MÃ ĐỀ 03 de Thi Nang Khieu HCM

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MÃ ĐỀ 03

1: When I___ into him in the stress, he said he was going abroad for business affairs that evening.
A. has run B. was running C. had run D. ran
2: I wonder if you could give____ advice on a really effective alarm system that I could fit myself.
A. Any B. the C. some D. an
3: The news became____as time passed and news reports came in.
A. More bad B. worse C. more badly D. bad
4:___ insults to me were intentional - she knew what she was saying.
A. Hers B. Herself C.Her D.She
5:They____ us how to love our lives, occupied us until we lived our life their way.
A. describes B. told C. said D. explained
6: It was only a____ of time before further attempts could be made.
A. issue B. question C. problem D. state
7:A small stone struck the windshield while we__down the gravel road.
A. Had been driving B. drove C. were driving D. had driven
8: Look out! That boy ____off his bike.
A. Falls B. is falling C. is going to fall D. will fall
9: “ What are you going to do with the old typewriter?”
“I don’t know yet but throwing ____seems wasteful.”
A. It B.him C. that D. her
10: In the US, 5 billion litres of water leak through the water___underground.
A. Faucets B. resources C. pipes D. lines
11: It is likely that the early seminar will not be the most___
A. interestingly B. interest C. interesting D. interested
12: Once a valid ___ is supplied, you will gain automatic access to that module.
A. Sign B. symbol C. logo D. password
1:She arrived at her hotel early on Thursday afternoon, where she ___a snack in her room.
A. took B. had C. caught D.got
14: It took___ long to reach the camping- site that I regretted not having stayed at home instead.
A. Very B. so C. such D. too
15: No person shall be ___the right to education.
A. neglected B. denied C. ignored D.rejected
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer the sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is
pronounced different from that of the rest in each of the following questions.

Read the following magazine article about a man who studies the eating of insects and mark the letter A,
B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 50.
Peter Menzel thinks we are ignoring a taste and nutritious source of food - insects.
First, take 30 to 40 live scorpions. Stir- fry in hot oil for 20 seconds. Add pork, ginger, salt, and pepper.
Cook gently for 40 minutes… Not your average take- away, but a traditional dish in some parts of the
world and one of the unusual repices collected by photographer Peter Menzel and his wife, Faith, during a
nine- year study of entomophagy, the eating of insects, which has taken them all over the globe.
‘I remember as a child hearing a radio programme about people eating live grasshoppers’, says Peter,
talking from their home in California. ‘At the time T thought it was just inbelievable that people could
actually eat things like that. But then T came across a magazine called the Food Insect Newsletter and I
just became fascinated with insects eating and decided to find out more about it.’
He vididly remembers the first time he actually ate insects himself. ‘It was in a village in a very remote
region. There were all these people on top of a moutain who were hunting stink bugs. I walked up to a
group a women who were mashing them up ready to cook them - but some of the women were eating to
live , and they offered me one. I knew that I couldn’t refuse, or they would have been terribly offended.
But it was revolting. First it tried to crawl across my tongue and out of my mouth, so I had to scruch
down on it so it didn’t get away, and it exploded. The taste made me feel sick there were all these people
watching me so I had to swallow it.’
After that it got easier and Peter gradually became a connoisseur. One dish he recommends from personal
experience is roast tarantula spider.’ It’s the world largest spider, it’s bigger than your hand. You roast it,
and it has juice white meat inside, like a crab. And there’s actually very little difference between them,
except one of them lives in water and one on land.’
His wife, Faith, is still far from happy about insect eating. 'I'm the reluctant bug-eater here,' she says. 'I
know it makes sense in environmental terms, but I just don't like the thought of it. I suppose here in the
USA we've stopped thinking about where our food actually comes from - we just go along to the
supermarket and buy something in a packet. ' 'People have asked me why I do this,' says Peter. 'Well, the
food we eat is a very basic part of our culture, and when we share others' food I think we gain more
understanding of their culture. But as well as that, it helps us to examine our own attitudes towards what
we eat. In fact, many species of insects are lower in fat, and higher in protein than beef or chicken.And
raising insects is environmentally friendly - you don't need to destroy any wildlife habitat to do it.'
So what's on the menu for lunch today for Peter and Faith? 'Well, I've got a couple of kilos of dried
worms,' says Peter. 'We could make a nice little casserole with spices and onions.' 'Oh no,' says Faith,
interrupting. 'I'll tell you exactly what we're having. We're going to have a very nice pasta with sun-dried
tomatoes and a fresh salad - and no bugs in it.'
21: Peter and Faith have travelled round the world in order to ……
A. do research into people's eating habits.
B. write a book of traditional recipes
C. take photographs of unusual insects
D. learn how to cook scorpions.
22: When Peter read about insect eating, he decided the idea sounded ……
A. unpleasant.

23: Why did Peter accept a stink bug from the women on the mountain?
A. He thought it had been cooked.
B. He did not know what it was
C. He did not want to be impolite.
D. He did not realise they wanted him to eat it.
24: The word 'revolting' in line 14 is closest in meaning to ……
A. disgusting B. disgraceful C. painful D. shameful
25: Peter bit into the stink bug because he wanted to …..
A. prevent it from escaping.
B. . taste it.
C. stop it stinging him.
D.swallow it.

