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English Journal

Vol. 14, No. 2; September, 2020, pp. 69-74


Dewi suriyani Djamdjuri1 and Atiyatul Kamilah2

English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor1; atiyatulkamilah36@gmail.com2

Since early of 2020 the world has been hit by a virus called the corona virus which was
originated from the city of Wuhan, China. Corona virus is a microorganism that causes
respiratory problems starting from mild to severe symptoms, the incubation or quarantine
period is between 6 to 14 days. All activities are stopped, one of which is the Educational
Institution. Schools cannot be implemented face-to-face, but schools must continue to run.
Therefore, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia through
Permendikbud No. 4 of 2020 provides a policy on a series of learning in an emergency
situation of the spread of Covid-19, namely distance learning (PJJ) or online learning.
Online learning using WhatsApp or the Learning Management System (LMS) media are
almost used by teachers and students. This study uses a qualitative method to determine
which platforms / media are easily accessible for online learning. The result shows that
WhatsApp media is very easy to use in online learning during the pandemic-19. There is
75 % of the respondents use WhatsApp as learning media and only 25 % use LMS. In
otherwise, some teachers also stated that online learning felt less effective because of
internet signals and data.

Keywords: Online Learning, WhatsApp, Covid-19

INTRODUCTION from the city of Wuhan, China. The

Education has a very important role in corona virus causes all face-to-face (in-
the progress of a nation. Education is one person) activities to stop. According to
of effective ways of preparing good (Dewi, 2020), Corona virus is a
generation for better future (Djamdjuri, microorganism that causes respiratory
The Effectiveness of Character problems starting from mild to severe
Education in English Language Teaching symptoms, the incubation or quarantine
Through the Islamic Teaching Materials, period is between 6 to 14 days. The
2016). The Government of the Republic spread of the corona virus is very easy
of Indonesia in developing education in and very fast because it can be through
Indonesia adheres to one of the goals of direct contact with other infected
the Indonesian nation as stated in the humans, therefore all activities involving
preamble to the fourth paragraph of the associations with many people are
1945 Constitution, namely to educate the stopped and transferred to WFH or
nation's life. This national education working from home to prevent the spread
system is manifested in Law No. 20 of and spread of Covid-19. Although school
2003 concerning the National Education education cannot be carried out face-to-
System. The national education system is face, schools must continue to run.
an integrated whole component of Therefore, the Minister of Education and
education to achieve the goals of national Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
education (Budi, 2012). through Permendikbud No. 4 of 2020
In early 2020 starting at the end provides a policy on a series of lessons
of January, the world was hit by a virus learned in an emergency situation of the
called the corona virus which originated spread of Covid-19.

Whatsapp Media in Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic
(Dewi suriyani Djamdjuri & Atiyatul Kamilah)

