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Sr. Student ID Name Email

1. 70067267 ABDULLAH IQBAL


3. 70069162 M. ASHFAQ

4. 70069431 M BURHAN

5. 70069118 M.ZAMMAM

A Chabot is a computer program that's designed to simulate human conversation. Users
communicate with these tools using a chat interface or via voice, just like they would
converse with another person. Chabot’s interpret the words given to them by a person and
provide a pre-set answer. The feature of Chabot are efficiency and availability of Chabot
and also have a quick response. The first option is to create a pattern-matching bot.
Pattern-matching bot classify text and produce a response based on the keywords they
see. A standard structure for these patterns is AIML (Artificial Intelligence Mark-up
Language). In pattern-matching, the Chabot only knows answers to questions that exist in
their models. The bot cannot go beyond the patterns already implemented into its system.
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 Quick response
 24/7 availability
 Simultaneously working
 Flexible integration
 Free to use

When we visit restaurant website, we usually don’t find what we are looking for, for this
purpose we have to make a call directly to the restaurant or send them a message and
then we have to wait for their response.
 Inefficiency (irrelevant and unsatisfactory response)
 Non- availability (24/7 availability cannot ensure with human operator)
 Delayed response (it takes time to find out answer of infrequent query)
 Moreover, it is costly solution (every human resource is paid) contextual assistants
that really help customers
User requirement:

 Chat bot should know the full menu.

 The chat-bot automatically reply the user.
 At the end chatbot ask the user for feedback.
System requirement:

1.1 First of all chat-bot learn the all main menu

options. Like desi food, Italian food , chinese food , main
course , hi-tea , breakfast , dinner , lunch . The chat-
board answer such type of questions .

2.1 when user asked the question form chatbot ,

chatbot reply the user automatically , if user asked
invalid question chatbot reply something went wrong or
irrelevant Question.
1. When the user gets reply , chatbot asked for the
2. The end user evaluate the accuracy of machine by
giving the feedback to the machine
3. The machine learnt from feedback and next time
reply more precisely .
Ask Questions

User Chatbot

[Answer / Output / Result]

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