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Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus

Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

Pavement Design ( Wheel Loading ) - Using CCAA Approach

Not Scale

320 KN
320 KN
5.00 m

A concrete pavement is to be designed to support loading from mining trucks with an axle load of 640 kN with a wheel
spacing of 4.97 m. All areas of the pavement may be traversed by the mining truck. The pavement design shall be designed
for an operating life of 20 years, and it has been estimated that an average of 25 daily load repetitions may occur.

Wheel Spacing = 5.00 m

Truck Axel Load = 640 kN
Pavement life span = 20 Years
Truck repetition = 25 times/day * or equal to = 130000 times / 20 Years - work days

1. The Soil Profile

1. 1 Soil Layer Depth (Hi) i Comments

Sands/Gravels - Dense 1.0 CBR=8% BASE Based on Geotechnical Report

0m 1


0m - - Note : *) Assumption
(Table 1.1)
1. 2 Uniform Modulus Young (Ese)

The equation to determine the Young's Modulus of an equivalent uniform soil layer is as follows :

n Where
∑ W fi . H i Hi = thickness of layer i (m)
E se= n Esi = Young's modulus of layer i (Mpa)

∑ W fi . H i / E si Wfi = weighting factor for layer i

i=1 s n = total number of layers in layered profile
Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

Soil Surface Soil Surface


Layer i Hi Esi
H H Ese

(figure 1.2.a Young Modulus of an equivalent uniform soil layer)

wheel loading : X=S (wheel Spacing (m))

post loading : X=f(x,y) (average post spacing (m))

distributed loading : X=(aisle or loading width (m))

( figure 1.2.b Weighting factor Wfi, for the estimation of Young's modulus for an equivalent layer - Scaled)

using figure 1.2, Ese (Wheel Loading) :

Wf1 --> z1 = 0.50 m = 0.10 applied to figure 1.2b, Wf1 = 0.90 H1 = 1.0 m
Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

X 5.00 m

Wf2 --> z2 = 0.00 m = 0.00 applied to figure 1.2, Wf2 = 0.00 H2 = 0 m

X 5.00 m

Wf3 --> z3 = 1.00 m = 0.20 applied to figure 1.2, Wf3 = 0.00 H3 = 0 m

x 5.00 m

Wf4 --> z4 = 1.00 m = 0.20 applied to figure 1.2, Wf4 = 0.00 H4 = 0 m

x 5.00 m

( 0.90 x 1.0 )+ ( 0.00 x 0.0 ) + ( 0.00 x 0.00 ) + ( 0.00 x 0 ) = 0.9
∑ W fi . H i=
i =1

1. 3 Calculating Young's Modulus on each layer (Hi)

(figure 1.2.c Correlation between long-term (figure 1.2.d Correlation between short-term Young's
Young's Modulus Esi and CBR) Modulus Es, N from SPT and Plasticity index)

The relationship beetween short-term and long term values of Es can be expressed as :

Ess (short term) = Esl (longterm) / Beta

Soil type Correlation factor, Beta

Gravels 0.9
Sands 0.8
Silts, silty clays 0.7
Stiff clays 0.6
Soft clays 0.4

Based on soil property, the Young's modulus for each layer :

Es1 Assume soil : sand/gravel, with Young Modulus Value 20-50 Mpa, Use : 25 Mpa Es = 25 MPa
Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

Es2 SPT (N) = Es = ### MPa

Es3 SPT (N) = Es = ### MPa

Es4 SPT (N) = Es = ### MPa

( 0.90 x 1.0 ) + ( 0.00 x 0.0 ) + ( 0.00 x 0.00 ) + ( 0.00 x 0 ) = 0.036
∑ W fi .H i /E si= ( 25.00 ) ( 0.00 ) ( 0.00 ) ( 0.00 )
i=1 s n
∑ W fi . H i
So, i=1 = 25 Mpa
E se= n
∑ W fi . H i / Esi
i=1 s

