EF4e A1A2 Castellano Wordlist

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Fourth edition

Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

Monday n
Tuesday n
Wednesday n
Thursday n
Friday n
Saturday n
Sunday n


a/one hundred
Africa n
African adj
American adj
Argentina n
Argentinian adj
Asia n
Asian adj
Australia n
Australian adj
Brazil n
Brazilian adj
China n
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve
English Part of Speech
Chinese adj
Czech adj
the Czech Republic n
Egypt n
Egyptian adj
England n
English adj
Europe n
European adj
France n
French adj
German adj
Germany n
Hungarian adj
Hungary n
Ireland n
Irish adj
Italian adj
Italy n
Japan n
Japanese adj
Mexican adj
Mexico n
North America n
North American adj
Poland n
Polish adj
Russia n
Russian adj
Scotland n
Scottish adj
South America n
South American adj
Spain n
Spanish adj
Swiss adj
Switzerland n
Turkey n
Turkish adj
the (United) States / the US(A) n
Answer the questions.
Can I have a copy, please?
Can you help me, please?
Close the door.
Do exercise a.
Excuse me, what’s...in English?

Go to page 84.
How do you spell it?
I don’t know.
I don’t understand.
Listen and repeat.
Look at the board.
Open your books, please.
Please stop talking!
Read the text.
Sit down.
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

Sorry I’m late.
Sorry, can you repeat that, please?

Stand up.
Turn off your mobile.
What page is it?
Work in pairs / groups.
board n
chair n
computer n
desk n
door n
picture n
table n
wall n
window n
the bar n
a double room n
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good morning
the ground (first, second, etc.) floor n

the lift n
madam n
reception n
a single room n
sir n
It's time for…
No problem.
on business
That's perfect.
This is…
What about you?
Would you like...?
address n
age n
airport n
country n
email n
fine adj
first name n
hotel n
internet n
museum n
pasta n
phone n
pizza n
postcode n
salad n
sandwich n
surname n
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

university n
website n
well adj
bag n
book n
coin n
charger n
credit card n
diary n
dictionary n
file n
glasses pl n
headphones pl n
identity card n
iPod n
key n
laptop n
magazine n
(mobile) phone n
newspaper n
pen n
pencil n
photo n
piece of paper n
purse n
scissors pl n
sunglasses pl n
tablet n
ticket n
tissue n
umbrella n
wallet n
watch n
awful adj
bad adj
beautiful adj
big adj
cheap adj
clean adj
cold adj
dangerous adj
dark adj
different adj
difficult adj
dirty adj
easy adj
empty adj
expensive adj
fantastic adj
fast adj
fat adj
full adj
good adj
great adj
high adj
hot adj
left adj
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

light adj
long adj
low adj
new adj
nice adj
old adj
poor adj
quite adv
really adv
rich adj
right adj
right adj
safe adj
short adj
slow adj
small adj
strong adj
tall adj
terrible adj
the same adj
ugly adj
very adv
weak adj
wrong adj
young adj
black adj
blue adj
brown adj
gold adj
green adj
grey adj
orange adj
pink adj
red adj
purple adj
silver adj
white adj
yellow adj
What colour is…?
angry adj
bored adj
cold adj
frightened adj
happy adj
hot adj
hungry adj
sad adj
stressed adj
thirsty adj
tired adj
worried adj
Be careful!
Don’t drive fast.
Don’t turn left.
Don’t worry.
Let’s go.
Let’s not stop.
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

Look for…
Turn right.
cook v
drink v
drive v
eat v
go v
have v
like v
listen v
live v
need v
play v
read v
say v
speak v
study v
take v
want v
watch v
wear v
work v
accountant n
actor n
administrator n
architect n
bank manager n
builder n
chef n
cleaner n
cook n
dentist n
doctor n
engineer n
factory worker n
flight attendant n
footballer n
guide n
hairdresser n
journalist n
lawyer n
model n
musician n
nurse n
pilot n
policeman / policewoman n
receptionist n
shop assistant n
soldier n
taxi driver n
teacher n
vet n
waiter n
waitress n
It’s a quarter past six.
It’s a quarter to seven.
It’s five to seven.
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

It’s half past six.
It’s six o’clock.
It’s ten past six.
It’s three minutes past six.
It’s twenty past six.
It’s twenty-five to seven.
How many
What kind of
Anything else?
Can I have…?
Can I help you?
How much is that?
To take away.
Here we are.
Is this your first time…
Nice to meet you.
Talk to you later.
everybody pron
everything pron
How interesting!
I also like
I really love
Me too.
My favourite thing
aunt n
brother n
brother-in-law n
children n
cousin n
daughter n
father n
grandfather n
grandmother n
mother-in-law n
nephew n
niece n
parents pl n
sister n
son n
stepfather n
uncle n
wife n
do exercise
do homework
do the housework
finish work at 6.30
get dressed v
get home late
get up at 8.00
go home early
English File 4th edition
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

go shopping
go to bed late
go to Italian classes
go to work by bus
have a bath
have a coffee
have a shower v
have breakfast
have lunch at work
have pizza for dinner
make the dinner
relax v
sleep for eight hours
start work at 8.30
take the dog for a walk
wake up at 7.00
always adv
every (day / week / month / year) adv

hardly ever adv

never adv
normally adv
often adv
once (a day / week / month / year) adv

only adv
sometimes adv
three times (a day / week / month / year) adv
twice (a day / week / month / year) adv

usually adv
at prep
at prep
in prep
in prep
on prep
to prep
bow tie n
glasses pl n
ring n
watch n
buy v
call / phone v
dance v
draw v
find v
forget v
give v
hear v
help v
leave v
look for phr v
meet v
paint v
play v
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

remember v
run v
see v
send v
sing v
swim v
take v
talk v
tell v
try v
use v
wait for phr v
autumn n
cloudy adj
cold adj
cool adj
foggy adj
hot adj
raining v
snowing v
spring n
summer n
sunny adj
warm adj
windy adj
winter n
argue v
bark v
cries v
have the TV on
loud adj
make a lot of noise
music n
noisy adj
parties n
practises v
jacket n
jeans n
shirt n
shoes pl n
skirt n
sweater n
trousers n
T-shirt n
Don't worry.
I'm really sorry.
That's OK.
Changing rooms n
Extra large adj
Fifty pence n
Five pounds n
Five pounds fifty n
here det
Large adj
Medium adj
Small adj
that det
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

there det
these det
this det
those det
What size is this?
Where can I try it on?
Have fun!
I can't find my phone.
I can't talk now.
I have to go.
It's so cool!
No way!
Right now?
See you later.
Wait a minute.
What are you doing?
What do you think of…?
What's wrong?
January n
February n
March n
1st (first) det
2nd (second) det
3rd (third) det

4th (fourth) det

5th (fifth) det
6th (sixth) det
7th (seventh) det
8th (eighth) det
9th (ninth) det
10th (tenth) det
11th (eleventh) det
12th (twelfth) det
13th (thirteenth) det
14th (fourteenth) det
20th (twentieth) det
21st (twenty-first) det
22nd (twenty-second) det
23rd (twenty-third) det
24th (twenty-fourth) det
30th (thirtieth) det
31st (thirty-first) det
arrive v
comfortable adj
decide v
desert n
inside prep
into prep
leave v
mountain n
palace n
sell v
strange adj
surprised adj
through prep
towards prep
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

village n
accordian n
accordianist n
bass guitar n
bass guitarist n
drummer n
drums n
keyboard n
keyboard player n
piano n
pianist n
saxophone n
saxophonist n
trumpet n
trumpeter n
violin n
violinist n
depressing adj
favourite adj
festive adj
fun adj
don't mind v
hate v
like v
love v
least favourite adj
warm adj
get a newspaper
get a taxi / a bus / a train
get an email / letter

get dressed v
get home
get to the airport
get up (early) phr v
go back (to work) phr v
go by bus / by car / by plane
go for a walk
go home (from school)
go on holiday
go out phr v
go shopping
go to a restaurant
go to bed
go to church / to mosque
go to the beach
have a car / a bike
have a drink
have a good time
have a sandwich
have a shower / a bath / a swim
have long hair
actor n
artist n
composer n
dancer n
director n
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

musician n
novelist n
painter n
politician n
scientist n
singer n
writer n
a year ago
in 2017
last month
last night
last summer
last week
the day before yesterday
three days ago
yesterday morning
at the end of the street
bridge n
Can you tell me the way to…
corner n
Could you say that again, please?
excuse me, please.
opposite prep
past prep
straight on
traffic lights pl n
turn left
turn right
You can't miss it.
Maybe another time?
That's really nice of you.
We could go to…
What a view!
What is there to see?
What would you like to visit?
Would you like to meet for lunch?

Yes, of course.
air conditioning n
armchair n
balcony n
bath n
bathroom n
bed n
bedroom n
carpet n
ceiling n
central heating n
cooker n
cupboard n
dining room n
fireplace n
floor n
fridge n
garage n
garden n
hall n
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

kitchen n
lamp n
light n
living room n
mirror n
plant n
shelf (shelves) n
shower n
sofa / couch n
stairs pl n
study n
toilet n
wall n
washing machine n
behind prep

between prep
down prep
from…to prep

in prep
in front of prep
into prep
next to prep
on prep
opposite prep
out of prep
over prep
under prep
up prep
arrived v
came v
closed v
hated v
killed v
sat v
slept v
spoke v
checked out phr v
got up phr v
turned on phr v
went back phr v
woke up phr v
apples pl n
bananas pl n
biscuits pl n
bread n
breakfast n
butter n
carrots pl n
cereal n
cheese n
chips (French fries) pl n
chocolate n
coffee n
crisps pl n
desserts pl n
fish n
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

fruit n
fruit salad n
herbs pl n
ice cream n
jam n
lettuce n
lunch n
dinner n
meat (steak, chicken, sausages, ham) n

milk n
mushrooms pl n
nuts pl n
(olive) oil n
onions pl n
(orange) juice n
oranges pl n
pasta n
peas pl n
peppers pl n
pineapple n
potatoes pl n
rice n
salad n
salmon n
sandwich n
seafood n
snacks pl n
spices pl n
strawberries pl n
sugar n
sweets pl n
tea n
toast n
tomatoes pl n
tuna n
105 a / one hundred and five
200 two hundred
350 three hundred and fifty
875 eight hundred and seventy-five

1,000 a/one thousand

1,500 one thousand five hundred

2,012 two thousand and twelve

5,420 five thousand four hundred and twenty

25,000 twenty-five thousand

100,000 a / one hundred thousand

1,000,000 a / one million

2,300,000 two million three hundred thousand

bottle n
box n
can n
carton n
English File 4th edition
Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

jar n
packet n
tin n
Good luck!
Happy Birthday!
Oh dear. Never mind.
Well done!
A bottle of mineral water, please.

A table for two.

Are you ready to order?
Come this way, please.
Do you have a reservation?
I'd like the…
Just water for me.
Still or sparkling?
What would you like to drink?
A decaf espresso.
Could I have the bill, please?
Go ahead.
Good news?
Not for me, thanks.
Nothing special.
The same for me, please.
Would you like a dessert?
be a bad loser
cheat v
collect v
courses pl n
de-ice v
expert adj
float v
fresh adj
grilled adj
home-made adj
introduce v
memorize v
order v
quizmaster n
remove v
sauce n
soup n
team n
win v
art gallery n
bridge n
bus station n
car park n
castle n
cathedral n
chemist’s / pharmacy n
church n
department store n
hospital n
market n
mosque n
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

museum n
police station n
post office n
railway station n
river n
road n
square n
street n
synagogue n
supermarket n
temple n
town hall n
book v
buy v
eat v
go v
have v
meet v
rent v
stay v
visit v
be lucky
become famous
fall in love
get a lot of money
get a new job
get married
have a surprise
meet somebody new
move house
travel v
argue v
believe v
biggest adj
boyfriend n
busiest adj
famous adj
fastest adj
fortune n
future n
idea n
Let's go to…
longest adj
lucky adj
married adj
money n
most dangerous adj
oldest adj
problem n
question n
surprise n
tallest adj
That's a good idea.
today adv
travel v
Why don't we go to…?
worry v
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

calmly adv
dangerously adv
fluently adv
hard adv
loudly adv
patiently adv
politely adv
seriously adv
well adv
decide v
forget v
hope v
learn v
need v
plan v
promise v
remember v
try v
want v
attachment n
broadband n
download an app
get directions
get fitter
listen to a song
log in phr v
message a friend
post a tweet
read a book
search v
send a text message
send an email
share a photo
Skype a friend
social media
take a photo
upload a video
wi-fi n
bus n
coach n
plane n
taxi n
train n
tram n
Can I pay by credit card?

Could I have a receipt?

Could I have a ticket to…?
Could you call me a taxi, please?

