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MUN Resolution Rubric

Categories Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Knowledge/Understanding Exceptional Good presentation of Somewhat presents the Does not adequate
Covers the key topics presentation of the key most of the key topics key topics important to present key topics
important to the issue topics important to the important to the issue the issue important to the is
Thinking Superior use of facts Some use of facts and Little use of facts and Limited use of fac
and evidence evidence evidence evidence

Excellent use of Adequate use of Shows some use of Does not show use
strategies and cost strategies and cost strategies and cost strategies and cost
analysis when analysis for analysis for analysis for
suggesting implementation of new implementing new implementing new
implementation of new programs programs programs
Mechanisms for Mechanisms for Mechanisms for
Mechanisms for ensuring ensuring ensuring
ensuring implementation are implementation are implementation ar
implementation are evident only somewhat evident clearly evident
clear and determine

Communication Heading clearly Heading adequately Heading somewhat Heading does not
Uses the precise structure summarizes the issue summarizes the issue summarizes the issue clearly summarize
required in UN resolution issue
submissions Structure of resolution Structure of resolution Structure of resolution
follows all UN follows some UN follows few UN Structure of resolu
guidelines guidelines guidelines follows none of th
Application Demonstrates superb Demonstrates good Demonstrates limited Demonstrates no
knowledge about the knowledge about the knowledge about the knowledge about t
Is the resolution written in perspective of the perspective of the perspective of the perspective of the
the perspective of your country submitting the country submitting the country submitting the country submitting
country? resolution resolution resolution resolution
Prembulatory/Operative Presents an excellent Presents a good set of Presents a set of clauses Presents a weak se
clause language effectively set of clauses that clauses that clearly that somewhat clauses that
Are the principles used clearly demonstrate an demonstrate an attempt demonstrate an attempt unsuccessfully
relevant to the sponsor? attempt at achieving at achieving at achieving demonstrate an att
international consensus international consensus international consensus at achieving
international conse

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