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Object Oriented Software Engineering
E-Learning system

1 BISRAT MAMO PGR/48485/13

2 HAILU GOSHU PGR/47267/13




E-Learning system

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose of the System ................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope of the System....................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 3
CURRENT SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................................... 4
PROPOSED SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Functional requirement ................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Non-functional requirement .......................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Usability .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.2 Documentation ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.3 Hardware Considerations ........................................................................................................ 7
3.3.4 Availability .............................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.5 Error Handling and Extreme Conditions ................................................................................... 7
3.3.6 Quality Issues .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.7 Interoperability ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.8 Security Issues......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.9 Reliability ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Pseudo requirements ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 System models............................................................................................................................... 9
3.5.1 Scenarios ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.5.2 Use case model ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.5.3 Object Model ........................................................................................................................ 11
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................................... 16
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................. 16


1.1 Overview
We consider that we can automate its teaching and learning process and Ambo University is currently
using a manual system to teaching and learning process; since teaching and learning face-to-face have the
difficulty such as availability of specific class anytime, anywhere so we decided to develop e-learning
system which web based and can be access by anywhere anytime being in a network.

E-learning system is a process where instructor to upload course materials, discusses with the student on
specific topic, gives assignment, students react to the instructor’s tasks such as getting particular course
material, discussion, submitting assignment and many more. It includes the department to perform some
tasks. Implementing the e-learning system helps the organization or Ambo University to make the teaching
and learning process effective and efficient.

1.2 Purpose of the System

E-Learning System is a comprehensive system to manage the entire teaching and learning process of the
entire organization. It facilitates the information, data and course materials throughout the organization.
Just like any other web based system, it helps to control the learning system online and effective as possible.
The goal of e-learning are listed below:

 Structure and organize the entire e-learning process.

 It facilitates faster, unbiased, accurate and reliable process of learning.
 It helps to get any course material anytime anywhere.
 It helps to communicate and create healthy relationships within the user of the system.
 It provides a flexible, automated and interactive interface.
 Enhance the quality of learning and teaching
 Meet the learning style or needs of students
 Improve the efficiency and effectiveness
 Improve user-accessibility and time flexibility to engage learners in the learning process

In General, The purpose of e-learning is to create a clear learning framework to allow students to
learn without physically attending a class.

E-Learning system

1.3 Scope of the System

The scope of this project is to develop an e-learning system for Ambo University Computer Science
Department. There are two type of E-learning system that is blended E-learning system and online E-
learning system. In this case, our project is intended to be a blended one. So, the system will be deployed
as a Web-based system which can be accessible through the Internet since students and teachers need to
access it anytime and anywhere. Students can get resources like handout in the form of audio, video, or
document form through their account.

E-Learning system


Face-to-face learning is an instructional method where course content and learning material are
taught in person to a group of students. This allows for a live interaction between a learner and an
instructor. In face-to-face learning, students are held accountable for their progress at the class’s
specific meeting date and time. Face-to-face learning is essentially a teacher-centred method of
education, and tends to vary widely among cultures. Face-to-face education involves traditional
classroom learning. Students who study at a face-to-face learning institute attend classes daily.
Classes vary from early morning to afternoon lessons.

The lecturer only has a certain amount of time to get through subjects. If you cannot keep up with
the rest of the class, you will have to schedule extra classes, which could cost you extra money.

Due to time constraints in class, the lecturer cannot answer each and every student’s questions.

You will have to spend additional money on travelling and secure parking. Face-to-face classes
are at set times. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to book an extra class to catch up.

Classes vary from early morning to afternoons. If you have a day-time job or other responsibilities,
it might not fit into your schedule.

E-Learning system


3.1 Overview
In E-learning system will be giving a guidance materials. The proposed system will provide
different account for different users such as student, Instructors, and administrator. This system
coordinates all accounts together and let them to perform their tasks in a web based learning
mechanism through an electronic devices. In addition to this Student and Instructors can able to
access the system anytime, anywhere based on their account; such as teachers can give
assignment, exam, and handout ,on the other hand students can take assignment , get resources
that are uploaded by their Instructor. The system also provide discussion room for the students
and Instructor to discuss about the idea’s which were raised in the class. There is also a private
discussion environment for those student who afraid to ask question in the class room. After the
system is implemented it will be helpful for improving quality of education and saving resources
of the department.

