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MSU - District
MSU Main Campus, Marawi City, Philippines

Name:________________________________________________ Date: __________


Direction: Choose the correct answer from the given choices.

1. Which of the following may stimulate the growth of the roots in plant cuttings?
a. The use of auxins c. a decrease in soil minerals
b. A decrease in enzymes d. the use of endocrine secretions
2. Which of the following is the function of the cotyledon in a seed?
a. To form the lower portion of the plant c. To protect the seed from drying out
b. To form the upper portion of the plant d. To provide nutrients for the germinating plant
3. An embryo begins to develop from a zygote as a direct result of
a. Fermentation b. budding c. sporulation d. cleavage
4. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze a particular biochemical reaction involving specific substrate molecules.
Enzyme activity is affected by pH, that is
a. pH has no effect on enzyme activity.
b. All enzymes work at any pH
c. Each enzyme works at different optimum level.
d. Enzymes works at a higher pH when the temperature is higher and at a lower pH when the temperature is lower.
5. Two different forms of the same gene and are located on homologous chromosomes.
a. Chromatids b. Genes c. Alleles d. DNA
6. It is considered as the most primitive kingdom.
a. Fungi b. Monera c. Animals d. Plants
7. The reason why gases diffuse faster than liquids is that gas molecules are
a. More free to move than liquid molecules. c. Lighter than liquid molecules.
b. More comprehensible than liquid molecules. d. More elastic than liquid molecules.
8. Smoke particles are examined under a microscope, and were observed to be moving randomly. This movement is due to
a. Air currents blowing on the smoke particles. c. The force of attraction between the smoke particles.
b. Air molecules bumping into smoke particles. d. Smoke particles reacting with oxygen in the air.
9. Solids do not diffuse like gases because the particles of a solid
a. Stationary. c. are too heavy to move.
b. Are too close to move. d. cannot move around each other.
10. A chemical reaction occurs when
a. Salt solution is heated c. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to magnesium ribbon.
b. Crude oil is distilled d. An electric current passes through an electric wire.
11. It is the separation of a liquid into different substances with different boiling points.
a. Distillation b. Filtration c. Chromatography d. Evaporation
12. Which of the following is a physical property of sugar?
a. Its composition is hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. c. It is a white crystalline solid.
b. It can be decomposed with heat. d. It turns black with concentrated H2SO4.
13. When water changes into steam, the molecules become
a. separate atoms. b. more widely spaced. c. much larger. d. less in mass.
14. When ice changes from a solid to a liquid at its melting point
a. Its temperature increases. c. Its particles gain energy.
b. Heat is given out. d. Its particles become more ordered.
15. Fine pollen grains in the surface of water are examined under a microscope. It is observed that the pollen grains
are in random motion and frequently changing direction. The movement is most likely due to the
a. Movement of air across the water.
b. Chemical reaction between the pollen and the water.
c. Collisions between water molecules and pollen grains.
d. Attraction and repulsion between charged particles.

16. Alleles are genes which
a. Are linked to only one chromosome.
b. Occupy corresponding positions on homologous chromosomes.
c. Are sex-linked and are transmitted from fathers to their daughters.
d. Are always sex-linked and are transmitted from mother to their sons.
17. Phenotype maybe defined as
a. Genetic makeup of an individual. c. Visible expression of genotype.
b. Hidden traits of an individual. d. Unrelated characteristics.
18. Different organisms have different numbers of chromosomes. Kangaroos have 12 chromosomes in each body cell.
This means that the number of chromosomes in each egg cell of a kangaroo is
a. 6 b. 12 c. 18 d. 24
19. Which of the statements following is true?
a. DNA is made up of genes and contains chromosomes.
b. Chromosomes are made of DNA and contain genes.
c. Genes are made of DNA and contain chromosomes.
d. Genes are made of chromosomes and contain DNA.
20. All living things are made up of cells. Different cells and organs are adapted for their different roles in life
processes. All living cells contain a nucleus, cytoplasm, and a cell membrane. In addition to these, plant cells also
have a cell wall, chloroplasts and a vacuole. Which part of a cell contains the mitochondria?
a. Nucleus b. Cytoplasm c. Cell membrane d. Cell wall
21. The part of a plant cell that stores water, sugar and minerals.
a. Nucleus b. Vacuole c. Chloroplast d. Cell wall
22. Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy and inorganic compounds to chemical energy and organic
compounds. This is the way the plants make their own food. It happens mainly in the palisade cells of leaves, and
is a complex chemical reaction requiring energy from light. Photosynthesis
a. uses up oxygen. c. takes place only in darkness
b. is not important to animals. d. is essential to all life on earth.
23. Plants need carbon dioxide, water, light and chlorophyll in order to make starch by photosynthesis. Carbon
dioxide enters plants through holes in the leaves called
a. Air spaces. b. stomata. c. cuticles. d. chloroplasts.
24. Our diet must include three types of food: energy foods, body-building foods and maintenance foods. The main
energy foods are carbohydrates and
a. Fats b. proteins c. vitamins d. minerals
25. Vitamins help to control chemical reactions in our bodies. Without vitamins certain reactions cannot take place.
We need only tiny amounts of vitamins, but without them we will suffer from deficiency diseases, like the lack of
vitamin D will lead to
a. Beriberi b. rickets c. scurvy d. night blindness
26. The heart pumps blood around the body through a system of tubes called blood vessels. Which blood vessels
carry blood back to the heart?
a. Arteries b. capillaries c. veins d. cartilage
27. What is the function of the white blood cells?
a. To carry nerve impulses to the brain c. To transport oxygen to the cells
b. To produce hormones to clot the blood d. To destroy bacteria in the body
28. What is the function of the excretory system?
a. To get rid of undigested food from the body c. To take in oxygen and transport it to the cells
b. To remove harmful waste produced by the body d. To control all the organs of the body
29. In a species of pea plant, white flowers were completely dominant over red flowers. Pure-breeding, white-
flowered pea plants are crossed with pure breeding, red-flowered pea plants. What proportion of white- and red-
colored plants will be produced in theF1 generation?
a. All white-flowered plants c. A 3:1 ratio of white-flowered plants to red-flowered plants
b. All red-flowered plants d. A 3:1 ratio of red-flowered plants to white-flowered plants
30. Of the following parts of a cell, which one is the smallest in size?
a. Amino acid b. Chromosome c. gene d. nucleus

1. A

2. D

3. D

4. C

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. D

10. C

11. A

12. C

13. B

14. C

15. C

16. B

17. C

18. A

19. B

20. B

21. B

22. D

23. B

24. A

25. B

26. C

27. D

28. B

29. A

30. A

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