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TinyCorp Draft Agile Process Framework Transistion Backlog V.0.

From Agile Crossing 3/25/2010
This initial backlog is a first cut. The actual plan should be developed and managed collaboratively by all relevant stakeholders with help from the coach.

* Estimate = relative size of effort by owner and others including coach, no time units implied
Theme Story As a <user type> I can <do something> so that <value received> Owner Priority Estimate * Output Coaching Input Coaching Effort Notes
Clarity Release Backlog Team Member have a Release Backlog we can keep working on the next most Product Owner Must have 4 Prioritzed Release Backlog Train and mentor 4 V .3 Downgrade estimate. This will be initial training to develop the
important story initial backlog, followed by mentoring on creating the rest in an
ongoing basis later.
Clarity Road Map Stakeholder have a RoadMap I can see how the current plan suits Product Owner Should have 1 Product Roadmap Train 0.5
corporate strategy
Clarity Release Plan Stakeholder see the current Release Plan I can track progress toward the release goal Product Owner Should have 3 Release Plan Train and assist 3

Clarity User Stories Product Owner create User Stories user requirements are understood in a Product Owner Must have 2 User Stories Train PO and Team 4
simple, normalized form
Clarity Burndowns Stakeholder see Release and Sprint I can see current status at Release and Sprint ScrumMaster Must have 2 Burndown charts, wiki or Help select tools 3
burndown charts level other sharing tool
Clarity Stakeholder Team Member know who all of the I can know who needs what from the team ScrumMaster Should have 2 Stakeholder Contract Sheet Advise 1
Contracts stakeholders are and what the team needs for them

Collaboration Roles Team Member know who plays which role in I know who to interact with for specific Management Must have 1 Identify people in roles Advise 0.5
the process needs
Collaboration Estimating Team Member estimate User Stories the team has ownership of the estimates to Team Must have 5 Estimated Release Backlog Train and mentor 4
guide Sprint commitments
Flow Framework Team Member work within a known I can collaborate with other team members All Must have 5 Initial Framework Educate and develop 16
framework to build the product collaboratively
Flow Metrics ScrumMaster see development metrics I can inform others of progress, quality and ScrumMaster Must have 3 Burndown charts, build Train 1 Consider using stakeholder surveys as a before/after metrics.
success metrics, stakeholder

Flow Value Stream Team Member see a value stream analysis make informed decisions on process Team Could have 2 Value Stream Analysis Advise 2
of the development process improvements

Flow Cross-training Team Member can cross-train other Team we minimize single-person dependecy risks Management Should have 1 Encouragement Advise 0.5
Flow Backlog Product Owner manage the Product Backlog changes in product priorities can be known Product Owner Must have 5 per Sprint current Release Backlog Advise 1
Grooming and handled by the Team
Flow Elaborate Stories Team Member have sufficient details on I can implement the Story to satisfaction of Product Owner Must have 13 per Sprintspeclets, screen designs, Advise 1
each User Stories the PO formulas, etc.
Flow Task Breakdown Team Member decompose stories into task I can manage the flow of work during a Team Must have 2 per sprint task board Train and mentor 2 V 0.3 Raise priority because we need this to start the first sprint.
People Skills Matrix Manager have the appropriate mix of the Team can achieve high productivity Management Must have 3 Team roster Advise 2
skills on the Team
People Security Manager be assured that valuable IP is corporate assets are protected Management Must have 1 N/A 0
People Collaboration Team Member collaborate with teammates development time waste is minimized Management Should have 3 collaboration space and Advise 3
Mechanisms with maximum efficiency tools

Technology Unit Testing Team Member properly unit test my work confidence and quality in the code base are Team Could have 5 unit test suites Train and mentor (TDD) 8
Technology Acceptance Team Member properly acceptance test the confidence and quality of the delivered Team Should have 3 acceptance criteria Train and mentor 3
Testing product functionality is high
Technology Automated Team Member automate builds and tests time is not wasted on manual testing and Team Could have 5 acceptance test suites Train and mentor 8
Testing through Continuous bug chasing (Automated Testing)

Technology Defect Tracking Product Owner distinguish defects from prioritize them separately Product Owner Must have 1 separate defect backlog N/A 0
Technology DOD Team Member develop a clear Definition of I know when any story has been completed Team Should have 1 DoD Advise 1
Done to the Product Owner's satisfaction

Technology Acceptance Product Owner know how to create clear team knows when a particular story has Product Owner Should have 1 acceptance criteria Train and mentor 3
Criteria Training acceptance criteria for each been completed
User Story

Technology System Manager have suitable system the company has a record of important Team Should have 1 As-Built Document Advise 2
Documentation documentation technical decisions for patenting and future
maintenance and development

Technology Acceptance Team Member have clear acceptance I know when a particular story has been Product Owner Should have 13 per Sprintacceptance criteria Train and mentor 3
Criteria criteria for each User Story completed to the Product Owner's
Technology IP Documentation Executive find securely saved I know that corporate IP is safe and secure Team Must have 5 IP Documentation Review 1
documentation describing
corporate IP

Clarity Records Manager see all records produced by I know that important decisions and Team Should have 5 Wiki or Agile Project Advise 2 Review relevant tools: free or inexpensive, integrated, secure
the development process in developments can be found easily Management Tool
a convenient location

79.5 Total
Clarity Flow Collaboration People Technology
Must Have Release Backlog Framework Roles Skills Matrix Defect Tracking
Burndowns Metrics Estimating Security IP Documentation
User Stories Task Breakdown
Records Story Elaboration

Should Have Road Map Backlog Grooming Collaboration DOD

Stakeholder Cross Training Acceptance Criteria

Release Plan Automated Testing

Acceptance Criteria

Could Have Value Stream Unit Testing

Automated Testing
Development Framework Ramp-up Plan

When to Introduce Agile Practice PO SM Team Coaching Input

Before Sprint 0 Scrum Introduction Yes Yes Yes Presentation with Q&A
Before Sprint 0 Release Backlog Yes Yes Yes Introduce PO first, team later
Before Sprint 0 Release Burndown Yes Yes Yes Explain, guide first pass
Before Sprint 0 Tracking Tool Yes Yes Yes Research and advise
Sprint 0 Regular Sprints Yes Yes Yes Explain, team to practice in Sprint 0
Sprint 0 Sprint Planning Yes Yes Yes Explain, faciliate first Sprint
Sprint 0 Sprint Backlog Yes Yes Yes Explain
Sprint 0 Taskboard No Yes Yes Introduce
Sprint 0 Remote Collaboration ? Yes Yes TBD
Sprint 0 Sprint Review Yes Yes Yes Introduce, guide first one
Sprint 0 Retrospective Optional Yes Yes Introduce, Facilitate first one
Sprint 0 Backlog Grooming Yes Optional Yes Explain, guide first pass
Sprint 0 Release Planning Yes Yes Yes Explain, facilitate first pass
Sprint 0 Team Working Agreement Yes Yes Yes Explain, facilitate first pass
Sprint 1 Defect Management No Yes Yes Explain, guide first pass
Sprint 2 Definition of Done No Yes Yes Explain, faciliate first pass
Sprint 3 Pair Programming No No Yes Describe, team to practice
Sprint 3 Continuous Integration No No Yes Describe, mentor
Sprint 4 Automated Acceptance Testing No Optional Yes Workshop, mentoring
Sprint 4 TDD No Optional Yes Workshop, mentoring

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