20210429-Press Release MR G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. Issue - Warning Infected Face Masks With ASBESTOS, Fiberglass, Worms ALIVE, Etc-Suppl-1

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20210429-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.


As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, is there more to what you wrote previously?

**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, I did further publish:

What if the “SARS-CoV-2” virus really doesn’t exist, and as with INFLUENZA it is not
at all able to infect human to human but has other sources such as “STRESS”, parasites,
bacteria, etc, but this alleged virus merely used to exterminate the “undesirables”?

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20210426-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –

How to dispose of the (disabled) undersirables, etc

I now desire to zero more in to some issues. I did previously refer to Dr Hoffa, a Canadian
doctor, made known that effectively doctors are muzzled from speaking out.

In my 20210426 document I wrote:

Dr Sam Bailey, a medical doctor, likely is muzzled in some way not to directly confront
the non-existence of the “SARS-CoV-2” alleged virus whereas I can do so freely. Let any
medical doctor, scientist and indeed politician actually prove that such “SARS-CoV-2”
claimed “virus” exist!

This ought to be considered as follows:

Medical doctors are probably muzzled in some way not to directly confront the
nonexistence of the "SARS-CoV-2" alleged virus whereas I can do so freely. Let any
medical doctor, scientist and indeed politician actually prove that such "SARS-CoV-2"
claimed "virus" exist!

Dr Samantha Bailey has numerous videos (about 94, I estimate) but some I view very much to
consider are:

The Truth About PCR Tests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWNkJUDctdk

p1 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Virus Mania: Behind the Scenes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyagOj1yZis

The Truth About Virus Isolation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huEaH-boaoY

They are not the only one that are relevant, but I still have to watch others.

I am and always have been a “free thinking person” with this I mean that even if it appears
everything is correct I somehow have a guts feeling something might be wrong and then will
investigate the details.

To give some examples:

3 medical doctors had sworn affidavits and gave evidence under oath that “the children had
day to day illnesses”. However upon that I cross examined the doctors (separately) one
acknowledged he never knew one of the children had a large burn on the upper arm (as was
stated in the Affidavit by another doctor). One claimed the child had been prescribed
medication for a urine track infection, where as the hospital in its report stated it was a
foreskin problem and no infection was noticed. Another doctor admitted having previously
HEALTH”. All 3 doctors were unknown they all were at the same time the family doctors,
albeit during cross examination all m3 admitted that their evidence was based being the
only family doctor attending to the children and if there was any other doctors also
attending then their statements were not applicable.

In the Colosimo case, 2 specialist certified that Mr Colosimo was to be placed under
Orders of Administration because he couldn’t accept being convicted for CONTEMPT OF
COURT and as such could not manage facts of life, etc. However, I successfully appealed
this Order for Administration on the basis that Mr Colosimo never had been convicted for

It isn’t just on medical issues.

I was QUALITY CONTROL OFFICER and the products that were at the production
machine were accurately to the drawing specifications but somehow even so we delivered
this product to the customer for many years, I held there was something wrong. After an
investigation I discovered that the customer had actually ordered a different item, but
desired what we were producing. The clerk in the office had realized the customer had
made an error and so issued a production order for the right product. This however was not
for him to do. The customer provided subsequently a deviation order to correct its error and
the products were then supplied.

Most people are aware of break fast cereals as a stable of breakfast menu. However, few
may realize that some cereals may not be healthy at all. For example, in the Mallee
(Victoria) in some area’s grain is grown with “untreated water” which means that the
poison in the water remains and when sprayed over the seed/crop then is used to grow the
food. And let us neither ignore that when grain is delivered to the silo’s then many mice
(dead or alive) are in it and so their bodies will be part of the grain when turned into meals!

