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The general tab contain the following fields:

 Name: Control name with limit of 40 character.

 Significance: Control significance selected from the dropdown. Can be a Key or Standard
control. Selection criteria used for evaluation plans.
 Allow Referencing: Select the flag if you wish this control to be available to other
 To be tested: If this control is to be tested or not.
 Test Automation: How the control will be handled for testing in the system. Select the
options as, Automanted, Manual or Semi-Automated.
 Test Plan: This field is only relevant for Manual automation. Select the available test plans
created in the system. Valid for Manual Test of Control Effectiveness plans.
 Control or Process Step: A control requires testing but a process dont, although testing
is an option.
 Control Aumation: How the control will be handled in the system.
- Automated: Fully automated. Used to schedule control tests that dont require human
-Manual: Fully manual. Requires human intervention. 
-Semi-automated: Parts of the process are automated and other parts require human
 Purpose: Is the control intended to prevent a risk from occuring or to detect a risk that
has occured or may occur?
 Nature: Select the nature for the control.
 Allow referencing: If selected, can be shared by other users. This information is also
included in the reports.
 Control Relevance: The relevance of the control. Information delivered via BC sets.
 There are also Input/Output fields and Optional Text fields.

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