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(A) He's carrying some packages. (B) He's putting on a hat. (Q) He's pushing a cart (0) He's washing some windows. 3 Men (A) A customer is placing a tray in a sink. (8) A customer is handing money to a cashier. (©) A cashier is holding an item. (D) A cashier is stacking some cups. 5 wer (A) A passenger is exiting a vehicle (8) A tree branch is lying on the ground. (©) Some traffic lights are being installed. {D) Some bicycles are parked near a road. (A) She's hanging up a sign. (B) She's painting a wall (C) She's using some office equipment. (0) She’s emptying a recycling bin, 4 wan (A) A.railing is being repaired. (8) A boat is moving toward a bridge. (© One of the men is unloading a truck. (0) One of the men is opening a door. (A) A beverage is being poured into a glass. (8) Some flowers are being arranged in a vase. (©) Awoman is folding a napkin, (D) A woman is wiping off a table. PART 2 7 w-am Could | borrow your pen? 8 W-Br W-Am 9 W-Br MAU 10 W-am M-Cn 11 W-Br W-Am 12 W-Ar M-Cn (A) No, I’ve never been there. (B) Some folders. (©) Of course, What's the price of this item? (A) Five euros. (B) At around eight p.m. (© Yes, it does. When do you usually take your lunch break? (A) With someone from my department. (B) Just a sandwich. (©) Sometime after eleven thirty. You got the concert tickets for Saturday, right? (A) It was a local band. (B) No, they're actually for Sunday. (Q Ill write it this afternoon How did you hear about our 200 tour? (A) That's what | heard, too. (8) A variety of wild animals (©) A friend recommended it. What is required to get a store refund? (A) Isaw them last week (8) You just need your receipt. (© The orientation event was fun. 13 M-Au W-Br 14 M-Cn M-Au 15 M-Cn W-Br 16 w-Am M-cn 17 W-Am w-Br 18 M-Au W-Am Why is construction on the new apartments delayed? (A) Yes, | would. (8) No, I don't have the instructions, (©) Because of the bad weather. How do | open a new account? (A) They're hiring more accountants. (B) Yes, the bank is open. (C) Let me get you the paperwork. Have you installed the new computer software yet? (A) | did that this morning. (8) It’s a monthly payment plan. (OQ Some new keyboards. You haven't seen my scarf, have you? (A) I met him yesterday. (B) Alicia might know where it is. (©) Hoved that film. Who was the spokesperson at the press conference today? (A) It was an interesting article. (B) The company president. (© About a new product. How much do you think the banquet tables will cost? (A) Yes, that sounds right. (B) Over by the chairs. (©) I'll check with the supplier. 19 M-cn W-Br 20 w-Am W-Br 21 W-Br M-Au M-Cn W-Am W-Br M-Au M-Cn M-Au Where can I find the corporate handbook? (A) They found a parking spot near us. (B) We shook hands at the reception (©) You can download it from our Web site, Would you like to pay in cash or with a credit card? (A) Four hundred. (8) Which credit cards do you accept? (©) | thought so, too. When will the prototype be ready for production? (A) No, he wrote it down, (8) Our Singapore factory. (©) Later this month, It looks like the restaurant didn’t deliver my salad. (A) Those were delicious. (8) There are napkins in the kitchen. (C) I'll call the restaurant manager. Why don't we have a quick meeting at four? (A) My dient arrives at three forty-five. (8) It didn’t last very long. (© To launch a new product. Do you think we could modify the project timeline? (A) At the entrance to the building. (8) The flight departs from terminal six. (©) We'll need approval from the director. 25 Mau weer 26 M-cn Maw 27 W-br cn 28 Mau W-Br 29 w-Br MAU M-cn Maw 31 NAW WeAm Can I leave a message for Mr, Oyama? (A) He should be back in his office soon. (8) The main conference room. (©) There’s a vegetarian option. Doesn't this elevator go to the twentieth floor? (A) The carpet cleaner. (8) No, it stops at the tenth. (©) There are some more in the closet. Who wants to lead the accour next week? (A) I'll be on vacation. (8) Some training manuals. (© They'll be eating soon 1g workshop Where will this year’s trade show take place? (A) Yes, | can‘t wait. (B) Here’s the brochure. (Q) Is tomorrow all right? Shouldn't | have received shipping confirmation from your company by now? (A) Our system’s down. (8) No thanks, I'm fine (O He has his certification. Ihave a complaint about yesterday's catering service. (A) Appetizers and desserts. (8) {'m sorry—what went wrong? (©) On the next flight. Why were our car sales so low this month? (A) We're still looking into that. (8) A50 percent discount. (© I don't need a new car.

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