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A Framework for

Decision-Making Within
Strength and
Conditioning Coaching
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Kevin Till, PhD, Bob Muir, PhD, Andrew Abraham, PhD, Dave Piggott, PhD, and Jason Tee, PhD
Institute for Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT FESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT a significant component of both coach

WITHIN S&C. expertise (59) and being effective in
achieving their goals (20). Within
S&C, we argue that this is no different
(35), with S&C coaches needing to
NESS. THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS INTRODUCTION make decisions daily for the effective
A FRAMEWORK FOR ENHANCING n recent years, the popularity of implementation of their practices. Such
I strength and conditioning (S&C)
has increased. This has resulted in
multiple S&C educational institutions
decisions could range from intuitive,
short-term, “delivery” based decisions
(e.g., providing feedback to correct an
ORETICAL UNDERSTANDING OF including degree programs (e.g., 18 athlete’s squat technique) to more
THE ATHLETE (THE “WHO”), S&C postgraduate degrees in the United classic, deliberate, “planning” based de-
TRAINING PRINCIPLES AND Kingdom), coaching qualifications, cisions (e.g., the periodization of a 4-year
SPORT DEMANDS (THE “WHAT”), and accreditations with international training program for an Olympic athlete
AND LEARNING THEORIES AND S&C associations (e.g., National (7)). Although decisions across this con-
BEHAVIOR (THE “HOW”), Strength and Conditioning Associa- tinuum will naturally occur within S&C,
COACHES CAN ENHANCE S&C tion; United Kingdom Strength and it has been suggested that coaches
PRACTICE (“PLANNING, DELIV- Conditioning Association; and Austra- should engage in more thorough and
ERING, AND REFLECTING”). IN lian Strength and Conditioning Asso- considered decision-making processes
ciation). Furthermore, more as it supports both the coach and athlete
opportunities are now available for to clarify expectations, providing a refer-
a career in the industry across a variety ence point against which progress can
of contexts (e.g., professional sport to be monitored and a more thoughtful
the fitness industry). However, to max- reflection can occur (7).
imize the development of the partici-
MUST BE CONSIDERED. REC- Such consideration of this decision-
pant or athlete (referred to as athlete
OMMENDATIONS ARE PRE- making process poses questions for
from this point forth), it is important
SENTED FOR IMPLEMENTING the S&C industry. For example, what
that both S&C coaches and educa-
CONSTRUCTIVELY ALIGNED knowledge do coaches draw on to
tional institutions work toward devel-
LEARNING PROGRAMS BASED inform their decision-making behav-
oping S&C coach expertise (36) and
ON THE DECISION-MAKING iors? What knowledge do educational
enhancing S&C coach effectiveness
FRAMEWORK FOR ENHANCING institutions aim to develop within their
(35) within the industry to maximize
COACH LEARNING AND PRO- the development of both their athletes
and coaches. KEY WORDS:
coaching; learning; education; expertise;
There seems little doubt that decision- effectiveness; constructive align-
Address correspondence to Dr. Kevin Till, K. making plays an important part in ment a coach’s everyday practice, and is