Equivalent Young's Modulus for the 1-m deep layer is 25 MPa

1. 4 Flexural Strenght of Concrete

The design Flextural strenght of the concrete is determined from equation :

fall = k1.k2.f'cf
Where :

k1 = Material factor
k2 = load repetition factor
f'cf = characteristic flextural tensile strength of concrete (Mpa)

Assume the value k1 = 0.9 based on table below

Loading type range of k1

wheel 0.85-0.95
Post 0.75-0.85
Distributed 0.75-0.85

In order to determine the k2 factor, the number of repetitious over ### years for a daily repetitin of ### is 130000
over the design life.

Using Table below the k2 factor is 0.6

Load Repetitions Load Repetition factor, k2

Unlimited 0.50
400000 0.51
300000 0.52
200000 0.54
100000 0.56
50000 0.59
Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

30000 0.60
10000 0.64
20000 0.70
1000 0.73

The value of f'cf = 0.7 (fc')0.5 ( based on RTA - NSW 1993) assumed Fc' = ### Mpa

f'cf = 0.7 x ( 32 )0.5 = 3.96 MPa

So, Fall = 0.9 x 0.6 x 3.96 = 2.138 MPa

1. 4 Concrete Thickness Due to INTERIOR Loading

The base thickness may now be determined based on the interior and edge loading conditions.

for interior loading

F1 = Fall FE1 FH1 FS1 k3 k4

Where :
Fall = design tensile stregth of concrete (Mpa)
FE1 = Factor for short-term Young's modulus, Ess (of equivalent uniform layer of soil)
FH1 = factor for depth of equivalent uniform layer of soil, H
FS1 = Factor of center to center spacing wheel
k3 = calibration factor for geothechnical behavior = 1.2 for internal loading
= 1.5 for edge loading
k4 = calibration factor for concrete strength

using table below

fc' k4
### 0.03
### 1.07
### 1.12
### 1.16
### 1.20

for Fc' = 32MPa k4 = 1.12

Using Chart 1.4.1

Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

(Chart 1.4.1 Correlation between short-term Youngs E ss and FE1)

for Es = ### Mpa FE1 = 1.19

Using Chart 1.4.2

(Chart 1.4.2 Correlation between Wheel spacing and FS 1)

for S = 5 m FS1 = 1.20

Using Chart 1.4.3

Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

(Chart 1.4.3 Correlation between depth soil layer and FS 1)

for H = 9 m FH1 = 1.20

k3 = 1.2 (for internal loading)

so, F1 = Fall FE1 FH1 FS1 k3 k4

F1 = 2.138 x 1.19 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.12

F1 = 4.925

From chart 1.4.4

(Chart 1.4.4 Slab Thickness and F1)

t1 = 375 say 375 mm

1. 5 Concrete Thickness Due to Edge Loading

The base thickness may now be determined based on the interior and edge loading conditions.

for edge loading

F2 = Fall FE2 FH2 FS2 k3 k4

Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

Where :
Fall = design tensile stregth of concrete (Mpa)
FE2 = Factor for short-term Young's modulus, Ess (of equivalent uniform layer of soil)
FH2 = factor for depth of equivalent uniform layer of soil, H
FS2 = Factor of center to center spacing wheel
k3 = calibration factor for geothechnical behavior = 1.2 for internal loading
= 1.5 for edge loading
k4 = calibration factor for concrete strength

using table below

fc' k4
### 0.03
### 1.07
### 1.12
### 1.16
### 1.20

k4 = 1.12

Using Chart 1.5.1

(Chart 1.5.1 Correlation between short-term Youngs E ss and FE2)

for Es = 25 Mpa FE2 = 1.25

Using Chart 1.5.2

Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

(Chart 1.5.2 Correlation between Wheel spacing and FS 2)

for S = 5 m FS2 = 1.15

Using Chart 1.5.3

(Chart 1.5.3 Correlation between depth soil layer and FS 1)

for H = 9 m FH2 = 1.2

k3 = 1.05 (for internal loading)

Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

so, F2 = Fall FE2 FH2 FS2 k3 k4

F2 = 2.138 x 1.25 x 1.2 x 1.15 x 1.05 x 1.12

F2 = 4.338

From chart 1.5.4.

