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Final Cut Pro X

Autodesk QTO

FIDIC Book Selection

Is the Contract Straight Forward!
Yes, Then FIDIC Green Book
If Not Straight Forward, Then
Which mean it need design, so based on design
IF Design by
Employer Then FIDIC RED Book
IF Contractor Design Then
Contractor see unforeseen risk
If there is risk
Design Build and Operate FIDIC Yellow Book
If there is no unforeseen risk
Then Either it should be
EPC Project – Silver Book
DBO Project –Golden Book

Normally Contracts Are Straight forward mean Green Book or Designed by Employer means Red Book.

DO it


D.5 Calculation and expression of results

Record on a test data sheet (see example below) the numbers of blocks, N1 N2 N3 and N4 lying in
mass between the masses of the successive reference stones, where:
N is the number of blocks with mass between ELL and NLL;

N is the number of blocks with mass between NLL and

2 (NLL+NUL)/2;
N is the number of blocks with mass between (NLL+NUL)/2 and
3 NUL;
N is the number of blocks with mass between NUL and EUL.

BS EN 13383-2:2019
EN 13383-2:2019 (E)
Determine the characteristic masses for the pieces of armourstone lying in mass between the
successive reference stones as follows:
m1 = mean [ELL ; NLL] = (ELL+NLL)/2
m2 = mean [NLL ; (NLL+NUL)/2] = (3 NLL+NUL)/4
m3 = mean [(NLL+NUL)/2 ; NUL] = (NLL+3 NUL)/4
m4 = mean [NUL ; EUL] = (NUL+EUL)/2
For greater accuracy, the average mass of the pieces of armourstone each category may be
determined by bulk weighing of all stones in each category and dividing by the total number of
stones in that category.
Determine the percentage by weight associated with each characteristic mass as follows:
— associated with m4: p4 = m4 × N4 /MT
— associated with m3: p3 = m3 × N3/MT
— associated with m2: p2 = m2 × N2 /MT
— associated with m1: p1 = m1 × N1/MT
Determine the mass of fragments, mf = MT - [m1 × N1 + m2 × N2 + m3 × N3 + m4 × N4]
Determine the percentage of fragments, pf = mf / MT
Determine the cumulative percentages by weight, Pi, less than the masses of each of the
reference stones as follows:
— percentage less than or equal to ELL: P0 = pf
— percentage less than or equal to NLL: P1 = p1 + pf
— percentage less than (or equal to NLL + NUL)/2: P2 = P1 + p2
— percentage less than or equal to NUL: P3 = P2 + p3
— percentage less than or equal to EUL: P4 = P3 + p4
— percentage less than or equal to mmax: Pmax = 1

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