Single or return?
Where to?
Standard or first class?
Have a good journey.
I can't believe it!
I'm so happy!
Is everything OK?
English File 4th edition

Fourth edition
Wordlist – Castellano
Here is a list of useful or new words from English File 4th edition Elementary Student's Book.
adj = adjective adv = adverb det = determiner n = noun phr v = phrasal verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = ve

English Part of Speech

Phone me when you get there.
See you in…
See you there!
Thank you so much.
bucket list n

earn money
insurance n
pay bills
pay rent
salary n
tip n
been v
bought v
done v
eaten v
fallen v
given v
heard v
left v
read v
seen v
spoken v
sung v
told v

English File 4th edition

Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/ˈmʌndeɪ/ Your first class is on Monday .
/ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ So Anna, your classes are on Tuesday mornings.
/ˈwenzdeɪ/ I work on Wednesday mornings.
/ˈθɜːzdeɪ/ The movie is on Thursday .
/ˈfraɪdeɪ/ Your last class is on Friday .
/ˈsætədeɪ/ See you on Saturday .
/ˈsʌndeɪ/ The shop is closed on Sunday .
/ˈzɪərəʊ/ The country code is zero four four.
/wʌn/ I have one sister and two brothers.
/tuː/ I’ll have a pizza and two colas, please.
/θriː/ Can you name three countries in English?
/fɔː/ I have a reservation for four nights.
/faɪv/ I have a reservation for five people.
/sɪks/ The shop is open six days a week.
/ˈsevn/ I work seven days a week.
/eɪt/ I have eight aunts and uncles.
/naɪn/ It costs nine pounds.
/ten/ There are ten girls in my class.
/ɪˈlevn/ There are eleven boys in my class.
/twelv/ I have twelve hours of English a week.
/ˌθɜːˈtiːn/ It’s thirteen minutes past twelve.
/ˌfɔːˈtiːn/ There are fourteen computers in the class.
/ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ The building has got fifteen windows.
/ˌsɪksˈtiːn/ I live at number sixteen .
/ˌsevnˈtiːn/ I am seventeen and start my first job on Monday.
/ˌeɪˈtiːn/ I’m eighteen years old and I’m a student.
/ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/ Room nineteen is on the first floor.
/ˈtwenti/ There are twenty people in my class.
/ˌtwenti ˈwʌn/ My sister is twenty-one years old.
/ˈθɜːti/ The train leaves at five thirty .
/ˌθɜːti ˈfaɪv/ My aunt is thirty-five years old.
/ˈfɔːti/ My dad is forty years old.
/ˌfɔːti ˈθriː/ My mum is forty-three years old.
/ˈfɪfti/ It costs fifty cents.
/ˌfɪfti ˈnaɪn/ Room fifty-nine is on the second floor.
/ˈsɪksti/ Passengers on flight BA234 please go to gate sixty immediately.

/ˌsɪksti ˈsevn/ My grandmother is sixty-seven years old.

/ˈsevnti/ My grandfather is seventy years old.
/ˌsevnti ˈtuː/ The British Airways flight to Madrid is boarding at gate seventy-
two .

/ˈeɪti/ The address is eighty Park Road.

/ˌeɪti ˈeɪt/ Open your books to page eighty-eight .
/ˈnaɪnti/ It’s about ninety kilometres to Bordeaux.
/ˌnaɪnti ˈfɔː/ Take bus number ninety-four .
/ə/wʌn ˈhʌndrəd/ Open your books to page one hundred .
/ˈæfrɪkə/ Egypt is in Africa .
/ˈæfrɪkən/ I am African . I come from Nigeria.
/əˈmerɪkən/ Are you American ?
/ɑːdʒənˈtiːnə/ Argentina is in South America.
/ɑːdʒənˈtɪniən/ My friend is Argentinian .
/ˈeɪʒə/ Japan is in Asia .
/ˈeɪʒn/ I like Asian food.
/ɒˈstreɪliə/ Canberra is the capital of Australia .
/ɒˈstreɪliən/ I’m not English. I’m Australian .
/brəˈzɪl/ I live in Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil .
/brəˈzɪliən/ The teacher is Brazilian .
/ˈtʃaɪnə/ She’s from China .

Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb
Pronunciation Example sentence
/tʃaɪˈniːz/ My teacher is Chinese .
/tʃek/ I am Czech .
/ˌtʃek rɪˈpʌblɪk/ I am from the Czech Republic .
/ˈiːdʒɪpt/ Egypt is in North Africa.
/iˈdʒɪpʃn/ There are lots of Egyptian people in my class.
/ˈɪŋɡlənd/ London is the capital of England .
/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ Are you English ?
/ˈjʊərəp/ Italy is in Europe .
/jʊərəˈpiːən/ Ireland is part of the European Union.
/frɑːns/ France is next to Belgium.
/frentʃ/ My mother is French .
/ˈdʒɜːmən/ The waitress is German .
/ˈdʒɜːməni/ Germany is in Europe.
/hʌŋˈɡeəriən/ Frida is from Budapest – she’s Hungarian .
/ˈhʌŋɡəri/ Hungary is near Austria.
/ˈaɪələnd/ I am from Ireland .
/ˈaɪrɪʃ/ Dublin is an Irish city.
/ɪˈtæliən/ That actress is Italian .
/ˈɪtəli/ I think Lake Garda is in Italy .
/dʒəˈpæn/ I think Kyoto is in Japan .
/dʒæpəˈniːz/ They are Japanese .
/ˈmeksɪkən/ Mexican food is my favourite.
/ˈmeksɪkəʊ/ Mexico is south of the USA.
/ˌnɔːθ əˈmerɪkə/ Canada is in North America .
/ˌnɔːθ əˈmerɪkən/ The USA is a North American country.
/ˈpəʊlənd/ She is from Poland .
/ˈpəʊlɪʃ/ She is Polish .
/ˈrʌʃə/ Moscow is the capital of Russia .
/ˈrʌʃn/ I think it’s Russian , but I’m not sure.
/ˈskɒtlənd/ Where are you from in Scotland ?
/ˈskɒtɪʃ/ Are they Scottish ?
/ˌsaʊθ əˈmerɪkə/ Brazil is in South America .
/ˌsaʊθ əˈmerɪkən/ Argentina is a South American country.
/speɪn/ Madrid is the capital of Spain .
/ˈspænɪʃ/ I love Spanish music.
/swɪs/ I love Swiss chocolate.
/ˈswɪtsələnd/ I am going skiing in Switzerland .
/ˈtɜːki/ Istanbul is in Turkey .
/ˈtɜːkɪʃ/ I love Turkish food.
/juˌnaɪtɪd ˈsteɪts/ We’re from Columbus, Ohio, in the United States .
/ˈɑːnsə ðə ˈkwestʃənz/ Read the text. Answer the questions.
/kæn aɪ hæv ə ˈkɒpi pliːz/ Can I have a copy, please? I haven’t got one.
/kæn ju help mi pliːz/ Can you help me, please? I have a problem.
/kləʊz ðə dɔː/ Close the door. It’s cold outside.
/duː ˈeksəsaɪz eɪ/ Do exercise a. It’s on the left.
/ɪkˈskjuːz mi wɒts...ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ Excuse me, what’s fromage in English?

/ɡəʊ tə peɪdʒ ˌeɪti ˈfɔː/ Open your books, please. Go to page 84.
/haʊ də ju spel ɪt/ How do you spell it? D-A-R-L-Y.
/aɪ dəʊnt nəʊ/ I’m sorry. I don’t know.
/aɪ dəʊnt ʌndəˈstænd/ I don’t understand. Can you repeat that, please?
/ˈlɪsn ən rɪˈpiːt/ Look at the words. Listen and repeat.
/lʊk ət ðə bɔːd/ Look at the board. Repeat these sounds.
/ˈəʊpən jɔː bʊks pliːz/ OK, everyone. Open your books, please.
/pliːz stɒp ˈtɔːkɪŋ/ Please stop talking! Open your books.
/riːd ðə tekst/ Read the text. Answer the questions.
/sɪt daʊn/ Sit down and open your books.

Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/ˈsɒri aɪm leɪt/ Sorry I’m late. There is a lot of traffic.
/ˈsɒri kæn ju rɪˈpiːt ðæt pliːz/ I don’t understand. Sorry, can you repeat that, please?

/stænd ʌp/ Stand up. Speak to the other students.

/tɜːn ɒf jɔː ˈməʊbaɪl/ Turn off your mobile. Please stop talking!
/wɒt peɪdʒ ɪz ɪt/ Sorry, I didn’t hear you. What page is it?
/wɜːk ɪn peəz/ɡruːps/ Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.
/bɔːd/ Look at the board .
/tʃeə/ Take a seat on the chair .
/kəmˈpjuːtə/ There is a computer in the classroom.
/desk/ I write at a desk .
/dɔː/ The door is at the front of the room.
/ˈpɪktʃə/ Look at the picture of a classroom.
/ˈteɪbl/ The teacher has a table at the front of the room.
/wɔːl/ I sit next to the wall .
/ˈwɪndəʊ/ There is a window in our class.
/bɑː/ The bar closes at 11.30 p.m.
/ˌdʌbl ˈruːm/ I’d like a double room for two nights, please.
/ɡʊd ɑːftəˈnuːn/ Good afternoon , sir.
/ɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ/ Good evening , madam.
/ɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ Good morning , how are you?
/ɡʊdˈnaɪt/ Goodnight , see you in the morning.
/ɡraʊnd flɔː/ Your room is on the ground floor .

/lɪft/ Take the lift to the second floor.

/ˈmædəm/ Good evening, m adam .
/rɪˈsepʃn/ Check in at reception .
/ˌsɪŋɡl ˈrʊm/ I’d like a single room , please.
/sɜː/ Good afternoon, s ir.
/ɪts taɪm fə/ It's time for bed.
/nəʊ ˈprɒbləm/ No problem. I can help you any time.
/ɒn ˈbɪznəs/ I'm here on business .
/ðæts ˈpɜːfɪkt/ Thanks for the information. That's perfect.
/ðɪs ɪz/ This is my first time in the UK.
/wɒt əˈbaʊt juː/ I’m hungry. What about you?
/wʊd ju laɪk/ Would you like a black coffee? ~ Yes, please.
/əˈdres/ What’s your address ?
/eɪdʒ/ I'm 17. Are you the same age as me?
/ˈeəpɔːt/ People go to the airport before and after a holiday.
/baɪ/ Bye ! See you tomorrow.
/ˈkʌntri/ What country is pizza from?
/ˈiːmeɪl/ What’s your email address?
/faɪn/ How are you? ~ I'm fine , thanks.
/ˈfɜːst neɪm/ My first name is Lisa.
/haɪ/ Hi ! How are you?
/həʊˈtel/ My hotel is near the museum.
/aɪm/ I'm fine, thanks.
/ˈɪntənet/ I use the internet every day.
/mjuˈziːəm/ The museum is closed on Sunday.
/ˈpæstə/ Pasta is from Italy.
/fəʊn/ What’s your phone number?
/ˈpiːtsə/ They often have pizza for dinner.
/ˈpəʊstkəʊd/ My postcode is B4 6EU.
/ˈsæləd/ I’d like the mozzarella salad and then the chicken, please.
/ˈsænwɪdʒ/ A cheese and tomato sandwich , please.
/ˈsɜːneɪm/ My surname is Robertson.
/θæŋks/ Thanks a lot.