(Chart 1.5.4 Slab Thickness and F2)

t2 = 600 mm

The interior and edge loading conditions indicate that a 375 and 600 thick base is required
respectively. Using Table 1.20 ( clause 3.4.13 ), the recommended distance, e, for edge base thickening
is 8t for a stiff soil support. Therefore, the edge of the base 600 mm thick and the thickness varies for
a total distance of 8 x 375 mm = 3000 mm from the edge

1. 6 Reinforcement for internal Slab

A. Reinforcement are required for shrinkage

Assume control joint spacing, L = 5 m

So, Asreq = 18 t . L / fs (mm2/m) (Eqn E2 - Page 83 CCAA)

t= 375 mm
L= 5 m
fsy = 500 Mpa
fs = 0.67 fsy = 335 MPa

Asreq = 101 mm2/m

Prepared by : Navaeed Khodabakus
Design Manager
KBR - Asia Pacific

B. Minimum tensile strength base on As 3600-2001 cl.9.1.1

Ast = Rho * b.d

Rho= 0.002
b= 1000 mm
D= 375 mm
d0 = 75 mm (Concrete Cover)
Ds = 16 mm (Steel Diameter)
d= 276 mm

Ast = 552 mm2/m

C. Reinforcement in secondary direction in unrestrained slabs

(AS 3600 cl

Minimum Reinforcement area Ast

Ast = (1.75-2.5 Tcp) b.D X 10-3

Ast = (1.75-2.5 * 0) * 1000 * 501 * 10 -3

Ast = 483 mm2

So, Use N16-300 --> As = 670 mm2/m



N16 - 300

375 600

1500 1500
Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

Date : 02-Aug-2007
Rev. :0
Eng. : Andre Maulana (JEC)

Base Plate Design (SHS Column) - Pinned Type Connection

1. Design action (maximum load case) for base plate

Based on the design calculation for SHS column:
For tension: Nt* = (0.9 x 3.23) + (-20) = -17.09 kN
For shear: V* = (2.36 kNm / 4 m) = 0.59 kN

2. Check bolt capacity

N*t < F Ntb
where: Nt* = the design tension in the column
= 17.09 kN
Ntb = the capacity of the bolt group in tension
V* = 0.59 kN

Bolt design (See AISC connection manual [2] - Appendix: A, Table A.2.1)
using: no of bolts = 2
type of bolts = M20 (4.6/S bolts)
axial tension (Ntf) = 78.4 kN
shear value (Vtf) = 44.6 kN
\ F Ntb = 156.8 kN > N*t Ok!

checking combined shear and tension per bolt:

Nt*f = 17.09 / 2 = 8.545 kN
V*f = 0.59 / 2 = 0.295 kN
(8.545/78.4) + (0.295/44.6) = 0.1 < 1.0 Ok!

3. Check the plate capacity for axial tension in the column

N*t < FNs
where: FNs = design strength of steel base plate in bending due to axial tension in column

B plate = 240 mm
W plate = 95 mm
Sg = 160 mm
dc SHS = 75 mm
1/2 bfo = 82.5 mm

Check FNs value:

(2)^0.5 x bfo = 233.3 > dc

Φf yi ( d c2+ 2b fo 2 ) t i2 x n b
\ FNs = (See AISC connection manual [2] clause 4.12.4)
s g⋅d c 2
where: ti = 16 mm ; base plate thickness
fyi = 250 Mpa ; base plate yield strength
nb = 2 nos ; bolt(s) numerous
F= 0.9
FNs = 549.72 kN > N*t = 17.09 kN Ok!

