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Wendy Wirawan, Flora, Muhammad Sukirlan

FKIP Unila, Jl. Prof. Dr. Soemantri Brojonegoro No.1 Bandar Lampung
Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
HP 082179128498

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui strategi belajar yang digunakan oleh
siswa, kemampuan berbicara siswa dan menemukan korelasi antara strategi
belajar bahasa dengan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di
SMAN 1 Binduriang Bengkulu menggunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. 20 siswa
kelas dua dipilih sebagai sample. 50 quesionire dan test menggunakan storytelling
untuk mengukur kemampuan berbicara siswa. Data dianalisa menggunakan
product moment corelation. Ada 6 strategy belajar siswa yang berbeda meliputi;
meta-cognitive (3.56), memory (2.95), affective (2.85), sosial (2.82), cognitive
(2.77) dan compentation (3.11). Hasil nilai dari kemampuan berbicara siswa
adalah (68.05), meliputi; vocabulary (72.5), comprehension (72.5), Pronunciation
(66.5), fluency (66.5), dan grammar (62.5). Vocabulary dan comprehension
adalah paling tinggi, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan
strategi belajar siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara dimana nilai r adalah 0.562.

Abstract: The objectives of this research are to find out the strategies of language
learning that are used by the students, to find RXW WKH VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ DELOLW\
Binduriang Bengkulu by using qualitative and quantitative method. There were 20
students from the second grade as a sample. 50 items of questionnaires to check
the learning strategy and given test in speaking by using storytelling. The data
were analyzed by product moment corelation. There are 6 kinds of different
language learning strategies, including; meta-cognitive (3.56), memory (2.95),
affective (2.85), social (2.82), cognitive (2.77) and compensation (3.11). The
DYHUDJH VFRUH RI VWXGHQWV¶ VSeaking ability is (68.05), such us; vocabulary (72.5),
comprehension (72.5), Pronunciation (66.5), fluency (66.5), and grammar (62.5).
The average score of vocabulary and comprehension were the highest one, there
was a significant correlation between language learning strategies with speaking
ability where value was 0.562.

Keywords: learning strategy, speaking ability, students¶ speaking ability.

INTRODUCTION with students¶ speaking ability in
In Indonesia, English is taught since
junior high school up to university. Teaching and learning English at
Each level has standard difficulty of school always faces several problems,
material which was used to teach the it raises from the student¶V themselves,
students by equipment supporting to material, teacher, teaching process,
reach the goal such as demonstrations time, place, equipment and
tool and others. infrastructures. The problems which
come from students such as the
Each student in the classroom of senior GLIIHUHQFHV RI VWXGHQWV¶ LQWHllegence, if
high school has differences of the material is low or too easy, the
characteristics in learning English student who has high intellegence will
namely: audio learners; those students be bored and then opposite with the
who are fast in understanding the students who need in learning English.
material by listening from the teachers¶ In the classroom always find the
explanation and recording of teaching differences like them, one and others
process. Visual learners; those students need differences method in learning to
who are easy in understanding the fast in mastery English so the teacher
material by looking at the material should use combination strategy in
direclty, toward practice. teaching.

This research focuses at students¶ A Teacher has an important act in

language learning strategies at a Senior teaching and learning process because
high school. It is believed that he or she has duty to create the
illustration at students in learning student¶s successful in learning
English will carry out the beneficial to English, he or she can control and
the several participants as direct or manage the target of material in each
indirectly. The positive and negative meeting so in one semester the students
impact from this research will show to must reach the target in mastering
the public. The positive side of this English. Time of meeting is also one of
research; the teachers will know the factors to success in teaching and
kinds of studentV¶ learning strategies, learning, if each meeting is too short, it
so they are able to create the WHDFKHU¶V will to influence the student¶s
concept which use strategy understanding in material. The time
combination and each students¶ also supported by place to do teaching
learning style can be adopted by and learning process, conducting and
other.Then the negative impact from comfortable place make the student
this research, teacher who adopts the comfort and easy to understand the
teaching or lecturing concept will material that is given. Besides that, it is
confuse to implement it in the also added by equipment as media in
classroom so the teaching process will teaching in the classroom, it helps the
be fail. This research was conducted in students be fast in learning English.
Senior High School especially in the
second grade as subject of the research From the difference of problems in
in order to know the correlation of teaching and learning above, it will
studentV¶ language learning strategies appear the differences of students¶
learning strategies in mastering English learning what makes students active is
at Senior High school. Based on the a long life learning process.
identification of the problem above, the
problem will be limited at the Students¶ Language learning strategy is the step
learning strategy in mastering English. which is taken by people to
There are several strategies in learning comprehance their learning. According
at the students, and it is different from to Oxford (1991) language learning
one student to others in order to strategies are defined as steps taken by
increase their achievement in English. students to enhance their own learning.
The problem in this research The strategies can be done in side or
formulated in what kinds of language outside of the classroom based on the
learning strategies are used by the students themselves. Oxfrord (1991)
students, How is the students¶ speaking classifies language learning strategies
ability, and how is the correlation to direct and indirect strategy. The
between the students are using of category of indirect strategies consist
language learning strategies and their of metacoqnitive strategies, affective
speaking ability. strategies and social strategies.