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verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/juːnɪˈvɜːsəti/ I can’t decide what subject to study at university .
/ˈwebsaɪt/ What’s your favourite website ?
/wel/ Very well , thank you.
/bæɡ/ My phone is in my bag .
/bʊk/ I am looking for a book to read.
/kɔɪn/ There is a coin on the table.
/ˈtʃɑːdʒə/ Do you have a charger for this phone?
/ˈkredɪt kɑːd/ I don’t have a credit card .
/ˈdaɪəri/ I use a diary at work.
/ˈdɪkʃənri/ Look up the word in a dictionary .
/faɪl/ I keep my work in a file .
/ˈɡlɑːsɪz/ He wears glasses to help him see.
/ˈhedfəʊnz/ He uses headphones to listen to music.
/aɪˈdentəti kɑːd/ I have a passport, but I don’t have an identity card .
/ˈaɪpɒd/ I use an iPod to listen to music.
/kiː/ Here is a key for your room.
/ˈlæptɒp/ I have a laptop for work.
/mæɡəˈziːn/ I buy a magazine every week.
/(ˈməʊbaɪl) fəʊn/ I want a mobile phone for my birthday.
/ˈnjuːzpeɪpə/ I read a newspaper every morning.
/pen/ I use a pen to write.
/ˈpensl/ I use a pencil to write. It’s easier to correct.
/ˈfəʊtəʊ/ There is a photo of my family in my wallet.
/piːs əv ˈpeɪpə/ Can I have a piece of paper to write on?
/pɜːs/ I keep my credit cards in a purse .
/ˈsɪzəz/ I need some scissors to cut this paper.
/ˈsʌnɡlɑːsɪz/ It’s really sunny. Where are my sunglasses ?
/ˈtæblət/ Show me the picture on your tablet .
/ˈtɪkɪt/ A ticket to Oxford, please.
/ˈtɪʃuː/ Have you got a tissue ?
/ʌmˈbrelə/ It’s raining. I need to buy an umbrella .
/ˈwɒlɪt/ I keep my money in a wallet .
/wɒtʃ/ What’s this in English? ~ It’s a watch .
/ˈɔːfl/ This weather is awful !
/bæd/ This food is really bad .
/ˈbjuːtɪfl/ She’s a very beautiful actress.
/bɪɡ/ His house is very big . It’s got six bedrooms.
/tʃiːp/ This restaurant is really cheap .
/kliːn/ The window is really clean .
/kəʊld/ Are you hot, Suzy? ~ No, I’m cold .
/ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ Careful! That dog’s dangerous .
/dɑːk/ She has dark hair.
/ˈdɪfrənt/ I am very different to my sister.
/ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ This is a difficult exercise.
/ˈdɜːti/ My room is dirty . I need to clean it.
/ˈiːzi/ The homework is easy .
/ˈempti/ Your glass is empty . Would you like another drink?
/ɪkˈspensɪv/ That hotel is too expensive . Let’s book another one.
/fænˈtæstɪk/ This is a fantastic game!
/fɑːst/ Her car is very fast .
/fat/ My pet dog loves to eat and is very fat .
/fʊl/ The hotel is full .
/ɡʊd/ Don’t worry. You know I’m a good driver.
/ɡreɪt/ I had a great weekend!
/haɪ/ There are high mountains in Switzerland.
/hɒt/ The water is very hot .
/left/ My left foot hurts.
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verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/laɪt/ Do you want the light blue T-shirt or the dark blue?
/lɒŋ/ He has long hair and brown eyes.
/ləʊ/ The price is quite low .
/njuː/ This is a new jacket. My other one was too old.
/naɪs/ Have a nice day!
/əʊld/ My car is really old . I need a new one.
/pɔː/ He is a poor man. He doesn’t have much money.
/kwaɪt/ It’s quite nice here.
/ˈriːəli/ I really like Italian food.
/rɪtʃ/ Look at his clothes. He’s very rich .
/raɪt/ My right arm is stronger than my left arm.
/raɪt/ Well done, that’s the right answer.
/seɪf/ I am a safe driver.
/ʃɔːt/ She’s quite short and slim.
/sləʊ/ I don’t like slow service in a restaurant.
/smɔːl/ My bedroom is quite small , but I love it.
/strɒŋ/ My bag is heavy. I’m not strong enough to lift it.
/tɔːl/ He’s quite tall and he’s very attractive.
/ˈterəbl/ I’m very tired. I feel terrible .
/ðə seɪm/ He's the same age as his brother.
/ˈʌɡli/ It’s a really ugly picture.
/ˈveri/ It’s very exciting!
/wiːk/ He is too weak to lift the bag.
/rɒŋ/ Number five is the wrong answer.
/jʌŋ/ She’s very young . She’s only five.
/blæk/ I wear black shoes to work.
/bluː/ I like blue jeans.
/braʊn/ He has black hair and brown eyes.
/ɡəʊld/ My shoes are gold .
/ɡriːn/ Her eyes are green .
/ɡreɪ/ My grandmother’s hair is grey .
/ˈɒrɪndʒ/ He has an orange T-shirt.
/pɪŋk/ My bedroom is pink .
/red/ She’s got red hair.
/ˈpɜːpl/ I like to wear my purple jacket.
/ˈsɪlvə/ His car is silver .
/waɪt/ I have a new white shirt.
/ˈjeləʊ/ Taxis in New York are yellow .
/wɒt ˈkʌlər ɪz/ What colour is the American flag?
/ˈæŋɡri/ I’m angry with Dan.
/bɔːd/ I’m bored with this homework.
/kəʊld/ Are you hot, Suzy? ~ No, I’m cold .
/ˈfraɪtnd/ I’m frightened of snakes.
/ˈhæpi/ I’m happy you can come to the party.
/hɒt/ The water is very hot .
/ˈhʌŋɡri/ I’m hungry – can I make a sandwich?
/sæd/ Julie is sad she can’t come to the party.
/strest/ I’m stressed – I need a holiday.
/ˈθɜːsti/ I’m thirsty – where’s the water?
/ˈtaɪəd/ I’m tired and I want to go to bed.
/ˈwʌrid/ I’m worried about Gareth.
/biː ˈkeəfl/ Be careful! There’s another car!
/dəʊnt draɪv fɑːst/ Don’t drive fast ! This road is dangerous.
/dəʊnt tɜːn left/ Don’t turn left here.
/dəʊnt ˈwʌri/ Don’t worry . I’m a good driver.
/lets ɡəʊ/ Let’s go to a café.
/lets nɒt stɒp/ Let’s not stop . I’m not tired.

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Pronunciation Example sentence

/lʊk fɔː/ Look for a car park.
/tɜːn raɪt/ Turn right. Then go straight ahead.
/kʊk/ I cook dinner for my family every evening.
/drɪŋk/ I drink mineral water every day.
/draɪv/ I learned to drive two years ago.
/iːt/ I don’t want to eat fast food for dinner.
/ɡəʊ/ We go to the cinema every month.
/hæv/ We don’t have children but we have a dog.
/laɪk/ I like animals so I have a cat, a dog, and a rabbit at home.
/ˈlɪsn/ I listen to music on my iPod.
/lɪv/ I live in a flat with my sister.
/niːd/ In the US you need ID when you buy a drink.
/pleɪ/ You play the guitar really well.
/riːd/ I read a newspaper on the train every morning.
/seɪ/ You’re late – say sorry to your teacher.
/spiːk/ British and American people speak the same language.
/ˈstʌdi/ I want to study economics at university.
/teɪk/ I take an umbrella in my school bag every day.
/wɒnt/ I want a new car – a BMW!
/wɒtʃ/ I watch TV on Saturday evenings.
/weə/ Do you wear glasses for reading?
/wɜːk/ I work in an office in the town centre.
/əˈkaʊntənt/ My brother is an accountant.
/ˈæktə/ David is an actor.
/ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtə/ Karen is an administrator .
/ˈɑːkɪtekt/ Norman Foster is an architect .
/ˈbæŋk mænɪdʒə/ I want to be a bank manager and make lots of money.
/ˈbɪldə/ Carl is a builder and he works very hard.
/ʃef/ Marco is a chef in an Italian restaurant.
/ˈkliːnə/ I need to find a cleaner .
/kʊk/ Julie is a cook at the school.
/ˈdentɪst/ I want to see a dentist about my bad teeth.
/ˈdɒktə/ I don’t feel well. I need to see a doctor .
/endʒɪˈnɪə/ We need an engineer to help with this project.
/ˈfæktəri wɜːkə/ My uncle is a factory worker in a biscuit factory.
/ˈflaɪt ətendənt/ She travels a lot. We think she’s a flight attendant .
/ˈfʊtbɔːlə/ My friend is a footballer. He plays for Manchester United.
/ɡaɪd/ I work as a tour guide in London.
/ˈheədresə/ I’m a hairdresser . I cut people’s hair.
/ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst/ My dad is a journalist . He writes for a newspaper.
/ˈlɔːjə/ My mother is a lawyer .
/ˈmɒdl/ Gisele Bundchen is a model .
/mjuˈzɪʃn/ My brother is a famous musician .
/nɜːs/ A nurse usually works in a hospital.
/ˈpaɪlət/ A pilot flies planes.
/pəˈliːsmən/pəˈliːswʊmən/ There’s a policewoman outside our house.
/rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ A receptionist works at a hotel check-in desk.
/ˈʃɒp əsɪstənt/ A shop assistant serves customers in a shop.
/ˈsəʊldʒə/ I’m a soldier . I work for the army.
/ˈtæksi draɪvə/ Taxi drivers work long hours.
/ˈtiːtʃə/ I’m a teacher . I teach chemistry.
/vet/ I’m a vet . I look after animals.
/ˈweɪtə/ I am a waiter in a small café.
/ˈweɪtrəs/ I work as a waitress in a restaurant.
/ɪts ə ˈkwɔːtə pɑːst sɪks/ It’s a quarter past six. Time to get up!
/ɪts ə ˈkwɔːtə tə ˈsevn/ What time is it? ~ It’s a quarter to seven.
/ɪts faɪv tə ˈsevn/ It’s five to seven . The bus will arrive soon.

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verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/ɪts hɑːf pɑːst sɪks/ What time is it? ~ It’s half past six.
/ɪts sɪks əˈklɒk/ It’s six o’clock. I’m leaving the office now.
/ɪts ten pɑːst sɪks/ What time is it? ~ It’s ten past six.
/ɪts θriː ˈmɪnɪts pɑːst sɪks/ What time is it? ~ It’s three minutes past six .
/ɪts ˈtwenti pɑːst sɪks/ What time is it? ~ It’s twenty past six.
/ɪts ˌtwenti ˈfaɪv tə ˈsevn/ What time is it? ~ It’s twenty-five to seven.
/haʊ ˈmeni/ How many students are in the classroom?
/wɒt/ What do you do?
/wɒt kaɪnd əv/ What kind of music do you like?
/wen/ When do you go to the gym?
/weə/ Where does he live?
/wɪtʃ/ Which class are you in?
/huː/ Who are you?
/waɪ/ Why are you so tired?
/ˈeniθɪŋ els/ Anything else? ~ Yes, a mineral water, please.
/kæn aɪ hæv/ Can I have an espresso, please?
/kæn aɪ help juː/ Can I help you? ~ A black coffee, please.
/haʊ mʌtʃ ɪz ðæt/ How much is that? ~ That’s £12.45, please.
/tə teɪk əˈweɪ/ To have here or take away? ~ To take away.
/hɪə wi ɑː/ Here we are. Let's get out of the car and look around.
/ɪz ðɪs jɔː fɜːst taɪm/ Is this your first time in Oxford?
/naɪs tə miːt juː/ Hi! I'm Rob. ~ Nice to meet you , Rob.
/tɔːk tə ju ˈleɪtə/ I'll see you in the afternoon. Talk to you later.
/ˈevribɒdi/ Everybody here uses English File.
/ˈevriθɪŋ/ Everything here is very nice.
/haʊ ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ I’m a singer. ~ Really? How interesting! Are you in a band ?
/aɪ ˈɔːlsəʊ laɪk/ I also like the food here.
/aɪ ˈrɪəli lʌv/ I really love going on holiday.
/miː tuː/ I like listening to music. ~ Me too.
/maɪ ˈfeɪvərɪt θɪŋ/ My favourite thing about this country is the people.
/ˈrɪəli/ I’m a singer. ~ Really? How interesting.
/ɑːnt/ My mum’s sister, my aunt , is two years older than she is.
/ˈbrʌðə/ That’s my brother and his son.
/ˈbrʌðər ɪn lɔː/ My brother-in-law still lives with his parents.
/ˈtʃɪldrən/ He has three children , two boys and a girl.
/ˈkʌzn/ My cousin goes to the same school as me.
/ˈdɔːtə/ My daughter is four years old.
/ˈfɑːðə/ My father is a doctor.
/ˈɡrænfɑːðə/ My grandfather is 78 years old.
/ˈɡrænmʌðə/ My grandmother doesn’t work.
/ˈmʌðər ɪn lɔː/ I don’t like my mother-in-law .
/ˈnefjuː/ My nephew is five years old.
/niːs/ I have got a nephew but not a niece .
/ˈpeərənts/ My parents don’t often listen to the radio.
/ˈsɪstə/ My sister has three children.
/sʌn/ I have two daughters and a son .
/ˈstepfɑːðə/ Is he your father? ~ No, he’s my stepfather .
/ˈʌŋkl/ I don’t see my uncle very often.
/waɪf/ He lives in Chile with his wife .
/duː ˈeksəsaɪz/ I hardly ever do exercise .
/duː ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ How often do you do homework ?
/duː ðə ˈhaʊswɜːk/ I do the housework on Saturday morning.
/ˈfɪnɪʃ wɜːk ət sɪks ˈθɜːti/ I finish work at 6.30 p.m.
/ɡet drest/ I have a shower, then I get dressed .
/ɡet həʊm leɪt/ They often get home late .
/ɡet ʌp ət eɪt/ I get up at 8.00 a.m.
/ɡəʊ həʊm ˈɜːli/ Sometimes I go home early from work.
Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/ɡəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ I usually go shopping at the weekend.
/ɡəʊ tə bed leɪt/ I usually go to bed late on Friday.
/ɡəʊ tə ɪˈtæliəŋ klɑːsɪz/ I go to Italian classes twice a week.
/ɡəʊ tə wɜːk baɪ bʌs/ We go to work by bus .
/hæv ə bɑːθ/ I don’t like showers so I have a bath .
/hæv ə ˈkɒfi/ I have a coffee for breakfast.
/hæv ə ˈʃaʊə/ I have a shower every morning before breakfast.
/hæv ˈbrekfəst/ I like to have breakfast in bed at the weekends.
/hæv lʌntʃ ət wɜːk/ We have lunch at work , in the cafeteria.
/hæv ˈpiːtsə fə ˈdɪnə/ They often have pizza for dinner .
/meɪk ðə ˈdɪnə/ The children do their homework and I make the dinner .
/rɪˈlæks/ I like to relax at the weekend.
/sliːp fər eɪt ˈaʊəz/ They don’t usually sleep for eight hours .
/stɑːt wɜːk ət eɪt ˈθɜːti/ I start work at 8.30 a.m.
/teɪk ðə dɒɡ fər ə wɔːk/ I take the dog for a walk every morning.
/weɪk ʌp ət ˈsevn/ I wake up at 7.00 a.m.
/ˈɔ:lweɪz/ Why are you always late?
/ˈevri/ They spend about 31 hours online every week .