26: What does 'it' refer to in line 17?

A.cooking insects
B.biting stink bugs
C. eating insects
D. enjoying stink bugs
27: The word 'connoisseur' in line 17 suggests that …..
A. Peter teaches how to cook insects.
B. Peter knows a lot about insect eating
C. Peter does not like eating insects.
D. Peter owns a restaurant that serves insects.
28: Peter says that the tarantula spider is …..
A .not very different in taste from other types of insect.
B.only good to eat if it is carefully cooked.
C. the most delicious insect he has eaten.
D.similar in taste to a type of seafood.
29: Faith says that although she isn't enthusiastic about eating insects, she……
A. is prepared to try anything to protect the environment.
B.is aware that there are good reasons for eating them.
C..will eat them if she knows where they come from.
D. would buy them if she saw them in the supermarket.
30: Peter says that one advantage of his work is that he has ……
A become more aware of environmental problems
B.discovered new sources of food.
C.found out about other ways of life.
D. learned more about what makes food healthy.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word for each of the blanks from 51 to 60.

In many countries, like Britain and Japan, wearing school uniforms is(51)_____a tradition, but in others,
like the United States, France, and Germany, uniforms are not so(52)____.
Some people say that uniforms are important. Uniforms help students learn to(53) ____ rules and learn to
study better. They make all the students(54)___ in appearance.They also help students feel like part of the
Others people (55)___. They say that uniforms are uncomfortable and unattractive. Most importantly,
they (56)___ that when students wear uniforms, they (57)____ express themselves with their clothes
.Some students think uniforms can be attractive. Some school students make small changes to their
uniforms(58)___they want to look more fashionable. They use their uniforms as (59)___ to express
themselves. Some students try to attend the school with the best uniform. This is a different way to look
at uniforms. An old tradition is turning(60)__ a new fashion

31: A.still B. yet C. ever D. never

32:A. natural B. common C widespread D. familiar
33:A.regard B.obey C. keep D. follow
34: A.equal B.equality C. equally D. equalize
35:A. reject B. disagree C. speak D. talk
36:A.tell B. say C. speak D. talk
37: A. needn’t B shouldn’t C. won’t D. in case
38: A. though B. because C. unless D. in case
39:A. a mean B. a way C. an act D. a method
40:A. out B. off C. in to D. away
41. We arrived at the airport to find our friends _____ for us.  
A. Waiting  B. wait  C. being waiting D. waited  
42. The Olympic Games are held _____ four years in a selected country.  
A. Each  B. every  C. all D. once  
43. His emotional problems stem from the attitude he encountered _____ a child.  
A. like  B. as  C. while  D. when  
44. We must reduce the amount of carbon dioxide _____ into the atmosphere.  
A. accessed  B. transferred  C. transmitted  D. emitted  
45. At this point someone suggested that each defeated boy carry his victorious partner on his shoulder, and
every readily fell _____ with the suggestion.  
A. in  B. behind  C. around D. back  
46. After Henry _____ a rough outline of the model, he will begin painting.  
A. has drawn B. is drawing  C. drew  D. had drawn  
47. That smell always reminds me _____ hospital.  
A. for  B. of  C. with  D. about  
48. Prestel customers will be able to buy a wide _____ of goods and services using credit cards to pay.  
A. Range  B. level  C. bargain  D. board  
49. “I don’t think it very expensive to buy a laptop here.” – “Really? I’ll buy _____ next week.”  
A. one B. the one  C. it  D. that  
50. There’s nothing _____ your tongue. It’s perfectly normal.  
A. the matter with  B. the matter for  C. matter of D. that matters  
51. The Green Garden Restaurant uses fresh produce in it dishes, _____ the owners grow in their own
A. much of which B. much of these  C. much of those  D. much of them  
52. _____ of my friends wants to see the film again.  
A. No B. Not C. None D. No one  
53. “Would you like a drink?” – “Oh, yes, _____ a Coke. Thank you.”  
A. I’ll be having B. I’m having C. I’m going to have D. I’ll have  
54. She got to the office early, rushed through her tasks, then _____ an excuse and left.  
A. made  B. found  C. did D. worked  
55. Such schools are places of tremendous enthusiasm in learning in which the great majority of children
make _____  progress in academic studies and in social skills.  
A. straight  B. steep  C. rapid  D. instant  

