Final Report Guideline

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for Control Systems Design, ECSE 4460

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

January 2005

1. THE WRITTEN REPORT ……………………...……………………………………………1

1.1. Purpose ……………………………………..………………………………………...…1

1.2. Grading …………………………..………………………………………………...……1
1.3. General Guidelines …………………………..……………………………….…………1
1.4. Writing Assistance …………………………..…………………………….…….………2

2. FORMAT …………………………..…………………………………….………….………3

2.1. Title Page …………………………..…………………………………….……….…..…3

2.2. Abstract …………………………..……………………………………………….…..…3
2.3. Table of Contents …………………………..………………………….………….…..…3
2.4. List of Figures …………………………..……………………..……….………….…..…3
2.5. List of Tables …………………………..……………………..……….………….…..…3
2.6. Subject Matter …………………………..………………………………………….……3
2.7. References …………………………..……………………………………………...……4
2.8. Appendices …………………………..……………………………………………….…4

3. OUTLINE OF SUBJECT MATTER ……………..………………………………….………5

3.1. Introduction …………………………..……………………………………………….…5

3.2. Professional and Societal Considerations ……….………………………………………5
3.3. Design Procedure ……………....………………………………………………………..5
3.4. Design Details ………………….………………………………………….…………….5
3.5. Design Verification …………………………..……………………………….…………5
3.6. Cost Analysis …………………………..…………………………………..……………5
3.7. Conclusion …………………………..……………………………………………..……5

4. FIGURES, TABLES, AND EQUATIONS ………………………………………………….6

4.1. Figures …………………………..………………………………………………………6

4.2. Tables …………………………..………………………………………………..………7
4.3. Equations ...……………………..………………………….……………………………7
APPENDIX 2. IEEE REFERENC STYLE…………………………..…………………..…10

1.1 Purpose

The final report is a professionally prepared document that presents the detailed design of your
project. The usual metrics for preparing a design project report in industry are that the intended
reader should be able to:
a) Understand technical and socio-economic rationale for your choice of the system design
concept versus other possible options based on the results of engineering analysis and
b) Reproduce your analysis and testing and build/verify the final design without having to
ask you questions.
You should keep these metrics in mind as you write your final report.

1.2 Grading

An overall team grade will be assessed for language, format, and technical content. However,
the report should include a brief paragraph on the contribution of each team member. All team
members must sign this page.

1.3 General Guidelines

Begin each chapter on a new page.

Use IEEE-recommended abbreviations with no periods (see Appendix 1). Use abbreviations
when a unit is preceded by a number (2 cm); spell out if not (e.g., the scale is calibrated in

References and appendices (if any) should be included in the Table of Contents. Do not number
these as chapters but align them in the Table of Contents with the chapter titles, not with

Use lower case Roman numerals for preliminary pages:

i. Title page (not numbered on page)
ii. Abstract
iii. Table of Contents

The text of the report begins with Arabic number 1. Number all pages.

Margin boundaries:
• 1-inch left margin
• 0.5-inch margin on the other three sides
1.4 Writing Assistance

You can get help with the writing process, including questions of style, grammar, and
organization, through the RPI Writing Center, Sage 4508. The
PowerPoint document RPI_technical_writing_handout.ppt gives a summary of some of the most
important information found in most technical writing classes and texts. This is intended to be a
reference to help you develop your writing style to a professional level. It is recommended that
this handout is used as a starting point in making this transition. For more information on any of
the topics discussed, please seek any of the references provided at the end of the document.
2.1 Title Page

The title page is the unnumbered first page. Use Times New Roman, size 12 font throughout the
report, unless otherwise specified). The correct style is (with sufficient spacing for clarity)

TITLE (font size 16-20)

Name of Authors and affiliation (one per line, font size 16)
ECSE-4962 Control Systems Design
Final Project Report
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

2.2 Abstract

The Abstract is short (200 words or less) and provides enough of a summary of the report for the
reader to decide whether to read the entire document. State very concisely what your project
does, and the major points of its design and performance testing. It is important not to confuse an
abstract with an introduction. In some contexts, an abstract is called an Executive Summary. The
first sentence should give the subject of the report and the last sentence should state the primary
conclusion of the report. The abstract should be written is the present tense. Abstract page is
numbered ii.