Actually I have an ongoing dispute with GWMW (a company owned by the State of
Victoria) which even today provides “UNTREATED WATER” and not “SAFE

p2 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
DRINKING WATER” despite that the current Premier of Victoria then Minister for Health

Mr ANDREWS (Mulgrave) - It is a pleasure to speak in support of the Safe Drinking Water Bill. This bill forms part of
the government's strategic approach to water management, with specific attention being paid to water quality and
risk management as matters of public health. It is worth noting that this is a debate about public health and about
making sure that each community across our state has access to the highest quality water. It is also worth noting
that this bill has been introduced by the Minister for Health as a matter of public health.

The bill has four specific objectives. Before going on to those I welcome the support shown by the Liberal and
National parties for this bill. Every endeavour has been made to try to provide as much information as possible.

And, let us neither ignore for example our table slat.

I was residing in the Mallee and desired to collect old bottles and so applied for and was
provided with a scavengers permit. Well, to my horror I noticed (Seal Lake) that all the
carton separately collected (for recycling) was being bulldozed to the main rubbish and all
burned together. But that was not all. I witnessed the dumping of dead animals and olds
cars, old poison bottles, hospital waste, etc, with oil everywhere. Then I was informed that
during rain periods the lot will be partly under water and when the rain is away the salt is
collected from the salt plane of which part housed the tip. So, next time you sit at a meal
sprinkling salt over your food then consider is this the salt that was from Sea Lake area?

And let us get to the TGA:

Therapeutic Goods Administration Adj. Professor John Skerritt's interview on ABC 7:30 on 17
February 2021
Will people be allowed any choice in which vaccine they opt for?

The Government's policy is that each centre will have one vaccine, and there'll be different groups going to
different centres depending on, obviously, whether you're an aged care resident or you're going to go to
primary care in Category 1B of the Phase 1B of a rollout. And so, no, they won't have a choice, but frankly,
both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines have been excellent vaccines from our review of them.

And, then we got this answer:

Therapeutic Goods Administration Adj. Professor John Skerritt's interview on ABC 7:30 on 17
February 2021
Some churches have told parishioners to ask for the Pfizer jab, not the AstraZeneca one, because the
AstraZeneca one reportedly uses aborted foetuses. What's your view on that and would religious objection be
grounds for an exemption to get the vaccine you wanted?

p3 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
When the vaccine was developed, quite a range of vaccines were produced in embryonic kidney cells, and
these cells came originally from - and we don't know the personal situation - from a termination that was
done, we think, in the Netherlands in the early 1970s. So a very long time ago. And those cells are many
generations old now. What we do know is that even at the highest levels from the Vatican down, they've said
that the source of this vaccine is not a reason not to be vaccinated. So, churches have come out quite strongly,
emphasising the importance of vaccination.

To me the answer; “When the vaccine was developed, quite a range of vaccines were produced
in embryonic kidney cells, and these cells came originally from - and we don't know the
personal situation - from a termination that was done, we think, in the Netherlands in the early
1970s.” is totally unacceptable. It appears to me he deliberately avoided to where it was from
(“and these cells came originally from - and we don't know the personal situation -”) as I
view as head of the TGA it should be his business to know! If he doesn’t then replace him with
someone who knows his job!

Evidence doesn't link two NSW blood clot deaths to AstraZeneca shots: TGA (msn.com)
Evidence doesn't link two NSW blood clot deaths to AstraZeneca shots: TGA
He said the evidence on the two men's deaths did not suggest a "likely association" with the vaccine.
"It is important to emphasise that, sadly, 3000 people die every week. Sadly, 50 people get serious clotting
disorders every day and perhaps a third of them die immediately or as soon after," Professor Skerritt said.
He said risks should not be swept under the carpet, but they were significantly outweighed by the benefits,
especially for those older than 50.

