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Viona Rosalita




A. Background of the Study

Learning is a relatively constant process. This process does not happen all at once,
but through stages and there are supporting factors that influence students in learning.
According to Daryanto (2010: 36), there are 2 factors that come from within students,
namely internal factors and also factors that come from outside, namely external factors.
something that is in students that is useful to support learning, namely internal factors, are
further grouped into 3 things: (1) physical factors which include health and disabilities
(2) psychological factors which include intelligence, interests, attention, and motives. ,
talent, maturity and readiness. In addition to internal factors, there are also factors that
support learning, namely external factors, namely everything that comes from outside the
student, these are grouped into 3 things. (1) family factors, which include how parents
educate their children, relationships between family members, understanding of parents,
home atmosphere, economic conditions, and second cultural background (2) which
includes school factors where the teaching method, curriculum, student-student
relationships, teacher-student relationships, learning methods, learning tools, school
discipline, lesson standards, building conditions, and homework (3) Community factors
include student activities in society, such as mass media and forms of community life .
All of these factors affect student achievement because in achieving success there is a
stage in the learning process that allows students to learn more smoothly in reaching the
next stage.
Mastery of knowledge or learning achievement is generally indicated by the test
scores or scores given by the teacher (Depdikbud, 1989: 700). There are many ways in
achieving achievement for students, one of them is method, this is one of the things that
must be considered in the teaching and learning process. In each subject, there are
learning methods that have been planned or prepared to be presented to students.
Therefore, the function and role of teachers in optimizing student abilities is the greatest
influence on student learning outcomes, especially in choosing learning methods. A
teacher must be able to be careful in mimilah and determine the methods to be used in the
teaching and learning process for the smoothness of students in capturing learning
material and student learning outcomes are also influenced by the learning methods
provided by the teacher (Sharon E. many kinds of methods in learning include: lecture
method, discussion, question and answer, demonstration and so on. All of these methods
can be applied in the learning process based on the above observations, many teachers
use the lecture method because this is a way of conveying information orally to a number
of listeners or students.
The conventional method is a method that provides explanations or provides
descriptions to students at a certain time and place. Or in other words, this method is a
teaching method by conveying information and knowledge verbally to students who
generally follow passively. So that this method requires face to face directly between the
teacher and students in the learning process. In its implementation, the conventional
method also has advantages and disadvantages, by using this method, the material
presented is more clearly decomposed and can convey information quickly and can be
used for the number of students and large class sizes. While the weakness in this method
according to Wina Sanjaya (2007: 189) is that it cannot serve differences in student
abilities, only emphasizes one-way communication (one-way communication) and also
only for good listening and listening skills. The meaning of the first is that it is
impossible to serve differences in abilities, differences in knowledge, interests, talents
and differences in learning styles, the second thing is that conventional method
communication occurs more in one direction (one-way communication), so to control
students' understanding of the material learning is very limited as well as one-way
communication can result in the knowledge possessed by students will be limited to what
is given. Whereas what is meant by the third thing is that this method can only work well
if students have good listening and listening skills.
With the development of technology at this time, it is time for the learning
method to be renewed by containing the latest principles. Technology has an important
role in student education, by using specially designed media that can contribute to the
effective teaching of all students and can help them reach their potential. But there are
also several factors that influence the use of this technology, including the lack of teacher
knowledge about learning media that uses the internet as well as the lack of motivation of
the teachers themselves in studying technological developments. Therefore, along with
the development of technology, this study aims to introduce an e-learning-based learner
concept. It is time for learning to be supported by an e-learning-based learning concept.
The e-learning system is a form of distance education that uses electronic media as a
medium for delivering material and communication between teachers and students
(Wikipedia, 2009). But in its implementation, the use of e-learning cannot be fully
realized because students find it difficult to divide their time and lack of knowledge about
the use of e-learning itself. Based on the problems described above, a solution is needed
to cover the weaknesses of conventional methods and the e-learning system itself. The
Blended Learning method is an appropriate alternative to use in the learning process. The
Blended Learning method is a combination of conventional (face-to-face) learning
models with e-learning-based learning models using electronic media.
Blended learning is a conventional learning model that is supported by an e-learning
based learning model so that the learning process can run optimally because of the
advantages of the two models so that it can complement each of the weaknesses of the
two models. With the blended learning method, teachers and students can gradually adapt
to advances in educational technology but are still supported by the usual method, namely
face-to-face, as previously explained that in the blended learning method there are two
main components, namely teaching in the conventional way (face to face). ) and through
e-learning media. The blended learning method offers the possibility to benefit from a
class that supports direct interaction and flexibility from online learning and the use of
learning media.

