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The characteristics of gases are described fully in terms of four parameters or measurable properties of gases.
These are the pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of gas. Let us discuss the importance of these properties
in all gas particles and how these properties affect our everyday activities.

Pressure (P). One of the important variables used to describe gases. It is defined as the force per unit area.
The pressure is the result of the collision of gas particles with the walls of the container. The SI unit of pressure is
newton per square meter (N/m2), or also called Pascal (Pa). Recalling our topic in Physics, we also used other units
to express pressure like, millimeter mercury (mmHg), atmosphere (atm), pound per square inch (psi) and torr. Take
note that the standard pressure is 1 atmosphere (atm).
1 atm 760 mmHg

1 atm 760 torr

1 atm 1.01 x 105Pa
1 atm 101.3 kPa
1 atm 14.7 psi
1 atm 760 mmHg

How to convert units of pressure to another unit?

Recalling our lesson in Physics during the Second Grading, we used the dimensional analysis method to
convert units of pressure to another. Let us recall the conversion process by doing the following examples;
1. Convert 440 mmHg to atmospheric pressure (atm).

440 mmHg ( 7601atm

mmHg )
=0.58 atm

2. What is the equivalent of 2.34 atm to torr?

2.34 atm ( 7601 atmtorr )=1778.4 torr
3. What is the equivalent of 880 torr to Pascal (Pa)?
880 torr 1
760 torr )( 101325 Pa
1 atm )
=117,323.68 Pa

How is pressure from your parents, peers and teachers affect your everyday life?

The second measurable property is Temperature. This is another variable that used to describe gas. It is
the measure of the kinetic energy of the gas particles. The SI unit for temperature is Kelvin (K) which is known as
the absolute temperature scale. Below are the commonly used units of temperature and their relationship.
Scale Boiling Point of Freezing Point of Discovered by
Water Water
Celsius (°C) 100°C 0°C Anders Celsius

Fahrenheit (°F) 212°F 32°F Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

Kelvin (K) 373.15 K 273.15 K William Thompson, a.k.a

Lord Kelvin

The temperature values can be expressed using different units and the conversion that could be used. Take note,
for easy calculations, let us drop 0.15 from the value of kelvin (K) temperature.

K=℃+ 273

℃=K −273


℉= (1.8 )( ℃ ) +32
Below are examples of temperature conversion. Please read and understand properly how the different units of
temperature converted to other units.
A. Converting Degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius

1. 250°F =________°C


= 121.11°C
2. 37°F = __________________°C

= 2.78 °C
B. Degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit (°C to °F)
°F = (1.8) (°C) + 32
1. The room temperature in degree Celsius (°C) is 22. What is its equivalent in °F?
°F = (1.8) (°C) + 32
= (1.8) (22) + 32
= 39.6 + 32
= 71 .6 ° F
2. The thermal scanner was pointed in your head and reads 36.8°C. What is its equivalent in °F?
°F = (1.8) (°C) + 32
= (1.8) (36.8) + 32
= 66.24 + 32
= 98.24°C

C. Converting degree Celsius to Kelvin (°C to K)

K = °C + 273.15


1. Compute the equivalent of 25°C in Kelvin (K) temperature.


K=℃+ 273
K=25℃ +273
¿ 298 K
2. According to the PAGASA weather forecast, the heat index that we can experience in Tuguegarao City
today is 38°C. What is its equivalent in Kelvin (K) temperature?
K= ℃ + 273
K= 38℃ + 273
= 311 K

D. Converting Kelvin temperature (K) to degree Celsius (°C)

°C = K – 273
1. A chemist placed a liquid substance inside the refrigerator and measures the temperature using a
laboratory thermometer, the temperature is 294 K. Calculate the obtained temperature in degree Celsius
°C = K - 273
°C = 294 K - 273
= 21 °C

2. What is the equivalent of 393 K in degree °C?

°C = K - 273.15
°C = 393 K - 273
= 120 °C

We are aware that climate change is expected to displace millions of people and scientists worry that we
may be pushing the planet toward ecological collapse. This due to many human activities emit less
important gases like CFCs and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth’s atmosphere and gradually increase the
temperature. As a responsible student, how will you prevent and save our planet from the threats of global
warming and climate change?