In my view as head of the TGA he should not be advocating what may serve the politicians but
rather spend his time to learn what is in a so called “vaccine”. Generally, more than 100 people
die every week in Victoria due to road accidents nevertheless the government is seeking to clamp
down on preventative motor vehicle accidents. Surely, we are not going to claim that more than
100 die anyhow so we might as well ignore why they died? John Skerritt as head of the TGA is
not there to claim; “significantly outweighed by the benefits” when not even bothering to
produce any verifying details. To me he sounds more like a “used car salesman” then as a
responsible person heading the TGA. The issue is that someone died after being jabbed and then
it must be properly investigated why this death eventuated. In my view we will not likely have a
transparent investigation as I view John Skerritt essentially dictates it has to be a normal event
unrelated to the jabbing. To me, he is sounding as selling the government mantra.

Here you got the head of the TGA not having a clue about long term affect upon humans, and not
even know the history of the items in the so called vaccine nevertheless claiming it is safe. At
least Olga (my wife) understood him making this claim on 28 April 2021 on radio.

He seems to be following “political science” (government policy) rather then “medical science”.

I once visited a friend who was just a carer for a 7 year old girl, suffering from “Rett Syndrome”.
However, somehow, despite that she couldn’t talk and was unable to move about, we connected.
Not long thereafter teachers use to refer to me as being her “father” as whenever I was there to
collect her from school she would show excitement, etc. I even once with her won a dance, when
she was sitting in her wheelchair. I still wonder if her Rett Syndrome really is not the after
effect of vaccinations. She used to communicate with her eyes, and one day it alerted me to
there being something serious wrong, as there was fear in her eyes. The carer and myself attend
to the Royal Children Hospital, but the (usual) doctor (who normally attended to her) made
p4 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
known she couldn’t discover anything wrong, besides the known issues. The carer, well aware
how much of a close connection the child and I had, insisted to have x-rays taken. It was then
discovered that she had fractured leg bones. She had just returned from respite, but an
investigation that was held concluded it was her fragility that resulted to it. Ones the girl moved
to another carer we lost contact, nevertheless treasure the memories with her.

Often a persons perception can make the difference. Sometimes in the negative and other times
with a positive result.

If 100 people were to watch a certain movie then you may find a range of views as to what the
movie was about. Likewise, when cross-examining witnesses you find they may hold different
and at times conflicted views despite all claiming to have witnessed the same incident.

When a male see a image of a women then some get aroused, others do not, as this is how the
persons receives the image. Males are growing up with a certain kind of facial structure being
attractive, rather then looking at the character of the person. This is why likely many marriages
are failing, because the initial attraction is waning.

Likewise, people may grow up to respect political leaders, scientist and medical doctors and
persons of authority but then over time they lose respect for many of them because they learn
they respected an “image” that turns out to be often horrible wrong.

This “Global warming” now renamed “climate change” really seemed to me to be one for
scientist to extract monies from taxpayers to boost their income and financial security and this
has in my view greatly undermined the trust in scientist.

Likewise, when you have a person like John Skerritt who was in jobs to apply “government
policy” now being the head of the TGA doing the same and making known not to know what is
in the so called “vaccine” then trust is eroding. Indeed, each time a politician, scientist, medical
doctor tries to reflect the “blood cloth” as not being related to some “vaccine” where already the
FDA (USA) in December 2020 was pre-warned about it, then the trust in the medical profession
is also waning.

In a sense I was lucky to start doing my own research, and come across videos such as from Dr
Andrew Kaufman, as to me that was an eye opener and so far more than a year later I still
haven’t come across a single video of any virologist, etc, that disprove what Dr Andrew
Kaufman stated.

We have the INFLUENZA going about, year after year, and from the test that were conducted as
long ago as 100 years ago, as Dr Samantha Bailey in her video also explained, it cannot be
passed on from human to human. Yet, often lots of people all are getting the flu, cold.
Let us look at for example “hay fever”. OK I know nothing particular about this other then that
pollen through the air seems to cause people to suffer hay fever. As such, it is the way a person’s
immune system is set up that they can or are not affected by the pollen.

As I indicated, some men get aroused seeing a particular image, where others do not. While this
might be a mental issue nevertheless it is a condition different to each person without there being
anything such as bacteria, etc, changing from the image to the particular person.