Based on the provisions of the management and behavioral control,

Ministry of Education, teaching and resulting in difficulties in following
learning activities are carried out or universal infection control guidelines,
transferred to online schools or PJJ such as maintaining physical distance,
(distance learning), therefore learning hand hygiene, or wearing surgical masks.
must continue and be active as usual When the people do not rule out the
even though through distance learning or possibility at a workplace and
online learning. According to educational institution, the transmission
(Syarifudin, 2020), active learning is of the COVID-19 might occur high.
learning that is carried out optimally and
is supported by an adequate medium, Distance Learning
method of tools, and materials. In this Distance learning (PJJ) is a learning
era, technology is very rapidly activity that uses technology, where
developing; there are many kinds of students complete a task and make
media, tools and materials in digital decisions at any time (Gunawan, 2020).
form. Due to pandemic outbreak, According to (Bower, 2015), the purpose
learning is conducted in virtual form. of distance learning (PPJ) or online
Virtual learning or distance learning learning is to maximize a decision made
(PJJ) or online learning is not a problem by online students by being given the
because learning activities are not limited correct knowledge and getting additional
by space and time, especially with the information that can be accessed at any
current situation which is supported by time. A most prominent characteristic of
rapidly developing technological a distance learning (PJJ) or online
advances, learning can be done with an learning is providing an easy and flexible
online system, and learning activities can way for teachers and students to
takes place at home, at school, and in the determine online learning schedules
community (Dewi, 2020). Through the without specifying a space or location.
use of technology as learning media, it In the online learning process,
makes students more enjoy and easy to various platforms can be used in online
learn (Djamdjuri & Kirana , 2020). learning such as the learning
Based on the background describing management system (LMS), WhatsApp,
above, the researchers conducted a Google Class, the Zoom application or
research entitled “WhatsApp media for YouTube YouTube. Various platforms
online learning during the Covid-19 that are already available can help
pandemic”. smoothing the learning process
(Gunawan, 2020). According to Roida
LITERATURE REVIEW Pakpahan and Yuni Fitriani in their
During the COVID-19 crisis, the research entitled "Analysis of the Use of
emergence of COVID-19 was arguably a Information Technology in Distance
much-anticipated event. According to Learning amid the Corona Covid-19
(Kirlin, 2020) reported the novel Virus Pandemic" that technology really
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) quickly helps the learning process online or
spread worldwide, with more than online during the Covid-19 virus
420,000 dead cases caused of the virus outbreak. This technology makes all
outbreak by early June 2020. Although learning processes run smoothly and well
COVID-19 was known to have spread ( Pakpahan & Fitriani, 2020).
widely in the weeks following the The application of learning
outbreak, insufficient data from China methods must be in accordance with the
hindered understanding and response. learning subjects and abilities of
Patients have problems with emotional students, therefore the way to overcome

English Journal
Vol. 14, No. 2; September, 2020, pp. 69-74

problems is to apply online or online METHOD

learning, namely using internet or This research uses a qualitative approach.
android applications. In the world of Qualitative research is the natural
education, teachers must master the collection of data (Gay, Mills, &
HOTS (higher order of thinking skills) Airasian, 2006). Researchers use
learning method in the 2013 curriculum interview as the technique of collecting
guidance. The assessment of the learning the data. The interview was conducted
outcomes is expected to help students via goggle form. Interview is a technique
add critical thinking skills (HOTS) if of collecting data through question and
students can think critically or think at a answer conducted by researchers and
high level, it will also encourage to think respondents. During the Covid-19
broadly and deepen the material being pandemic, interviews were conducted
studied (Fanani, 2018). Through online online using the goggle form by
teaching and learning activities with educators at BMS Bogor High School.
students, teachers must still be able to Results and Discussion
provide relevant material that has been Based on the provisions of the Ministry
scheduled by the school. of Education. Teaching and learning
activities are carried out or transferred to
WhatsApp online schools or PJJ (distance learning)
According to (Amry, 2014) WhatsApp which are implemented by SMK
media is an application that is often used BOGOR MUHIDDIN SCHOOL (BMS)
and effective for distance learning or which utilizes various kinds of
online learning during the pandemic. technology media so that teaching and
Teachers and students are already learning is carried out properly and
accustomed to using this application in smoothly. The researcher of this writing
their daily teaching and learning process. aims to determine the extent to which a
In a study conducted by (Amry, 2014), whatsapp media is very useful in distance
namely The impact of WhatsApp mobile learning (PJJ) or online learning.
social learning on the achievement and
attitudes of female students compared RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
with face to face learning in the Based on the provisions of the Ministry
classroom, that the benefits of the of Education, teaching and learning
WhatsApp application in the process of activities are carried out or transferred to
teaching and learning activities have a online schools or PJJ (distance learning)
positive impact because students are which are implemented by SMK
more happy when learning to use BOGOR MUHIDDIN SCHOOL (BMS)
innovative applications such as using which utilizes various kinds of
gadgets, so that students have positive technology as learning media so that
results in students’ learning achievement. teaching and learning is carried out
WhatsApp is software designed properly and smoothly. The researcher of
to share easy-to-use text, voice notes, and this writing aims to determine the extent
images (Suryani, 2017). Since WhatsApp to which a WhatsApp media is very
receives fees from using internet data, the useful in distance learning (PJJ) or online
cost of using WhatsApp is very cheap. learning. From the interview result as
WhatsApp is also the medium that is shown in Figure 1, there is 75 % of the
commonly used today by all as opposed respondents use WhatsApp as learning
to other networking apps such as media and only 25 % use LMS.
Instagram, sms, e-mail and others.