14 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 1 | FEBRUARY 2019 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
programs? Recently, a range of knowl- A FRAMEWORK FOR DECISION- arrows between the “who,” “what,”
edge requirements for the S&C coach MAKING WITHIN S&C COACHING “how,” “P-D-R,” and “self” with the out-
have been proposed, including profes- The framework for decision-making side of the figure demonstrates that
sional, interpersonal, and intrapersonal within S&C coaching (Figure 1) is knowledge in all these areas is influenced
knowledge (35); and foundational (e.g., based on the premise that S&C by the understanding of “context, culture,
planning) and applied (e.g., coaching coaches make decisions and shape and politics,” ultimately where S&C
pedagogical strategies) practical their strategies for intervention based coaching is undertaken.
knowledge (26). Furthermore, recom- on 6 broad domains of theoretical
The following sections summarize some
mendations have emphasized the and applied knowledge. These 6 do-
of the existing theories, concepts, and
importance of applied coaching skills mains include an S&C coach’s under-
principles that might be drawn on as
over exercise science knowledge standing of:
“thinking tools” to inform a S&C coach’s
within S&C (63,91). Therefore, to  Their athlete (i.e., the “who”).
decision-making behavior in relation to
develop S&C coaching expertise and  The principles of S&C coupled with
each of the 6 interdependent domains of
effectiveness, a combination of theoret- the demands of the sport within
the framework. The term “thinking tool”
ical, applied, and experiential knowl- which the athlete competes (i.e.,
is used to highlight the role of existing
edge is necessary for S&C coach the “what”).
theoretical knowledge in supporting
education and development, poten-  The principles of skill acquisition
coaches’ reasoning, reflecting, and strat-
tially challenging current programs. and learning (i.e., the “how”).
egizing for action (71,78). In this sense,
 The social, cultural, and political
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, “thinking tools” are not offered as pre-
context within which they operate
no conceptual framework has been scriptions for practice, but to stimulate
(i.e., “context, culture, and politics”).
proposed for informing S&C coach reflection and creativity. However, it is
 Their existing knowledge, beliefs,
decision-making. However, within important to note that although this arti-
values, and behaviors (i.e., “self”).
sport coaching, Abraham, Muir and cle draws on a selection of theories, con-
 The coaching process, referred to as
colleagues (2,5,7,73,74) have developed cepts, and principles, which “thinking
their “planning, delivering, and re-
a framework for enhancing coach tools” are used should be determined
flecting” (P-D-R) practices.
decision-making that incorporates 6 by the needs of the athlete and sporting
These 6 broad domains of knowledge
broad interrelated domains of theoret- context.
illustrate the interdisciplinary nature of
ical and applied knowledge. This S&C coaching. Subsequently, S&C prac-
framework has been embedded within tice entails the constant integration of UNDERSTANDING THE “WHO”
the European Sports Coaching Frame- knowledge from the scientific disciplines With the athlete central to the S&C
work (54), the International Council (i.e., “who,” “what,” and “how”) along- coach’s practice, developing an in-
for Coaching Excellence standards for depth understanding of the “who” is vital
side the application of personal knowl-
higher education sports coaching de- for all coaches in undertaking the athlete
edge (i.e., “context, culture, and politics”
grees (52), and has been adopted by needs analysis process. Using theories or
and “self”) to identify and solve problems
several national governing bodies. concepts from a variety of sport science
and implement evidence-based practice
However, to date, the adoption and disciplines—including physiology, biome-
(28). This practice is implemented within
application of these principles have chanics, psychology, and sociology—al-
the S&C coaching process whereby
not yet been explored within the field lows coaches to better understand their
coaches must plan, deliver, and reflect
of S&C. athletes, explain differences between in-
on their progress toward the achieve-
Therefore, the primary aim of this article ment of their short-, medium-, and dividuals, and create individual goals
is to present a conceptual framework for long-term goals (2,73). In this regard, (74). Thinking tools for the “who”
decision-making within S&C coaching. the framework for S&C coach include: sex (56), age (i.e., chronological,
It is suggested that this conceptual decision-making might be thought of biological, developmental, and training
framework would be of benefit to the as a conceptual “toolbox,” supporting age; (58)), sport and positional demands
entire field of S&C coaches and educa- coaches to organize their existing knowl- (23), injury and health history (45), ath-
tors for considering decision-making edge by considering what it helps them letic (fitness) profiles (68), recovery (83),
within S&C alongside the knowledge to know or do, while also considering well-being (70), sleep (86), motivation
required for enhancing S&C learning the relationship that exists between these (90), psychological characteristics (61),
and practice. The secondary aim is to 6 domains. For example, Figure 1 shows and social support (e.g., parents, peers,
propose how constructively aligned a number of interconnecting arrows and coaches (94)).
learning programs, related to the between the knowledge domains. This The knowledge of the “who” can be
decision-making framework, could be demonstrates that although the domains supported by principles related to child
applied by S&C educators to enhance are presented as standalone knowledge and human development, where a range
the education, learning, and professional areas, there are connections between of athlete developmental models
development of S&C coaches. these areas. Furthermore, the two-way have been proposed. For example, the

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Decision-Making in S&C Coaching

Figure 1. A framework for decision-making within strength and conditioning coaching. The interconnecting arrows between the
knowledge domains demonstrate that although the domains are presented as standalone knowledge areas, there are
connections between each of them. The 2-way arrows between the “who,” “what,” “how,” “P-D-R,” and “self” with the
outside of the figure demonstrate that knowledge in all these areas is affected and influenced by the “context, culture,
and politics” within which strength and conditioning coaches work (2,73,74).