In the developing English competence, Language learning strategies also have

someone must improve in English skill several uses. There are more uses of
that consist of listening, spealking, LLS, namely; (a) to enhance language
reading and writing. All of them need learning, (b) to perform specified tasks,
practice every day as habit in their live. (c) to solve specific problem in
Those are according to Bialystock language learning, (d) to make learning
(1979) explicit linguistics knowledge, easier, faster and enjoyable, (e) to
implicit language knowledge, language compensate for a defecit in learning
exposure and other knowledge. (cohen, 2007). Based on this the
Implicite knowledge is developed statement, it can be seen that LLS is
through exposure to communicative important for the students who like to
language use and is facilitated by increase their comprehansion in
functional practicing. In simple learning a new language. It is also as
language, the mastery of language the parameter for the students in
forms will be developed through its use mastering language well, if students do
in communicative language use. Based not have strategies in learning
on the results of a study by Utomo and language, they will not master English
Ruijter (1994: 177) learning is actively as fast and well.
in ways that varied (different) and
watched the structure will be better Different from the previous research of
understood and remembered longer. this study are to find out whether there
The emphasis of this opinion is a way are a kinds of language learning
of learning with many variations that strategies students use, to find out
make students active and love to learn. different score of the students¶
Therefore, in order to activate students speaking ability and to find out
in the learning activities, the teacher is correlation between students¶ language
also required to be active in teaching. learning strategy and students¶
This is in line with the statement given speaking ability.
by Muhadjir (2003), that insights from

METHODS Questionnaire
In this research, the researcher used Through questioners the researcher gets
descriptive and qualitative method. The information that he wanted to know
subjects of this research were 20 about student¶V opinion on whether the
students from second grade at Senior strategies are interesting or not. By the
High School. The procedures which Questionnaire the researcher knows the
have been done in order to get the data students¶ opinion related to the
are as following: speaking learning process. Besides, the
researcher knows the students
1. The teacher gave instructions to the affective, cognitive and social in
students in order to choose a story in learning strategies.
picture series that has been prepared
by the teacher as many as the Questionnaire that is used to retrieve
number of students in the class. the data are questionnaire. It was
2. The students retell the story of the formalized by Oxford (1990), namely:
pictures in sequencing based on the Strategy Inventory for Language
topic which have been chosen by Learning strategies. There are 50
them. They were given five minutes statements translated into Indonesian to
to do it. help students understand the questions
3. Finally, the teacher and researcher in the questionnaire. The SILL
gave scores to the students based on questionnaire is designed to assess
the criterion of assessment on language learning strategy use. In the
speaking. journal of a study on Language
Learning Strategies (LLSs) of
In data collecting technique, the University Student in Hongkong stated
researcher described about where and that the SILL has been the most
when the data was collected and how it extensive questionnaire for obtaining
was obtained. The data which was used information on the language learning
in this research were student¶V speaking strategies and frequently used in
score. Next, the researcher analyzed it studies worldwide. Also, the SILL
by using product moment correlation. appears to be the only language
The researcher also used questionnaire learning strategy instrument that has
in order to get the quality of student¶V been checked for reliability and
speaking. The researcher gave a kind of validated in multiple ways. In the
test which included in speaking test in SILL, language learning strategies are
order to know how far their ability in grouped into six categories of
mastering English. The result from assessment: (a) memory strategies (9
their score made the researcher easy to items) which represent to remembering
know kinds of strategies which were effectively, (b) cognitive strategies (14
used to increase their English ability. It items) which represent using mental
was used to know the deeper of process, (c) compensation strategies (6
information from the subjects about items) which represent compensating
their learning strategies in mastering for missing knowledge, (d) meta-
English. In collecting the data, the cognitive strategies (9 items) which
researcher used the followings¶ represent organizing and evaluating the
technique: learning, (e) affective strategies (6
items) which represent managing
emotion, and (f) social strategies (6
items) which represent learning with students at the second grade of senior
others. high school.

The Quantitative Data Analysis

The quantitative data in this research
was taken from speaking test. The
students¶ speaking ability was scored
by using Haris (1975) to find out the
correlation between Language
Learning Strategy and student¶V
speaking ability.

