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3 Sectors Revolutionized By the Power of

Artificial Intelligence
ByAngela Scott-Briggs Posted on April 24, 2021

There are two main technologies that are responsible for helping to create intelligent systems
in our industries. One you’ve probably heard of is artificial intelligence (AI) and the other is
machine learning (ML). These two developments are very similar, so what is the difference
between AI vs ML?

Machine learning is a part of the broader term of AI, but it refers to the specific learning a
machine does based on the data it is fed. ML can make decisions or predictions based on a
historical set of data, and use its best decision-making ability to help provide an outcome.

Conversely, artificial intelligence refers to technologies that can mimic human behaviour and
thinking. The goal of this development is to simulate human intelligence in systems so that
they can function in a more complex and intelligent manner.  Here are three sectors that are
being revolutionized by AI technology, along with what it could mean for the future. 

The insurance industry is always changing alongside updates in technology. There are many
factors and evolving regulations that give this industry the ability to harness the power of
artificial intelligence to its benefit. Enhancing customer satisfaction Is one of the most
important ways AI is revolutionizing insurance companies. It helps customers and companies
have a faster claim processing due to the large information of data they process. AI
automation can also help with loss prevention and protecting against fraudulent claims.
Through deep learning, chatbots or data processing and management, there are many AI tools
to help companies make the process smoother for them and their customers.

The scope of possibilities is endless when it comes to merging the entertainment industry
with the powers of AI. One of the first real examples of AI in mainstream media was the film
title with the same name, AI: Artificial Intelligence. The actual technology itself has made
many incredible advancements since then, including the world’s first AI-Generated music
and video content, which created new music based on previous learnings of popular sounds.
User experience is a big factor in how AI is transforming the entertainment industry. Netflix,
for example, learns personal preferences and offers suggestions, making a personalized
entertainment experience for users.

Artificial intelligence has been a big part of the education sector since its inception. However,
it’s not only for technical learning; it also serves to make everyday learning much easier for
students, teachers and even parents. There are AI-based games and software that help kids to
learn different subjects in new ways, while being more engaging and impactful than older
traditional methods. Personalization is one of the ways how intelligent tutoring systems are
changing education. For example, some systems can learn how a student is performing based
on past tests and create a personalized study pack for them. This is only the beginning of
what AI will be able to do to further enhance our education process.

Artificial intelligence is one of the emerging technologies that can truly help revolutionize
these sectors and many others. There is so much that we can teach machines and there is a lot
they can learn from us and our data. It’s truly amazing to see how this information and
technology can revolutionize our world.

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