Long-Term Athlete Development model  Program design and implementation and exercise techniques for implemen-
(LTAD; (10)) and Youth Physical Devel- Although this process is appropriate tation within practice alongside under-
opment model (YPD; (57)) are popular for S&C, and is regularly referred to standing the athlete’s sport or activity.
within S&C. Although such models help when presenting needs analyses within The scientific principles are usually the
describe generic needs for youth athletes, sports (e.g., female soccer (101,102); predominant subject matter within
practitioners should conduct their own netball (96); and rugby league (98)), it S&C education programs (63) and
needs analysis through interaction, dis- may not fully acknowledge the com- key S&C resources (e.g., Ref. 38).
cussion, and data collection to evaluate plexities of understanding the holistic Thinking tools for the “what” include:
the motivations, and strengths and weak- aspects of the individual athlete. The physiology (e.g., metabolic demands
nesses of individual athletes to develop range of factors described above may (32)), biomechanics (e.g., muscular
an appropriate set of physical, psycho- be considered as part of the needs anal- action (64)), principles of training, peri-
ysis process to allow for appropriate odization and adaptation (13), mea-
logical, and social goals. Within S&C,
group and individual objectives to be surement and evaluation (66,67),
previous work (65) has proposed a phys-
developed to aid practices on a short- training modalities (e.g., warm-up;
ical needs analysis process including:
term (e.g., daily) and long-term (e.g., (40)), exercise technique (17), injury
 Performance needs analysis (de-
macrocycle) basis. and injury prevention (80), and other
mands of the sport/activity and
individual) areas (e.g., nutrition (89) and psychol-
 Test selection UNDERSTANDING THE “WHAT” ogy (90)).
 Conduct testing (interpretation, Within S&C, the “what” relates to The “what” knowledge is therefore the
analysis, and evaluation of results) understanding the scientific principles scientific knowledge that underpins


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training program design for optimizing Finally, understanding the “what” may stimulate adaptations alongside the
physical adaptation and prescribing also apply to the roles of the S&C learning of technique supported by
safe and effective S&C practices. Such coach based on the analysis of the direct observation, cueing, and correc-
understanding should link to the ath- job (9,103). Such analysis suggests that tion of movement to enhance athlete
lete’s needs to achieve the desired out- further education of “what” aspects competence and autonomy (84).
comes (e.g., if we want to develop may be necessary for enhanced coach S&C coach’s behavioral strategies have
strength, what is the most effective expertise and effectiveness. For exam- been evaluated (62) showing silent
way to achieve this [biomechanically ple, it has been suggested that knowl- monitoring, session management, and
and physiologically]), be appropriate edge of select psychological techniques hustle were the most popular coach
for the athlete’s age and stage of devel- (81) are required due to the high con- behaviors within elite S&C coaches.
opment, and within the athlete’s con- tact demand of S&C coaches with their Holt (39) recently proposed a range
text. Here, it is important to consider athletes. Therefore, education and of pedagogical methods for S&C
that there may be multiple methods to coach development content around coaches including instructional tech-
achieve the same outcome (e.g., endur- coach decision-making may not just nique, scaffolding, session organization
ance performance could be enhanced be related to the traditional scientific and management, communication
through continuous training, interval knowledge of S&C, and broadening (e.g., facial expression, gesture, posi-
training, or small-sided games). Further- coach’s understanding may equip tioning, and posture (8)), demonstra-
more, the understanding of technical coaches with more methods to imple- tion, and questioning. Tod et al. (99)