We can also then consider that am person can be affected by the flu/cold, and yet others in the
same household are not. This may be that it is not something that is transmitted from one person

p5 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
to another but the immune system is responding pending the person’s reception of weather and
other conditions. Even being allergic to certain animals, furniture material, etc.

When I migrated in 1971 to Australia, and it was winter time, I was walking around in a shirt
without any coat, this because to me this was like the summer climate In The Netherlands. Now
however I no longer have this ability. I have adapted to the climate. Now actual transmission
from one human being to another is needed.

As such, the so called “virus” might be that it is not about transmission of some “invisible”
“virus” but rather might be because some persons may react to certain climate conditions more
than others.

We also have that some of the symptoms like “high altitude illness”, pneumonia, etc, also are
appearing in other diseases. For example as I understand it “high altitude illness” also relates to
“Pneumonia” is well known to be related to many INFLUENZA cases.

When I consider the “pneumonia” issue, where I understand this results from fluid in the lungs,
which my wife had in 2018 and for this in ICU, where strict restriction of fluid intake was part of
it, then I view it would be nonsense to claim that “pneumonia” somehow is transmitted from
persons to persons, rather it is a problem at least as I understand it from fluid building up within
the lungs. This then causes the patient to lose the ability of breathing properly and may also
restrict transport of oxygen’s to the brain.

When then we also are faced with clusters in certain nursing homes and not others, than we need
to concentrate upon what really causes such a cluster, and not merely claim it is the COVID-19
issue and so ignore proper investigations.

I understand that in the USA they had at one stage about 61,000 deaths attributed to
INFLUENZA but now with COVID-19 it dropped down to about 1,700. Well, pull the other leg
will you, as I do not accept this nonsense. When other diseases are wrongly attributed to the
COVID-19 issue then this may and I view likely is misleading people to the real issues. As result
people may be denied the proper medical treatment required in their circumstances.

If like the “hay fever” there is something in the air that triggers INFLUENZA, then perhaps the
same is with what is referred to as COVID-19.

Perhaps what would have been wiser to do was for scientist to check the air quality and other
issues, such as 5 G, smog, etc, as to see what, if any, influence this might have upon certain

There might be particles in the air that are minuscule, but nevertheless, causes a immune system
reaction with some but not others.

When a person is watching someone yawning then somehow this often will cause the person also
needing to yawn. It is not a physical transfer of particles but rather a spontaneous reaction by the
receiver of this yawning.

It is also common that one can induce a person to a different perception by merely talking or
even listening. Having conducted a special lifeline service for some 37 years I found that people
I never physically did meet nevertheless were positively influenced by me when they were
desperate and contemplated self harm and I simply would talk and talk and got them out of their
p6 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
trance and they then lived a further life. One a woman was in epilepsy condition and her doctor
was on her bedside. I then commenced to talk to the woman that she needed to calm down. And
the doctor response was, when she got out of it, that he never had seen any person being able to
talk a person out of an epilepsy seizure.

Epilepsy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More - Healthline
Epilepsy is a condition that causes seizures — temporary glitches in the brain's electrical
activity. These electrical disruptions can cause a range of symptoms.

While it is made clear that epilepsy is within the brain’s electrical activities somehow this seems
to be able to address when one calmly talk to a person with a certain assertive voice.

Indeed, when my mother phoned me that my father was given less then 24 hours to live I urged
her to talk to him that he had to hang on, etc. She made clear he was in a coma and would not
hear it, but I insisted she would tell him. Months later, I spoke to my dad and he explained he had
given up the will to live but when my mother told him my message he changed, and for the
record lived another 17 years.

Likewise, when one of my daughters after an abortion that had gone wrong, had given up the will
to live I was called to the hospital. I essentially read her the riot act and made clear life was not to
be wasted for some godless wonder (the now ex boyfriend) and she better get better. Well, more
than 25 years later she still is part of the living.

