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7TH Dec, 2020

Assigment Report On The Topic Of Rape, Rape Victoms, Its Effects, Causes And
The Root Of Rape.

pg. 1


Abdur Rehman Zahid (19L-0756)

Shaheer Hassan (19L-0741)

Sharjeel Gill (18L-0713)

Samir Amjad (19L-0709)

An Assigment Report On The Topic Of Rape, Rape Victims, Its Effects, Causes And The
Root Of Rape.


SUBMISSION DATE: 7th Dec, 2020

pg. 2

The following discussion is about the psychological approach to sexual abusers and harassers. Rape and

sexual violence are sad facts of life across cultures and countries. Sexual violation is traumatizing

physically, emotionally, and as well as morally. Hence, this requires greater attention because the most

commonly observed and lasting effects of being a rape victim involve mental health concerns. Not only is it

important to know the impact rape has on its victim, but it is also important is to understand the psychology

of the offender which may help prevent such crimes against women.

Rape of women has occurred throughout recorded history and across cultures. Researchers have argued that

men have developed psychological mechanisms that lead them to sexual abuse in certain contexts and ways.

We look upon the evidence consistent with this claim and argue that a more nuanced view of men's rape

behavior is necessary. We suggest that it may be helpful to designate rapists in one of several types,

distinguished by individual differences as well as by the circumstances in which they are motivated to

commit rape. We do a detailed discussion upon the research evidence in support of each rapist type, as well

as the need for future research. What made one to commit such a heinous and disgraceful act. The myths,

theories, reasons for rape, types of rapists, their mentality, and medical assessments are all discussed below.

pg. 3

1. Cover Page……………………………………………………………………….……………………1
1.1. Group Information………………………………….………………………………………….2
2. Abstract……………………………………………………...………………………………………...3
3. Introduction…………………...…………………………………………………………………….…5
4. Defining Rape………...…………………………………….……………..…………………………..6
5. Types of Rape……..…….……………………………………………………………………………..7
5.1. Penetrative Rape…………………….......………….………………………………………….7
5.2. Statutory Rape…………..……………………………………………………………………..7
5.3. Marital Rape…………………..………...……………………………………………………..7
5.4. Date Rape……………..……………………………………………………………………….7
5.5. Gang Rape……..……..………………………………………………………………………..7
5.6. Male Rape…..………………………………………………………………………………....7
5.7. Diminished Capacity Rape……….……………………………………………………………7
5.8. Incest……..……………………………………………………………………………………7
6. Rape Myths………….………………………………………………………………………...............8
7. Theories of Rape………………………………………………………………………………………9
7.1. Single-factor theories………………….………………………………………………………9
7.2. Multifactor theories………………………….………………………………………...............9
7.3. Micro theories…………...…………………………………………………………………...10
8. Basis of Rape…………………….…………………………………………………………………..10
8.1. Mental Health………………………………………………………………………………...10
8.2. Neurobiological Impairments………………...………………………………………………10
8.3. Psychiatric Disorders……………...………………………………………………………….11
8.4. Paraphilia……………….…………………………………………………………………….11
8.5. Intimacy/Attachment Problems………………………………………………………………12
8.6. Cognitive Distortion………...……………………………………………………………..…13
9. Types of Rapists……………………………………………………………….……………………..15
9.1. Power Rapist……………………………………..…………………………………………..15
9.2. Anger Rapist………………………………….………………………………………………15
9.3. Sadistic Rapist………………………………..………………………………………………16
9.4. Sexual Gratification…….…………………………………………………………………….17
9.5. Opportunistic Gratification……………….………………………………………………….17
9.6. Vindictive Rapist……………………………………………………………………………..17
10. Assessment…………………………………………………………………………………………...18
11. Clinical Assessment………………………………………………..…………...……………………19
12. Ethical Issues……………………………………………...………………………………………….20
13. Conclusion……………………..………………………………………….………………………….22
14. References………………..…………………………………………………………………………..23

pg. 4

Since ancient times, human beings have been living in societies associating with groups or communities.

