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Thursday, March 04, 2021 4:58 PM Bishop Cotton Boys’ School Subject — History Topic — Mahavira and Buddha — Great Preachers Standard — VI |. Name the following — 1. The two new religions which rose in the sixth century BCE — Jainism & Buddhism 2. The varna which reacted strongly against the ritualistic domination of the Brahmans — Kshatriyas 3. The language used for all rituals — Sanskrit 4. The varna which became the enthusiastic supporter of Jainism and Buddhism — Vaishyas 5. The 24" and the last thirthankara who founded Jainism — Vardhaman Mahavira 6. The first Thirthankara of Jainism — Rishabhdev or Adinath 7. The year and the place of birth of Mahavira — 540 BCE at Kundagrama 8. The names of Mahavira’s parents — Siddhartha and Trishala 9. Number of years Mahavira wandered in search of knowledge — 12 years. 10. The founder of Buddhism — Gautam Buddha 11. _The place ruled by the father of Gautam Buddha — Kapilavastu 12. The place of birth of Gautam Buddha — Lumbini 13. The tree under which Buddha gained knowledge — Mahabodhivriksh (Tree of Wisdom) i. Answer the following in brief — 1. When did Mahavira become a ‘Jina’? Ans. When Mahavira conquered both misery and happiness, he became a Jina. 2. What are the three doctrines of Jainism? Ans. The three doctrines of Jainism are - a. Ahimsa — Non — injury to any living beings. b. The attainment of Moksha — the main goal of life is to liberate the soul from the cycle of birth and death. c. Tri-—ratna — Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Action are the tri — ratnas to attain Moksha. 3. Write in brief the beliefs of Mahavira. Ans. a) Mahavira did not believe in the Vedas, caste system and in the existence of God. b) He opposed all forms of religious rites and rituals. 4. What are the five vows of Jainism? Ans. a) Ahimsa — non — violence b) Satya — truth c) Asteya — Non-stealing d) Brahmacharya — celibacy e) Aparigraha — non-possession ul. Answer the following in detail — 1. Why did two new religions rise in India during the sixth century BCE? Ans. a) The Vedic religion had become very complex. b) A great deal of emphasis was given on rituals, yajnas and sacrifice. c) The Brahmans had become very powerful. d) All the religious rituals had become too costly for the common man. 2. Write in detail Buddha’s teachings. Ans. Buddha’s teachings are contained in the Four Noble Truths and the Eight- Fold Path. The Four Noble Truths are — a. There is suffering in the world. b. Suffering is caused by desire. c. To remove this suffering one must get rid of desires. d. This can be done by following the Eight — Fold Path. Eight — Fold Path — Right belief Right Thought Right Speech Right Conduct Right Means of Livelihood Right Effort Right Thinking Right Meditation yFamoaeos 3. What are the beliefs of Buddha? a. Buddha did not believe in extremes and advised people to follow the Middle Path. b. He believed in non-violence and criticised animal sacrifices and the caste system. c. He laid stress on love, compassion and non-injury to living creatures in thought, word and deed. d. He remained silent about the existence of God. @@@@@

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