efficiency and a technical model for ment within practice (i.e., more tools reported that S&C coaches cited devel-
exercises (e.g., weightlifting, speed agility, within their toolbox). oping trust, being flexible, and motivat-
and plyometrics) should be developed ing athletes as the most influential
(e.g., back squat (76) and athletic ability UNDERSTANDING THE “HOW”
aspects of their coaching, over scien-
assessment. (69)). Recent arguments have suggested that tific principles, emphasizing the impor-
In addition to this scientific and exer- S&C coaching is a form of teaching tance of learned practical knowledge
cise knowledge, the “what” domain (39) and appropriate pedagogies may for effective coaching. Furthermore,
also entails specific knowledge of the enhance S&C coaches’ practice. Draw- Szedlak et al. (92) interviewed athletes
sport (or activity) in which the coach ing on theories and learning from skill to understand their perceptions of S&C
works. For example, S&C coaches acquisition allows S&C coaches to coach behaviors. Findings showed that
design and shape the training environ- athletes perceived coach effectiveness
working in rugby need to understand
ment and align appropriate behaviors to be enhanced by coaches’ relation-
the impacts endured in games, the fre-
to support player engagement, gener- ships (e.g., trust, approachability, and
quency and length of high-intensity ef-
ate feedback, and make sense of prog- sense of humor) and actions (e.g., feed-
forts, and how these vary by position
ress toward the athlete’s goals (74). back, instruction, communication, and
(27) and even by team, according to the
Coaches need to make decisions on organization) suggesting such traits
head coach’s playing style (95). An
what practice activities are most suit- may be areas for coach self-reflection.
approach to the P-D-R of physical
able to meet the needs of their “who” In addition, recent research has evalu-
training that is led by an analysis of
and the desired adaptation they require ated the effects of cueing (105) and
the tactical demands of sport is becom- for the “what.” Therefore, coaches may
ing popular in soccer (16). This so- visual feedback (104) on athlete phys-
spend more time planning and think- ical performance as ways of assessing
called tactical periodization (93) ing about their activity structure and
approach assumes that all coaching the “how” within S&C. Although
associated coaching behaviors to a complex and developing area, it is
staff in a professional setting share an achieve specific objectives. For exam-
understanding of the demands of the important for the S&C coach to judge
ple, if strength development is the goal, and plan “how” strategies based on
game, with integrated technical, tacti- then the activity structure and coach-
cal, and physical training to help play- their understanding of the “who” and
ing behaviors will differ between an “what” to ensure appropriate pedagog-
ers meet those demands. For example, elite adult and inexperienced youth ical approaches are implemented. Such
a soccer team that plays an aggressive, athlete due to their physical, psycho- concepts have recently been promoted
high-pressing style of defense will need logical, and social needs. An elite adult within the S&C industry (11).
players who can maintain high- performer may require low-volume,
intensity, intermittent bursts of speed high-intensity sessions with large rest UNDERSTANDING THE “CONTEXT,
for long periods of the game. It is argu- periods supported by motivational (i.e., CULTURE, AND POLITICS”
ably up to the lead coaching staff (e.g., encouragement) coach behaviors to S&C coaches’ practice will always be
head coach) to define a clear “perfor- elicit strength development. However, shaped and influenced by the context
mance model” and share this with S&C such approaches within large groups of within which they work. This can
coaches to achieve such integra- young athletes may not be appropriate include the organization’s values,
tion (82,95). with more “time on task” required to accepted practices and traditions,