Based on the reasons that have been described above, here the writer raises the title of the
thesis "The Effect of Blended Learning Application on Student Achievement"
B. Identification of Problem
Based on the background of the problem there are several problems, namely:
a. By using conventional methods in the teaching and learning process, it means only
focusing on the teacher so that students are not active and become passive and have
an impact on the low competence of students.
b. It is difficult to implement in the use of e-learning itself, because it is not possible to
share time and take advantage of the information provided independently and there is
still a lack of knowledge about the use of e-learning.
c. The use of blended learning is still low in the learning method due to a lack of
knowledge about the concept of its application and its benefits on student
C. Limitation of the Problem
Seeing the many problems identified by research resources, the researcher focused
research on the application of blended learning to student achievement such as
application, its effect on student achievement and the benefits of implementing the
blended learning method.
D. Research Question
The formulation of the problem in this study is as follows:
1. How far has the student achievement increased in English after the blended learning
method has been applied?
2. The difference in student achievement between class XI DKV 1 students using the
blended learning method and class XI DKV 2 which does not use the blended learning

E. The Objective of the Research

a. To find out how far the student's learning achievement has improved in the English
class of Class XI Visual Communication Design Department after applying the
blended learning method.
b. To find out the differences in student achievement in class XI DKV 1 using the
blended learning method and class XI DKV 2 which does not use the blended
learning method.

F. The Significance of the Study

Learning method is one of the things that need to be considered in the teaching and
learning process. Considering the method factor occupies the second most important
position after the goal of a series of learning components such as objectives, methods,
materials and evaluation. therefore, researchers tried to apply the blended learning
method. Therefore this research is useful:
a. For Researchers
Adding knowledge and experience for researchers about the blended learning
method as a learning method when becoming a teacher later.
b. For Students
With the blended learning method, it is hoped that it can increase students'
interest in learning in finding reference sources on the internet in order to
improve student achievement.
c. For Teachers
Providing suggestions or input for teachers so that innovation in the learning
process can continue to develop, not only using one method so that students can
better understand the material provided by the teacher himself.
d. For School
By utilizing advanced technology as it is today, it is hoped that schools can
become centers and references for schools in learning strategies so that they can
become schools with international standards.


A. Blended Learning
Blended learning is a learning model that is currently being widely used in
education. Blended learning is a learning model that integrates face-to-face learning
and distance learning using online and offline learning resources and a variety of
communication options that can be used by teachers and students. As expressed by
the New South Wales Department of Education and Training in a journal written by
Sukarno (2012: 3) that: 'Provides a simple definition Blended learning is learning
which combines online and face-to-face approach'. The goal of blended learning is to
provide the most efficient and effective learning experience with a combination of
learning methods.
The learning theory that underlies blended learning is constructivism learning theory.
The concept of constructivism learning theory that guides students to build their
knowledge from their own learning experiences is seen as an active process. Students
are given the opportunity to carry out activities to apply the management and
understanding of information and the concept of learning materials in a more
integrated manner. In addition, blended learning also adopts the application of
behaviorism learning theory where in blended learning students are expected to
improve their learning abilities through training exercises with feedback fast. When
students are given feedback by the teacher, student learning motivation will arise.
This is inseparable from the theory of cognitivism that basically learning is an
internal process involving memory, motivation, reflection and thinking.
B. Students Achievement
One of the factors that influence student learning outcomes is the teacher. The
teacher is an important factor in achieving student learning outcomes. The role of the
teacher in managing the teaching and learning process is a factor that affects whether
student learning success can be achieved. In the current reform era, teachers are
required to be more creative and innovative in delivering material so that it makes it
easier for students to understand it. One of the abilities a teacher must have is the
ability to apply appropriate learning models to achieve learning objectives. Teacher is
expected able to provide appropriate learning for students, especially in using the
learning model.
Currently there are many learning models applied by teachers in an effort to
achieve student learning success. The learning model that is popularly used is class-
based learning (classical) using the lecture method. However, in classical learning,
the student learning process is bound by the dimensions of space and time. In
addition, students become bored quickly and become passive in choosing additional
learning sources outside of the learning resources provided by the teacher. The
teacher's role is to create a conducive, creative learning atmosphere, create various
tips and models for the delivery of learning materials and make the learning
atmosphere interesting. As has been stated by Shah (2011: 123) that "The learning
approach (Approach to learn) and strategies or tips for implementing learning
approaches and methods including the factors that determine the level of student
learning success. The choice of learning model must be in accordance with the
learning objectives. One model that can improve student learning success is the
Blended Learning model
A. Previous Study
According to Slameto (2010: 54-72) The high and low learning outcomes
obtained by students are influenced by many factors. There are many types of factors that
affect learning achievement, but can be classified into two, namely internal factors and
external factors.
According to Syah (2006: 144) he said that: In addition to external and internal
factors, there are other factors that affect learning outcomes, namely the approach to
learning factor, which is a type of student learning effort which includes the strategies
and methods students use to do Learning Activities.
According to Muhammad Ali (2007) in his research entitled Impact Analysis of
the Application of the Blended Learning Model (Combination of Classroom Learning
and E-Learning), he concluded that there was an increase in student motivation towards
the application of blended learning. Previous research in the learning model in the
Electromagnetic Field course of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, FT
UNY, is active and the frequency of student learning in discussing questions and
providing input. These results were obtained through classroom observations and student
activity reports generated by e-learning. The application of the blended learning model
provides significant benefits to student learning motivation as indicated by the mean
score of student questionnaire results of 3.34 on the scalelikert. There was an increase in
student learning outcomes in the Electromagnetic Field course from 58.6 to 73.4.
New South Wales Department of Education and Training in a journal written by
Sukarno (2012: 3) that: "Provides a simple definition: Blended learning is learning which
combines online and face-to-face approach". The goal of blended learning is to provide
the most efficient and effective learning experience with a combination of learning