Each community has some variety of special traits that influence its members. As we know good and evil

have always coexisted with each other. Among those evils one of the most brutal is rape. Sexual abuse has

always been traumatizing and demeaning for its victims. But there can be different motives behind it.

Universally no one can refuse that being a rape victim is one of the most traumatizing, horrendous, and

demeaning experiences that could ever happen to someone. It impacts victim with feelings of self-loathing,

self-blame, and rage, and it can even lead to post-traumatic syndrome disorder (PTSD).

But have you ever wondered about the rapist? Why do men rape? These are some complicated questions

with multiple answers, as several factors are involved in the production of a rapist.

A sexual abuser can be of any kind. There isn’t just a particular mentality of men who commits such kinds

of crimes.

Dr. Samuel D. Smithyman, who is a US clinical psychologist, learned when he anonymously interviewed a

total of 50 men back in the 1970s who claimed to have raped someone. All of those men had diverse

backgrounds, social statuses, different personalities, and mentalities. He was shocked to see how

unconcerned they sounded when talking about such a criminal offense.

There are many different motives behind rape that are difficult to quantify. However, research shows that

every rapist somehow has somethings common in them that can be a lack of empathy, Narcissism, Feelings

of hostility towards women, anger, revenge, incorporating powers, violent aggression, etc.

pg. 5

According to various jurisdictions, rape is defined as sexual abuse or sexual harassment in the absence of

lawful consent. Moreover, The method of sexual abuse and sexual harassment, the gender of the perpetrator,

and the victim, and the definition of consent vary greatly across jurisdictions.

Rape takes place when her consent has been obtained by:

 Putting her loved ones, e.g., children, close relatives, or anyone she likes, in fear of death or of hurt.

 When the age of the victim is below 18 years. Even a woman gives consent, that consent is invalid

and rape is still considered to have taken place

 If the woman is suffering from “unsoundness of mind or intoxication” due to which she doesn’t

understand the nature and consequence of that to which she gives consent.

pg. 6

Several types of rape exist in law:

Type Definition

Penetrative Rape The uterus is penetrated by a phallus, finger, or other objects.

Statutory Rape The phallus is touched on the uterus but no penetration takes place.

Marital Rape When rape occurs within a marriage.

Make a person(whom she went out on a date) forcefully involve in sexual

Date Rape
intercourse against their will.

Gang Rape When two or more than two person rapes the victim.

Male Rape When a man rapes another man (gay rape) takes place.

When the victim has some sort of physical disability and cannot act against the
rapist. Diminished capacity rape also happens when a person cannot consent to
Capacity Rape
sexual acts due to intoxication.

When rape occurs among family members (like Parents and children, Uncles

and nieces or nephews, Aunts and nieces or nephews). Laws explain this
differently, as to specifically what constitutes incest.

pg. 7

Several narratives upon rape have emerged from various communities/societies which include:

 In public offices

 Religious communities

 Special interest groups - plugged on mainstream media

Some of these discourses simply repeat what is known as fiction. Some of these myths are:

• Women want to be raped by the way they dress

• They feel pleasure upon being raped.

• Mostly strangers rape women.

• They can avoid being a rape victim only if they wanted to.

• Women use the term rape in a sense of revenge upon men with power.

• There is a variety of rapist that are not like us.

• Rapists are crazy or psychotic maniacs

None of the above myths are generically true. Even though some may be true in some rare individual cases.

pg. 8

Sexual abuse/ harassment literature contain the following theories:

Theories Definition

Single-factor theories: These theories try to explain a single unifying underlying cause of sexual

aggression, which includes psychodynamic, evolutionary, cultural, or socio

cognitive theories. While in and of themselves, single-factor theories are unable

to explain causally many of the rape cases, they help generate good multifactor


Multifactor theories: These combine several single-factor theories into a comprehensive explanation

of interactions and causal relationships that generates a possibility for rape to

occur, e.g., confluence model, integrated theory, quadripartite theory, and a

combination of all these theories into one metatheory - integrated theory of

sexual offending. These theories help develop risk assessment and intervention

strategies for groups of offenders.

