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Katherine, Henry and Edna

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Question 1
Henry and Edna's love rooted from their childhood as they have grown together in a village.
Response: False
Question 2
At the opening lines of the story, what symbolism is introduced as it describes the head of Henry and
howmesmerized he was with Edna's wavy hair.
Response: phallic
Question 34/21/2021 Katherine, Henry and Edna - G-LITT001 BSA32 2nd Sem SY2020-2021 - DLSU-D College/GS 2/3
Within the story, Something Childish But Very Natural, another literary genre was introduced at the
beginning.What literary technique is this called?
Response: metaliterature
Question 4
After their second meeting, Henry and Edna kept correspondence. What did they talk about in their
Response: the concert
Question 5
Something Childish But Very Natural is an example of an impressionistic literature because of the
detaileddescriptions of the characters and events. As for the theme, it is an impressionist literature as
it tackles simple andcommon events and struggles of common people as Henry and Edna.
Response: True
Question 6
Edna's love represents innocence and purity, while Henry's represents physical intimacy.
Response: True
Question 7
As the story ends, Henry was waiting for Edna to come home from work, but instead, he saw a little
girl who gavehim a huge box.
Response: False
Question 8
Katherine Mansfield died of this illness.
Response: tuberculosis
Question 9
Katherine Mansfield had had so many relationship both with men and women. However, she only
considers one asthe love of her life. Who is this?
Response: John Murry
Question 10
On they day he first met Edna, Henry went to the book stall in the station as he always does, and he
got tooengaged with a poem he read entitled Something Childish But Very Natural. 4/21/2021 Katherine,
Henry and Edna - G-LITT001 BSA32 2nd Sem SY2020-2021 - DLSU-D College/GS 3/3
Response: True

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