/ˈhɑ:dli ˈevə/ He hardly ever has breakfast.

/ˈnevə/ I never have time for breakfast.
/ˈnɔːməli/ I normally leave work at five.
/ˈɒfn/ He often has a hamburger for dinner.
/wʌns/ We go to the cinema once a week .

/ˈəʊnli/ We only have half an hour for lunch.

/ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ They’re sometimes late.
/θriː taɪmz/ I play tennis three times a week .
/twaɪs/ I have English classes twice a week .

/ˈjuːʒuəli/ In the morning we usually have five lessons.

/æt/ I get up at 7.30 a.m.
/æt/ I have lunch at school.
/ɪn/ I have two classes in the afternoon.
/ɪn/ He's in his bedroom at the moment.
/ɒn/ I play football on Saturdays.
/tuː/ I go to school by bus.
/bəʊ taɪ/ He wears a suit and a bow tie .
/ˈɡlɑːsɪz/ I need glasses to see.
/rɪˈlækst/ He’s a very relaxed person.
/rɪŋ/ She wears a beautiful ring .
/wɒtʃ/ Do you wear a watch ? What is the time?
/baɪ/ You need to buy a ticket before you get on the bus.
/kɔːl/fəʊn/ I want to call my mum.
/dɑːns/ I want to learn how to dance the tango.
/drɔː/ Can you draw a picture of your house?
/faɪnd/ It’s hard to find a parking space on my street.
/fəˈɡet/ I always forget my teacher’s name!
/ɡɪv/ The shop assistants give you good advice.
/hɪə/ I can hear a noise upstairs – is someone there?
/help/ I help my children with their homework.
/liːv/ Don't leave your bag on the bus.
/lʊk fɔː/ I’ll help you look for your keys.
/miːt/ Nice to meet you.
/peɪnt/ I want to paint a picture of my father.
/pleɪ/ You play tennis really well.

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verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/rɪˈmembə/ There’s our neighbour – can you remember her name?
/rʌn/ All the children run a race on Sports Day.
/siː/ I want to see a film this weekend.
/send/ Can you send me a message?
/sɪŋ/ Let’s all sing a song together!
/swɪm/ I like to swim in the sea when I’m at the beach.
/teɪk/ I always take photos when I’m on holiday.
/tɔːk/ Talk to your teacher about your homework, please.
/tel/ The waiters tell jokes to make you laugh.
/traɪ/ You should try to do something difficult.
/juːz/ I always use a computer at work.
/weɪt fɔː/ I wait for a bus at the bus stop every morning.
/ˈɔːtəm/ In autumn the weather changes a lot.
/ˈklaʊdi/ In the summer it’s sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy .
/kəʊld/ Are you hot, Suzy? ~ No, I’m cold .
/kuːl/ It’s a bit cool today – you should wear a jacket.
/ˈfɒɡi/ I don't like driving when it's foggy .
/hɒt/ It’s always very hot in summer in my country.
/ˈreɪnɪŋ/ Is it raining outside?
/ˈsnəʊɪŋ/ It’s snowing outside – let’s go and make a snowman.
/sprɪŋ/ I love spring here because all the flowers come out.
/ˈsʌmə/ The normal temperature in the summer is 32°C.
/ˈsʌni/ Even in winter it can be sunny in the mornings here.
/wɔːm/ I love warm weather so I always go to Egypt on holiday.
/ˈwɪndi/ It’s really windy today.
/ˈwɪntə/ It often snows in winter .
/ˈɑːɡjuː/ Our neighbours argue a lot.
/bɑːk/ Our dogs always bark when they see a cat.
/kraɪz/ The baby cries at night.
/hæv ðə tiː ˈviː ɒn/ My parents have the TV on in the evening.
/laʊd/ My brother plays loud music in his room.
/meɪk ə lɒt əv nɔɪz/ The builders make a lot of noise in the day.
/ˈmjuːzɪk/ My brother plays loud music in his room.
/ˈnɔɪzi/ They have noisy parties until 3.00 a.m.
/ˈpɑːtiz/ They have noisy parties until 3.00 a.m.
/ˈpræktɪsɪz/ My sister practises the piano for hours.
/ˈdʒækɪt/ I need to buy a jacket . It's cold.
/dʒiːnz/ I like blue jeans .
/ʃɜːt/ I wear black trousers and a white shirt at work.
/ʃuːz/ I want to buy some new shoes .
/skɜːt/ She is wearing a pink skirt .
/ˈswetə/ Don't forget your sweater . It's cold outside.
/ˈtraʊzəz/ I wear black trousers and a white shirt at work.
/ˈtiː ʃɜːt/ I wear a T-shirt every day.
/dəʊnt ˈwʌri/ Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
/aɪm ˈriːəli ˈsɒri/ I'm really sorry that I forgot your name.
/ðæts əʊˈkeɪ/ That's OK. I can ask Anna for help.
/ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ ruːmz/ The changing rooms are over there.
/ˈekstrə lɑːdʒ/ This is an extra large jacket. Do you have a large?
/ˈfɪfti pens/ It's very cheap. It's fifty pence .
/faɪv paʊndz/ I have five pounds to buy lunch.
/faɪv paʊndz ˈfɪfti/ How much is a ticket? ~ Five pounds fifty , please.
/hɪə/ You can pay here .
/lɑːdʒ/ This is an extra large jacket. Do you have a large ?
/ˈmiːdiəm/ Do you want a small or medium T-shirt?
/smɔːl/ Do you want a small or medium T-shirt?
/ðæt/ How much is that jacket, please?

Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/ðeə/ The changing rooms are over there .
/ðiːz/ I want to buy these shoes.
/ðɪs/ This bag is nice.
/ðəʊz/ Are those jeans new?
/wɒt saɪz ɪz ðɪs/ What size is this shirt?
/weə kən aɪ traɪ ɪt ɒn/ Where can I try it on , please?
/hæv fʌn/ Have fun! Don’t be home too late.
/aɪ kɑːnt faɪnd maɪ fəʊn/ Oh no! I can't find my phone.
/aɪ kɑːnt tɔːk naʊ/ I can't talk now. I have to go to class.
/aɪ hæv tə ɡəʊ/ I have to go. See you tomorrow.
/ɪts səʊ kuːl/ I love your new phone. It's so cool!
/nəʊ weɪ/ No way! You can’t have my jacket.
/raɪt naʊ/ Can you help me? ~ Right now?
/siː ju ˈleɪtə/ I'm going to college. See you later.
/weɪt ə ˈmɪnɪt/ Wait a minute. I can’t find my keys.
/wɒt ə ju ˈduːɪŋ/ What are you doing today?
/wɒt də ju θɪŋk əv/ What do you think of my new shoes?
/wɒts rɒŋ/ What’s wrong? You look sad.
/ˈdʒænjuəri/ In the UK January is a cold and dark month.
/ˈfebruəri/ Valentine’s Day is in February .
/mɑːtʃ/ Easter Sunday is a Christian holiday in March or April.
/fɜːst/ Saturday is the first day when I can stay in bed until noon!
/ˈsekənd/ This is my second English lesson.
/θɜːd/ The third Monday in January is the most depressing day of the

/fɔːθ/ My birthday is the fourth of December.

/fɪfθ/ This is the fifth time I have seen this movie.
/sɪksθ/ That is the sixth goal in the game.
/ˈsevnθ/ My sister’s birthday is the seventh of January.
/eɪtθ/ My mum’s birthday is the eighth of March.
/naɪnθ/ It’s the ninth of June today.
/tenθ/ This is my tenth birthday.
/ɪˈlevnθ/ My birthday is the eleventh of August.
/twelfθ/ It’s the twelfth of April.
/ˌθɜːˈtiːnθ/ Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day for some people.
/ˌfɔːˈtiːnθ/ My birthday is the fourteenth of October.
/ˈtwentiəθ/ Easter is the twentieth of April this year.
/ˌtwenti ˈfɜːst/ It’s my twenty-first birthday today.
/ˌtwenti ˈsekənd/ It’s her twenty-second birthday.
/ˌtwenti ˈθɜːd/ My dad’s birthday is the twenty-third of February.
/ˌtwenti ˈfɔːθ/ Christmas Eve is the twenty-fourth of December.
/ˈθɜːtiəθ/ Happy thirtieth birthday!
/ˌθɜːti ˈfɜːst/ New Year’s Eve is the thirty-first of December.
/əˈraɪv/ I will arrive in London at 8.30 a.m.
/ˈkʌmftəbl/ This is a comfortable chair.
/dɪˈsaɪd/ I can't decide what to study at university.
/ˈdezət/ The Sahara is a huge desert .
/ɪnˈsaɪd/ It's cold. You should wait inside the house.
/ˈɪntu/ You can go into the classroom now.
/liːv/ Did you leave your jacket here?
/ˈmaʊntən/ Mount Everest is the world's highest mountain .
/ˈpæləs/ We're going to see Buckingham Palace in London.
/sel/ Will you sell me your car?
/streɪndʒ/ That's strange . I got a different answer.
/səˈpraɪzd/ I'm surprised that it's cold today.
/θruː/ Walk through reception and turn right.
/təˈwɔːdz/ Walk towards the bank. The café is on your left.

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Pronunciation Example sentence

/ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ I live in a very small village .
/əˈkɔːdiən/ This is a very expensive accordion .
/əˈkɔːdiənɪst/ The band has two accordionists and a singer.
/ˌbeɪs ɡɪˈtɑː/ I play the bass guitar in a band.
/ˌbeɪs ɡɪˈtɑːrɪst/ He's my favourite bass guitarist .
/ˈdrʌmə/ My grandfather was a good drummer .
/drʌmz/ I want to learn to play the drums .
/ˈkiːbɔːd/ I can play the keyboard .
/ˈkiːbɔːd pleɪə/ She's a very good keyboard player .
/piˈænəʊ/ Can you play the piano ?
/ˈpɪənɪst/ The pianist will play at the concert tomorrow.
/ˈsæksəfəʊn/ I like saxophone music.
/sækˈsɒfənɪst/ Lisa is a great saxophonist .
/ˈtrʌmpɪt/ The trumpet sounds very loud.
/ˈtrʌmpɪtə/ There are four trumpeters in the orchestra.
/vaɪəˈlɪn/ My sister is learning to play the violin .
/vaɪəˈlɪnɪst/ He's one of the ten best violinists in the world.
/dɪˈpresɪŋ/ Autumn is depressing because it gets cold.
/ˈfeɪvərɪt/ My favourite day is Saturday because I can relax.
/ˈfestɪv/ New Year parties are always fun and festive .
/fʌn/ I think most sports are fun .
/dəʊnt maɪnd/ I don’t mind working.
/heɪt/ I hate getting up early.
/laɪk/ I like going to the beach.
/lʌv/ I love summer holidays.
/liːst ˈfeɪvərɪt/ My least favourite season is winter – it's so cold.
/wɔːm/ I like summer because it is warm .
/ɡet ə ˈnjuːzpeɪpə/ Can you get a newspaper while you’re out?
/ɡet ə ˈtæksi/bʌs/treɪn/ Don’t walk home – you should get a taxi .
/ɡet ən ˈiːmeɪl/ə ˈletə/ Did you get an email from Mike yesterday?

/ɡet drest/ I have a shower, then I get dressed .