Micro theories: These are essentially descriptive theories developed from an analysis of the

offense data and offenders’ accounts of their behavior. These define how

offending occurs in terms of core cognitive, behavioral, affective, volitional, and

contextual factors and provide excellent shared relapse prevention plans for

offenders and their rapists/supervisors.

pg. 9

 Mental Health:

Extensive lookup over the past three a long time suggests that countless intellectual health issues underlie

sexual violence and offending particularly rape. Most of this research comes from the west that highlights

serious lacunae in information and competencies required to control mental fitness factors that underlie

crook activities, a function that forensic psychiatrists normally play.

Further mental health disorders are:

 Neurobiological Impairments:

Rape can be associated with organic brain damage and learning disability. These are the disorders associated

with congenital or acquired brain damage. Marshall and Barbaree were the psychologists who proposed that

a critical developmental task for younger males involves difficult learning to distinguish between aggressive

and sexual impulses, so this can result in taking care of their ability to control aggressive tendencies during

sexual experiences and activities. They contradict that both types of impulses (violent and sexual) originate

from the same brain structures. For humans that have adverse early developmental experiences, their

differences in hormonal functioning will make this task even more difficult to understand. A large number

of rapists have been found to have head injuries. Sadistic rapists have shown abnormalities within the

temporal horn however the clinical significance of these findings remains unknown at present.

pg. 10
 Psychiatric Disorders:

Most of the rapists are not mentally disordered. People with schizophrenia or related psychic problems may

often attempt rape or show abnormal sexual behavior which is related either directly to the psychosis or

indirectly to disinhibition. In the same way, patients with hypomania and mania become sexually

disinhibited leading to sexual offenses. A report shows that those who diagnosed with schizophrenia are four

times more likely to have been involved in the serious sexual offense than those that are the normal

person(without any disorder). Schizophrenia patients who have been convicted to sexually offensive

activities fall into four types of groups:

• Patients with pre-existing paraphilia’s

• Patients whose deviant sexuality arises in the context of illness and treatment,

• Patients whose deviant sexuality is a manifestation of a more generalized antisocial behavior

Patients have disorders such as dementia, head injury, or substance misuse

The most extensive study of this disorder has been given by Langstrom in which he retrospectively

diagnosed psychiatric disorder. Frequently diagnoses were alcohol abuse or dependence, drug abuse,

personality disorder, and psychosis.

 Paraphilia:

Paraphilia’s are defined in the following terms:

 They are in a regular 6-month period of recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies or sexual

urges that also include specific paraphilic behavior, the fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors.

pg. 11
 The persons that are the reason for clinically significant distress or impairment in social,

occupational, and other important areas of progress.

In 2000, research shows that this disorder could be made in certain cases where individuals. However, it is

not necessary that they would be personally distressed or impaired in their functioning. In the International

Classification of Diseases, paraphilia has been described as being carried out to gain sexual excitement and

gratification. In this approach, sadism and masochism have been considered in one category, whereas they

are two separate categories.

Rape has not been considered as a behavioral disorder in Paraphilia however pedophilia, sadomasochism,

and exhibitionism are included. From the behavioral perspective, rape seems so similar to other criminal

offenses and rapists so similar to thieves, property, or violent offenders that could be the one possible reason

that it was not considered to be related to deviant sexual arousal while pedophilia, exhibitionism, and

sadomasochism undoubtedly considered. Many psychologists don’t consider rape as a disorder, however,

some other researches reveal that rape offenders experience many of the deficits and dysfunctions that other

mentally disordered individuals do.

 Intimacy/Attachment Problems:

Many research exhibit that rapists experienced multiple early lifestyle adversities such as sexual abuse,

bodily abuse, and dysfunctional household relations, which are probably to have an effect on their capacities

for invulnerable attachments and creating healthy grownup relationships. Such experiences create deficits of

intimacy with insensitive and aloof interpersonal styles and dismissive attachment characterized via hostility

to, suspicion of, and unappealing and callous attitudes toward attachment figures.

pg. 12
 Cognitive Distortion:

Cognitive distortions are errors in cognition that enable the wrongdoer to rationalize and reduce the

perceptions and judgments used with the resource of the sex wrongdoer to justify his molestation behavior.

