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The word “Intramural” is a combination of two Latin words

“intra” and “murus”. Intra meaning is “within” and Murus meaning
is “wall”. Intramurals activities should form the basis of all
programs and competitions. All students should be provided
opportunities to compete regardless of their skills. Intramurals
received the major attention as part of physical education program
of school. The intramurals program may also be viewed from a
different angle. Intramurals should be under the direction of the
physical education department of a school; and participation of the
student may be taken as taking part in general activities such as
music, debate, dance, public speaking, and dramatics.
Much of what constitutes an “intramural” program depends upon the imagination and creativity
of the leadership within individual school programs. Other than being limited to participants from
a specific school, there are three things that distinguish an intramural program:
1. Intramural activities are intended to be voluntary in nature, i.e. the student has a choice
of activities.
2. Every student is given an equal opportunity to participate regardless of physical ability.
3. Students have the opportunity to be involved in the planning, organization and
administration of programs. Such involvement is always under supervision and guidance
of the intramural director and must be age-appropriate. However, even at the elementary
level, students can participate in program development and operation.

What are the Objectives and Goals of an Intramural Program?

 Provide an opportunity to participate in sport and recreational activities without regard
for high performance skill or ability.
 Provide activities in a safe and professionally supervised environment.
 Nurture a healthy spirit of competition, sportsmanship and teamwork.
 Develop a sense of community within the school.
 Enhance social interaction.
 Expose students to leisure activities that will contribute to an active lifestyle and enhance
physical fitness.
 Provide an opportunity to practice and internalize the skills, attitudes, and knowledge
acquired in the physical education class.
The program of activities should be broad-based, provide for variety, and include sports
tournaments, clubs, self-directed activities, special events, etc.

Guidelines for selection should include:

 Program should be an outgrowth of instruction in physical education.
 Programming for males, females, and co-recreation.
 Programming that meets the needs of all skill levels and physical abilities, including the
 Modification of activities so that they are appropriate to the age, physical development
and skill levels of individual participants. (In some cases, height and weight may be of
more importance than grade level in determining groupings for team and individual
competition. Leagues may need to be established based upon low, moderate, and high
skill levels.)
 Specific rules and regulation should be established that ensure equal opportunity, fair
play, and safe participation.

Critical to any sports activity program are adequate facilities and equipment to support the
program. However, lack of sophisticated gymnasium facilities and large budgets for equipment
should not deter provision of programs. Programs may be modified and adapted to meet the
budget and space available.
Basic guidelines include:
 Facilities should be adequate to meet the needs, interests, safety and number of students
 Equipment and supplies for the intramural program should be budgeted apart from the
physical education instructional budget. While some equipment may be shared, each
program’s needs should be considered.
 Equipment must be modified when required by age, size and/or physical ability of the
 Appropriate maintenance should be provided for facilities and equipment so that they
meet basic standards for cleanliness and safety.
 When new facilities are to be built, or new equipment purchased, all physical
education/intramural staff should be consulted to ensure that needs are met. Students
should also be given an opportunity for input.

Health and Safety of Participants:

An intramural sports program seeks to enhance the health of its participants; therefore, the
following guidelines are critical to the success of the program:
 All activities should be structured to ensure that safety requirements are met including
consideration of each student’s readiness for the activity based upon age, skill, and
physical condition.
 All participants should have medical clearance to participate.
 Clothing should be appropriate to the activity.
 Locker rooms should be supervised to ensure safety.
 All activities should be supervised to ensure safety and orderly progression of each event.
 Recognize that because of the nature of physical activity, injuries will occur. Parents must
be given the opportunity for informed consent. Immediate first aid must be available from
trained providers any time the program is in progress. Attention must be given to
communication with emergency services in the event of a serious injury. All students and
staff should know the emergency procedures to be followed.

The emphasis of an intramural program should be on participation and fun. Winning and losing
are part of the process but should not be a primary focus. If awards are to be given they should
be for recognition of achievement and not excessive in nature. If possible, some recognition
should be available for participation regardless of win/loss records. All students should be made
to feel that they are a winner by virtue of their participation and not because of the relative
points scored.

What is a Tournament?
A tournament is a series of games or matches that are used to decide the winner of a
competition. In sports, a tournament is often used at the conclusion of the season to crown the
league’s champion. Tournaments are usually conducted over a short period of time. The
tournament format indicates the matchups and the criteria for advancement and elimination.

