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Experiment No.

RC coupled single stage BJT Common Collector Amplifier
 Construct an RC coupled single stage BJT Common CollectorAmplifier and analyze
its performance in terms of gain, input and output impedance.
Instruments Components
• Transistors: 2N3904
• Digital Multimeter (DMM) • Resistors: 10k, 6.8k, 10k
• Oscilloscope with probes. • Capacitors: 0.1F, 10µF
• Function generator. • Potentiometer 1k, 5k, 100k
• Variable resistors

The common collector amplifier is one of the three basic BJT amplifier topologies. In this
circuit, the base of the transistor serves as an input; emitter as the output and the collector is
grounded that is, common for both emitter and base. It is also called as an emitter follower. This
configuration acts as a buffer. This circuit provides offer low output impedance while taking
high input impedance. The load resistor in the common collector amplifier being placed in series
with the emitter circuit receives both the base current and collector currents. Since the emitter of
a transistor is the sum of the base and collector currents, since the base and collector currents
always add together to form the emitter current, it would be reasonable to assume that this
amplifier will have a very large current gain. The common collector amplifier has quite a large
current gain, larger than any other transistor amplifier configuration.
In common collector amplifier as the collector resistance is made to zero, the collector is
at AC ground that is the reason for which the circuit is also called as grounded-collector
amplifier or this configuration has voltage gain close to unity and hence a change in base voltage
appears as an equal change across the load at the emitter, hence the name emitter follower is
given to this circuit. In other words emitter follows the input signal.
This circuit performs the function of impedance transformation over a wide range of
frequencies with voltage gain close to unity. In addition to that, the emitter follower increases the
output level of the signal. Since the output voltage across the emitter load can never exceed the
input voltage to base as emitter-base junction would become back biased. Common collector
state has a low output resistance, the circuit suitable to serve as buffer or isolating amplifier or
couple to a load with large current demands. A single stage common Collector RC coupled
amplifier is a simple and elementary amplifier circuit. The capacitor CB at the input acts as a
filter which is used to block the DC voltage and allow only AC voltage to the transistor. If any
external DC voltage reaches the base of the transistor, it will alter the biasing conditions and
affects the performance of the amplifier.

Electronic Circuit Design Lab Manual 12

R1 and R2 resistors are used for providing proper biasing to the bipolar transistor. R1
and R2 form a biasing network which provides necessary base voltage to drive the transistor in
active region.
The region between cut off and saturation region is known as active region. The region
where the bipolar transistor operation is completely switched off is known as cut off region and
the region where the transistor is completely switched on is known as saturation region.


Fig 2.1: RC coupled Common Collector Amplifier.

1. Using a Multimeter, measure the value of all Resistors and Capacitors being used in the
circuit. Also verify working of your BJT by testing it with DMM.
2. To find Q point:
Connect the circuit without Vinand capacitors. Set Vcc= 15V. Measure dc voltages at the base
VB, collector Vc and VE with respect to ground. Determine VCE and IC. The Q point is Q
3. Now connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
4. Mid-band Gain and Mid-band frequency:
a. Connect the signal generator and apply a sine wave of peak-to peak amplitude 5V at
b. Connect input (Vin) and output (Vo) of the circuit to the two channels of Oscilloscope and
observe the waveforms.

Electronic Circuit Design Lab Manual 13

c. Vary the frequency of the input signal (between 1 kHz till 1 MHz) till the output signal
d. If the output signal becomes distorted, reduce the input signal amplitude till the output
signal is free of distortion.
e. Once maximum is achieved, note down the peak to peak amplitude of Vin and Vo.
f. Calculate Mid-band voltage gain using the values evaluate in last step AVM = Vo/Vi.
g. The frequency at which maximum gain is achieved is the mid-band frequency.

5. Input impedance:



Fig 2.2: Input impedance finding technique.

a. Connect a Potentiometer (POT) between input voltage source and the base of the
transistor (series connection).
 Set Potentiometer (POT) to zero.
 Keep Input sine wave amplitude to the one evaluated in step 4(e).
 Keep Input sine wave frequency to any mid band frequencyevaluated in step
b. Connect AC voltmeter (Range: 0-10V) across the biasing resistor R2.
c. Vary the value of Potentiometer such that the AC voltmeter reads a voltage half of the
inputsignal value.
d. Measure the value of the potentiometer with a multimeter. This is the Input Impedance at
mid-band frequency.
6. Output impedance:

Pot Vo

Fig 2.3: Output impedance finding technique.

a. Connect a Potentiometer between input voltage source and the base of the transistor
(series connection)

Electronic Circuit Design Lab Manual 14

b. Set the following:
 Potentiometer to maximum value.
 Keep Input sine wave amplitude to the one evaluated in step 4(e).
 Keep Input sine wave frequency to any mid band frequency evaluated in step
c. Connect AC voltmeter (Range: 0-10 V) across the biasing resistor RC and measure
Output Voltage.
d. Decrease Potentiometer till output voltage reduces to one half of the one achieved in
step 6(c).
e. Measure the value of the potentiometer with a multimeter. This is the Output Impedance
at mid-band frequency.
6. Theoretical Calculations:
a. Solve the circuit using a pen and paper and evaluate the theoretical values of the mid-
band gain, input and output impedance.
7. Observations:
a. Write down your observations in the Conclusions portion.
Table 2.1: Measured Circuit Parameter
Parameter Measured Parameter Measured
Name Value Name Value
CB 0.1uF β 250
Ce 10uF VCC 15V
R1 10kΩ VCE 4.73
R2 10kΩ IC 691.47uA
RE 6.8kΩ - -

Table 2.2: Representation of Mid-band gain and frequency

Input Output AV (dB)
AV =
Freq. (Hz) Voltage Voltage = 20log
V0 / Vi
(Vi) (V0) AV
1kHz 5 4.734 0.9468 -0.4748

Table 2.3: Comparison of theoretical and practical values

Theoretical Practical
Input impedance 4.8kΩ 4.8kΩ
Output impedance 0.199Ω 0.199Ω
Mid-band Gain 1kHz 1kHz

Electronic Circuit Design Lab Manual 15

I have Constructed an RC coupled single stage BJT Common
Collector Amplifier and analyze its performance in terms of gain,
input and output impedance.

No. Criteria Maximum Score Awarded Score Lab Engineer Signature with Date
1 Completeness 2.5
2 Correctness 2.5
Total 5


Electronic Circuit Design Lab Manual 16

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