4. Check welds
N*t < FNw
where: FNw = design capacity of fillet weld at base of column subject to axial tension in column
= FVw·Lw (See AISC connection manual [2] clause 4.12.4)
where: FVw = 0.978 kN/mm' ; fillet welds design capacity (using E48XX)
Lw = 300 mm ; total length of filllet welds around column section profile

\ FNw = 293.4 kN > N*t = 17.09 kN Ok!

5. Check the plate capacity for axial compression in the column

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Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

Date : 06-Aug-2007
Rev. :1
Eng. : Andre Maulana (JEC)

Bracing Connection

1. Design action (maximum load case) for base plate

Based on the Microstran results for roof-bracing system: 15
N* = 18.3 kN 5

Member: 35



2. Bolt design
type = M20 8.8/S
nos = 2

ð Checking the bolt capacity:

FVf = F·0.62·fuf·kr·( nc·Ac ) ; (See AS 4100 Clause, Table 9.3.1, Table
= 0.8 x 0.62 x 830 x 1.0 x ( 1 x 225 ) / 1000
= 92.6 kN
ð Capacity of two bolts = 185 kN > N* Ok!

3. Roof Bracing
Using 75x75x6.0EA crossed back-to-back. (Grade 350)
N* = 18.3 kN

N* < FNt ; (See AS 4100 Clause 7.1)

F = 0.9
ð Nt = Ag · fy
= 867 x 320 ; (See AISC design capacity tables for structural steel, Vol.1, Table 3.1-9(A)-2)
= 277 kN Ag = 867 mm2 fy = 320 Mpa

ð Nt = 0.85 · kt · An · fu ; (See AISC design capacity tables for structural steel, Vol.1, Table 3.1-9(A)-2)
= 0.85 x 0.85 x (867 - 6.0x22) x 440 Ag = 867 mm2
= 234 kN fu = 440 Mpa
kt = 0.85 (See AS 4100 Table 7.3.2 (i), correction factor)

\ F Nt = 0.9 x 277 = 249.3 kN > N* Ok!

Thus, the connection could use 75x75x6.0EA with 2-M20 8.8/S bolts.

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Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

Date : 06-July-2007
Rev. :0
Eng. : Andre Maulana (JEC)

Purlin design

1 Cees purlin on 3 meters span

qu2 = peak pressure

qu1 = max. wind pressure

1.800 (s)
1.200 (0.2d)

3.000 (L)

l Section data
Span length of purlin design, Lmax = 3.0 m
Peak Pressure length (0.2d, 0.2b, or h) a= 1.2 m
Assuming purlin-to-purlin span = 1.2 m

l Design loads on purlin

ð Wind actions on purlin:
Taken from loadings calculation:
UpWind pressure PW = #REF! kN/m2 Govern
DownWind pressure PL = #REF! kN/m2
note: all pressures has included internal pressures

ð Peak presuure load design:

Local pressure factor, Kl = 1.5
Local pressure load PP = #REF! kN/m2

ð Wind pressure design:

Width load, WL1 = 1.2 m
Wind pressure, \ qu1 = #REF! kN/m'
Peak pressure, \ qu2 = #REF! kN/m'

Moment maximum design:

Mu1 = 1/8 · qu1 · L^2 = #REF! #REF! kNm
Mu2 = 1/2 x (qu2 x a) x (3.6/2) - 1/2 x qu x (a/2)^2
= #REF! #REF! kNm
Mu total = Mu1 + Mu2 = #REF! #REF! kNm

\ qu' = Mu total / (1/8 x L^2) = #REF! kN/m'

l Check design
ð Take lysaght cee purlins:
C15015, type: single spans with 1 bridge, qu = 5.45 kN/m'

ð Check ratio: qu' #REF! qu #REF!

\ Ratio = #REF! #REF!

l Check deflection
Assumed purlin length, Lp = 3.1 m
Modulus elasticity, E= 2.00E+08 kPa
Second moment of area, I= 1.61E-06 m4
Deflection max, ∆max = Lp/250 = 0.012 m

∆ = (5·qu' x Lp^3)/(384EI) = #REF! #REF! m #REF!