/ɡet həʊm/ I usually get home at about 6.30 p.m.
/ɡet tə ði ˈeəpɔːt/ It’s best to get to the airport two hours before your flight.
/ɡet ʌp/ I have to get up early most days.
/ɡəʊ bæk/ It’s difficult to go back to work after a holiday.
/ɡəʊ baɪ bʌs/kaː/pleɪn/ I sometimes walk to work, but I prefer to go by car .
/ɡəʊ fər ə wɔːk/ Let’s go for a walk in the park.
/ɡəʊ həʊm/ I go home from school by bike.
/ɡəʊ ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ/ I want to go on holiday to Mexico.
/ɡəʊ aʊt/ I always go out with my best friends on Friday night.
/ɡəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ I usually go shopping at the weekend.
/ɡəʊ tu ə ˈrestrɒnt/ Shall we go to a restaurant tonight?
/ɡəʊ tə bed/ I’m always tired because I go to bed late.
/ɡəʊ tə tʃɜːtʃ/mɒsk/ I go to church on Sundays with my grandparents.
/ɡəʊ tə ðə biːtʃ/ It’s a beautiful, sunny day – let’s go to the beach .
/hæv ə kɑː/baɪk/ I have a car . It’s dark blue.
/hæv ə drɪŋk/ Shall we have a drink in the bar before we go home?
/hæv ə ɡʊd taɪm/ I always have a good time when I go out with Chris.
/hæv ə ˈsænwɪdʒ/ I usually have a sandwich for lunch.
/hæv ə ˈʃaʊə/bɑːθ/swɪm/ I have a shower every morning before breakfast.
/hæv lɒŋ heə/ You have really long hair .
/ˈæktə/ David is a fantastic actor .
/ˈɑːtɪst/ Van Gogh was a brilliant artist .
/kəmˈpəʊzə/ Mozart was an excellent composer .
/ˈdɑːnsə/ She is a famous dancer.
/daɪˈrektə/ She is a brilliant young film director .
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verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/mjuˈzɪʃn/ Carmen is a fantastic musician .
/ˈnɒvəlɪst/ Do you have a favourite novelist ?
/ˈpeɪntə/ My brother wants to be a painter . He's very good.
/pɒləˈtɪʃn/ Would you like to be a politician ?
/ˈsaɪəntɪst/ Stephen Hawking was a scientist .
/ˈsɪŋə/ Who is your favourite singer ?
/ˈraɪtə/ Shakespeare was a famous British writer .
/ə jɪə əˈɡəʊ/ I finished university a year ago .
/ɪn ˈtwenti ˌsevnˈtiːn/ I went there in 2017 .
/lɑːst mʌnθ/ I went to Germany last month .
/lɑːst naɪt/ We watched a good show on TV last night .
/lɑːst ˈsʌmə/ We went to Italy last summer .
/lɑːst wiːk/ I went to the cinema last week .
/ðə deɪ bɪˈfɔː ˈjestədeɪ/ I finished the book the day before yesterday .
/θriː deɪz əˈɡəʊ/ I fell off my bike three days ago .
/jestədeɪ ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ Where were you at 9.00 a.m. yesterday morning ?
/æt ði end əv ðə striːt/ The park is at the end of the street .
/brɪdʒ/ Go over the bridge by the college.
/kæn ju tel miː ðə weɪ tu/ Can you tell me the way to the city centre, please?
/ˈkɔːnə/ There’s a shop on the corner of this road.
/kʊd ju seɪ ðæt əˈɡepl niːz/ Could you say that again, please?
/ɪkˈskjuːz miː pliːz/ Excuse me, please. Where’s the nearest supermarket?
/ˈɒpəzɪt/ The bank is opposite the library.
/pɑːst/ Go past the library.
/streɪt ɒn/ Go straight on down this road.
/ˈtræfɪk laɪts/ Turn right at the traffic lights .
/tɜːn left/ Turn left at the end of this street.
/tɜːn raɪt/ Turn right at the traffic lights.
/ju kɑːnt mɪs ɪt/ It's very big. You can't miss it.
/ˈmeɪbi əˈnʌðə taɪm/ Maybe another time? I’m a bit too tired today.
/ðæts ˈrɪəli naɪs əv juː/ I'll buy the tickets. ~ That's really nice of you.
/wi kʊd ɡəʊ tu/ We could go to the cinema this evening.
/wɒt ə vjuː/ What a view! Those mountains are beautiful.
/wɒt ɪz ðeə tə siː/ What is there to see in your city ?
/wɒt wʊd ju laɪk tə ˈvɪzɪt/ What would you like to visit when you come here?
/wʊd ju laɪk tə miːt fə lʌntʃ/ Would you like to meet for lunch at that café?

/jes əv kɔːs/ Can you help me? ~ Yes, of course.

/ˈeə kəndɪʃnɪŋ/ Is there central heating or air conditioning ?
/ˈɑːmtʃeə/ There are two sofas and an armchair .
/ˈbælkəni/ Is there a balcony ?
/bɑːθ/ I had a bath and went to bed.
/ˈbɑːθruːm/ Is there a shower in the bathroom ?
/bed/ Each bedroom has a bed , a desk, and a wardrobe.
/ˈbedruːm/ This is the biggest bedroom in the house.
/ˈkɑːpɪt/ Is there a carpet on the floor?
/ˈsiːlɪŋ/ Be careful. The ceiling is very low here.
/ˌsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ/ Is there central heating in the house?
/ˈkʊkə/ There is a cooker in the kitchen.
/ˈkʌbəd/ Do you keep these glasses in a cupboard ?
/ˈdaɪnɪŋ ruːm/ Where is the dining room ?
/ˈfaɪəpleɪs/ There is a fireplace in the living room.
/flɔː/ Is there a carpet on the floor ?
/frɪdʒ/ There is a fridge in the kitchen.
/ˈɡærɑːʒ/ Oh yes, there’s a big garage over there.
/ˈɡɑːdn/ I went for a walk in the garden .
/hɔːl/ Put your coats in the hall .

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Pronunciation Example sentence

/ˈkɪtʃɪn/ Alison likes her kitchen because she can eat there.
/læmp/ There is a lamp on the table.
/laɪt/ Is there a light in this room?
/ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm/ This is the living room . It’s quite big and it’s very light.
/ˈmɪrə/ There is a mirror above the fireplace.
/plɑːnt/ There is a plant in the living room.
/ʃelf/ I have a shelf for books and DVDs.
/ˈʃaʊə/ I have a shower in the morning.
/ˈsəʊfə/kaʊtʃ/ There is a sofa and an armchair.
/steəz/ The stairs are over there – let’s go upstairs.
/ˈstʌdi/ Jane has a good view from her study .
/ˈtɔɪlət/ Is there a toilet downstairs?
/wɔːl/ I sit next to the wall .
/ˈwɒʃɪŋ məʃiːn/ I have four children so I need a washing machine .
/bɪˈhaɪnd/ I couldn’t sleep on the plane because of the children behind me.

/bɪˈtwiːn/ The bank is between the cinema and the post office.
/daʊn/ I saw a ghost coming down the stairs.
/frəm…tu/ There is a secret tunnel that goes from the fireplace to Room 11.

/ɪn/ Who are the ghosts in the two hotels?

/ɪn frʌnt əv/ There is a shop in front of the school.
/ˈɪntu/ Come into the library with me, please.
/nekst tə/ Yes, there was. It was next to the window.
/ɒn/ They saw a young woman sitting on the bed.
/ˈɒpəzɪt/ I live opposite a bus stop.
/aʊt əv/ Get out of bed – it’s 11 o’clock!
/ˈəʊvə/ Go over the hill to get to the garage.
/ˈʌndə/ I put my bag under my seat.
/ʌp/ Your room is up the stairs on the left.
/əˈraɪvd/ We arrived here last night.
/keɪm/ We came here for three days, but we want to stay.
/kləʊzd/ She closed the door.
/ˈheɪtɪd/ We all hated the cold weather last year.
/kɪld/ He was killed in 1865.
/sæt/ I sat down on the sofa.
/slept/ I slept well, thank you.
/spəʊk/ The teacher spoke to us about this.
/tʃekt aʊt/ I checked out of the hotel at 8.00 a.m.
/ɡɒt ʌp/ I got up at 6.30 a.m. today.
/tɜːnd ɒn/ I turned on the light.
/went bæk/ He went back to sleep.
/wəʊk ʌp/ She woke up when she heard a noise.
/ˈæplz/ Can I have some apples , please?
/bəˈnɑːnəz/ Bananas are my favourite fruit.
/ˈbɪskɪts/ How many biscuits did you eat?
/bred/ How much bread do you eat a day?
/ˈbrekfəst/ For breakfast I had an enormous cup of espresso.
/ˈbʌtə/ How much butter do you use?
/ˈkærəts/ Carrots are about five per cent sugar.
/ˈsɪəriəl/ I have a cup of tea and cereal for breakfast.
/tʃiːz/ We had a snack – cheese and biscuits.
/tʃɪps (ˌfrentʃ ˈfraɪz)/ We’re having fish and chips for dinner.
/ˈtʃɒklət/ How much chocolate do you eat?
/ˈkɒfi/ For breakfast I had an enormous cup of coffee .
/krɪsps/ A packet of crisps has approximately 0.3 grammes of salt.
/dɪˈzɜːts/ I prefer desserts to starters.
/fɪʃ/ Fish is my favourite food.

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Pronunciation Example sentence

/fruːt/ Bananas are my favourite fruit .
/ˌfruːt ˈsæləd/ You can make some fruit salad for dessert.
/hɜːbz/ I will add some herbs to this sauce.
/ˌaɪs ˈkriːm/ I’d like some vanilla ice cream for dessert.
/dʒæm/ I like jam on my toast.
/ˈletɪs/ I need to buy a lettuce , some tomatoes, and a cucumber.
/lʌntʃ/ Would you like to have lunch now?
/ˈdɪnə/ We’re having pizza for dinner tonight.
/miːt (steɪk, ˈtʃɪkɪn, ˈsɒsɪdʒɪz, I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat any meat .
/mɪlk/ Do your children drink any milk ?
/ˈmʌʃrʊmz/ I had fish and vegetables – mushrooms and tomatoes.
/nʌts/ Nuts are a healthy snack.
/(ˈɒlɪv) ɔɪl/ A bottle of olive oil doesn’t have any salt.
/ˈʌnjənz/ I had grilled fish with vegetables – peppers and onions.
/(ˈɒrɪndʒ) dʒuːs/ How much orange juice is there in that carton?
/ˈɒrɪndʒɪz/ Oranges are very good for you.
/ˈpæstə/ Pasta is from Italy.
/piːz/ My daughter loves peas .
/ˈpepəz/ I must buy some red peppers .
/ˈpaɪnæpl/ Can you please get a pineapple at the supermarket?
/pəˈteɪtəʊz/ Are there any potatoes ?
/raɪs/ I had grilled fish with some brown rice and vegetables.
/ˈsæləd/ I’d like the mozzarella salad and then the chicken, please.
/ˈsæmən/ We're having grilled salmon tonight.
/ˈsænwɪdʒ/ A cheese and tomato sandwich , please.
/ˈsiːfuːd/ I love eating very fresh seafood .
/snæks/ I eat three meals a day, and no snacks .
/ˈspaɪsɪz/ I enjoy trying new spices in my cooking.
/ˈstrɔːbəriz/ Oranges are healthier than strawberries .
/ˈʃʊɡə/ Are you sure this is salt? I think it’s sugar .
/swiːts/ I eat quite a lot of sweets .
/tiː/ British people drink a lot of tea .
/təʊst/ I had some cereal and fruit, and a piece of toast .
/təˈmɑːtəʊz/ I had fish and vegetables – mushrooms and tomatoes .
/ˈtjuːnə/ Would you like a tuna salad for lunch?
/ə/wʌn ˈhʌndrəd ən faɪv/ I live at number 105 .
/tuː ˈhʌndrəd/ You need 200 grammes of sugar for this cake.
/θriː ˈhʌndrəd ən ˈfɪfti/ You need 350 grammes of flour.
/eɪt ˈhʌndrəd ən ˌsevnti ˈfaɪv/ There are 875 students in our school.

/ə/wʌn ˈθaʊznd/ There are 1,000 people in my village.

/ə/wʌn ˈθaʊznd faɪv There are 1,500 people working for this company.
/tuː ˈθaʊznd ən twelv/ There are 2,012 students at my university.
/faɪv ˈθaʊznd fɔː ˈhʌndrəd ən About 5,420 people live in my home town.
/ˌtwenti ˈfaɪv ˈθaʊznd/ About 25,000 people live in my city.
/ə/wʌn ˈhʌndrəd ˈθaʊznd/ The biggest football stadium in my country holds 100,000

/ə/wʌn ˈmɪljən/ About 1,000,000 people live in my city.

/tuː ˈmɪljən θriː ˈhʌndrəd My country is quite small – 2,300,000 people live there.

/ˈbɒtl/ A bottle of mineral water, please.