It is therefore clear that we as human bodies can be influenced in various manner. Not just the
spread of some alleged “virus”, verbal communication, visual images, etc, but we can be affected
without even knowing we are, such as the condition of the atmosphere, the air we breathe, etc.

Therefore, using some generic name like COVID-19 may cause irreparable harm to the many,
this because they are not really at least very unlikely treated for the specific illness they may be
suffering but all be placed in the same category, and with this from early on people ended up
being killed when placed on an ventilator (China 97% of patients on ventilators died). But as was
clear with the New York ICU specialist dare to even tell the TRUTH and you can become an
* To be honest I have not heard any doctor, scientist or politicians to cast the net so wide about
the symptoms claimed to be COVID-19 being perhaps from other causes.
**#** This is because they likely have their own agenda’s.

Many scientist, so to say, are willing to sell their soul to the devil, such as wanting to achieve
recognition of inventions, etc, not interested as to the harm they may cause in the process.

Let us take the invention of the firearm. In some ways it might be claimed that killing a person
using a firearm might be more humane then killing a person by a thousand knives stabbings. A
firearm can be to assist a human when needing to defend against an animal that is in an attack
mode but could also be a curse if in the ends of a criminal. As such, inventions can be for the
good of humans but also can be a curse.
Scientist will always make their kind of arguments as to try to justify their work, even so bit by
bit they desire to expand their research.

p7 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
And, there obviously is also a conflict to what they promote and what is reality. We saw at the
commencement of 2020 that the living daylight was scared out of most politicians, lacking real
leadership, when the doom and gloom was declared of millions dying from COVID-19.
We also have that to make this doom and gloom prediction for politicians to serve their political
interest such as the New World Order. They may not even remotely consider that their own
family members would be harmed in the process. They are in a trance that whatever they do is
good for mankind, even if reality proves otherwise.

The empowerment to rule the people without any obstruction and resistance is what they may
desire, just that their own success in politics very much eventuated to them being in positions
that they never could have attained had they also been restricted in the past.

If instead of COVID-19 we were to refer to it being a “coloured disease” that exist from many
different causes/diseases, then we may just crack open the tunnel vision of the many and start
really consider what might be the causes.

Obviously the pharmaceutical companies, the scientist and the politicians may have their own
agenda such as what I will refer to below.


worms in masks from New Zealand April 20th 2021 (rumble.com)

worms in masks from New Zealand April 20th 2021
7Kingis Published April 19, 2021

I have in previous writings alluded to parasites, bacteria, etc, but let us zero in as to what
parasites we may consider to be involved.

When it comes to malaria there can be no question that we are dealing with real living parasites
transmitted by a mosquito. Mosquito’s are everywhere and foreign ones (no I am not speaking
about nationality or language) from other countries that may likely carry malaria parasites may
be limited due to the spraying of airplanes upon arrival.

But do not become despondent that we may lack to have parasites as our scientist can always
create their own kind.

Forbidden Knowledge TV <newsletter@forbiddenknowledgetv.net>

To:Mr G.
Dear Mr,

Greg Reese has just come out with his own short piece about the black strands reported to be seen on medical
masks and COVID test swabs. He's found that these strands mimic the "theragripper" technology developed
at Johns Hopkins University, as seen in an article published by Johns Hopkins last October.

Theragrippers don’t rely on electricity, wireless signals or external controls. “Instead, they operate like
small, compressed springs with a temperature-triggered coating on the devices that releases the stored
energy autonomously at body temperature,” said Professor David Gracias, Ph.D., who led a team of
biomedical engineers that designed and tested the shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the
parasitic hookworm affixes onto intestinal mucosa, to release drugs into the body.

