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The Genius of The Filipino Poor

Genius with no heart is not a genius at all. For being a genius depicts being a well-
rounded and holistic individual. It is not just about having the most active and complex
working neurons.

Thomas Graham is a British Journalist who came to our country to write a business
report turned out to discover the most important idea of being a genius. He stands that being
genius does not only mean a brain activity, but it is how people deal with life.

The genius of the Filipino poor lies not in being intelligent in the eyes of the people,
but importantly, it is about having positive, humane attitude to life, being able to cope and do
something about the unfairness of life, its ups and downs, and most of all being able to apply
and make use of these positive attitudes in dealing with other people-family, friends,
neighbor, or even strangers.

It is not the brilliance nor the complexity of the neurons that would make someone a
genius. It is all about being able to strive hard to find ways in combating the hard situation
that we have. It is all about being able to use the positive Filipino attitudes not just to help
oneself but as well as others. The very Filipino values like “bayanihan”, “walang iwanan” and
so many others are the key to being a genius of the Filipino poor. These things are not seen in
all parts of the world, these are uniquely embedded in the culture of Filipinos.

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