3.2 Functional requirement

In software engineering, a functional requirement defines a function of a software system or its
component. A function is described as a set of inputs, the behavior, and outputs. Functional
requirements may be calculations, technical details, data manipulation and processing and other
specific functionality that define what a system is supposed to accomplish. Generally, functional
requirements are expressed in the form “system must do requirement”. Functional requirements
for each of the use cases described below.

Manage User Account

FR1: The system shall have an option in which the admin can create the account for any different
account type.

FR2: The system shall provide particular user interface that ensures the needed information is

FR3: The system shall include validation feature to check whether the provide information is valid
or not.
E-Learning system

FR4: The system shall display all list of accounts with their account type.

FR5: The system shall update and delete account information when the information uploaded is
needed to update and needed to remove.

Manage Course

FR6: The system shall provide necessary user interface to upload every course information.

FR7: The system shall update and remove feature to update/modify information and to remove
unnecessary courses from the list.

FR8: The system shall display all list of courses with its necessary information.

Assign Instructor

FR9: The system shall assign the particular instructor to specific course(s), to ensure that the
instructor is takes the course(s).

FR10: The system should save the information filled and assigning linkage.

Manage Class

FR11: The system shall display form to accept the necessary information of class to add class for
particular department.

FR12: The system shall display list of classes existed.

FR13: The system shall remove the class from added classes when the class is unwanted.

Set Schedule

FR14: The system shall set schedule for class or exam.

FR15: The system shall update schedule for class or exam.

View Schedule

FR16: The system shall display the schedule prepared by department for particular exam or
specific class.

Upload Material

E-Learning system

FR17: The system shall upload any course materials provided by instructor. This include doc, pdf,
excel, audio, or video.

FR18: The system shall display course materials uploaded by instructor.

FR19: The system shall update or remove the course material information when necessary.

Add Assignment

FR20: The system shall add or upload assignment for specific class(s).

FR21: The system shall modify or update as well as removing the assignment.

FR22: The system shall display active assignment list with its information.

Add Announcement

FR23: The system shall have user interface for announcement and the form to fill what is display
on announcement.

FR24: The system shall modify or delete the announcement.

Discussion Room

FR25: The system shall display user interface for the discussion room where instructors, students
and department head are communicate together.

FR26: The system shall display fields to input message, question and comments for instructor, or

Download Materials

FR27: The system shall display user interface containing uploaded materials by each class

FR28: The system should allow downloading the course materials by privileged user.

Submit Assignment

FR29: The system shall display the form to upload the assignment.

FR30: The system shall upload the assignment containing necessary assignment information.

E-Learning system

View Announcement

FR31: The system shall display the announcement for students.

FR32: The system shall display errors whenever the error occurs.

3.3 Non-functional requirement

A non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the
operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. Non-functional requirements are system shall
be requirement. Non-functional requirements are often called qualities of a system.

Some of the non-functional requirements are mentioned below.

3.3.1 Usability
The system shall have a clean interface with only needed features, clear terminology and tool tips
wherever necessary. Warnings or alerts shall be specified in clear way. The system shall protect
users not to make any errors during filling application forms and making decisions.

3.3.2 Documentation
The system shall provide context sensitive help that takes the user to the specific help topic related
to their present screen. The system shall have a demo version available. The system shall provide
user specific documentation.

3.3.3 Hardware Considerations

The system shall be independent of the specific technological platform used to implement it.

3.3.4 Availability
There should not be any complainant regarding the availability of the system. The system should
be capable of serving its intended function. The system shall be available 24/7 and 365/year.

3.3.5 Error Handling and Extreme Conditions

The system shall manage Input errors while a user fills application form. The system shall have a
way to notify the system admin when an extreme conditions happens.