To which Reese comments, "The mask fibers' reaction to human breath could easily be described as spring-
like. And while one is wearing the mask, the fibers would be springing in towards their mouths, as they
breathe, as if the masks were a delivery system for hidden theragrippers loaded with drugs, ready to
be released into the host's bloodstream.

p8 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
"The same spring-like fibers can be found in the masks and in the COVID-19 test swabs. Under
magnification, the test swab appears to have glass-like fibers. In one experiment, the PCR test swab was
rubbed against a piece of raw meat, to roughly emulate the living tissue in inside our nasal cavity and several
of the glass-like fibers deeply penetrated themselves into the flesh. Is this happening inside our nasal
cavities when we are being tested?

"Perhaps this is normal. There was a time in the not-so distant past, when this would all sound crazy. But
those days are over."


Johns Hopkins Researchers Engineer Tiny, Shape-Changing Machines That Deliver Medicine Efficiently to the GI
Tract (hopkinsmedicine.org)
Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines , Johns Hopkins
researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and
release drugs into the body.

Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | David Gracias (jhu.edu)
David Gracias
The laboratory utilizes state of the art fluorescence, FT-IR, Raman, and sum-frequency generation
optical spectroscopy techniques; electron microscopy; RF measurements such as GHz spectrum
analysis; electrochemical methods such as potentiometry and chronoamperometry; and four-point
electrical testing with femto-amp resolution.

Intracellular pH-activated PEG-b-PDPA wormlike micelles for hydrophobic drug delivery - Polymer Chemistry
(RSC Publishing)
Wormlike micelles with intracellular pH-activating properties were developed. The micelles remained
in a “silent” state at physiological pH conditions (i.e. pH 7.4), but were activated in the acidic
microenvironment of endocytic vesicles.

Gastrointestinal-resident, shape-changing microdevices extend drug release in vivo | Science Advances
Gastrointestinal-resident, shape-changing microdevices extend drug release in vivo
Extended-release gastrointestinal (GI) luminal delivery substantially increases the ease of
administration of drugs and consequently the adherence to therapeutic regimens. However, because of
clearance by intrinsic GI motility, device gastroretention and extended drug release over a prolonged
duration are very challenging. Here, we report that GI parasite–inspired active mechanochemical
therapeutic grippers, or theragrippers, can reside within the GI tract of live animals for 24 hours by
autonomously latching onto the mucosal tissue. We also observe a notable sixfold increase in the
elimination half-life using theragripper-mediated delivery of a model analgesic ketorolac
tromethamine. These results provide first-in-class evidence that shape-changing and self-latching
microdevices enhance the efficacy of extended drug delivery.
While the oral route is the more preferred form of drug administration across all age groups, the rectal
route is advantageous in the pediatric population as well as during medical emergencies, such as with
p9 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
unconscious patients (3, 4). However, repeated oral or rectal administration often results in imperfect
adherence to treatment, a problem that leads to the annual waste of more than 600 billion dollars globally
(1, 5). Hence, there is an urgent need to develop orally or rectally administered extended drug delivery
Because these devices are larger than the pylorus opening, which is approximately 2 cm in diameter in
adults, the potential risk of gastric obstruction for these devices needs to be evaluated. In addition, the
highly acidic gastric fluids in the stomach can react with several drugs delivered by stomach-resident
devices, rendering them ineffective.

Note that the challenge of GI retention has already been solved by some organisms. For example,
hookworms such as Ancylostoma duodenale (18) can reside in the human intestine for up to 2 years.
The hookworms insert two pairs of ventricular teeth into tissue, which allows them to securely latch on
and resist clearance by GI motility (Fig. 1A). Inspired by these organisms, we developed multiclawed
devices with sharp microtips that can latch onto the mucosal tissue.
We observed that the theragrippers were retained in the colon for 24 hours.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the ventricular teeth of hookworm A. duodenale. The
worm uses these sharp teeth to penetrate the mucosa and adheres in the GI tract for up to 2 years.
in this work, we chose the rectal route of administration, which is the preferred route for pediatric
patients and also for localized therapy of diseases like ulcerative colitis.
We fabricated the theragrippers using conventional microfabrication techniques with approximately
6000 (250-μm-sized) theragrippers on a single 3-inch wafer substrate
The materials used to fabricate the theragrippers are biocompatible and do not have any potential
toxicity in the small amounts used for drug delivery

The question obviously is also how can anyone regulate how much of the drug is administered to
any particular person if some persons may have to show their backside time and again for being
swabbed whereas others are not at all?