Purlin-design_R0 Page 14 of 21 04/29/2021

Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

2 Cees purlin on 3.6 meters span

qu2 = peak pressure

qu1 = max. wind presure

2.400 (s)
1.200 (0.2d)

3.000 (L) 600 (c)

l Section data
Span length of purlin design, Lmax = 3.6 m ; L= 3.0 m c= 0.6 m
Peak Pressure length (0.2d, 0.2b, or h) a= 1.2 m
Assuming purlin-to-purlin span = 1.2 m

l Design loads on purlin

ð Wind actions on purlin:
Taken from loadings calculation:
UpWind pressure PW = #REF! kN/m2 Govern
DownWind pressure PL = #REF! kN/m2
note: all pressures has included internal pressures

ð Peak presuure load design:

Local pressure factor, Kl = 1.5
Local pressure load PP = #REF! kN/m2

ð Wind pressure design:

Width load, WL1 = 1.2 m
Wind pressure, \ qu1 = #REF! kN/m'
Peak pressure, \ qu2 = #REF! kN/m'

Moment maximum design:

Mu1 = qu1 x (L^2 - c^2)^2 / 8 x L^2 = #REF! kNm
Mu2 = 1/2 x (qu2 x a) x (3.6/2) - 1/2 x qu x (a/2)^2
= 1/2x(x0.012) x (0.00000161/2) - #REF! kNm
Mu total = #REF! kNm

\ qu' = Mu total / (1/8 x L^2) = #REF! kN/m'

l Check design
ð Take lysaght cee purlins:
C15015, type: double continous with 1 bridge, qu = 3.78 kN/m'

ð Check ratio: qu' #REF! qu #REF!

\ Ratio = #REF! #REF!

l Check deflection
Assumed purlin length, Lp = 3.7 m
Modulus elasticity, E= 2.00E+08 kPa
Second moment of area, I= 1.61E-06 m4
Deflection max, ∆max = Lp/250 = 0.015 m

∆ = (5·qu' x Lp^3)/(384EI) = #REF! #REF! m #REF!

Purlin-design_R0 Page 15 of 21 04/29/2021

Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

Date : 06-July-2007
Rev. :0
Eng. : Andre Maulana (JEC)

Purlin design
qu2 = peak pressure

qu1 = max. wind presure

2.400 (s)
1.200 (0.2d)

3.600 (L)

l Section data
Span length of purlin design, Lmax = 3.6 m
Peak Pressure length (0.2d, 0.2b, or h) a= 1.2 m
Assuming purlin-to-purlin span = 1.2 m

l Design loads on purlin

ð Wind actions on purlin:
Taken from loadings calculation:
UpWind pressure PW = #REF! kN/m2 Govern
DownWind pressure PL = #REF! kN/m2
note: all pressures has included internal pressures

ð Peak presuure load design:

Local pressure factor, Kl = 1.5
Local pressure load PP = #REF! kN/m2

ð Wind pressure design:

Width load, WL1 = 1.2 m
Wind pressure, \ qu1 = #REF! kN/m'
Peak pressure, \ qu2 = #REF! kN/m'

ð Moment maximum design:

Mu1 = 1/8 · qu1 · L^2 = #REF! #REF! kNm
a 1.2 #REF!
Mu2 = qu 2

Mu total = #REF! kNm

a( L−s−

2(L )) [
2 = 1 .21
3.6 ]
2(2 . 4+
1.2(3 .6−2.4−
2(3.6)[ 2 = #REF! kNm
\ qu' = Mu total / (1/8 x L^2) = #REF! kN/m'

l Check design
ð Take lysaght cee purlins:
C10019, type: single spans with 2 bridge, qu = 2.99 kN/m'

ð Check ratio: qu' #REF! qu #REF!

\ Ratio = #REF! #REF!

