting some alcohol on your skin and letting it evaporate. The energy required for the liquid to turn to
vapor is provided by your body’s heat, and thus helps to cool you down. When your body is cold, on the
other hand, it wants to preserve heat. It does this by contracting blood vessels, shivering, which makes
your body shake to generate heat, and by the raising of body hairs, which increases the insulation
provided to the body by the hair.


2 1. This article discusses three main methods the 1. True False

body has for cooling down.

2. What color does blushing cause skin to turn? 2. ..............................................................................


3. When you sweat, where does the energy for 3. ..............................................................................

the sweat to evaporate come from? ..............................................................................

4. Sweat uses alcohol to aid in the evaporation 4. True False


5. Blood vessels can expand or contract to help 5. True False

regulate body temperature.

6. Shaking helps regulate the loss of heat by 6. True False

raising body hairs, which insulates the body.

7. How many methods does the article mention 7. ..............................................................................

for raising body temperature? ..............................................................................


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