Very good, at least at your age you can give suggestions on how we save our planet. Now, let us discuss
the next measurable property of gas which is the Volume (V). Volume is defined as the space occupied by the gas
particles. Note that the volume of gas is equal to the volume of the container. The SI unit for volume (V) is liter (L).
Other units like cubic meters (m3), cubic centimeters (cm3), milliliters (mL) are also used. Below is a table showing
the equivalent value of the different units of volume (V).

1 Liter (L) 1000 mL

1 milliliter (mL) 1 cm3

1 cubic centimeter (cm3) 1 mL

1 cubic meter (m3) 1L

In converting the different units of volume to another, we will adopt the dimensional analysis method used in
converting pressure. Let us solve the given examples below.
1. The gas sample was placed in a 4.5 L container. What is the equivalent value of the given volume in
milliliters (mL)?

4.5 L ( 10001 Lml )=4,500 mL

2. A gas substance was stored in a cylindrical tank with the volume of 5,000 cm3. What is its equivalent in
liters (L)?

5,000 cm3 ( 11mL )( 1L

cm 3 1000 ml )
=5 L
Another measurable property of gas is the Amount of Gas or number of moles (n). It property that shows
the relationship between the mass in grams of the gas and the number of moles of the given gas. This
measurable property of gas can be calculated using the formula below.
Number of moles = mass of the gas/ Molar Mass of the gas


m = is the mass in grams (g) or kilograms (Kg) of the gas sample

MM = is the molar mass of gas compound (g/mol)

n= is the number of moles expressed in mol

Take note that the molar mass of the gas compound can be obtained by adding the standard atomic masses of the
constituent atoms.
A. Find the molar mass of a nitrogen gas (N2)
MM = 2 - the number of atoms of the given element (denoted by the subscript)
X 14 g/mol = atomic mass of the element nitrogen (from the Periodic Table)
MM = 28 g/mol

B. Calculate the molar mass (MM) of the ammonia gas (NH3).

In this example, we used two elements in a given gas compound. So, we will identify first the elements
involved, determine their number of atoms and their atomic mass.
H = 3 (# atoms) X 1 g/mol (atomic mass) = 3 g/mol
N = 1 (# atom) X 14 g/mol (atomic mass) = 14 g/mol
MM = 3 g/mol (H) + 14 g/mol (N)
MM = 17 g/mol

To understand well our topic, let us perform the following examples.

1. Calculate the mass of 2.3 moles of Oxygen gas (O2) in a container.

Given: Solution:
n=2.3 mol m
n= (perform cross multiplication)
MM = 2 (# atoms) X 16 g/mol (atomic mass)
= 32g/mol
m=( n )( MM )
m=? m=( 2.3 mol ) ( 32molg )
m=73.6 g
2. Calculate the number of moles (n) contained in a 15 grams of carbon dioxide (CO 2) gas.

Given: Solution:
MM = m
1 X 12 g/mol (Carbon) = 12 g/mol n=
+ 2 X 16 g/mol (Oxygen) = 32 g/mol 15 g
MM = 44 g/mol n=
44 g/mol
m=15g n=0.34 mol

3. Xylene (C8H10) is a volatile organic hydrocarbon with a sickly-sweet smell, and it exists as a
colorless gas or liquid which is used in manufacturing chemical, agricultural sprays, and also
in the formulation of fuels and gasolines. How many moles of Xylene (C8H10) is present in
500 g sample?
Given: Solution:
MM = m
8 X 12g/mol (Carbon) = 96 g/mol n=
+ 10 X 1 g/mol (Hydrogen) = 10 g/mol
MM = 106 g/mol 500 g
m=500 g 106 g /mol
n=4.72 mol

The measurable properties used to describe the physical state of gas are volume, temperature, pressure
and amount of gas. The gas acquires volume and shape of the container in which they are kept. Hence the volume
of the container is taken as the volume of the gas. The temperature of a gas is a measure of the quantity of energy
possessed by the gas molecules. It may be defined as the degree of coldness and hotness of any matter. The
pressure of gas is explained as the total force exerted by the gas molecules per unit area of the container’s wall due
to their collision on the same wall. And lastly the amount of gas which is directly related to the given mass of the gas

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