2.3 Table of Contents

The Table of Contents is on a separate page and is numbered iii. The table of contents lists the
sections of the report along with the page on which they begin. The table of contents serves as
both an outline of the report and a means for locating specific sections. The table of contents
makes the hierarchical nature of the report evident to the reader, meaning that titles of major
section can be differentiated from those of subsections. Some type of numbering or lettering
scheme makes this differentiation easier. Use the Table of Contents of these guidelines as your

2.4 List of Figures

On a separate page and continue with the Roman numeral numbering, list all the figures
referenced in the body of the text.

2.5 List of Tables

On a separate page and continue with the Roman numeral numbering, list all the tables
referenced in the body of the text.

2.6 Subject Matter

The subject matter in the text of the report starts with Arabic number 1. All pages are numbered.
Outline of the subject matter is given in the section 3.
2.7 References

The references must list all published information sources that are directly quoted or used to
support the technical discussion or equations. Reference to these sources must be made at the
appropriate points within the report text. Use IEEE style (see Appendix 2) with numbers
enclosed in brackets in the text [1]. Each reference is preceded by a bracketed number in the list
of references. Example for textual referencing:

Chen [2] states that the horizontal deflection . . .

The list of references is the last section of the text of the report.

2.8 Appendices

Each appendix starts on a new page and has a title that also appears in the Table of Contents.
Computer programs, Simulink diagrams, relevant simulation and experimental results not
directly referenced in the text, technical data sheets, pertinent background material, patents etc.
belong in appendices. There should be an appendix containing the contribution by each team
member. All team members must sign this page. The last appendix contains one-page resume of
team members. All pages are numbered (continued from the body of the text).

3.1 Introduction
Briefly review and update the material from your proposal. Describe the function, show the
block diagram, and give the performance specifications as they appear in your proposal (or the
updated specifications in your progress report). Show that you know what variables are
important in your project’s performance, and what values they should take on. If in doubt, seek
advice. Describe briefly the subprojects into which the project has been divided.

3.2 Professional and Societal Consideration

In this section describe how your design choices were impacted by factors such as codes and
standards, patents and copyright issues, safety and environmental concerns, ethical dilemmas,
possible diverse economic impact on different segments of society, etc.

3.3 Design Procedure

Discuss the overall design procedure (including modeling, model validation, control design,
control tuning, design iteration, and performance verification) and your design decisions for each
subproject at the most general level: What alternative approaches to the design are possible,
which was chosen, and why is it desirable? Introduce the major design equations, or other
design tools used.

3.4 Design Details

Present the detailed design, including modeling, control design, simulation, and experimental
results, with diagrams and parameter values. Show how the design procedure was applied. Give
equations and diagrams with specific design values and data. (Place large data tables and plots in
an appendix.)

3.5 Design Verification

Discuss the testing and performance verification of the completed project and its major
subprojects. Compare simulation and experimental results. Compare achieved performance with
the design specification. Provide solid technical data, and present it in an easily grasped manner,
using graphs where possible. Include any test results that you feel are needed to prove that the
design goals were met.

3.6 Costs
Project costs should be included. Labor cost estimates should use the following formula for each
Ideal salary (hourly rate) * actual hours spent 
Include estimates for shop and mechanical hours, as applicable. For parts, use real values when
you know them, make realistic estimates otherwise.

3.7 Conclusions
Bring together, concisely, the conclusions to be drawn. If the design goals and performance
specifications are met, describe possible extensions and improvements. If not, describe possible
causes and potential remedies. Use words only, no equations or diagrams.

Figures and tables should be inserted in the text in one of three places:
• On the page where it is first referenced
• On a separate, nontextual page immediately following the first reference
• Grouped together at the end of each chapter or at the end of the report
If figures appear at the end of a chapter or the report, at the first mention of Figure 1, make the
notation: (All figures appear at the end of the chapter.) or (All figures appear at the end of the

When figure, table, and equation are followed by a number in the text, cap them, e.g., Figure
1.2, Table 3.1, Equation (2.5). Spell out the words Figure and Equation if they are used at the
beginning of a sentence. Otherwise, within the text, you may abbreviate (Fig., Figs., Eq., Eqs.).