Each Category was scored using Linker The result of this research was
scale; never (1), seldom (2), Sometimes described from the whole of the data
(3), often (4), and always (5). Students that was taken from questionnaires,
were asked to respond each item then call qualitative because it
according their honest answer. presented the form of data and message
that conveyed in this research.
In this research, the researcher used Qualitative research is a process of
analysis categories in order to make the inquiry aimed at understanding human
research containing valid information. behavior by building complex, holistic
By this method the researcher intended picture of social and cultural setting in
to find out various sources of data which such behavior occurs
according to the topic of the research (Angrosino, 2007:1). Qualitative
by focusing on selecting the material research does not require measurement
which needed, after the data has been or can not be measured because the
collected, the researcher analyzed reality they present can only be
them. The researcher wrote all approximated.mThe first research
students¶ informations about their question is what kinds of language
learning strategies and method to keep learning strategies are used by the
their ability in mastering English based students. In order to answer this
on the result of evaluation test. research question the researcher
Derived from the kind of data collected distributed questionnaires of language
by the researcher above, the researcher learning strategy which consist of 50
analyzed those data by using several Items.
methods as follows: In Memory strategy, there were nine
items that should be answered by
The Qualitative Data Analysis students: Score of every number Item;
In this study, the qualitative data was Never (1), Seldom (2), Sometime (3),
analyzed by using questionnaire Often (4), and Always (5). Based on
because this research was descriptive to the research, it could be reported that
determine the learning strategy used by the average number of student in using
the students. The researcher gave a memory strategy was 2.95. It means
questionnaire consisting of 50 that the VWXGHQWV ³VRPHWLPH´ XVHd
questions in the language learning memory strategy to learn how to speak.
strategy. For instance, the researcher The highest score was 3.9 which was
collected the data about the name of made by student with initial NA. It
means that studeQW 1$ ³RIWHQ´ XVHG studHQWV ³VRPHWLPH´ XVHd meta-
memory strategy. The lowest score in cognitive strategy to learn how to
using memory strategy was 2.2 which speak. The highest score was 4.7 which
were made by the students with initial was made by student initial PN means
PA and YP means that students WKDW VWXGHQW 31 ³RIWHQ´ XVHd meta-
³VHOGRP´ XVHG PHPRU\ VWUDWHJ\ when cognitive strategy. The lowest score in
they spoke. using meta-cognitive strategy was 2.1
which were made by the student initial
In Cognitive strategy, there were 14 YS means WKDW VWXGHQW ³VHOGRP´ XVHG
items that should be answered by compensation strategy when initial YS
students and it could be reported that spoke.
the average number of students used
cognitive strategy was 2.77. It means In Affective strategy, there were six
WKDW VWXGHQWV ³VRPHWLPH´ XVHd items (Q=6) that should be answered
cognitive strategy to learn how to by students. It could be reported that
speak. The highest score was 3.6 which the average number of students in using
were made by student with initial NA. affective strategy was 2.85. It means
cognitive strategy. The lowest score in strategy to learn how to speak. The
using cognitive strategy was 1.7 which highest score was 4.2 which were made
was made by the student initial EH by the student with initial RD means
cognitive strategy when spoke. strategy. The lowest score of the use of
Affective strategy was 1.8 which was
In Compensation strategy, there were made by the student initial EH and SI
six items that should be answered by means WKDW VWXGHQW ³VHOGRP´ XVHd
students, it could be reported that the Affective strategy when they spoke.
average number of students used
compensation strategy was 3.11. It In Social strategy, there were six items
means WKDW VWXGHQWV ³VRPHWLPH´ XVHd (Q=6) that should be answered by
compensation strategy to learn how to students. It could be reported that the
speak. The highest score was 3.6 which average number of students in using
were made by student with initial NA social strategy was 2.82. It means that
compensation strategy. The lowest strategy to learn how to speak. The
score in using compensation strategy highest score was 4.2 which were made
was 2.3 which were made by the by the student with initial RD means
students initial YR, YS and ZD means that studeQW 5' ³RIWHQ´ XVHG VRFLDO
WKDW VWXGHQW ³VHOGRP´ XVed strategy. The lowest score in using
compensation strategy when they social strategy was 1.8 which was
spoke. made by the students with initial EH
and SI means that the students
In Compensation strategy, there were ³VHOGRP´ XVHG VRFLDO VWUDWHJ\ ZKHQ
nine items (Q=9) that should be they spoke.
answered by students. It could be
reported that the average number of Based on the result of language
students in using meta-cognitive learning strategies in order to find out
strategy was 3.56. It means that the the score of VWXGHQWV¶ speaking ability,
the researcher obtains it from himself
as the first rater and second rater (the
English teacher who is teaching
English in the school). The final score
of speaking is obtained from the
average score between researcher and
teacher. The results of the assessment
of a students¶ speaking ability can be
seen based on the table as follows:

The section of correlation in language

learning strategies and students¶
speaking ability is by determining the
correlation of two variables between x
and y which has been tested by using
correlation product moment of
statistical which hypothesis is divided
into two hypothesis Ho (no relationship
between the variables x and y) and Ha
(no relationship between the variables
x and y).

