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Sometimes our father really like to play gambling and other stuff like “Sambong” and our mother didn’t
like it at all. We all know that it is a waste of money and I understand what our mothers feels like. I’m
here today to tell you a short story about my family problem i experience when i was in elementary.

When I was in elementary school, My father is addicted to gambling like “Lotto”. He always pick me up
to school and after he pick me up, he will go to near Lotto site and spend the whole money he steal from
mom. My mom doesn’t notice it but the time she notice my father’s action they fought always and i
don’t want them to be like that always. I am mad about it, and at first I ignore what my father always do
and Time by time he always do the same thing and i said it to myself that enough is enough. I spoke up
to my father about his wrong deed and we talk about what will happend if he continue doing it, he
realize that and he changed . My mother is happy that my father change, he doesn’t steal from her and
he always helping my mom on how we will conquer the challenges in life. This is how i taught my father
from visualizing him on how our life will sink if he spending money from a gambling.

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