Even in other ways, do we really desire to be subjected to drugs to which we have absolutely no
knowledge that this is being administered?

How indeed will it react with certain medication a person already may be taken, besides any
immune system issues.

While this might be a way to converse the population in mindless robots with no will on their
own, this is not what I view humanity is about.

Humans thrive because of challenges in life. Because they desire and aspire to improve living
conditions. This is what in general differentiate humans from other species.

p10 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

Masking children: tragic, unscientific, and damaging (list-manage.com)

Masking children: tragic, unscientific, and damaging
But how dangerous is this virus? Based on studies done by Professor John PA Ioannidis of Stanford
University, we know that we are dealing with a virus that has an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.05 in
persons 70 years old and under (range: 0.00% to 0.57% with a median of 0.05% across the different
global locations; with a corrected median of 0.04%). This compares quite well to the IFR of most
influenza viruses (and even lower), and yet the draconian and massive reactions to SARS- CoV-2 have
never been employed during influenza season.


Obviously, we now may get a different picture as to what this COVID-19 issue is all about. It is
to enforce the parasites, etc, upon the children tom make them mindless. Then why on earth
bother to have them attend to any form of education at all? After all if robotic humans are what is
desired then what is the purpose to educate them at all. And, those who are in a position of
power, unless they enjoy eternal life, may just have to keep in mind that their term to be amongst
the living will end also and then if all we have is mindless people and no one capable to govern
then what is achieved, if anything at all?

We may now also understand why China used the backside of people to do the PCR test (which
itself cannot detect any virus) as this clearly is deemed by the scientist a better way to get their
stuff into a person.

With prison inmates in Australia generally have to display their backside, this may soon follow
the example now applicable in China. But, obviously they will be claiming it is all for the best of

If therefore SARS-CoV-2 is not really existing, regardless of the what scientist, politicians and
medical doctors may claim otherwise then we obviously have to determine the list of diseases
that are claimed to be the cause of an alleged COVID-19 death. And I do not mean that a motor
cyclist killed in a accident but then deemed to have died of COVID-19 somehow then the
motorcycle accident is considered some disease that may be prevented by social distancing,
wearing a mask, etc.

Obviously, at least as I understand it, many symptoms are known to be amongst a range of
illnesses. Headache is just one of the many.
However, a symptoms like “high altitude illness” is not in my view that common as a

Any investigation therefore needs to be done considering for example:

* Are there electronic interferences causing certain symptoms/illness?

* Is there any transmittable bacteria, etc?

* Is there a psychological issue that can cause certain symptoms/illness?

* Is there a mental perception due to images, or perceptions?

p11 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
* Is there a climate issue relevant to the symptoms/illness that eventuate?

* Is there an unknown (possible scientific) invasion causing symptoms/illness?

* Any other possible causes.

In my view the PCR test should not be used in isolation to claim a person is or is not infected.
This clearly is not what the PCR test was designed for. As with vaccinations, I view, that a
plasma check needs to be done to establish if a person may or may not have antigens, etc, and
then if positive then a x-ray as to establish if to what extent if any the lungs, etc, might be

I will not cite all the recent reports in this document, as I have already previously referred to
them, but safe to say that being it mask assembled in the Bombay slums, in China, or wherever,
we must be very cautious to add to reported illnesses by demanding masks to be worn that serves
in my view no purpose other then to inflict harm to those wearing them.

Obviously, we also may have to restrict science funding to avoid development of any so called
viruses that may actually be more harmful to the human race.

Jabbing (vaccination, etc) anyone merely upon protecting others upon some illusion is utter

Let “sanity” return to the human race and we may all be better off in the long run.

We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p12 29-4-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

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