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Decision-Making in S&C Coaching

resources, physical constraints (e.g., facil- (consistently high-performing coaches) identifying the target performance rela-
ities), and, most of all, other people (e.g., identified 4 common themes: philoso- tive to the athlete’s current context to
players, other coaches, club officials, sup- phy, vision, environment, and people formulate outcome, performance, and
port staff, and parents). For example, the (53). The philosophy related to the process goals over varying timescales.
playing level of the athlete (e.g., adult pro- coaches having clear values, beliefs, and This entails a conscious and thoughtful
fessional club versus junior community goals alongside a desire for coaching, consideration of the “who,” “what,” and
club) significantly influences the player a thirst for knowledge, and a quest for “how” to develop a coherent, progres-
and development context with differing self-improvement. These elements need sive, and “nested” coaching plan (2).
aims, resources, and abilities. Further- to be considered within an S&C coach’s Within the S&C literature, an extensive
more, the values and current practices development and therefore should be body of work refers to the principle of
of the head coach within a sports orga- a focus of education programs and pro- periodization when considering
nization will influence the context and fessional development opportunities. medium- to long-term planning strate-
culture of the daily practices of the Such activities to support this profes- gies (e.g., Refs. 14,37). This body of work
S&C coach. Therefore, practitioners can sional development include undertaking and the broader principles of periodiza-
draw on a range of theories and concepts a coach self-evaluation and needs analy- tion provide a useful platform on which
from social science to understand this sis (106), using the Coaching Practice training plans can be developed. Done
layered context (77). This could include Planning and Reflective Framework well, planning provides a “tentative”
the theories of policy, power, and politics (CPPRF; see the Understanding the map to follow. In this sense, planning
(42) or philosophical work around the coaching process: Planning, delivering, might be more usefully thought of as
theory and concept of ethics (24). Fur- and reflecting section) or by S&C educa- a navigation device that provides a sense
thermore, understanding the dynamics of tors developing and implementing con- of direction and clarifies expectations
power relationships and the subtle influ- structively aligned learning programs (see against which progress can be continu-
ences that dominant traditions have on the Developing the S&C Coach section). ally monitored, and alternative strategies,
the behavior of athletes and the conduct to accommodate and respond to the
of coaches may be useful in identifying UNDERSTANDING THE COACHING changing needs of athletes (71).
and overcoming flawed approaches to PROCESS: PLANNING,
DELIVERING, AND REFLECTING Indeed, S&C coaches can only intervene,
S&C training (34). Strategies coaches halt proceedings, or change direction
could use to achieve success within their within a training session, if they notice
context and against these constraints The preceding sections have outlined
a number of theories, concepts, and the need to act in the first place. Noticing
could include developing a shared vision relies on coaches consciously attending to
and purpose, establishing role clarity principles that can be used as “thinking
tools” to facilitate S&C coaching prac- moments of importance or disruption.
across the group, aligning behaviors that What is worth noticing then becomes
contribute to the achievement of the tice. Given the breadth and depth of
factors that have been considered, the an important matter for S&C coaches
goals, and nested thinking and planning
expertise that S&C coaches exhibit is to consider. Engaging in deliberate and
(see “Understanding the coaching pro-
the ability to integrate ideas from these purposeful planning enables coaches to
cess: Planning, delivering, and reflecting”).
interdependent areas to inform their clarify their expectations and begin to
reasoning and decision-making when notice things that might otherwise go
P-D-R (1,2,73). It is of note, therefore, unnoticed (41,71). Writing a training pro-
The S&C coach’s understanding of their
that decision-making in P-D-R occurs in gram therefore constitutes only a small
own beliefs, behaviors, and values is cru-
2 broad forms: slow and deliberate or part of the planning process. The plan-
cial in determining quality coaching prac-
fast and intuitive (46). A third form ning strategy advocated here is one that is
tice and ongoing personal development
known as recognition-primed deci- ongoing, dynamic, and adaptive, enabling
(15). Previous work (35) has highlighted
sion-making (55) may occur where coaches to respond to the changing
the importance of both interpersonal
some time is available for thought, but needs of their athletes and the sporting
(e.g., social context and relationships)
the required response time is relatively context (2,47,48).
and intrapersonal (e.g., coaching philos-
ophy and values, self-reflective and self- short. A full discussion of these forms of A thinking tool that S&C coaches can
monitoring, lifelong learning, and self- decision-making is beyond the remit of use to clarify expectations and promote
regulation) skills and knowledge. Grant this article but it is worth noting the connections between the desired ob-
and Dorgo (35) suggested that an indi- alignment of these with the commonly jectives and the associated coaching
vidual’s thirst for knowledge (e.g., read- held view of coaching being about plan- strategies is the CPPRF (71,73,74).
ing, observing, and discussing) combined ning (i.e., slow and deliberative), deliv- The CPPRF has been used to support
with application through the coaching ering (i.e., fast and intuitive), and the P-D-R practices of a number of
process (P-D-R) are essential in the reflecting (i.e., slow and deliberative). national and Olympic coaches in
development of expertise within S&C. A key aspect of effective planning is a range of sports (e.g., boxing and sail-
Interviews with serial winning coaches “beginning with the end in mind” (22), ing (71)). The CPPRF was developed


Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
to encourage coaches to consider the understanding of how each coaching experience and become more skillful in
relationship between their P-D-R prac- interaction is nested within the long-, our practice (88). Reflective practice
tices. More specifically, it encourages medium-, and short-term objectives of therefore provides a vehicle to question
coaches to explore the relationship an overall developmental performance and re-examine the reasoning and strat-
between their: (a) coaching objectives system enables S&C coaches to make egies that underpin our practice, to con-
(goals), (b) training activities, (c) more informed adjustments from prede- sider the “what”, “how,” and “why”,
behavioral strategies, and (d) athlete termined plans based on observations, providing the opportunity to evaluate
engagement and learning. As such, evaluations, and reactions to “goings what benefits our current practice brings
the CPPRF is structured around these on” within the training and performance and what might be better for ourselves
4 interdependent areas (Figure 2). environment (2,44,47). Our capacity to
and the athletes we work with. This
“think on our feet” in this manner is often
As described above, S&C coaches are could involve reflection and evaluation
referred to as a process of reflection-in-
essentially equipped with 2 pedagogi- of training sessions or training programs
action (51,87). Reflection-in-action
cal strategies to support athlete learn- from a meso and macro level. Program
assumes that problems do not always
ing and development: reflection and evaluation may entail S&C
present themselves but arise because of
 The way they structure the learning coaches assessing the physical changes
a mismatch between the session goals/
experience for their athletes through that have occurred due to their program
expectations and the reality that has
their training activities (e.g., circuits, to evaluate the improvement of their ath-
emerged from putting the plan into prac-
weight program, drills, and games). letes. For example, S&C coaches may
tice. By increasing the clarity of our ex-
Such strategies could range from
pectations before a coaching event, we evaluate the medium (i.e., 6 weeks) and
game-centered to technique-centered
increase our opportunity to reflect-in- seasonal changes in sprint speed and
approaches based on the session
action, which in turn also provides a pow- strength within their athletes. Such eval-
 The behavioral strategies they use to erful stimulus for reflection-on-action (i.e., uations will likely display large variability
after the coaching event). in response (97) but S&C coaches need
support athletes before, during, and
after each training activity. This Reflective practice is generally character- to not only consider the data but reflect
could range from a problem- ized as a conversation between planning on the implementation of the program
solving to problem-setting approach and delivery through which we can related to the “who” (e.g., athlete’s moti-
using a range of behaviors (e.g., tim- develop a better appreciation of our vation), “what” (e.g., exercise selection),
ing and type of feedback; open or
closed questioning; demonstrations;
hustles; and instructional prompts).
Thus, using the CPPRF as a “thinking
tool” encourages S&C coaches to
deliberately plan, manipulate, and align
their training activity structure and
their behavioral strategies to maximize
athlete engagement and development
opportunities (72).
As a planning tool, the CPPRF encour-
ages coaches to spend time considering
their coaching goals and how these align
with the needs of their athletes (i.e., the
“who”), the demands of the sport (i.e., the
“what”), and the learning environment
they orchestrate (i.e., the “how”) to clarify
expectations in training. This planning
process should entail the constant inte-
gration and alignment of these interde-
pendent areas. Spending time considering
these factors enables coaches to explicitly
plan for and implement S&C coaching
that is developmentally appropriate,
builds on where the athlete has come
from, and helps prepare them for where
Figure 2. The coaching practice planning and reflective framework (CPPRF) (71).
they wish to go (73). Furthermore, a clear

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Decision-Making in S&C Coaching

and “how” (e.g., feedback provided) of the S&C coach has been discussed. This can facilitate formal learning to support
their program design. framework demonstrates the S&C coach nonformal and informal learning oppor-
A final consideration for S&C coaches in as an interdisciplinary practitioner work- tunities for enhancing S&C coach devel-
shaping their P-D-R strategies is the in- ing in complex environments who has to opment. As the coach learning and, more
sights, ideas, and understanding of the think in complex ways to practice effec- broadly, adult learning literature is large
other practitioners that they invariably tively. Clearly, this level of practice does and varied, it is not possible to capture all
work alongside (e.g., head coach, physi- not simply appear one day; it is the result this literature here. Instead, a pragmatic
otherapists, and sport scientists). Each of significant periods of learning. That is path that is used extensively within high-
disciplinary perspective offers a great deal not to say that any S&C coach, regardless er education is proposed: constructive
and should be harnessed to formulate of level (i.e., novice to expert), cannot alignment of learning. Constructive align-
a shared understanding within a multidis- benefit from considering S&C practice ment was originated by Biggs (12) and
ciplinary team about “what” to prioritize as a decision-making activity using has been adapted for providing a basis for
and work on, and “how” to support the “thinking tools” from the 6 domains dis- thinking about coach learning (60).
athletes to meet their needs. This is exem- cussed. Therefore, a question that arises is Constructive alignment is displayed in
plified within the idea of “tactical period- how does this learning take place and Figure 3 and discussed in the following
ization” (16,93) and the development of what role can educational institutions sections. Constructive alignment refers
a “performance model” (82) when work- (i.e., higher education and national asso- to how all aspects of an educational pro-
ing with the head coach and other sports ciations) play in this learning? gram design should align from one con-
coaches. In this regard, communication, Within the coach development literature, sideration to the next. Furthermore, any
openness, and collaboration within a cul- decisions on program design should be
three broad approaches to supporting
ture of working toward the same goal are informed by external standards such as
learning are identified: formal (e.g., insti-
essential for an effective high-performing policy, research, and the coach’s needs.
tutionalized accredited learning), nonfor-
team in sport (33).
mal (e.g., conferences), and informal (e.g.,
tacit, experiential, and self-directed learn- PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES
LEARNING PROGRAMS AND level of blurred boundaries between Table 1 summarizes numerous ways in
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT these learning approaches (e.g., gaining which program learning outcomes
Thus far, in this article, the role of the 6 accreditation points for attending a con- and/or guidance capabilities can be
broad domains of the decision-making ference; formal/nonformal). Therefore, it informed through published work within
framework for guiding the practice of is important to consider how institutions coaching and S&C (4,6,31,100). This

Figure 3: A schematic of constructive alignment (12,60).


Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1
A summary of published views on required skills of high achieving coaches (4,6,30,97,100)
UKCCE professional competence ICCE coaching framework Professional skills in coach development NSCA & UKSCA standards and guidelines

Reflect continuously on coaching Set a relevant vision, goals, and Actively engages in working with Underpinning The normal physiological
practice, challenge personal strategy/plan for the program relevant club policy when scientific functions of the human
assumptions and beliefs to participant athletes implementing role knowledge body during/in response to
improve future performance Create an effective environment Conducts an informed analysis of Strength and different training
Seek out, synthesize, and apply for the fulfillment of program organizational, group, and individual conditioning Applied functional human
relevant concepts, theories, and participant athlete goals strategy, politics, and behavior skills working anatomy and movement
principles Build positive relationships with Work with the coach to review current with perfor- outcome
Make and critically reflect on all stakeholders (i.e., capabilities, set personalized goals, mance-oriented The principles of training and
decisions in complex and participant/athletes, club and monitor, review, and regulate athlete(s) adaptation
unpredictable situations officials, parents, etc.) progress toward set goals Professional and Implement a sports-specific
Recognize and resolve problematic Conduct appropriate practices Build and maintain effective relationships general periodized program
and atypical coaching issues and where appropriate select with the coach competencies in Demonstrate the coaching
through the generation of and prepare for appropriate Develop and monitor relevant learning strength and and/or technical
innovative strategies and competitions environments, tasks, and conditioning knowledge of the
solutions Make informed decisions related communication strategies to meet following techniques
Build and maintain effective coach- to program/participant/athlete learning goals. Design, deliver, and (applied in a sport-specific
participant relationships training and performance in evaluate meaningful learning manner):
Design and implement an optimal a dynamic environment opportunities and environments that 1) Weightlifting
learning environment to impact Reflect on one’s own meet the long-, medium-, and short- a) Bench press
on participants’ performance performance and embrace term learning needs of coaches b) Bent-over row
needs a lifelong learning attitude to Design and/or understand developed Demonstrate the coaching
Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Adapt interpersonal, teaching the profession to strive for coach development curricula that are and/or technical
participant(s), and context continuous improvement aligned to FA coach development knowledge of the
Develop participants to be pathways/FA courses and to the needs following techniques
autonomous decision makers of individual coaches (applied in a sport-specific
Design, implement, monitor, Analyze best practice coaching to manner):
evaluate, and regulate advanced maintain currency in coaching 1) Aerobic and anaerobic
training and competition curriculum endurance
programs that are congruent with Make effective and informed decisions 2) Flexibility
participant need and entitlement that reflect the big picture of coach Demonstrate the
Design and implement a planned development relating to the planning, implementation of
and strategic approach to implementation, monitoring, evaluation, monitoring procedures to
performance improvement and regulation of nested goals and evaluate progress
Develop and manage an appropriate programs of development Design and plan sessions/
support structure to facilitate Recognize and resolve problematic and program
meaningful growth, development, atypical issues through the generation Delivery of coaching sessions
and improved performance of innovative strategies and solutions Communicate effectively
Manage change in the context of the Conduct critically informed, evidence- with others
wider sporting, legal, political, and based self-analysis to examine, expose, Apply the principles of health
socioeconomic landscape and challenge the congruence of and safety to your
intentions, assumptions, and beliefs environment

with practice
Works toward professional standards and

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Decision-Making in S&C Coaching