4.1 Figures

Each graph, diagram, etc., should have a figure number and a title typed below it. The type style
should be the same as the text. If figures must be turned 90° on the page, the caption is placed on
the nonbinding edge. See the two versions of Fig. 1 for examples.

Captions must be typed.

Each figure should be referenced by number in the text: “. . . as shown in Fig. 1.”

Number figures consecutively (Fig. 1, Fig. 2) or by chapters (Fig. 1.1, Fig. 1.2, Fig. 2.1, etc.).
Whichever numbering system you use, make sure that you follow the same system for tables and
4.2 Tables

Each table should have a number and title typed above it, preferably in caps. The type should be
the same as the text. See Table 1 for an example.

Refer to each table in the text by number: “In Table 1, one can clearly see . . . .” The same rules
for location of figures apply to tables.

4.3 Equations

Center each equation on a separate line. Number equations consecutively in parentheses at the
right margin. Equations may be referenced by number in the text, using parentheses around the
number. Example:
The horizontal deflection is
x = A sin ω t (1)
and the vertical deflection is
y = B cos ω t (2)
Squaring and adding Eqs. (1) and (2) yield

x 2 / A + y 2 / B = sin 2 ω t + cos 2 ω t = 1 (3)

(Not all equations require a number.)

Symbol or Symbol or
Unit or Term Unit or Term
Abbreviation Abbreviation
alternating current ac foot ft
American wire gauge AWG footcandle fc
ampere A footlambert FL
ampere-hour Ah foot per minute ft/min
ampere-turn At foot per second ft/s
amplitude modulation AM foot poundal ft-pdl
angstrom Å foot pound-force ft-lbf
antilogarithm antilog frequency modulation FM
atomic mass unit (unified) u frequency-shift keying FSK
audio frequency AF gallon gal
automatic frequency control AFC gallon per minute gal/min
automatic gain control AGC gauss G
automatic volume control AVC gigacycle per second Gc/s
average avg gigaelectronvolt GeV
backward-wave oscillator BWO gigahertz GHz
bar bar gilbert Gb
barn b gram g
beat-frequency oscillator BFO henry H
bel B hertz Hz
billion electronvolts* BeV high frequency HF
binary coded decimal BCD high voltage HV
British thermal unit Btu horsepower hp
calorie cal hour h
candela cd inch in
candela per square foot cd/ft2 inch per second in/s
candela per square meter cd/m2 inductance-capacitance LC
cathode-ray oscilloscope CRO infrared IR
cathode-ray tube CRT inside diameter ID
centimeter cm intermediate frequency IF
centimeter-gram-second CGS joule J
circular mil cmil joule per degree J/deg
continuous wave CW joule per kelvin j/K
coulomb C kilocycle per second kc/s
cubic centimeter cm2 kiloelectronvolt keV
cubic foot per minute ft2/min kilogauss kG
cubic meter m2 kilogram kg
cubic meter per second m2/s kilogram-force kgf
curie Ci kilohertz kHz
cycle per second c/s kilohm k.
decibel dB kilojoule kJ
decibel referred to one milliwatt dBm kilometer km
degree Celsius °C kilometer per hour km/h
degree Fahrenheit °F kilovar kvar
degree Kelvin** K kilovolt kV
degree (plane angle) …° kilovoltampere kVA
degree Rankine °R kilowatt kW
degree (temperature interval or difference) deg kilowatthour kWh
diameter diam lambert L
direct current dc liter l
double sideband DSB liter per second l/s
dyne dyn logarithm lcg
electrocardiograph EKG logarithm, natural ln
electroencephalograph EEG low frequency LF
electromagnetic compatibility EMC lumen lm
electromagnetic unit EMU lumen per square foot lm/ft2
electromotive force EMF lumen per square meter lm/m2
electronic data processing EDP lumen per watt lm/W
electron volt eV lumen second lm.s
electrostatic unit ESU lux lx
erg erg magnetohydrodynamics MHD
extra-high voltage EHV magnetomotive force MMF
extremely high frequency EHF maxwell Mx
extremely low frequency ELF medium frequency MF
farad F mgacycle per second Mc s
field-effect transistor FET megaelectronvolt MeV
Symbol or Symbol or