/bɒks/ We need a box of cereal.
/kæn/ A can of cola has approximately 35 g of sugar.
/ˈkɑːtn/ Let's get a carton of orange juice to have with lunch.
Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/dʒɑː/ I bought a jar of strawberry jam from the market.
/ˈpækɪt/ I'm hungry. I'll get a packet of crisps from the shop.
/tɪn/ I need a quick meal. I'll get a tin of soup.
/kənɡrætʃuˈleɪʃnz/ I got the job! ~ Congratulations!
/ɡʊd lʌk/ I have my driving test tomorrow. ~ Good luck!
/ˈhæpi ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ Happy Birthday! How old are you now?
/əʊ dɪə ˈnevə maɪnd/ I failed my driving test. ~ Oh dear. Never mind.
/wel dʌn/ I got all the exercises right. ~ Well done!
/ə ˈbɒtl əv ˈmɪnərəl wɔːtə Can we have a bottle of mineral water, please ?
/ə ˈteɪbl fə tuː/ A table for two , please. My name's Daniel O'Connor.
/ɑː ju ˈredi tə ˈɔːdə/ Are you ready to order? ~ Yes, please. I'd like…
/kʌm ðɪs weɪ pliːz/ Come this way, please . Your table is over here.
/də ju hæv ə rezəˈveɪʃn/ Do you have a reservation? ~ Yes, for 8 p.m.
/aɪd laɪk ðə/ I'd like the grilled salmon and vegetables, please.
/dʒʌst ˈwɔːtə fə miː/ What would you like to drink? ~ Just water for me.
/stɪl ɔː ˈspɑːklɪŋ/ Still or sparkling? Would you like a glass or a bottle?
/wɒt wʊd ju laɪk tə drɪŋk/ What would you like to drink? ~ Just water for me.
/ə ˈdiːkæf eˈspresəʊ/ Could I have a decaf espresso , please?
/kʊd aɪ hæv ðə bɪl pliːz/ That was a lovely meal. Could I have the bill, please?
/ɡəʊ əˈhed/ Can I ask him? ~ Yes. Go ahead.
/ɡʊd njuːz/ Good news? ~ Yes, fantastic. I have a new job!
/nɒt fə miː θæŋks/ Would you like a dessert? ~ Not for me, thanks.
/ˈnʌθɪŋ ˈspeʃl/ What do you do on New Year's Eve? ~ Nothing special.
/ðə seɪm fə miː pliːz/ A latte, please. And you? ~ The same for me, please.
/wʊd ju laɪk ə dɪˈzɜːt/ Would you like a dessert? ~ I'll have the ice cream, please.
/bi ə bæd ˈluːzə/ Don't be a bad loser . It's just a game!
/tʃiːt/ People who cheat aren't allowed to play again.
/kəˈlekt/ You can collect your parcel from the post office.
/ˈkɔːsɪz/ How many courses does this meal have?
/diː ˈaɪs/ I must de-ice the car.
/ˈekspɜːt/ I need expert advice.
/fləʊt/ Wood floats when you drop it into water.
/freʃ/ I love fresh fruit.
/ɡrɪld/ I'd like the grilled salmon, please.
/həʊm ˈmeɪd/ Home-made cake is my favourite food.
/ɪntrəˈdjuːs/ I will introduce the speaker before the talk.
/ˈmeməraɪz/ We have to memorize these words for homework.
/ˈɔːdə/ Are you ready to order ?
/ˈkwɪzmɑːstə/ The quizmaster will check the answers.
/rɪˈmuːv/ Are you finished? I will remove these cups and plates.
/sɔːs/ It's meat with a red sauce .
/suːp/ Would you like a bowl of vegetable soup ?
/tiːm/ I hope my team wins!
/wɪn/ Did you win the match today?
/ˈɑːt ɡæləri/ The Louvre is an art gallery in Paris.
/brɪdʒ/ The Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco.
/ˈbʌs steɪʃn/ The bus leaves the bus station at six.
/ˈkɑː pɑːk/ I left my car in the car park .
/ˈkɑːsl/ Comlongon is a 15th-century castle in a village in Scotland.
/kəˈθiːdrəl/ The cathedral is 700 years old.
/ˈkemɪsts/ˈfɑːməsi/ I need to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine.
/tʃɜːtʃ/ A church is a Christian building.
/dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː/ That new department store is great.
/ˈhɒspɪtl/ My father is a doctor at the local hospital .
/ˈmɑːkɪt/ The market sells great fresh fruit.
/mɒsk/ A mosque is an Islamic building.

Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/mjuˈziːəm/ The museum is closed on Sunday.
/pəˈliːs steɪʃn/ The police station is in the town hall.
/ˈpəʊst ɒfɪs/ You can buy stamps in the post office .
/ˈreɪlweɪ steɪʃn/ I get to the railway station at six.
/ˈrɪvə/ The Coroico river lies far below the road.
/rəʊd/ The road is only about three metres wide.
/skweə/ Let’s have a drink at one of those cafés in the square .
/striːt/ Our house is the biggest house in the street .
/ˈsɪnəɡɒɡ/ A synagogue is a Jewish building.
/ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt/ I buy all my food at the supermarket .
/ˈtempl/ A temple is a Buddhist building.
/ˌtaʊn ˈhɔːl/ The police station is in the town hall .
/bʊk/ Let's book our flights tonight.
/baɪ/ I'd like to buy some souvenirs for my family.
/iːt/ I like to eat in local restaurants when I'm on holiday.
/ɡəʊ/ Shall we go by car or by bus?
/hæv/ I hope you have a good time!
/miːt/ I plan to meet new people and make friends.
/rent/ Shall we rent a car or just travel by bus?
/steɪ/ We're going to stay in a hostel.
/ˈvɪzɪt/ On Monday, we will visit a musuem.
/bi ˈlʌki/ He is lucky . He is going to Japan this summer.
/bɪˈkʌm ˈfeɪməs/ Do you think you’re going to become famous ?
/fɔːl ɪn lʌv/ You are going to fall in love .
/ɡet ə lɒt əv ˈmʌni/ You are going to get a lot of money .
/ɡet ə njuː dʒɒb/ I want to get a new job .
/ɡet ˈmærid/ I’m going to get married .
/hæv ə səˈpraɪz/ I hope I’m going to have a surprise .
/miːt ˈsʌmbədi njuː/ You are going to meet somebody new .
/muːv haʊs/ I’m going to move house .
/ˈtrævl/ Do you want to travel to a lot of new countries?
/ˈɑːɡjuː/ Don't argue with me – you know I'm right.
/bɪˈliːv/ I believe that I will be famous in future.
/ˈbɪɡɪst/ What's the biggest building in your city?
/ˈbɔɪfrend/ What does your boyfriend do?
/ˈbɪziɪst/ Rush hour is the busiest time of day.
/ˈfeɪməs/ Is she a famous singer?
/ˈfɑːstɪst/ Cheetahs are the fastest animals on earth.
/ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ Do you believe people can tell your fortune ?
/ˈfjuːtʃə/ What will we do in the future ?
/aɪˈdɪə/ I have a great idea . Let's go to the beach.
/lets ɡəʊ tu/ Let’s go to the theatre.
/ˈlɒŋɡɪst/ It felt like the longest car journey ever.
/ˈlʌki/ It was lucky that you caught the train!
/ˈmærid/ My cousin will get married in June.
/ˈmʌni/ I have enough money to buy us lunch.
/məʊst ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ What’s the most dangerous area to walk in at night?
/ˈəʊldɪst/ What’s the oldest building in your town?
/ˈprɒbləm/ There is a problem with my bike. I need new brakes.
/ˈkwestʃən/ Does anyone have any questions for the speaker?
/səˈpraɪz/ Would you like a surprise for your birthday?
/ˈtɔːlɪst/ Who is the tallest person you know?
/ðæts ə ɡʊd aɪˈdɪə/ That's a good idea. Everyone will like that.
/təˈdeɪ/ You're going to be lucky today .
/ˈtrævl/ You will meet lots of new people when you travel .
/waɪ dəʊnt wi ɡəʊ tu/ Why don't we go to the park today?
/ˈwʌri/ Don't worry . Everything is going to be fine.

Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/ˈkɑːmli/ Do you behave calmly in an emergency?
/ˈdeɪndʒərəsli/ I think people drive quite dangerously in my country.
/ˈfluːəntli/ He can speak Spanish fluently .
/hɑːd/ She always works hard .
/ˈlaʊdli/ You will have to speak loudly . This train is very noisy.
/ˈpeɪʃntli/ Please wait patiently .
/pəˈlaɪtli/ You must speak politely when working with customers.
/ˈsɪəriəsli/ Do people take life seriously in your country?
/wel/ I know them well .
/dɪˈsaɪd/ I can’t decide what subject to study at university.
/fəˈɡet/ We won't forget to call you.
/həʊp/ He hopes to study engineering.
/lɜːn/ We have to learn the spellings.
/niːd/ She needs to pass the exam for her business course.
/plæn/ Do you plan to go anywhere in the holidays?
/ˈprɒmɪs/ I promise to send you lots of photos.
/rɪˈmembə/ Did you remember to feed the cat?
/traɪ/ I'll try to get a reservation at the restaurant.
/wɒnt/ Do you want to do something fun?
/əˈtætʃmənt/ I’m sending an attachment with this email.
/ˈbrɔːdbænd/ Do you have broadband at home?
/daʊnˈləʊd ən æp/ I'll download an app to help me get fitter.
/ɡet daɪˈrekʃnz/ Can you get directions on your phone while I drive?
/ɡet ˈfɪtə/ I use an app to help me get fitter .
/ˈlɪsn tu ə sɒŋ/ Do you use headphones to listen to a song ?
/ˈlɒɡ ɪn/ You have to log in before you can pay online.
/ˈmesɪdʒ ə frend/ How often do you message your friends ?
/pəʊst ə twiːt/ Are you going to post a tweet about this?
/riːd ə bʊk/ He often reads a book on his tablet.
/sɜːtʃ/ I don't know, but I'll search for it.
/send ə ˈtekst mesɪdʒ/ Please send me a text message . I can't talk now.
/send ən ˈiːmeɪl/ My parents will send me an email with all the information.
/ʃeə ə ˈfəʊtəʊ/ Can you share the photo ? We all want to see it.
/skaɪp ə frend/ I often skype a friend in the evening.
/ˌsəʊʃl ˈmiːdiə/ Which social media websites do you use?
/teɪk ə ˈfəʊtəʊ/ Can you take a photo of us, please?
/ʌpˈləʊd ə ˈvɪdiəʊ/ She uploaded a really helpful video .
/ˈwaɪ faɪ/ Can you get free wi-fi on the coach?
/bʌs/ Where can I get a bus to the city centre?
/kəʊtʃ/ We use a coach to take the children to the swimming pool.
/pleɪn/ Her plane leaves in an hour.
/ˈtæksi/ He's going to get a taxi from the station.
/treɪn/ This train is really slow!
/træm/ I like to travel by tram when I am in Germany.
/kæn aɪ peɪ baɪ ˈkredɪt kɑːd/ Can I pay by credit card? I don’t have any cash.

/kʊd aɪ hæv ə rɪˈsiːt/ Could I have a receipt , please? I need it.

/kʊd aɪ hæv ə ˈtɪkɪt tu/ Could I have a ticket to Oxford, please?
/kʊd ju kɔːl mi ə ˈtæksi pliːz/ Could you call me a taxi, please? I must get there quickly.

/ˈsɪŋɡl ɔː rɪˈtɜːn/ Single or return? ~ Single, please.

/weə tuː/ Where to? ~ To Heathrow airport, please.
/ˈstændəd ɔː fɜːst klɑːs/ Standard or first class? ~ Standard, please.
/hæv ə ɡʊd ˈdʒɜːni/ Have a good journey and see you next month.
/aɪ kɑːnt bɪˈliːv ɪt/ I can’t believe it! I won the competition!
/aɪm səʊ ˈhæpi/ I'm so happy! I've got a place at university.
/ɪz ˈevriθɪŋ əʊˈkeɪ/ Is everything OK? You look a bit worried.

Student's Book.
verb prep = preposition pron = pronoun v = verb

Pronunciation Example sentence

/fəʊn mi wen ju ɡet ðeə/ Phone me when you get there. I want to hear from you.
/siː ju ɪn/ See you in New York in September.
/siː ju ðeə/ See you there! I'll look forward to seeing you.
/θæŋk ju səʊ mʌtʃ/ Thank you so much. That really helped.
/ˈbʌkɪt lɪst/ Do you have a bucket list ?

/ɜːn ˈmʌni/ How can I earn money while I study?

/ɪnˈʃɔːrəns/ I need to get travel insurance .
/peɪ bɪlz/ I have enough money to pay my bills .
/peɪ rent/ I must pay rent at the end of the month.
/ˈsæləri/ Does this job have a good salary ?
/tɪp/ How much should I leave as a tip ?
/biːn/ Have you ever been to Egypt?
/bɔːt/ I have bought presents for my family.
/dʌn/ I have done a lot of new things this year.
/ˈiːtn/ Have you eaten here before? It's great!
/ˈfɔːlən/ She's fallen off her bike and she's going to hospital.
/ˈɡɪvn/ Have you given them the information yet?
/hɜːd/ I have heard that you can speak four languages.
/left/ He has left a message for you.
/red/ Have you read this? I loved it.
/siːn/ I have seen this film before, but I'll go with you.
/ˈspəʊkən/ They've spoken to the principal and got permission.
/sʌŋ/ We have sung this a lot. We know it really well.
/təʊld/ I've just told you the answer.