Mu2 = 1/2 x (qu2 x a) x (3.6/2) - 1/2 x qu x (a/2)^2

= #REF!
= #REF!

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Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

qu2 = peak pressure

qu1 = max. wind pressure

2.400 (s)
1.200 (0.2d)

3.000 (L)

l Section data
Span length of purlin design, Lmax = 3.0 m
Peak Pressure length (0.2d, 0.2b, or h) a= 1.2 m
Assuming purlin-to-purlin span = 1.2 m

l Design loads on purlin

ð Wind actions on purlin:
Taken from loadings calculation:
UpWind pressure PW = #REF! kN/m2 Govern
DownWind pressure PL = #REF! kN/m2
note: all pressures has included internal pressures

ð Peak presuure load design:

Local pressure factor, Kl = 1.5
Local pressure load PP = #REF! kN/m2

ð Wind pressure design:

Width load, WL1 = 1.2 m
Wind pressure, \ qu1 = #REF! kN/m'
Peak pressure, \ qu2 = #REF! kN/m'

ð Moment maximum design:

Mu1 = 1/8 · qu1 · L^2 = #REF! #REF! kNm
a 1.2 #REF!
Mu2 = qu 2

Mu total = #REF! kNm

a( L−s−

2(L )) [
2 = 1 .21
3.6 ]
2(2 . 4+
1.2(3 .6−2.4−
2(3.6)[ ]
2 = #REF! kNm

\ qu' = Mu total / (1/8 x L^2) = #REF! kN/m'

l Check design
ð Take lysaght cee purlins:
C10019, type: single spans with 2 bridge, qu = 4.31 kN/m'

ð Check ratio: qu' #REF! qu #REF!

\ Ratio = #REF! #REF!

Mu2 = 1/2 x (qu2 x a) x (3.6/2) - 1/2 x qu x (a/2)^2

= #REF!
= #REF!

Purlin-design_X Page 17 of 21 04/29/2021

Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

Date : 28-June-2007
Rev. :0
Eng. : Andre Maulana (JEC)

Strip-Footing Analysis




G = permanent load of wall

Wu = wind action
L= 1000 mm ; assumption for analysis
B= 600 mm
D= 300 mm

Soil Pressure Analysis

Based on design criteria:

Concrete strength, f'c = 32 Mpa
Allowable soil bearing pressure = 150 kPa

Working loads: Precast concrete walls, G = 76 kN ; Multiple panels 3000x7000x150mm thk

Wind loads, Wu = 5.6 kN ; See: Loadings (Rev-3) calculation sheet
Total Loads = 81.6 kN

Ultimate design load: N* = 1.2G + Wu = 1.2x76 + 5.6 = 96.8 kN

Soil pressure: assumed that there is no uniform soil pressure

Maximum soil pressure = 81.6 / (0.4 x 3.0) = 68 kPa

Design/Capacity Ratio = 68/150 = 0.453 Ok!

Factored soil pressure = 96.8/81.6 x 68 = 80.67 kPa

Design/Capacity Ratio = 80.67/150 = 0.538 Ok!

Concrete Design
N12 -200 T&B 50
Concrete strength, f'c = 32 Mpa
Overall depth D= 300 mm
Top bar cover = 50 mm
Nominal bar diameter = 16 mm
Effective depth d= 234 mm
Flexural strength, f'cf = 0.6x(f'c)^1/2 = 3.4 Mpa 600

l Reinforcement
Check reinforcement:
take 4 · N16 @ 300 mm spacing
check transverse spacing = (1000-2x50-16)/3
= 295 mm < 300 mm Ok!
\ 4 nos of N16 bars, Ast = 803.84 mm2

Reinforcement ratio, p = Ast / (b x d) = 0.0057

p* = 0.22 (D/d)^2 x f'cf / fsy= 0.22 (300/234)^2 x 3.4/500 = 0.0025

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Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

\ Use p = 0.006

Bending Moment
F Muo.min = F1.2×f'cf×Z = 0.12 × F × (f'c)^0.5 × b × D^2 =
0.12 x 0.8 x (25)^0.5 x 600 x (0.4)^2 = 29.33 kNm
p⋅f sy
FMu = φA ⋅f ⋅d⋅ 1−
st sy [ 1. 7⋅f ' c ] = 71.28 kNm

Design/Capacity Ratio = 29.33/71.28 = 0.4115 Ok!

