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Nama : Kiageng Noer Adji

Class : 1B Ners
1. What is your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. How old are you?
4. When were you born?
5. What is your favorite music genres?
6. Do you like kdrama? if so, what is the kdrama title that you like the most?
7. Do you have a special friend?
8. what is your favorite food?, when when do you usually eat your favorite food?
9. Do you have a wish to go somewhere? if so, where is that place?
10. what is the closest achievement that you want to achieve?
My name is Gabriel Octaviani, I live in Pesona Anggrek Bekasi Utara, I am 19 years old,
I was born on October 14, 2001, my favorite music genres are Gospel and Pop. Yeah I like
Kdrama, the title of the drama that I like is The K2 drama Melodrama and I also liked the title
Kdrama with Pinocchio.
I have some special friends that I often make friends with when I'm bored. I really like
food like fried rice, my mother often cooks fried rice in the morning and yes I also really like
kwetiaw because it's so delicious. I want to go somewhere with my big family, actually if there is
no covid me and my big family want to go to Lombok for a vacation but don't take a vacation
huhu. achievements in the future I am a little confused because in my life, I am not a person who
has a vision of a future achievement, but I just follow the flow of life, flowing like water.

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