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Street Vendor Spot Project


Muhammad Raka Pawitra Abdul Nashr

1. In my perspective it would be better if we provide a solution that will profits all parties. I
propose Telkom University to provide certain spots around the area for street merchants
to ensemble and market their products. After a lot of considerations and surveys, I
decided that the most easily accessed area would be Sukabiru and Sukaputra so it will be
much strategic to place the spot in those streets. so it will be like a canteen but outside the
telkom university. but if there are in each region all can come in each area, and because
there are many street vendors who sell the same, I think every one who sells the same
will make shifts like today trader A, tomorrow Trader B and continue to turn onward, and
maybe this project is not developing and the biggest possibility is in telkom university, if
the funds or construction are stagnant it will be a longer street vendor, and especially if
it's already promising to the street vendor will make street vendors very angry. and I want
GMI to be the manager of the school management in every street vendor so the one who
takes care of the monthly fees is the GMB and the Telkom University demanding that
they always be clean and there must be innovation because the telecom university has
given land and if it is called rude has given the two involved capital.

2. actually the core object of this object design is telkom university, because in my opinion,
telkom university do not think about infrastructure in the course, but outside as well,
because after all it is the telkom university area and if the stakeholders are very agile in
building the street vendor it will the more extensive the area there, because a lot of
positive effects from object design for telkom university will be clean of rubbish and will
not be jammed of course, street vendors will feel very happy because it has been set up
and facilitated by telkom university with a decent place, and GMB too get a better and
more friendly job like never before, such as collecting debt, and of course for customers
that students will feel happier because they like having a canteen that has a place to
smoke, because many students want it, and certainly for traders sidewalks won't work ua
is accommodated at the street vendors even if there is a shift in the same merchandise but
it will not be possible for all the goods to be lost and those who do not want to go around
selling as usual but not allowed telkom area and we will always give advice and give
bonus if no one gets a shift at a five-spot kakik trader and if all of that happens with
expectations everyone will benefit as I mentioned above.

3. And here I ask the design object to some of my friends and this is the result:
Name : I Putu Gede Vani Anggawiguna
Majors : Communication Science

according to him about the design of my object, it was very interesting and according to him
telkom did not think of the infrastructure inside, but also like what I said earlier in the previous
answer, and he also strongly supported the design of objects because he often got stuck when he
wanted to leave college, and if the object of my design applied here will be cleaner in the
environment. and if there is a street vendor there is no dispute with the telkom university canteen
because it is very risky to occur.

Name : Gede Pradhita Manggala

Majors : Accounting

according to my friend, he said he didn't think too much about my object design, because he too
rarely did activities in the telkom university area, and I asked him better to eat in a
telecommunication canteen or outside the telkom, he said he preferred to eat at the telecom
canteen but he was also given another choice, better to eat in his own residence,said Gede.

after I listened to what my friend said I would make good management and certainly would not
disappoint the students, and I would make sure that the environment around the telecom would
always be free from rubbish, and I would favor a street vendor with food. which is more varied
and also cheaper and I will make sure that the telecom university canteen and street vendors will
not be in dispute because I know the street vendors and telecom canteen universities are different
target markets, like what I am and many of my friends experience, that is when we being a new
student at the telkom university, we always eat at cafes, but after a few weeks we were reluctant
to eat at the restaurant because there were places we preferred outside the telkom university for
example warkop around the telkom university besides being cheaper but some students who
smokers preferred smoking after eating.
4. I am very optimistic that the design of the object that I have given is very innovative,
and very useful for the future, and with the spot of street vendors this will make the
telkom area free from garbage and can reduce the congestion that we have felt so far and
for Telkom University will more in the eyes of the community because it has helped the
street vendors with their cooperation and can make the telecom area even greener and for
street vendors to get a very proper place for the future.

5. I propose my object design which in my opinion I am very innovative for the future,
namely street vendors, spots and I will ask students' opinions on my object design,
namely street vendors spots.

PKL spot as it is designed to have few aspects of managements including waste

management, security services, centered spot to seek for food or fashion so that the
merchant will be easily seen and attract more people.
I will make an eco business, so the plastic garbage collected by the tenant will be
deposited to GMBI, because the management is GMBI, and after that plastic waste is
processed into goods needed daily and of course with good quality, and will get a 50%
profit management from eco business for Teolkom University, 40% for GMBI and 10%
for tenants, and we share the revenue to the 3 parties so that the reference is more
enthusiastic about the existence of this design object.

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