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My father is working in United Arab Emirates and when I was in my school, he used to tell us the stories

of the infrastructure of UAE like Burj Khalifa, Palm Island, Burj ul Arab and their road networking and
water distribution systems. While fascinated by how these huge infrastructures are designed, built and
come into reality, on the other side looking into the problems especially related to the transportation,
flooding and accessing clean water in my country, led me to choose civil engineering as my career path.

Civil engineering is more than just building construction. I have interest especially in geotechnic part of it
and its practical applications to make and test materials. I found out its importance in a case of falling
down of a four story building at our home village when there were rain storms followed by earthquake.
I’m also interested in structures and hydrology, particularly the solutions to foundation problems. By
studying mathematics and physics at intermediate level ignited my problem solving skills. Also working
in Project Topi, improved my team work abilty and desire to work for my community. I enjoy embracing
challenges and so this topic appeals to me the most.

I want to combine my carrier to make a positive impact on communities, and become a civil engineer
and gain more experience after having my degree. With the background seeing such issues I am
determined to do my part in forming of solutions and improve the quality of living for others.

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