Whatsapp Media in Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic
(Dewi suriyani Djamdjuri & Atiyatul Kamilah)

in using this application. How to use

Hasil wawancara online WhatsApp is done by the teacher, namely
giving an assignment and direction
through the WhatsApp group to students.
This is in accordance with (Suryani,
2017) stated that WhatsApp is software
designed to send text, voice notes, and
images that are easy to use. The cost of
using WhatsApp is very cheap because
Whatsapp LMS WhatsApp collects fees from using
internet data. When compared to other
Figure 1 Online media used in SMK communication applications such as
BMS during the Covid-19 pandemic. Instagram, sms, e-mail and others,
WhatsApp is still the medium that is
Moreover, the results obtained from widely used today by everyone.
interviews using the goggle form show According to the results of the
that during the Covid -19 pandemic it interview using the goggle form shows
was easier for teachers to implement that WhatsApp media has advantages and
teaching and learning using WhatsApp disadvantages in teaching and learning
media compared with the use of learning activities. Table 1 below shows some of
management system (LMS). This is the advantages and disadvantages of
because WhatsApp is more efficient WhatsApp media from the interview
because all students have and understand given to some teachers.

Tabel 1. Results of Online Interviews


Membantu proses pembelajaran, dan membantu Apabila jaringan signal jelek, akan
siswa yang tidak mengerti LMS menghambat proses pngiriman bahan

Helping the learning process, and helping students If the signal network is bad, it will hinder
who do not understand LMS. the process of sending teaching materials

Lebih efesien karna hampir semua siswa punya Dalam pertemuan vidio confren sangat
dan paham dalam penggunaan media sosial ini terbatas

It is more efficient because almost all students have In video conference the meetings is very
and understand the use of social media limited

Lebih mudah di fahami oleh guru atau siswa dan Terkadang agak lambat respon ketika
tidak memakan data kouta yang banyak banyak pesan yang masuk

It is easier for the teacher or student to understand Sometimes the response is a bit slow when
and does not take up a lot of quota data. there are many incoming messages

Table 1 shows that WhatsApp is students during the Covid-19 pandemic

very easy to access by everyone and students do not find it difficult in the
including students. This makes it easier learning process. It is in line with (Amry,
for teachers to provide material to 2014) which stated that WhatsApp is a

English Journal
Vol. 14, No. 2; September, 2020, pp. 69-74

media easy to use especially in pandemic Pascasarjana Universitas Ibn

era. Khaldun.
Djamdjuri, D. S., & Kirana , G. C.
CONCLUSION (2020). Memperkenalkan cara
The application of social distancing to pengaplikasian komputer
avoid the covid-19 virus makes learning terhadap anak sekolah dasar
activities online or distance learning (Ciampe udik,caringin jangkung).
(PJJ), but, learning must remain active ABDI DOSEN , jurnal
and run smoothly. The results found that pengabdian pada masyarakat,
in SMK BMS implement several 146-151.
applications or platforms such as Fanani, M. Z. (2018). Strategi
WhatsApp and learning management Pengembangan Soal Hots Pada
system (LMS) for the teaching and Kurikulum 2013. Edudeena
learning process. Some of the students Journal of Islamic Religious
are using WhatsApp and some are using Education.
the Learning Management System Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P.
(LMS), but more educators are using the (2006). Educational Research
WhatsApp platform or media in the Competency for Analysis
teaching and learning process during the andApplications, Eight Edition.
Covid-19 pandemic. Problems that often Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.
arise in online activities or online Gunawan, N. M. (2020). Variations of
learning are internet data packages or Models and Learning Platforms
limited internet signals by teachers and for Prospective Teachers During
students. the COVID-19 Pandemic Period.
indonesian Journal of Teacher
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