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Internship is a way by which trainees or the students apply the things learned in school. It

helps us to obtain additional knowledge and skills by doing the actual work. Students are

assigned to different establishments where they will obtain their trainings in span of time. It is a

bridge that connects our comfort zone to the world outside the four-sides of classroom in which

it demands independence and perseverance of a person. Within the duration of training the

student will learn how to adjust for him/her to fit in to his/her working environment. The student

will also feel the pressure of the job he/she is currently working with.

For us the students or trainees On-The- Job training introduces us to opportunities

wherein we will do the actual work by using appropriate tools, equipments, forms, documents,

knowledge and skills. The establishments will serve as their training ground where we will

develop our skills and acquire additional knowledge that is beneficial in our chosen fields. It is

also a great help that the supervisor or employees guide the students in the task they are assigned

to before they let students work on their own.

Internship program is also beneficial to the entity where the student will take their

internship. The establishment will also gain manpower at low cost. If the student is taught well

on how he/ she will do his/her job then the student will be considered as an asset to the entity.

The trainee lessen the burden of employees in terms of work because the trainee is ask to do

some of the works of the employees that match its capabilities in order for the trainee will finish

the work as they expected. The student will also benefited by the program in which he/she had

gain knowledge and skills that he/she can use in the future. As well as the university will receive
a good feedback on how the trainee does his/her job accurately. I will also reflect to the

university that they are providing a high quality education.

Philippine National Bank- Sanchez Mira is my First Training ground where I spent 200

hours. During my first day at the establishment, we, the trainees are being introduced to the

employees of the establishment. The manager has brief us on the rules and regulations of the

entity as well as our limitations as trainees. The employees help guided as in every task assigned

to me and let me do the job after they had taught me. They see to it that we learned something

from them do our assigned task accurately.


Philippine National Bank


We are leading, dynamic Filipino financial services organization with a global presence

committed to deliver a whole range of quality products and services that will create value and

enrich the lives of our customers, employees, shareholders and the communities we serve.


To be the most admired Filipino financial services in the country in terms of:

 Financial Performance-Rank #1 or #2 in its businesses in terms of returns in equity

 Innovativeness- in products, services, distribution and the use of cutting-edge technology.

 Customer perception

 The preferred financial services provider

 The customer- centered organization with a passion for service excellence.

 Social Responsibility- the employer of choice, a good corporate citizen and partner in nation


 Long- Term Vision-developing competitive advantage on a sustain basis by anticipating

changes in customer’s preferences and in the manner of doing business.


In order to have a better filing system the trainees are assigned to arrange the signature cards. It also a

way of minimizing the time locating signature cards when they needed it when they want to confirm if the

signature of the client is the same with the one being filed.

The student is scanning documents, transactions and dollar bills. Scanning documents is a way to input

information to their system. These documents are helpful in processing transactions.

The students learn how to operate a photocopying machine. During her stay there she had photocopied

deposit slips, cash requisition slips and opening accounts requirements such as identification cards,

passport. I had also photocopied dollar bills at a reduced size and deposit slips as a copy of the depositor.

After banking hours the student is assigned to accomplish the check transfer slip. The checks from other

banks that were being transact to bank are written in a check

I had also stayed at new accounts where I had assisted clients who want to open their accounts

and update their current accounts as well as those who want to convert their dollar bills into peso.

Before banking hours I also arrange numbers and letters which are essential in queue system of

the bank.


 OTIMISTIC- We should have a positive outlook towards our work in order to lessen the

mistakes we had committed and create a light vibe within our working area.

 UNITY- People within an organization should have hand in hand in achieving their goal and

to lessen the job burden of a person for example me and my co trainee help one another in

counting coins and filing opening documents.

 POLITENESS- It a way of showing respect to the people in the organization as well as to the

clients to make them feel that they are very much welcome to the establishment and the

employees are happy to serve them.

 INDEPENDENT- Some instances that we should not always depend on anybody and we

must learned to work on our own for instance in photocopying a document I does it by

myself as well as my task assigned for me.

 “TIME IS GOLD” – To become productive we should learn how to spend our time, how to

work in a faster mode but with accurate results for example during rush hour I assist another

client while the other is filing up a form and do some task as they told me as long as I can

handle it.

 PROFESSIONALISM –Even though I’m not comfortable in assisting a client or we had a

misunderstanding with my co trainee I just shake it off and deal with them professionally.
 PATIENCE- Sometimes we encounter clients which are hard time in making decisions and

have a short temper but we should understand and wait for decision.

 PUNCTUALITY – Reporting to the entity before the banking hours to prepare yourself and

what you needed.

 CONFIDENTIALITY- Information about the clients and the bank must be kept as a secret

and must not be disposed to the public.

 ENTHUSIASM- Eagerness to do the task given to me and to finish it before we leave the



Having my ON- THE- JOB- TRAINING helps me adjust to the pressure of a job. It helps me

improve as an individual and as a future professional. It allows me to understand the importance

of every single thing and those things are contributor to the success of an individual. It will be a

help for me in pursuing a career in the future. I had gain experiences that can be a help in sorting

problems and to deal different circumstances.



The institution is a good training ground for accounting students because they had imparted

knowledge and skills that makes a person better. They guide the trainees until they are ready to

do the job independently.

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