Waiting For Godot, Analysis of Act II

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Analysis,Act II, Waiting for Godot.

Waiting For Godot ,Analysis of Act II

Haroon M. Saghir

Department of English, University of Education

Modern And absurd Drama


Ma'am. Farzana Ashraf

April 04, 2021

Analysis,Act II, Waiting for Godot. 2


The next day is at the same time. Tarragon's boots and lucky hat are still on the stage. Vladimir
(Vladimir) came in and began to sing until Rarragon (Rarragon) showed up barefoot. Tarragon is
disturbed for Vladimir's singing and being happy, even if he is not there. They both admit that
they feel better when they are alone, but they feel happy when they persuade themselves to be
together. You are still waiting for Godot. Tarragon and Vladimir spoke poetically about the "all
dead sounds" they heard. You are troubled by the sounds of nature. Especially the leaves are
rustling. Vladimir yelled to Tarragon to prevent him from hearing the sound. Tarragon tried and
finally decided that the question should be asked.You managed to chat for a while. Long r has
forgotten everything that happened the day before. He completely forgot about Pozzo and
Lucky, and didn't want to hang himself on the tree. He didn't remember the boots, so he
thought about it. You must be someone else.

For some reason, when you try to use them, they are now for you. Since last night, the tree has
sprouted, and Tarragon says it is spring. But when Vladimir looked at Tarragon's pimples, he
was still a cat, and he was bleeding in luck. They quickly ended the conversation and tried to
find another topic for discussion. Vladimir found the lucky hat and put it on. He and Tarragon
exchanged hats for a while, until Vladimir threw his hat on the floor and asked about its
appearance.Then they decided to play Pozzo and Lucky, but to no avail. Tarragon returned
immediately after leaving and found it difficult to breathe. He said they were coming. Vladimir
thinks Godot must come to save her. Then he was frightened and tried to hide tarragon behind
a tree that was too small to hide.

Then, the conversation turned into insulting sentences. Tarragon said: "This is an idea, we will
offend each other." They continued to insult until Tarragon criticized Vladimir. They hugged and
waited. Enter Pozzo and Lucky, but this time Pozzo is blind and Lucky is stupid.Fortunately, he
stopped when he saw the two men, Pozzo ran into him, and both fell helplessly to the ground.
Fladimir is happy to see that reinforcements have arrived to help the wait. Tarragon once again
believed that Godot had arrived. Vladimir and Tarragon argue. Infamous for helping Pozzo fall.
When Vladimir asked how many people were still waiting, Tarragon replied that there were
billions of people waiting. Pozo desperately offered to pay one hundred francs for help. This is
not enough. Vladimir did not want to accept Pozzo because he and Tarragon were left alone
again. Finally, he walked over and tried to pick it up, but he couldn't.

Tarragon decided to leave, but decided to stay when Vladimir convinced him to help first and
then leave. Trying to help Pozo, Vladimir and Tarragon fell and couldn't stand up. When Pozzo
spoke again, Vladimir kicked him to silence him. Tarragon finally stood up, and Pozo asked for
Analysis,Act II, Waiting for Godot. 2

help again. You go and help him get up. Pozo asked them who they were and what time it was.
They cannot answer your question. Tarragon will wake up luck. He kicked it and started
throwing it. Abuse until he was injured again. Tarragon sat down again and tried to take off his
boots.Vladimir told Pozo that his friend was injured. Vladimir asked Pozzo to dance a lucky
dance or think about her again. Pozzo told him that Lucky was stupid. When Vladimir asked
how long it had been, Pozzo was very angry. His time to ask questions because he doesn't know
anything about it. Then, he helped Lucky get up, and they left.

Vladimir believes that there is no truth, and he knows nothing about what will not happen until
tomorrow. There is no way to confirm this. His memory, because Tarragon always forgets
everything that happened to him. The boy came back, but couldn't remember how he met
Tarragon or Vladimir. He told them that he saw them for the first time.The conversation is the
same, because Mr. Gaodou cannot come again, but he will definitely come tomorrow.

Vladimir told the boy to remember this. Vladimir called: "Are you sure you saw me? Tomorrow
you won’t say that you never saw me! The two wanderers decided to go, but they didn’t go far
because they had to wait for Godot .You look at Tarragon. He took off his belt, but it broke.
When they put it on. His pants fell off. Vladimir said that if Godu doesn’t come to rescue them,
they will hang themselves tomorrow. He Tell Tarragon to put on his pants. Go on.You decide to
go, but stop moving.

Humor and the Absurd

Waiting for Godot is a typical example, it is called the Theatre of Absurdity. The work is full of
meaningless lines, puns, meaningless dialogues and characters, which dramatically change emotions and
in which ,forget everything from their actual personalities to everything that happened yesterday. All this
adds to the absurd sense of humor in the whole work.

Waiting, Boredom, and Nihilism

Becketts title identify, imperative act of the play is waiting, and one of the major and salient elements of
play is that not anything honestly appears to happen. Vladimir and Estragon spend the whole play
awaiting Godot, who in no way comes at the spot. Estragon time and again desires to leave, however
Vladimir insists that they stay, in case Godot simply indicates up. As a end result of this infinite waiting,
each Vladimir and Estragon are "bored to death,"Waiting.

Modernism and Postmodernism

Analysis,Act II, Waiting for Godot. 2

Waiting for Godot is the late heir to the flamboyant experiment in art and literature known as modernism
in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Modernist writers gaze upon this in that they are completely
different from the past and are innovating in all aspects of culture such as art and literature. Beckett's
works share a passion that transcends literary genres, expressions and labels, and interest in language with
those of modernists


The tree, near which Estragon and Vladimir meet, is completely bare of leaves at the beginning of the play. It
represents the only organic element in the setting, and it is dead or dormant. This tree portrays the world as
barren and lifeless, emphasizing the lack of purpose and meaning the characters must contend with

The most important example is Godot, whose name evokes similarity to God for many readers. Along this
reading, Godot symbolizes the salvation that religion promises, but which never comes (just as Godot never
actually comes to Vladimir and Estragon).

Pozzo and Lucky clearly represent the domination of the lower classes by the upper class. Pozzo, the power-
hungry authoritarian, flaunts his superiority over Lucky, the oppressed slave who does not even know he is

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