There are various types of tournaments. Some of the important tournament are listed below:
 A type of elimination determines the winner by eliminating the loser in every
match until there is one team left.
 The easiest and fastest way to declare a winner.
 Disadvantage: A good team may itself get eliminated by chance and has no more
chance to show its real worth.
 This type of elimination is best used when:
o The number of entries is large.
o The time is short.
o The number of playing venue is limited.
How to compute the Number of Games using the Formula in Single Elimination type of
Where: G – Number of Games
N – Number of Entries (or team/s)
How to compute the Number of Byes using the Formula in Single Elimination type of
Note: Computing of Bye is
FORMULA: applied in all types of Elimination

P – The least power of 2 higher than N
Note: P is a fixed value – 2, 4, 8, 16, 32…. (2x2=4x2=8x2=16x2=32…)
N – Number of Entries (or team/s)
BYE – entitles a team to advance to the next round without playing.
- Able to play during the second round.
Let’s Try!
1. There are 4 participating teams in Basketball
Step 1: Use the formula for Single Elimination:
G = 4-1
TO 4 (remember the rule of Power of 2)

Step 2: Assign letters to the participating teams


Step 3: Assign Byes and pair the remaining teams (If there are Byes)
NO BYE SINCE THE NUMBER OF TEAMS IS CLOSE TO 4 (remember the rule of Power of 2)
Step 4: Write the game numbers


2. There are 6 participating teams in Basketball
Step 1: Use the formula for Single Elimination:
G = N-1
G = 6-1

Step 2: Assign the letters to the participating teams


Step 3: Assign Byes and pair the remaining teams
6 teams: 2 Byes (from step 1)

Step 4: Write the game numbers

 This type of tournament elimination requires the team to have two defeats
before being eliminated. The losers in all rounds continue to play a loser’s
tournament. Losers in the championship bracket drops down and play the
winners in the loser’s bracket.
 This type allows every team to play two games regardless of whether that player
plays in the winners’ bracket or in loser’ bracket.
 Advantages:
o A player or team must be beaten twice to be eliminated.
o It selects more adequate winner.
o It maintains player motivation right up until the end.
 Disadvantages:
o It takes longer to run the game.
o It emphasizes elimination.
How to compute the Number of Games using the Formula in Double Elimination type of
FORMULA: G= 2(N-1)
Where: G – Number of Games
N – Number of Entries (or team/s)


Let’s Try!
1. There are 4 participating teams in Basketball
Step 1: Use the formula for Double Elimination
G = 2(4-1)
TO 4 (remember the rule of Power of 2)
G = 2(3)

Step 2: Assign the letters to the participating teams


Step 3: Assign Byes and pair the remaining teams (If there are Byes)
NO BYE SINCE THE NUMBER OF TEAMS IS CLOSE TO 4 (remember the rule of Power of 2)
Step 4: Write the game numbers
2. There are 6 participating teams in Basketball.
Step 1: Use the formula for Double Elimination
G = 2(N-1)
G = 2(6-1)
G = 2(5)
G = 10
Step 2: Assign letters to the participating teams

Step 3: Assign Byes and pair the remaining teams

6 teams: 2 Byes (from step 1)

Step 4: Write the game numbers

 Provides the opportunity for each competing teams to play against every other
 A very fair method of determining the winner because all opponents can get play
against each other.
 Advantage:
o Provides equal number of games for all teams.
 Disadvantage:
o It takes a great deal of time to complete if there are several teams
How to compute the Number of Games using the Formula in Round Robin type of tournament?

Where: G – Number of Games

N – Number of Entries (or team/s)
 In determining the Bye, you need to identify first if the Number of team is an ODD
or EVEN number.
 Example:
o 4 Teams – EVEN (NO BYE)
o 5 Teams – ODD (Place the Bye above the competing teams for each
Let’s Try!
1. There are 4 participating teams in Basketball
Step 1: Use the formula for Round Robin

Step 2: Assign the letters to the participating teams.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
G1 - A vs. D G3 - [A] vs. C G5- [A] vs. B
G2 - B vs. C G4 - D vs. B G6 - C vs. D
Step 3: Rotate the letters counter-clockwise around one letter that remains fixed (A).

2. There are 5 participating teams in Basketball
Step 1: Use the formula for Round Robin

Step 2: Assign the letters to the participating teams.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
[E] [D] [C] [B] [A]
G1 - A vs. D G3 - E vs. C G5 - D vs. B G7 - C vs. A G9 - B vs. E
G2 - B vs. C G4 - A vs. B G6 - E vs. A G8 - D vs. E G10 - C vs. D
Step 3: Rotate the letters counter-clockwise and place the Bye above on each rounds.
 The word “Intramural” is a combination of two Latin words “intra” and “murus”. Intra
meaning is “within” and Murus meaning is “wall”.
 Intramural activity is organized in school between classes or houses.
 In organizing a sports intramural you need to consider the following: Activities,
Facilities/Equipment, Health and Safety of Participants, and the Award given.
 Tournaments help the players to monitor the level of their performance and evaluate
their standards of achievement.
 Single Elimination can be used if and when there are large entries of teams, limited time
and venue. Use the formula: G = N-1.
 Double Elimination can be used if you want to get the best of the best team in order to
maximize their skills. Use the formula: G = 2(N-1).
 Round Robin can be used if you want a fair play where all the teams are being assessed
base on their maximum skill. Use the formula: G = N(N-1)/2

Did you know that according to “John Cannon’s Dictionary of
British History,” tournaments began as military competitions.
The first tournament were equestrian and military competitions
that were held in Europe at around the year 1000.

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