work identifies some key themes that NECESSARY LEARNING because it raises expectations of what
seem to be important in S&C coaching, ACTIVITIES goals are and what the perceptual
including problem solving, program plan- This is a hugely complex area because cues will be.
ning and delivery, relationships, safe prac- learning activities should be considered  Obtaining feedback that is accurate
tice, sound knowledge base, session based on an interaction between the and timely.
delivery, reflection, self-improvement, needs of the learner, the knowledge  Reflect on expectations and per-
and maintaining currency. Therefore, and/or skills being developed, learning ceived reality to seek out and explore
such information should be used to theory, and available resources. In keep- uncertainty in practice.
develop learning outcomes and guidance ing with the pragmatic approach of this In reality, people are constantly attempt-
capabilities for S&C education. The lan- article, some key principles that can guide ing to make sense of their reality,
guage used in the creation of these out- thinking in this area can be achieved by whether that is in P-D-R. This is often
comes is important because it is typically simplifying coaching to the P-D-R pro- the most confusing part of learning for
focused on those who are “high-achiev- cess. This process relies on coaches hav- learners. Consequently, numerous re-
ing” or beyond graduate level. For exam- ing professional knowledge and skills to searchers (e.g., 18,29) have discussed
ple, the UKCCE and Professional engage in each part of this process. Plan- the role of mentors in supporting learners
practice statements reflect a “professional” ning and reflecting are the analytical and in engaging in this sense-making process.
level of practice that is achieved after pre- thoughtful parts of the process. These
vious formal development. As such, some rely on the capacity to know and assim- PACKAGING UNITS OF LEARNING
reverse engineering would be required to ilate knowledge from the 6 domains and For many in formal education, this is
consider creating steps (e.g., levels of the “thinking tools” presented in this arti- often the starting place of creating learn-
development) to high achievement (e.g., cle. Within learning activities, these ing programs in the form of units, mod-
guidance capabilities) between novice “thinking tools” are recommended to be ules, or classes. However, it is hopefully
(e.g., undergraduate students) and expert introduced in classroom sessions (21). clear why this in fact should be the final
coaches. For a discussion of levelness in Progressing beyond this approach, creat- part of the puzzle (not withstanding that
creating learning outcomes, see 19,30. ing opportunities to engage in the actual the whole process is both feed-forward
and feed-back). This is the part where
problem of P-D-R, by drawing on realis-
ASSESSMENT curriculum, delivery, and assessment
tic and meaningful contexts (ideally the
The assessment stage is probably the come together to ensure alignment. For
coach’s own), is crucial (43). This could
most counterintuitive of the construc- example, whether an expected profes-
include practicums, internship, and men-
tive alignment process. Many educators sional skill has been sufficiently supported
torships (25,85) allowing coaches the
will want to think about assessment by aligned professional knowledge and/
opportunity to apply ideas, experiment,
after they have considered what is or the opportunity to develop this in the
and learn through applied practice
being taught. However, within con- field (or assessment) is required.
grounded in the coach decision-making
structive aligned programs, assessment
framework. For example, inexperienced
becomes more about “assessment for CONCLUSION
coaches may benefit from practicum
learning” rather than “assessment of This article presents a conceptual
activities within educational settings (i.e.,
learning” (3). Assessment is the means framework for decision-making within
delivering sessions to peers, observation),
of evidencing the achievement of the S&C coaching. Based on theoretical
leading to applied internships within
desired outcomes to both the learner understanding of the athlete (the
sport for postgraduate students to men-
and the tutor. It also means that feed- “who”), the sport and S&C training
torship opportunities for experienced
back should be facilitative of future principles (the “what”), and learning
development. For example, if “Build coaches (75). Regardless of the level, theories and their behavior (the
and maintain effective coach- opportunities to discuss, reflect, and chal- “how”), coaches can enhance S&C
participant relationships” is a learning lenge S&C practice should be integrated practice (“planning, delivery, and re-
outcome, then this should drive the within education programs to enhance flecting”). In addition, S&C coaches
assessment alongside the criticality of learning rather than just providing can consider their integration with
the thinking. Relationships do not occur practice-based opportunities alone. other practitioners while considering
in a single session, nor are they things Delivery is the more naturalistic ele- the contextual challenges (the “context,
that can just be “seen” by an assessor. ment of coaching due to being in the culture, and politics”) and their own be-
They are the result of judgments and moment, and reading and reacting to liefs, values, and behaviors (“self”) for
interactions informed by an ongoing situations (e.g., perceptual skills). This enhancing coach expertise and effec-
knowledge and awareness of knowing is a concept known as sense making tiveness. Based on this framework,
the “who,” “how,” and “self”. It is there- (49,50). Phillips et al. (79) identified coach educational institutions should
fore recommended that assessments the need for engaging in: aim to use this coach decision-making
attempt to draw on these factors within  Deliberate practice: this is one rea- framework for improving S&C educa-
the assessment process. son why planning is so important tion and professional development


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