Castellano File
lunes File 1
martes File 1
miércoles File 1
jueves File 1
viernes File 1
sábado File 1
domingo File 1
cero File 1
uno File 1
dos File 1
tres File 1
cuatro File 1
cinco File 1
seis File 1
siete File 1
ocho File 1
nueve File 1
diez File 1
once File 1
doce File 1
trece File 1
catorce File 1
quince File 1
dieciséis File 1
diecisiete File 1
dieciocho File 1
diecinueve File 1
veinte File 1
veintiuno File 1
treinta File 1
treinta y cinco File 1
cuarenta File 1
cuarenta y tres File 1
cincuenta File 1
cincuenta y nueve File 1
sesenta File 1

sesenta y siete File 1

setenta File 1
setenta y dos File 1

ochenta File 1
ochenta y ocho File 1
noventa File 1
noventa y cuatro File 1
cien File 1
África File 1
africano File 1
estadounidense File 1
Argentina File 1
argentino File 1
Asia File 1
asiático File 1
Australia File 1
australiano File 1
Brasil File 1
brasileño File 1
China File 1
e © Ox
Castellano File
chino File 1
checo File 1
la República Checa File 1
Egipto File 1
egipcio File 1
Inglaterra File 1
inglés File 1
Europa File 1
europeo File 1
Francia File 1
francés File 1
alemán File 1
Alemania File 1
húngaro File 1
Hungría File 1
Irlanda File 1
irlandés File 1
italiano File 1
Italia File 1
Japón File 1
japonés File 1
mexicano File 1
México File 1
Norteamérica File 1
estadounidense File 1
Polonia File 1
polaco File 1
Rusia File 1
ruso File 1
Escocia File 1
escocés File 1
Sudamérica File 1
sudamericano File 1
España File 1
español File 1
suizo File 1
Suiza File 1
Turquía File 1
turco File 1
Estados Unidos /EE. UU. File 1
Responder las preguntas. File 1
¿Me da una copia, por favor? File 1
¿Puede ayudarme, por favor? File 1
Cerrar la puerta. File 1
Hacer el ejercicio a. File 1
Disculpe, ¿cómo se dice... en inglés? File 1

Ir a la página 84. File 1

¿Cómo se deletrea? File 1
No sé. File 1
No lo entiendo. File 1
Escuchar y repetir. File 1
Mirar la pizarra. File 1
Abran los libros, por favor. File 1
Por favor, ¡dejen de hablar! File 1
Leer el texto. File 1
Siéntense. File 1
e © Ox

Castellano File
Siento el retraso. File 1
Perdone, ¿puede repetir eso, por File 1
Levántense. File 1
Apaguen el móvil. File 1
¿Qué página es? File 1
Trabajo en parejas / grupos. File 1
pizarra File 1
silla File 1
ordenador File 1
escritorio File 1
puerta File 1
imagen File 1
mesa File 1
pared File 1
ventana File 1
el bar File 1
una habitación doble File 1
Buenas tardes File 1
Buenas tardes File 1
Buenos días File 1
Buenas noches File 1
la (primera, segunda, etc.) planta (baja) File 1

el ascensor File 1
señora File 1
recepción File 1
una habitación individual File 1
señor File 1
Es hora de… File 1
No hay problema. File 1
por trabajo File 1
Eso es perfecto. File 1
Esta es… File 1
¿Y tú? File 1
¿Quieres…? File 1
dirección File 1
edad File 1
aeropuerto File 1
Chao. File 1
país File 1
correo electrónico File 1
bien File 1
nombre File 1
Hola File 1
hotel File 1
Estoy… File 1
internet File 1
museo File 1
pasta File 1
teléfono File 1
pizza File 1
código postal File 1
ensalada File 1
sándwich File 1
apellido File 1
gracias File 1
e © Ox

Castellano File
universidad File 1
sitio web File 1
bien File 1
bolso File 2
libro File 2
moneda File 2
cargador File 2
tarjeta de crédito File 2
agenda File 2
diccionario File 2
archivador File 2
gafas File 2
auriculares File 2
carné de identidad File 2
iPod File 2
llave File 2
portátil File 2
revista File 2
teléfono (móvil) File 2
periódico File 2
bolígrafo File 2
lápiz File 2
foto File 2
trozo de papel File 2
monedero File 2
tijeras File 2
gafas de sol File 2
tablet File 2
billete File 2
pañuelo de papel File 2
paraguas File 2
cartera File 2
ver File 2
horrible File 2
malo File 2
precioso File 2
grande File 2
barato File 2
limpio File 2
frío File 2
peligroso File 2
moreno File 2
diferente File 2
difícil File 2
sucio File 2
fácil File 2
vacío File 2
caro File 2
fantástico File 2
rápido File 2
gordo File 2
lleno File 2
bueno File 2
estupendo File 2
alto File 2
calor File 2
izquierdo File 2
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Castellano File
luz File 2
largo File 2
bajo File 2
nuevo File 2
bueno File 2
viejo File 2
pobre File 2
bastante File 2
mucho File 2
rico File 2
derecho File 2
adecuado File 2
prudente File 2
corto File 2
lento File 2
pequeño File 2
robusto File 2
alto File 2
terrible File 2
el mismo File 2
feo File 2
muy File 2
débil File 2
incorrecto File 2
joven File 2
negro File 2
azul File 2
marrón File 2
dorado File 2
verde File 2
gris File 2
naranja File 2
rosa File 2
rojo File 2
morado File 2
plateado File 2
blanco File 2
amarillo File 2
¿De qué color es…? File 2
enfadado File 2
aburrido File 2
frío File 2
aterrorizado File 2
feliz File 2
calor File 2
hambriento File 2
triste File 2
estresado File 2
sediento File 2
cansado File 2
preocupado File 2
¡Ten cuidado! File 2
No vayas rápido. File 2
No gires a la izquierda. File 2
No te preocupes. File 2
Vamos. File 2
No paremos. File 2
e © Ox

Castellano File
Busca… File 2
Girar a la derecha. File 2
cocinar File 3
tomar File 3
conducir File 3
comer File 3
ir File 3
tener File 3
gustar File 3
escuchar File 3
vivir File 3
necesitar File 3
tocar File 3
leer File 3
decir File 3
hablar File 3
estudiar File 3
llevar File 3
querer File 3
ver File 3
ponerse File 3
trabajar File 3
contable File 3
actor File 3
administrador File 3
arquitecto File 3
director de banco File 3
albañil File 3
chef File 3
limpiador File 3
cocinero File 3
dentista File 3
médico File 3
ingeniero File 3
trabajador de una fábrica File 3
auxiliar de vuelo File 3
futbolista File 3
guía File 3
peluquera File 3
periodista File 3
abogado File 3
modelo File 3
músico File 3
enfermero File 3
piloto File 3
policía File 3
recepcionista File 3
dependiente File 3
soldado File 3
taxista File 3
profesor File 3
veterinario File 3
camarero File 3
camarera File 3
Son las seis y cuarto. File 3
Son las siete menos cuarto. File 3
Son las siete menos cinco. File 3
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Castellano File
Son las seis y media. File 3
Son las seis en punto. File 3
Son las seis y diez. File 3
Son las seis y tres. File 3
Son las seis y veinte. File 3
Son las siete menos veinticinco. File 3
Cuántos File 3
Qué File 3
Qué tipo de File 3
Cuándo File 3
Dónde File 3
En qué File 3
Quién File 3
Por qué File 3
¿Algo más? File 3
¿Me pone…? File 3
¿Puedo ayudarle en algo? File 3
¿Cuánto cuesta eso? File 3
Para llevar. File 3
Ya estamos aquí. File 3
¿Es la primera vez que viene a…? File 3
Encantado. File 3
Hablamos después. File 3
todo el mundo File 3
todo File 3
¡Qué interesante! File 3
También me gusta File 3
Me encanta File 3
A mí también. File 3
Mi cosa favorita File 3
¿De verdad? File 3
tía File 4
hermano File 4
cuñado File 4
niños File 4
primo File 4
hija File 4
padre File 4
abuelo File 4
abuela File 4
suegra File 4
sobrino File 4
sobrina File 4
padres File 4
hermana File 4
hijo File 4
padrastro File 4
tío File 4
mujer File 4
hacer ejercicio File 4
hacer los deberes File 4
hacer las tareas domésticas File 4
terminar de trabajar a las 18.30 File 4
vestirse File 4
llegar tarde a casa File 4
levantarse a las 8.00 File 4
irse pronto a casa File 4
e © Ox
Castellano File
ir de compras File 4
acostarse tarde File 4
ir a clases de italiano File 4
ir a trabajar en autobús File 4
bañarse File 4
tomar un café File 4
ducharse File 4
desayunar File 4
comer en el trabajo File 4
tomar pizza para cenar File 4
hacer la cena File 4
relajarse File 4
dormir ocho horas File 4
empezar a trabajar a las 8.30 File 4
sacar al perro a pasear File 4
despertarse a las 7.00 File 4
siempre File 4
todos/as los/as File 4
casi nunca File 4
nunca File 4
de forma habitual File 4
a menudo File 4
una vez al/a la (día/semana/mes/año) File 4

solo File 4
a veces File 4
tres veces al/a la File 4
dos veces al/a la (día/semana/mes/año) File 4

normalmente File 4
a las File 4
en File 4
en File 4
en File 4
los File 4
a File 4
pajarita File 4
gafas File 4
tranquila File 4
anillo File 4
reloj File 4
comprar File 5
llamar (por teléfono) File 5
bailar File 5
dibujar File 5
encontrar File 5
olvidar File 5
dar File 5
oír File 5
ayudar File 5
dejarse File 5
buscar File 5
conocer File 5
pintar File 5
jugar File 5
e © Ox

Castellano File
acordarse (de) File 5
correr File 5
ver File 5
mandar File 5
cantar File 5
nadar File 5
sacar File 5
hablar File 5
contar File 5
intentar File 5
usar File 5
esperar File 5
otoño File 5
nublado File 5
frío File 5
fresco File 5
con niebla File 5
calor File 5
llover File 5
nevar File 5
primavera File 5
verano File 5
soleado File 5
cálido File 5
ventoso File 5
invierno File 5
discutir File 5
ladrar File 5
llorar File 5
tener la televisión encendida File 5
alto File 5
hacer mucho ruido File 5
música File 5
ruidoso File 5
fiestas File 5
practicar File 5
cazadora File 5
(pantalones) vaqueros File 5
camisa File 5
zapatos File 5
falda File 5
jersey File 5
pantalones File 5
camiseta File 5
No te preocupes. File 5
Lo siento mucho. File 5
Está bien. File 5
Probadores File 5
Extra grande File 5
Cincuenta peniques File 5
Cinco libras File 5
Cincuenta libras con cincuenta File 5
aquí File 5
Grande File 5
Mediana File 5
Pequeño File 5
esa File 5
e © Ox

Castellano File
allí File 5
estos File 5
este File 5
aquellos File 5
¿Qué talla es esta? File 5
¿Dónde puedo probármela? File 5
¡Diviértete! File 5
No encuentro mi teléfono. File 5
Ahora no puedo hablar. File 5
Tengo que irme. File 5
¡Es tan guay! File 5
¡Ni hablar! File 5
¿Ahora? File 5
Hasta luego. File 5
Espera un minuto. File 5
¿Qué estás haciendo? File 5
¿Qué te parecen…? File 5
¿Qué ha pasado? File 5
enero File 6
febrero File 6
marzo File 6
1.º (primero) File 6
2.º (segundo) File 6
3.º (tercero) File 6

4.º (cuarto) File 6

5.º (quinto) File 6
6.º (sexto) File 6
7.º (séptimo) File 6
8.º (octavo) File 6
9.º (noveno) File 6
10.º (décimo) File 6
11.º (undécimo) File 6
12.º (duodécimo) File 6
13.º (decimotercero) File 6
14.º (decimocuarto) File 6
20.º (vigésimo) File 6
21.º (vigesimoprimero) File 6
22.º (vigesimosegundo) File 6
23.º (vigesimotercero) File 6
24.º (vigesimocuarto) File 6
30.º (trigésimo) File 6
31.º (trigésimo primero) File 6
llegar File 6
cómodo File 6
decidir File 6
desierto File 6
dentro de File 6
en File 6
dejarse File 6
montaña File 6
palacio File 6
vender File 6
extraño File 6
sorprendido File 6
hasta File 6
hacia File 6
e © Oxfo