From the table above it can be reported

that the studentV¶ average score in
speaking is 68.05. The highest score of Based on the table above it can be seen
speaking is 88 and the lowest score is that there is a correlation between
56. In speaking, the score was given by OHDUQLQJ VWUDWHJ\ DQG VWXGHQWV¶
two raters, they are; the researcher and speaking ability which is also measured
teacher. In the speaking test, the by using product moment correlation.
teacher prepared 20 pictures Based on the results of correlation
storytelling where the students were analysis by using Pearson correlation
asked to describe the picture which test, it was found that r value of 0.562
they have chosen. Based on the result with significance value (p-value) of
on the research there were five aspects 0.01. Value significance (p-value) of
of speaking by marking Scheme. 0.01 <0.005. It means that Ho is
rejected and Ha accepted, so there is
correlation between the students¶

language learning strategies (LLSs) and often, and always. Never means the
students¶ speaking ability. students never used the strategy;
seldom means they rarely ever used the
DISCUSSION strategy; sometime means they
Based on the analysis homogeneity sometime used the strategy; often
using Levene test Statistic significance means they often used the strategy; and
value (p-value) 0.398. The value always means the students always used
significance (p-value) 0.398> . the strategy. Those Findings are similar
This indicates that the data are to this finding that the second class
homogeneous. Based on the results grade of SMA N 1 Binduriang in
obtaine by analysis of variance F value Bengkulu Province which is used
of 5.174 with significant values (p- meta-cognitive as the most frequently
value) of 0,000. Significant value (p- VWUDWHJLHV LQ VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ DELOLW\
value) 0000 < . 0.05. It means that The research found that the participant
there is at least one different learning also used meta-cognitive strategies in
strategies with other learning strategies, learning English.
furthermore to compare each of the
strategies the researcher used analysis Based on Harris (1974) the researcher
of LSD (The Least Significance classified the scoring standard for the
Difference). VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ DELOLW\. There are
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency, and comprehension. By using
pictures storytelling where the students
Table 4. Test of Homogeneity of Variances
were asked to describe the picture
Score which they have chosen. Based on the
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. result on the research there were five
1.040 5 114 .398
aspects of speaking by marking
The result of this study also have the Scheme that were measures i.e.,
same finding with study done by pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
Cabaissa and Baetiong (2010) that fluency and comprehension. The table
shows metacognitive strategies as the below describes the score of the
strategies mostly used by the students. speaking in each aspect. Based on
The students need to manage their aspects the table below, it can be
learning processes and indicate that reported that the highest score of
they were in control of focusing and speaking due to vocabulary is (72.5),
evaluating their own learning comprehension (72.5), pronunciation
behaviours in order to get good (66.5), fluency (66.5) and grammar
learning achievement. In order to (62.5).
determine of language learning strategy
which has been mostly used by the Learning Strategies are supposed to be
VWXGHQWV¶ VSHDNLQJ DELOLW\ 7he used to attain goals or to solve a
researcher had distributed 50 items of problem (Park, 2010). Richards (1992)
questionnaire which is consisted of five says that learning strategies are
types of learning strategies, those were intention, behavior, and thoughts used
memory, cognitive, compensation, by the students during learning.
affective, meta-cognitive, and social Furthermore, the appropriate strategy
strategy. Each item was provided with which is applied by the students that is
five options; never, seldom, sometime, believed to make them successful in
learning speaking and supporting 3. There is correlation between
VWXGHQWV¶ HIIRUW WR OHDUQ VSHDNLQJ In students¶ language learning strategy
finding the answer of research and students¶ speaking ability.
questions, the researcher also found
that correlation between language
speaking ability. The significant is less For the English teachers, this study
than .005. Based on the result of the may enhance their horizon related to
data, it could be concluded that the various language learning strategies.
students often used learning strategies For the students, this study can make
to their speaking skill. This data result the students more creative to find out
is supported by Hismanoglu (2000) the which one is the appropriate strategy in
language learner capable of using a order to alter their learning
wide variety of language learning achievement. For the readers, this study
strategies appropriately can improve may help the readers to improve their
his language skills in a better way. knowledge about English teaching and
learning. For other researchers, this
study may make other researchers
CONCLUSIONS AND reviewing further, sharp, critical, and
comprehensive, which is the closest
related to this investigation in order to
Conclusions reveal many aspects in enhancing
1. Language learning strategy (LLS) teaching and learning.
gives a slight impact on students¶
speaking ability at the second grade
students. It can be seen from the
result where there is a significant
difference between the various
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