56. Frank works too hard. He had better give up one of his part-time jobs, but I’m sure he _____.  
A. doesn’t  B. mustn’t  C. hadn’t  D. won’t  
57. Since the company doesn’t charge a late fee until after the twenty sixth, you _____ pay until a day or
two before  
A. mustn’t B. needn’t  C. can’t  D. couldn’t  
58. Only then did she and her staff ___ to a decision and fax a statement to news organizations.  
A. Made  B. arrived  C. come  D. reached  
59. He was used to being the one who took care of his family, and his _____ was hurt in not being able to
do that.  
A. honour  B. satisfaction  C. pride D. respect  
60. The people _____ the kidnapping have demanded a million dollars in small bills.  
A. which responsible for  B. responsible for  C. who responsible for D. that
responsible for  
Read the following letters written to a newspaper on the subject of work and mark the letter A, B, C, or D
on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to  50.  
I’m at a real crossroads in my career. At 27, I’ve already built a reasonably useful career as a university
librarian, but six months ago I gave it up and have been doing temporary work ever since. I’m now job
hunting and have been  
offered a chance to work in a library in a top-class university. On the face of it, this is a great opportunity.
The problem is I can’t get rid of the crazy idea that what I really want to do is something creative, like
writing for radio or television. I know that dreams won’t pay the rent, but I feel I’m at a stage where I don’t
necessarily want to commit  myself to a career path I’m not sure about. And I don’t want to do temporary
work forever, either.  
I enjoy my work as a school kitchen assistant. My boss is a friend and we have been on holiday together.
We get  on really well away from work, but at work my boss is always picking on me. My work is not up
to her standard and  
she complains that I talk too much and work too slowly. I feel all these complaints are unfounded. I have
done this job  perfectly well for 13 years. I don’t understand how my boss can be like this and then be my
friend the minute work is  over. I have no confidence to go for another job and I am afraid my age will soon
be against me.  
I’m a secretary in a fairly small office where two of us carry out secretarial duties. The woman I work
with in  incredibly moody and lazy and does hardly any work. The trouble is whenever there is work from
our boss she jumps  
on it straight away, which makes it look like I do no work and she does everything. I have tried speaking to
her about  it, but I don’t get anywhere. She has also started sneakily changing work I have done on the
office computer to make it  look wrong. Everyone else in the office has noticed it except the boss – but he is
not interested what he considers petty  office squabbles.  
I have recently started a job as an office manager, but I worry whether I am becoming too friendly with
the other staff. My boss’s secretary told me in private that she has applied for another job, which offers a
much better salary  than our company could offer. I feel in a bit of a dilemma. If she gets the position, then I
am concerned that senior managers may find out and ask why I didn’t tell them. If I tell them, and she
doesn’t get the job, I may ruin her  
working relationship with her boss and turn the other office staff against me.  
61. What is the purpose of these texts?  
A. To get advice about work-related problems B. To complain about job conditions  
C. To give advice about work-related problem D. To share experiences about job problems
62. Who has had his/her jobs for a short time?  
A. Beryl B. Eugene  C. Chris  D. Kim  
63. Who knows something his/her boss doesn’t know?  
A. Chris  B. Beryl C. Kim  D. Eugene  
64. Who has been made an attractive job offer?  
A. Eugene  B. Kim  C. Chris D. Beryl  
65. Who has a boss who criticises his/her work?  
A. Beryl  B. Chris C. Eugene  D. Kim  
66. Who may do something that threatens his/her relationship with other staff?  
A. Kim B. Chris  C. Eugene  D. Beryl 
67. Who is not sure he/she has chosen the best career?  
A. Chris  B. Eugene C. Kim    D. Beryl 
68. Who may be too old to find another job?  
A. Beryl  B. Kim  C. Chris  D. Eugene  
69. Who is made to look inefficient by a colleague?  
A. Beryl  B. Kim   C.Chris D. Eugene
70. Who has managerial responsibilities?  
A. Chris  B. Beryl  C. Kim D. Eugene  
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.  
71. The biologist found some pollutants, a little of which can be considered
very harmful to fish and other living  
organisms in the river.  
72. When the children realized that they were by themselves in the dark, they
became really frightening.  
73. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to
74. The college newspaper prints only the news that are of interest to the
students and faculty.  
75. She finds the work she has to do quite easily; boredom is her biggest
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closet in meaning to the
sentence printed in italics.  
76. I’ll be polite to him but he must be polite to me.  
A. I’ll be polite to him unless he is polite to me.
B. I’ll be polite to him provided he is polite to me.  
C. I’ll be polite to him in case he is polite to me.  
D. I’ll be polite to him so that he is polite to me.  
77. I haven’t seen a good play for one year.  
A. The last time I’ve seen a good play was one year ago.  
B. The last time I’ve seen a good play was one year.  
C. The last time since I last saw a good play was one year.  
D. The last time I saw a good play was one year ago.  
78. It’s been two years since she started learning English.  
A. She has been learning English for two years.  
B. She started to learn English for two years.  
C. She has started learning English for two years.
D. She has been starting to learn English for two years.  
79. Although she was very old, she was very graceful indeed.  
A. In spite of being old age, she was very graceful indeed.  
B. Despite being old age, she was very graceful indeed.  
C. Despite her being old age, she was very graceful indeed.  
D. In spite of her old age, she was very graceful indeed.  
80. This is a very interesting book. I can hardly put it down.  
A. This is a so interesting book that I can hardly but it down.  
B. This is so an interesting book that I can hardly but it down.  
C. This is such the interesting book that I can hardly but it down.  
D. This is such an interesting book that I can hardly but it down.  

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