Castellano File
aldea File 6
acordeón File 6
acordeonista File 6
bajo File 6
bajista File 6
batería File 6
batería File 6
teclado File 6
teclista File 6
piano File 6
pianista File 6
saxofón File 6
saxofonista File 6
trompeta File 6
trompetista File 6
violín File 6
violinista File 6
deprimente File 6
favorito File 6
festivo File 6
divertido File 6
no importar File 6
odiar File 6
gustar File 6
amar File 6
el... que menos me gusta File 6
cálido File 6
comprar el periódico File 7
coger un taxi/un autobús/un tren File 7
recibir un correo electrónico/una carta File 7

vestirse File 7
llegar a casa File 7
llegar al aeropuerto File 7
madrugar File 7
volver (a trabajar) File 7
ir en autobús/coche/avión File 7
dar un paseo File 7
irse a casa (desde la escuela) File 7
irse de vacaciones File 7
salir File 7
ir de compras File 7
ir a un restaurante File 7
acostarse File 7
ir a la iglesia/la mezquita File 7
ir a la playa File 7
tener un coche/una bici File 7
tomar algo File 7
pasarlo en grande File 7
tomo un sándwich File 7
ducharse/bañarse/darse un baño File 7
tener el pelo largo File 7
actor File 7
artista File 7
compositor File 7
bailarín File 7
director File 7
e © Oxfo
Castellano File
músico File 7
novelista File 7
pintor File 7
político File 7
científico File 7
cantante File 7
escritor File 7
hace un año File 7
en 2017 File 7
el mes pasado File 7
anoche File 7
el verano pasado File 7
la semana pasada File 7
anteayer File 7
hace tres días File 7
ayer por la mañana File 7
al final de la calle File 7
puente File 7
¿Puede indicarme el camino a…? File 7
esquina File 7
¿Podría repetirlo por favor? File 7
Discúlpeme. File 7
enfrente de File 7
pasar File 7
recto File 7
semáforo File 7
girar a la izquierda File 7
girar a la derecha File 7
No te lo puedes perder. File 7
Tal vez en otra ocasión. File 7
Te lo agradezco de verdad. File 7
Podríamos ir a… File 7
¡Menuda vista! File 7
¿Qué se puede visitar? File 7
¿Qué quieres visitar? File 7
¿Quieres que quedemos para comer? File 7

Sí, claro. File 7

aire acondicionado File 8
sillón File 8
balcón File 8
bañera File 8
cuarto de baño File 8
cama File 8
habitación File 8
alfombra File 8
techo File 8
calefacción central File 8
cocina File 8
armario File 8
comedor File 8
chimenea File 8
planta File 8
nevera File 8
taller File 8
jardín File 8
entrada File 8
e © Oxfo

Castellano File
cocina File 8
lámpara File 8
luz File 8
salón File 8
espejo File 8
planta File 8
estante (estantería) File 8
ducha File 8
sofá File 8
escaleras File 8
estudiar File 8
aseo File 8
pared File 8
lavadora File 8
detrás de File 8

entre File 8
abajo File 8
desde… hasta File 8

en File 8
delante de File 8
dentro de File 8
al lado de File 8
los File 8
enfrente de File 8
fuera de File 8
por encima de File 8
debajo de File 8
arriba File 8
llegar File 8
venir File 8
cerrar File 8
odiar File 8
asesinado File 8
sentarse File 8
dormir File 8
hablar File 8
pagar la factura y marcharse File 8
levantarse File 8
encender File 8
regresar File 8
despertarse File 8
manzanas File 9
plátanos File 9
galletas File 9
pan File 9
desayuno File 9
mantequilla File 9
zanahorias File 9
cereales File 9
queso File 9
patatas fritas File 9
chocolate File 9
café File 9
patatas fritas File 9
postres File 9
pescado File 9
e © Oxfo

Castellano File
fruta File 9
ensalada de fruta File 9
hierbas medicinales/aromáticas File 9
helado File 9
mermelada File 9
lechuga File 9
comida File 9
cena File 9
carne (filete, pollo, salchichas, jamón) File 9

leche File 9
setas File 9
frutos secos File 9
aceite de oliva File 9
cebollas File 9
zumo de naranja File 9
naranjas File 9
pasta File 9
guisantes File 9
pimientos File 9
piña File 9
patatas File 9
arroz File 9
ensalada File 9
salmón File 9
sándwich File 9
pescado y marisco File 9
tentempiés File 9
especias File 9
fresas File 9
azúcar File 9
dulces File 9
té File 9
tostada File 9
tomates File 9
atún File 9
105 ciento cinco File 9
200 doscientos File 9
350 trescientos cincuenta File 9
875 ochocientos setenta y cinco File 9

1000 mil File 9

1500 mil quinientos File 9

2012 dos mil doce File 9

5420 cinco mil cuatrocientos veinte File 9

25.000 veinticinco mil File 9

100.000 cien mil File 9

1.000.000 un millón File 9

2.300.000 dos millones trescientos File 9
botella File 9
caja File 9
lata File 9
cartón File 9
e © Oxfo
Castellano File
tarro File 9
paquete File 9
lata File 9
¡Enhorabuena! File 9
¡Suerte! File 9
¡Feliz cumpleaños! File 9
Vaya. No importa. File 9
¡Bien hecho! File 9
Una botella de agua mineral, por favor. File 9

Mesa para dos. File 9

¿Listo para pedir? File 9
Por aquí, por favor. File 9
¿Han reservado? File 9
Tomaré… File 9
Para mí, solo agua. File 9
¿Con gas o sin gas? File 9
¿Qué quieren beber? File 9
Café solo descafeinado. File 9
¿Nos trae la cuenta por favor? File 9
Adelante. File 9
¿Buenas noticias? File 9
Yo no, gracias. File 9
Nada especial. File 9
Otro para mí, por favor. File 9
¿Quieren postre? File 9
tener mal perder File 9
hacer trampas File 9
recoger File 9
platos File 9
sacar la escarcha File 9
especializado File 9
flotar File 9
fresco File 9
a la parrilla File 9
casero File 9
presentar File 9
memorizar File 9
pedir File 9
conductor del concurso File 9
retirar File 9
salsa File 9
sopa File 9
equipo File 9
ganar File 9
galería de arte File 10
puente File 10
estación de autobuses File 10
aparcamiento File 10
castillo File 10
catedral File 10
farmacia File 10
iglesia File 10
grandes almacenes File 10
hospital File 10
mercadillo File 10
mezquita File 10
e © Oxfo

Castellano File
museo File 10
comisaría File 10
oficina de correos File 10
estación de trenes File 10
río File 10
carretera File 10
plaza File 10
calle File 10
sinagoga File 10
supermercado File 10
templo File 10
ayuntamiento File 10
libro File 10
comprar File 10
comer File 10
ir File 10
tener File 10
conocer File 10
alquilar File 10
quedarse File 10
visitar File 10
tener suerte File 10
hacerse famoso File 10
enamorarse File 10
ganar mucho dinero File 10
conseguir un nuevo empleo File 10
casarse File 10
llevarse una sorpresa File 10
conocer a alguien File 10
mudarse File 10
viajar File 10
discutir File 10
creer File 10
el más grande File 10
novio File 10
de mayor afluencia/tráfico/trabajo File 10
famoso File 10
el más rápido File 10
fortuna File 10
futuro File 10
idea File 10
Vamos a… File 10
el más largo File 10
afortunado File 10
casarse File 10
dinero File 10
el más peligroso File 10
el más antiguo File 10
problema File 10
pregunta File 10
sorpresa File 10
el más alto File 10
Es una buena idea. File 10
hoy File 10
viajar File 10
¿Por qué no vamos a…? File 10
preocupar(se) File 10
e © Oxfo

Castellano File
tranquilamente File 11
peligrosamente File 11
con soltura File 11
mucho File 11
a gritos File 11
pacientemente File 11
educadamente File 11
en serio File 11
bien File 11
decidir File 11
olvidar File 11
esperar File 11
aprender File 11
necesitar File 11
planear File 11
prometer File 11
acordarse (de) File 11
intentar File 11
querer File 11
archivo adjunto File 11
banda ancha File 11
descargar una aplicación File 11
conseguir las indicaciones File 11
ponerse en forma File 11
escuchar una canción File 11
iniciar sesión File 11
enviar mensajes a un amigo File 11
publicar un tuit File 11
leer un libro File 11
investigar File 11
enviar un SMS File 11
enviar un correo electrónico File 11
compartir una foto File 11
chatear con un amigo File 11
redes sociales File 11
hacer una foto File 11
subir un vídeo File 11
Wi-Fi File 11
autobús File 11
autocar File 11
avión File 11
taxi File 11
tren File 11
tranvía File 11
¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito? File 11

¿Puede darme un recibo? File 11

Un billete para… por favor. File 11
¿Puede llamarme un taxi por favor? File 11

¿Solo de ida o de ida y vuelta? File 11

¿Adónde? File 11
¿Normal o primera clase? File 11
Buen viaje. File 11
¡No me lo puedo creer! File 11
¡Estoy tan contenta! File 11
¿Va todo bien? File 11
e © Oxfo

Castellano File
Llama por teléfono cuando llegues. File 11
Te veo en… File 11
Nos vemos allí. File 11
Muchísimas gracias. File 11
lista de cosas que hacer antes de morir File 11

ganar dinero File 11

seguro File 11
pagar las facturas File 11
pagar el alquiler File 11
salario File 11
propina File 11
estar File 12
comprar File 12
hacer File 12
comer File 12
caerse File 12
dar File 12
escuchar File 12
izquierdo File 12
leer File 12
ver File 12
hablar File 12
cantar File 12
decir File 12

e © Oxfo
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers

Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers

Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers

Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers

Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Days and numbers
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
© Oxford University Press 2019 1
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Countries
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language

Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language

Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
© Oxford University Press 2019 2

Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language

Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language

Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Vocabulary Banks - Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Classroom language
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English

Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
© Oxford University Press 2019 3

More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
More words and phrases in File 1
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Things
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
© Oxford University Press 2019 4
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
Vocabulary Banks - Adjectives
More words and phrases in File 2
More words and phrases in File 2
More words and phrases in File 2
More words and phrases in File 2
More words and phrases in File 2
More words and phrases in File 2
© Oxford University Press 2019 5

More words and phrases in File 2
More words and phrases in File 2
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Jobs
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
© Oxford University Press 2019 6

Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Question words
Question words
Question words
Question words
Question words
Question words
Question words
Question words
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
More words and phrases in File 3
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - The family
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
© Oxford University Press 2019 7
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Daily routine
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time

Vocabulary Banks - Time

Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time

Vocabulary Banks - Time

Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time
Vocabulary Banks - Time

Vocabulary Banks - Time

Prepositions of time and place
Prepositions of time and place
Prepositions of time and place
Prepositions of time and place
Prepositions of time and place
Prepositions of time and place
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
More words and phrases in File 4
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
© Oxford University Press 2019 8

Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - More verb phrases
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Vocabulary Banks - The weather
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
© Oxford University Press 2019 9

Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date

Vocabulary Banks - The date

Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Vocabulary Banks - The date
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
Words in a story
© Oxford University Press 2019 10

Words in a story
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
More words and phrases in File 6
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get

Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get

Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Vocabulary Banks - Go, have, get
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
© Oxford University Press 2019 11
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
Word formation
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Past time expressions
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English

Social English
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
© Oxford University Press 2019 12

Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - The house
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement

Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement

Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement

Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement

Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Vocabulary Banks - Place and movement
Past simple
Past simple
Past simple
Past simple
Past simple
Past simple
Past simple
Past simple
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
More words and phrases in File 8
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
© Oxford University Press 2019 13

Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food

Vocabulary Banks - Food

Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - Food
Vocabulary Banks - High numbers
Vocabulary Banks - High numbers
Vocabulary Banks - High numbers
Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Vocabulary Banks - High numbers

Food containers
Food containers
Food containers
Food containers
© Oxford University Press 2019 14
Food containers
Food containers
Food containers
Respondiing to what somebody says
Respondiing to what somebody says
Respondiing to what somebody says
Respondiing to what somebody says
Respondiing to what somebody says
Practical English

Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
More words and phrases in File 9
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
© Oxford University Press 2019 15

Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
Vocabulary Banks - Places and buildings
City holidays
City holidays
City holidays
City holidays
City holidays
City holidays
City holidays
City holidays
City holidays
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
Verb phrases
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
More words and phrases in File 10
© Oxford University Press 2019 16

Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Common adverbs
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Verbs that take the infinitive
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Phones and the internet
Public transport
Public transport
Public transport
Public transport
Public transport
Public transport
Practical English

Practical English
Practical English
Practical English

Practical English
Practical English
Practical English
Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
© Oxford University Press 2019 17

Social English
Social English
Social English
Social English
More words in File 11

More words in File 11

More words in File 11
More words in File 11
More words in File 11
More words in File 11
More words in File 11
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles
Irregular past participles

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