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Ayesha Rasheed



Submitted to
Mam Ammara
Assignment #2
 Levels of Communication:

Basically human communication takes place at five levels:

1. Extra personal communication
2. Interpersonal communication
3. Intrapersonal communication
4. Organizational communication
5. Mass communication

1. Extra personal Communication:

Extra Personal Communication is that way of communication in which a human interacts with
other species. Communication between human beings and non-human entities is extra personal
communication. The perfect coordination and understanding between human and none-human
entities results to extra personal communication. In this communication one participant of the
communication process uses sign language and the other is verbal.

For example:
Wagging of the tail when master shows bone to the pet dog, licking of cheek at the returning of
master from the work field, chirping of birds when a stranger is at the door, Parrot calling the name
of the master in the morning, etc.

2. Interpersonal Communication:
It involves two parties-a sender and a receiver who use common language to transit message either
through oral communication or written communication.
This level of communication usually involves two people getting to know someone personally.
Inter - personal communication happens when you communicate directly with other people in a
one to one or in a small group. The words ‘inter’ and personal suggest that ‘Inter-personal’ means
communication between to different individuals.
For Example
 A person may use self-talk to calm himself down in a stressful situation
 A shy person may remind herself to smile during a social event.

3. Intrapersonal Communication:
Intrapersonal communication can be defined as communication with one's self, and that may
include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization. Intrapersonal communication takes place
within a single person. As it is stated above, in interpersonal communication there are sender and
receiver. But In intrapersonal communication, both the sender and receiver are one self. That is
why it also called self –talk or inner speech.


 Intrapersonal skills include attributes such as playfulness, self-discipline, delay of gratification,

the ability to deal with and overcome distractions, and the ability to adjust one's strategy or
approach as needed.

4. Organizational Communication:
In a team-based business organization, communication becomes its lifeblood where people
communicate with one another. The flow of communication inside an organization may filter in
up, down and horizontal directions. Besides internal communication.
Companies depend on external communication also. Companies exchange messages with people
outside the organization through external communication.
There are two types of communication businesses are concerned with:

Internal and External

External communication includes those communications between organizational members and

external parties such as customers, manufacturers, shareholders, investors and the general

Internal organizational communication facilitates the flow of information among members of

the organization. The flow can be upward, horizontal or downward depending on the
organization's structure, chain-of-command and culture.
5. Mass Communication:
Newspapers, magazines and periodicals, the means of mass communication. Are frequently used
for oral or written communication. Besides, technologies such as the interment, e-mail. Voicemail,
faxes, audiotape, teleconferencing, videoconferencing and closed circuit televisions have
increased options for internal and external communication. These fast means help people from all
parts of the world to work together.
Mass communication is an expensive process. Unlike interpersonal communication, feedback for
mass communication is usually slow and indirect. Mass communication is public communication
transmitted through electronically or mechanical means.

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