Unit or Term Unit or Term
Abbreviation Abbreviation
megahertz MHz pulse-repetition rate PRR
megavolt MV pulse-time modulation PTM
megawatt MW pulse-width modulation PWM
megohm M? radian rad
metal-oxide semiconductor MOS radio frequency RF
meter m radio-frequency interference RFI
meter-kilogram-second MKS resistance-capacitance RC
mho mho resistance-inductance-capacitance RLC
microampere ƒÊA revolution per minute r/min
microfarad ƒÊF revolution per second r/s
microgram ƒÊ g roentgen R
microhenry ƒÊH root-mean-square rms
micrometer ƒÊm second (plane angle) …"
micromho ƒÊmho second (time) s
micron† ƒÊ short wave SW
microsecond ƒÊ s siemens S
microsiemens ƒÊS signal-to-noise ratio SNR
microwatt ƒÊW silicon controlled rectifier SCR
mil mil single sideband SSB
mile per hour mi/h square foot ft2
mile (statute) mi square inch in2
milliampere mA square meter m2
milligram mg square yard yd2
millihenry mH standing-wave ratio SWR
milliliter ml steradian sr
millimeter mm superhigh frequency SHF
millimeter of mercury, conventional mmHg television TV
millimicron‡ ms television interference TVI
millisecond mS tesla T
millisiemens mV thin-film transistor TFT
millivolt mW transverse electric TE
milliwatt c' transverse electromagnetic TEM
minute (plane angle) min transverse magnetic TM
minute (time) nA traveling-wave tube TWT
nanoampere mF ultrahigh frequency UHF
nanofarad nm ultraviolet UV
nanometer ns vacuum-tube voltmeter VTVM
nanosecond nW var var
nanowatt nmi variable-frequency oscillator VFO
nautical mile Np very-high frequency VHF
neper N very-low frequency VLF
newton N.m vestigial sideband VSB
newton meter N/m2 volt V
newton per square meter Oe voltage controlled oscillator VCO
oersted . voltage standing-wave ratio VSWR
ohm oz voltampere VA
ounce (avoirdupois) OD volume unit vu
outside diameter PM watt W
phase modulation pA watthour Wh
picoampere pF watt per steradian W/sr
picofarad ps watt per steradian square meter W/(sr•m2)
picosecond pW weber Wb
picowatt lb yard yd
pound pdl
poundal lbf
pound-force lbf-ft
pound-force foot lbf/in2
pound-force per square inch psi
pound per square inch§ PF *Deprecated: use gigaelectronvolt (GeV).
power factor PBX
private branch exchange PAM
**Preferably called kelvin
pulse-amplitude modulation PCM †The name micrometer (µm) is preferred.
pulse code modulation PCM ‡The name nanometer is preferred.
pulse count modulation PDM
§Although the use of the abbreviation psi
pulse duration modulation PPM
pulse position modulation PRF is common, it is not recommended.
pulse repetition frequency See pound-force per square inch.

Reference numbering in the text for IEEE publications should look as follows:
[3], [4]
These are all to be on the line and within punctuation marks.

Journal Articles

C. D. Taylor and C. W. Harrison, “On thin wire multiturn loop antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
Propagat., vol. AP 22, no. (if you have it), pp. 407-413, May 1974.


R. G. Harrington, Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961,

pp. 264-316.


M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Eds., Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Applied

Mathematics Series 55). Washington, DC: NBS, 1964.

R. L. Byer, “Optical parametric oscillators,” in Treatise in Quantum Electronics, H. Rabin and

C. L. Tang, Eds. New York: Academic, to be published.


P. K. Cheo, “CO2 lasers,” in Lasers, A. K. Levine and A. J. DeMaria, Eds. New York: Dekker,
1971, ch. 2, pp. 111-267.

Group Author

The Rand Corporation, A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates. New York:
Free Press, 1955.


Internal Reports

R. C. Hansen, “Tables of Taylor distributions for circular aperture antennas,” Hughes Aircraft
Company, Culver City, CA, Hughes Tech. Memorandum 587, Feb. 1959.

C. E. Baum, “On the singularity expansion method for the case of first order poles,” Air Force
Weapons Laboratory Interaction Note 129, Oct. 1972.

