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Construction of a map

Selection projection, select model for the shape of earth and transform geographic coordinates
to plane coordinates.
Lambert Projections
The Lambert projection (or, to be more precise, the Lambert Conformal Conic projection, but
be advised that this complete name is rarely if ever used) is one of the most commonly used
projections. As its full name implies, the Lambert projection is conformal, and thus it cannot be
equivalent. However, it has just about the lowest distortion of area possible for a conformal
projection, making it just about as close as you can get to a projection that is simultaneously
equivalent and conformal.
The Lambert projection was developed by Johann Heinrich Lambert in 1772. Lambert was born
in either Germany or France (depending on who you believe) in 1728 and died in Berlin in 1777
(that's his "official" portrait in Figure 2). Lambert was an extremely influential mathematician;
his accomplishments are many and they still play an important role in contemporary, cutting
edge mathematics (he developed the concepts of hyperbolic sines and cosines; he proved that
pi was an irrational number;
Latitudes will appear as a curved lines and longitude will appear as a radiating line
Correctly represent angles between directions within small areas.
To minimize distortion, in lambart project strip is limited to 158mile in a north south direction.
The Lambert projection is very attractive because
of its low overall distortion. It is very widely used.
In fact, it is a standard used by the U.S. Geological
Survey, and it is one of the fundamental
projections used in the State Plane Coordinate
System. in mapping projects where shapes are critical, the Lambert projection's conformality
and low area distortion make it a very attractive option.
Transverse Mercator grid:
The TM projection is created by placing an imaginary cylinder around the Earth, with the
cylinder’s circumference tangent to the Earth along a meridian (central meridian; Figure 11.8).
When the cylinder is flattened, a plane is developed that can be used for grid purposes. At the
central meridian, the scale is exact.
and the scale becomes progressively more distorted as the distance east and west of the
central meridian increases. This projection is used in states with a more predominant north–
south dimension, such as Illinois and New Hampshire. The distortion (which is always present
when a spherical surface is projected onto a plane) can be minimized in two ways. First, the
distortion can be minimized by keeping the zone width relatively narrow (158 mi in SPCS);
second, the distortion can be lessened by reducing the radius of the projection cylinder (secant
projection) so that, instead of being tangent to the Earth’s surface, the cylinder cuts through
the Earth’s surface at an optimal distance on either side of the central meridian. Thus, the scale
factor at the central meridian is less than unity (0.9999); it is unity at the line of intersection at
the Earth’s surface and greater than unity between the lines of intersection and the zone limit
 It generally preserves the shape of country like brazil on globe has same projection like
in Mercator projection.

 It preserves direction like line drawn between two points on the map will provide the
exact angle to follow on compass to travel between those two points
 Mercator fails in maintaining size of countries like size of Africa as compare to green

 If we put circles of same size on globe then transfer it to Mercator projection

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