E-Learning system

3.3.6 Quality Issues

The system shall protect users not to make any errors during filling application forms and making

3.3.7 Interoperability
The system shall be able to interact with other systems. The system should able to be supported at
least one software which has a relationship with learning process.

3.3.8 Security Issues

The system shall have a full permissions system, allowing each user’s access to functions to be
controlled. There should be no complaints regarding the unauthorized use of the system.

3.3.9 Reliability
Users expect the system to be reliable which means information registered yesterday in the system
shall be there today. Accuracy is part of the sense of reliability.

3.4 Pseudo requirements

Constraints restrict options of design, behavior, appearance, or operations. They become
requirements due to factors outside the normal problem domain. It describe how the product
operates inside various circumstances and limit the options designers have if building the product.
This section specifies design constraints imposed by other standards, hardware limitations,
communication interface limitations, etc. The pseudo-requirements we have are:

 User Interface: require training time for a normal users and power users to become
productive at some particular operations.
 Hardware Constraints: include configuration characteristics, what devices are to be
supported, how they are to be supported, and communication protocols.
 Software Constraints: are assumptions that particular pieces of software will be available
and are necessary to the functioning of the product. It includes functioning computer that
have any OS installed on it and any web browser.
 Communication Constraints: are communications protocols with which the system must
interact. System must communicate through TCP/IP.

E-Learning system

3.5 System models

3.5.1 Scenarios
Scenario name Login
Participating actor instances Instructor
Department head and
Flow of events 1. Actor fills the form by entering his/her username and password
then click the login button.
2. The system checks the status of the account, identifies the
category of the actor and displays his/her page accordingly

Scenario name Manage user account

Participating actor instances Admin
Flow of events 1. Type the user account name then select user type and enter.
2. View account name and adjust (modify).

Scenario name Upload materials

Participating actor instances Instructor
Flow of events 1. Click the button to open the file.
2. Instructor select the course material & reference books.
3. Finally upload the file.

Scenario name Download Materials

Participating actor instances Student
Flow of events 1. Open the download page
2. select the course and select course material
3. Click on download link.

E-Learning system

Scenario name Make discussion

Participating actor instances Student
Head of Department
Flow of events 1. Student while reading course material he got confused. Then
he need for the confusing topic explanation and asks his question
on discussion board.
2. Instructor reads student question and give the appropriate
explanation for student.
3. Students read the respond of student question from instructor.

E-Learning system

3.5.2 Use case model

3.5.3 Object Model Data dictionary
Table Attribute Contents Type Format Range Required Pk/Fk
Name name

student S_Id Int(11) 2231411 Y Pk

S_Fname student first VARCHAR(30) xxxxxxxx Y

E-Learning system

S_Lname student last VARCHAR(30) xxxxxxxx Y

Id_number Student VARCHAR(30) xxxxxxxx Y
sex Student Sex CHAR(2) F
dob Date of birth DATE dd-mm-
Dept_id Department 12 Y Fk
Course cid Course id INT(11) 21 Y Pk
cname Course name VARCHAR(50) xxxxxxxx Y
ccode Course code VARCHAR(50) xxxxxxxx Y
ectc INT(11) 7
crhr Credit hour INT(11) 5
deptid Department INT(11) 23 Y Fk

E-Learning system Class diagram

3.5.4 Dynamic models

Sequence diagram for upload materials

E-Learning system

State diagram for download materials

E-Learning system

3.5.5 User interface – navigational paths and screen mock-ups

E-Learning system


 E- Learning (Electronic-LEARNING) an umbrella term for providing online computer
instruction (courseware) over the public Internet, private distance learning networks or
in-house via an intranet. In the 21st century, online education has become as significant
as being in the classroom.
 Functional requirement: - describe what the system must do. It Means quality of
 Interoperability: - The ability of a system or component to function effectively with
other systems or components.
 Manage Course: - All the information you need to complete your course to upload
every course information, Remove unnecessary courses from the list.
 Manage User Account: - If you are the administrator Create, edit, remove user account
and view details about user accounts.
 Non-functional requirement: - defines the quality attribute of a software system.
 Scenarios:-is synoptically college of an event or series of action and events.


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