\ The strip footing use N16 - 300 for reinforcing bars.

Crack control reinforcement:

Refer to AS 3600 Clause 8.6, the longitudinal reinforcement will use 12mm bars at 200 mm centres.
\ The strip footing use N12 - 200 for longitudinal rebars.

Strip-Foot_R0 Page 19 of 21 04/29/2021

Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

Date : 4-July-2007
Rev. :0
Eng. : Andre Maulana (JEC)

Slab Concrete Design

Top cover




Metre Width Section of Slab Bottom cover

Design Data

Concrete strength, f'c = 32 Mpa

Flexural strength, f'cf = 3.39 Mpa ; f'cf = 0.6 · (f'c)^0.5
Slab depth, D= 150 mm
Concrete cover = 40 mm
Assumption length, b= 1000 mm
Min. reinforcement ratio pmin = 0.002 = 0.2 % ; Refer to AS 3600 Clause 9.1.1.c

Check Bending Moment

FMuo.min = F1.2×f'cf×Z = 0.8 × 1.2 × f'cf × (1/6 × bD^2) ; Refer to AS 3600 Clause
= 0.8 x 1.2 x 3.39 x (1/6 x 1000 x 0.15^2)
= 12.2 kNm

l Check Moment capacity

® Using N16@200 centres ( fsy = 500 Mpa )

Effective depth, d = 150 - 40 - 8 = 102 mm
Area of reinforcement, Ast = 3.14 x (8^2/0.2) = 1005 mm2
Reinforcement ratio, p = 1005 / 102000 = 0.0099 = 0.99 %

FMu = −φ⋅A ⋅f ⋅d⋅ 1− γ⋅k u

st sy [ 2 ] ; where: g = 0.85 - 0.007 (f'c - 28) = 0.822
ku = p·fsy / 0.85·f'c·g
= (0.0099 x 500) / (0.85 x 32 x 0.822)
\ ku = 0.221

\ F Mu = -0.8 x 1005 x 0.5 x 0.102 x ( 1 - (0.822 x 0.221)/2 )

= -37.28 kNm

\ Design/Capacity Ratio = 0.33 Ok!

® Using SL82 square mesh ( fsy = 500 Mpa )

Effective depth, d = 150 - 40 - 4 = 106 mm
Area of reinforcement, Ast = 454 mm2
Reinforcement ratio, p = 454 / 106000 = 0.0043 = 0.43 %

FMu = −φ⋅A ⋅f ⋅d⋅ 1− γ⋅k u

st sy [ 2 ] ; where: g = 0.85 - 0.007 (f'c - 28) = 0.822
ku = p·fsy / 0.85·f'c·g
= (0.0043 x 500) / (0.85 x 32 x 0.822)
\ ku = 0.096

\ F Mu = -0.8 x 454 x 0.5 x 0.106 x ( 1 - (0.822 x 0.096)/2 )

= -18.49 kNm

\ Design/Capacity Ratio = 0.66 Ok!

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Southern Regional Water Pipeline (SRWP) Project
Area 54 - Chambers Flat
Amenity Building

l Shear capacity
A st f 'c
FVuc = Φβ 1 b v d o
[ ]
bv d o
; where: do = d and bv=b= 1000 m

\ F Vuc = Φβ d [ p⋅f ' ] 3 ; where: b1 = 1.1 ( 1.6 - ( do/1000 )) > 1.1 = 1.64
1 c

® For SL82 square mesh p= 0.43 %

FVuc = 0.7 x 1.64 x 106 x (0.0043 x 32)^(1/3) = 62.8 kN

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