B. Thinking Framework
Basically the learning process is between educators and students in order to
achieve predetermined learning goals. Learning objectives to be achieved are optimal
student learning outcomes. But in fact, there are still students who are less than optimal in
their learning outcomes, there are also students who complain because they are not able
to follow the teaching and learning process properly because the model that has been
applied by the teacher is very monotonous, many also complain about not having the
courage to ask the teacher. because they feel that they don't have enough time in school
hours to discuss and understand the material. In realizing learning objectives, and
minimizing these factors, educators must be able to make efforts to maximize the use of
models and use interesting learning media. The only thing that can be used is the use of
information and communication technology. With these advances in technology, we can
use it in the learning process and make the learning process more effective and efficient.
Not only that, face-to-face learning is also important in the learning process, especially in
English subjects. Based on the results of research and theoretical studies, there are
strengths and weaknesses in the face-to-face learning process and E-Learning. So to
reduce the weaknesses in this learning model, the researcher wants to develop a Blended
Learning model



A. Research Design

In conducting this research, we need a Quasi Experiment method with a quantitative

approach. This design is carried out with one kind of treatment, namely by using the
application of the blended learning model.
The experimental class was given treatment, namely the blended learning model and the
control class was not given treatment. Later, after completing the treatment, the two
classes were given a posstest to determine the condition of the class after being given the
treatment. After that, we can test the difference between the results of the posstest in each

The Schematic of the Quasi Experimental

Select Control Pretest No Treatment Posttest

Select Experimental Pretest Experimental Posttest

B. Subject of the Research

This research will be conducted at SMK Negeri 5 Kota Bengkulu, the target of this
research is students of class XI DKV1 and XI DKV 2 in the academic year 2021/2022.
C. Technique of Collecting Data
In conducting this research, the technique used to determine student learning outcomes is
through tests. Later the test will be given in the form of a description of the questions
with a total of 20 item questions. After that, a post-test will be carried out at the end of
the study which is useful for knowing the abilities and conditions of students after being
given treatment in the blended learning method compared to students who are not treated
in the blended learning method. Researchers will also make observations to see an
overview of the implementation of the blended learning method. Observations were made
to measure the description of the implementation of the blended learning model through
questionnaires and experimental observation sheets. The questionnaire used was adapted
from research conducted by Akkoyunlu and Soylu in 2008 entitled Development of a
Scale On Learners' Views On Blended Learning And Its Implementation Process. There
are 6 main indicators in the assessment of the implementation of blended learning,
namely assessment in the implementation of Live Events (face-to-face learning), Self
Paced Learning (independent learning with online and offline media), Performance
Support Materials, Collaboration, Assessment and general assessments.
D. Technique of Data Analysis
Data analysis that will be used is the analysis of test items and analysis of the
level of validity and reliability of the test items. While the descriptive analysis aims to
obtain a description of the effectiveness of learning using the blended learning model in
class XI DKV 1 SMKN 5 in the 2021/2022 academic year. The steps in the analysis
process are as follows :
1. Tabulating the respondent's answer into a format
2. Determine the assessment criteria
3. Determine the frequency distribution to find an overview of the effectiveness of the
blended learning method application
4. Interpret the results of the frequency distribution to find out the picture, both as a
whole and for each indicator.
Furthermore, hypothesis testing is carried out to determine whether the hypothesis is
accepted or rejected, but before hypothesis testing is carried out, data normality is tested
first, data homogeneity and then hypothesis testing using the t test.


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