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Writing a treatment plan



Treatment Plan

This paper reviews the problems faced by the Bargas family that is confronted with

different problems. I have identified the family’s specific issues and needs. In my capacity as the

social worker assigned to the case, I have established goals for my treatment plan, interventions

and tactics. I have identified several challenges afflicting Amy. Amy performs well in her

academics but has been struggling lately. This aspect has alarmed her mother, Mrs Vargas,

particularly because their relationship has soured lately with Amy detaching emotionally.

Moreover, the family has been experiencing tough times because Amy’s father, the breadwinner

has been sick for a while and cannot work due to a debilitating stroke. Amy’s mother is under

immense pressure and has had to require Amy to help out more in the house with chores and

caring for her younger brother. Amidst all this, Amy has been a victim of school bullying thus

compounding her stress. Clearly the entire family needs help, but as the social worker assigned

to the case, I will begin by helping Amy. Below is Amy’s treatment plan based on the videos

watched in class.

The plan entails establishing objectives for the exercise, identifying Amy’s problem

manifestations and formulating treatment interventions. I will then request Amy to list her issues

and rank them in order of priority. Amy has expressed that she is currently facing the following

problems. In my capacity as the social worker handling Amy’s case, I will try to understand the

root cause of her problem. The first step in my assessment process is to identify precisely what

the troubles are and explain to Amy know that my agency will try to help her as best as we can.

Amy’s main problem is bullying and her secondary problem is family strain caused by her

father’s illness. made her withdrawn. While collaborating with Amy to identify and arrange her

problems, I used the mirroring that entails echoing back or restating the key issues of her report

(Bradbury, 2006). In so doing, Amy recognizes that I am paying attention and identifying with

her circumstances. Mirroring also lets Amy to decide if the problems she has raised require

further consideration. The strategy allows the Amy and I to select the main concerns to initiate

the formation of a treatment plan. I have also identified related needs based on Amy’s account as

highlighted in the table below

Issue Related Needs

1. Amy’s  Personalized psychotherapy sittings to communicate or

stress express feelings. The sittings could be in the form of

scheduled appointments or private consultation with a

social worker/counsellor

 Engage Amy in fun activities of her choice to lighten her

up and get her to open up.

 Monitor and record Amy’s progress/changes in her

mental disposition and general outlook

1. Slipping  Visit Amy’s school and interview her friends and

school grades teachers

 Schedule a meeting with the school administrator, request

for the intervention of the school counsellor. Involve

Amy by arranging for her to meet the counsellor alone or

in the company of a person she chooses.

 Discuss with Amy about her current situation and the

available academic options

1. Family-  Visit Amy’s home to get a feel of her environment and

related stress observe behavior

 Engage the family members to identify main problem

 Organize family therapy sessions for all family members

 Advise Amy’s mother to enlist with a job placement

agency to enable her to meet her family’s needs

 Persuade Mrs. Bargas to engage or meet with a speech

therapist to help her husband relearn how to speak again

 Ask the family members to write/communicate their

challenges/feelings and expectations going forward

 Formulate an action plan for improvement such as a

mother-daughter date night where Amy and her mother

can reconnect while having fun.

I have already identified that Amy is a strong, intelligent and confident girl who loves her

family. She is not happy at the current situation at her home and is willing to reconnect with her

mother. However, recent bullying at her school has dampened her morale and I will build on

Amy’s strengths to establish an intervention strategy. My proposed treatment plan includes

encouraging and having Amy communicate again with her mother, sharing her problems bot at

school and home. I will use measurable objectives in my plan such as urging Amy to improve

her communication skills by being more talkative and an active listener because her mother is

also under immense stress. This step would need Amy to listen and mirror her mother’s

sentiments and record every interaction in a diary expressing how she felt communicating with

her mother. She may record both positive and negative elements of their communication.

My action plan would be to arrange for weekly mother-daughter moments where both

ladies engage and actively listen to one another. I will follow up to find out whether she reported

the bullying incidences to the school administration. Active listening blended with other learning

theories enriches relationships by promoting communication (Bradbury, 2006). I will also

encourage Amy and her mother to establish a feedback mechanism to measure their progress.

For instance, I will encourage Amy to report the bullying incidences to the school

authorities. I will also compel her to visit her school counsellor to express her concerns and



Bradbury, A. (2006). Develop your NLP skills. London: Kogan Page.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2017b). Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas and Amy,

episode 1 [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2017c). Southside Community Services: Mrs. Bargas, case

history [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


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