P. Bokley and G. A. Thiele, “On efficiency measurements of electrically small antennas,”

presented at the Twenty-Third Antenna Symposium USAF Antenna Research and Development
Program, Urbana, IL, Oct. 1973.

J. Shapira, L. B. Felsen, and A. Hessel, “Rays and modes for fields excited and observed near a
concave surface,” in Dig. URSI Symp. on Electromagnetic Wave Theory, Imperial College of
Science and Technology, London, SW 7, England, July 9-12, 1974.



Bell Telephone Laboratories Technical Staff, Transmission Systems for Communications, Bell
Telephone Laboratories, 1970.

ASTAP (Advanced Statistical Analysis Program), General Manual, GH 20-1271-0, IBM-East

Fishkill, Jan. 1973.

Application Notes

Hewlett-Packard, Appl. Note 935, pp. 25-29.

Hughes Aircraft Co., “Tunable millimeter wave detectors and mixers,” pp. C-18 - C-19,
Aug. 1973.


Catalog No. MWM-1, Microwave Components, M. W. Microwave Corp., Brooklyn, NY.


U. Mingelgrin, “The pressure broadening of the O2 microwave spectrum,” Ph.D. dissertation,

Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1972.

S. Black, “The finite difference method,” M.S. thesis, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1986.


U. Hochuli and P. Haldemann, “Gas laser,” U.S. Patent 3 614642, July 8, 1973.


Computational, Optical, and Discharge Physics Group, University of Illinois at Urbana-

Champaign, “Hybrid plasma equipment model: Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching
reactors,” December 1995,
D. Poelman (, “Re: Question on transformerless power supply,” usenet
post to, July 4, 1997.

Class Notes

J. Greenlaw, “Mentor graphics tutorial: Design of a full-adder,” class notes for ECE 290,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, Spring 1997.

___ Title page unnumbered (counts as i)
___ Front matter in Roman numerals (ii, etc.); text begins with page 1
___ Minimum of 1-inch left margin on all pages (watch those large figures); minimum of
1/2-inch margin on other three sides
___ Page number in same location on all pages

___ On page ii
___ Title “ABSTRACT” has same format at chapter titles

Table of Contents
___ Preliminary material not included (i.e., do not list abstract)
___ Chapter titles and subheading format is consistent
___ Use leader dots
___ Page numbers aligned on right (use right tab function)

Agreement with text

___ Wording of chapter titles and subheadings must match table of contents exactly
___ Page numbers correct

List of Figures
___ Use leader dots
___ Page numbers aligned on right (use right tab function)

Agreement with text

___ Page numbers correct

List of Tables
___ Use leader dots
___ Page numbers aligned on right (use right tab function)

Agreement with text

___ Page numbers correct

___ Figures located on same page as first mention in text/next page after first mention
___ All figures located at end of report
Referenced in text
___ All figures cited by number in text (e.g., “Figure 1.3 shows . . .”)
___ Figures numbered in order of mention in text

___ All wording in figures is readable
___ Graphics are clear

___ All figures have descriptive caption (more than just “Figure 4.1”)
___ Caption located below figure

___ Tables located on same page as first mention in text/next page after first mention
___ All tables located at end of report (use same location scheme as for figures)
Referenced in text
___ All tables cited by number in text (e.g., “Table 2.1 indicates . . .”)
___ Tables numbered in order of mention in text

___ All wording in tables is readable

___ All tables have descriptive heading (more than just “Table 3.2”)
___ Headings located consistently above or below the table

Numbering sequence
___ Equations numbered in order of appearance in text
___ Numbering scheme matches that of figures/tables

Use of ( )
___ All equation numbers are within parentheses, whether in display equation or in text
___ Equation numbers in display equations are flush with right margin

Referenced in Text
___ All references listed are cited in text; all references cited in text are listed

IEEE Style
___ References numbered in order of mention in text
___ Reference numbers in brackets, e.g., [3]
___ Follow guidelines described in Appendix 2

___ Appear after References
___ Any figures/tables have some introductory/explanatory paragraph citing figure/table
___ Include a statement on the contribution of each member
___ Last Appendix has team members’ one-page resumes

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