It is noted that guys maintain implicit theories about the nature of the world which underlie their distorted

beliefs which regularly power and justify their rape behavior. The implicit theories proposed for rapists are

listed beneath and search for has determined evidence for such beliefs:

 Women are unknowable: Rapists agree that females are in reality unique from me and, therefore, can

not be understood. Encounters with girls will, therefore, be adversarial and women will be deceptive

about what they genuinely want. An instance of such a CD may also be ”…she is dressed in warm

pants and her cleavage is visible. This skill she desires intercourse and it is ok for me to have sex

with her” when she says “no” she desires to flip me on further.”

 Women are sex Toys: The CD is that girls are continuously receptive to men’s sexual wishes

however are not necessarily continually mindful of this. Their physique language is greater necessary

than what they say and women cannot be harm through sexual endeavors except they are physically

harmed, that is beaten or punched. An example of this might be ”…when she looks furtively at me

when I make lewd comments, she is simply fascinated in me. So when she says “no” she is taking

part in with me to flip me on further.

 Male sex drive is uncontrollable: Men’s sexual energies can build up to risky ranges if women do

now not supply them with sexual opportunities and as soon as aroused it is tough no longer to

progress to orgasm. In Asia, with its culture-bound syndromes of “male sexual weakness” or “dhat”

syndrome, one manifestation of such a CD would possibly be “… I am going to emerge as

vulnerable if my “dhat” (semen) flows out (premature ejaculation while molesting or sexually

harassing a woman) and a woman does now not offer herself to me.”

pg. 13
 Entitlement: Men’s needs, which consist of sexual needs, must be met on demand through women. In

a kingdom like Asia with the most important gender-based inequalities, such CDs of male

entitlement, especially if the victim is from decrease reputation for some reason (socio-economics,

caste, etc.) can lead to marital rape.

 Dangerous world: The world is an opposed and threatening location and human beings need to be on

their guard, however, there is no secure haven. An example is “…. I have been wronged in many

ways, and so it is now not incorrect for me to do wrongs to others.”

pg. 14

Rapist devote the crime with exceptional intentions and special processes a number of them are:

 Power Rapist:

For those rapists, rape will become a manner to catch up on their underlying emotions of inadequacy and

feeds their problems of mastery, control, strength, authority, and capability. The cause of the energy rapist is

to claim their competency. The electricity rapist is based upon verbal threats, intimidation with a weapon,

and makes use of best the quantity of pressure essential to subdue the sufferer.

The strength rapist tends to have fantasies approximately rape and sexual conquests. They may also agree

that even though the sufferer, first of all, resists them, that after they overpower their sufferer, the sufferer

will finally revel in the rape. The rapist desires to trust that the sufferer loved what turned into carried out to

them, and they’ll even ask the sufferer to satisfy them for a date later.

Because that is the handiest of fantasy, the rapist does now no longer sense reassured for lengthy through

both their very own overall performance or the sufferer’s response. The rapist feels that they ought to

discover some other sufferer, satisfied that this sufferer will be “the proper one.”

Hence, their offenses may also turn out to be repetitive and compulsive. They may also devote a chain of

rapes over a brief duration of time. This is the maximum not unusual place kind of serial rapist of strangers

withinside the United States.

 Anger Rapist:

The purpose of this rapist is to humiliate, debase, and harm their sufferer; they explicit their contempt for his

or her sufferer thru bodily violence and profane language. For those rapists, intercourse is a weapon to defile

pg. 15
and degrade the sufferer, rape constitutes the last expression of their anger. This rapist considers rape the

remaining offense they could devote towards the sufferer.

Anger rape is characterized by bodily brutality, tons of extra bodily pressure is used all through the attack

than might be important if the motive has been sure to overpower the sufferer and obtain penetration. This

kind of perpetrator assaults their sufferer via way of means of grabbing, hanging, and knocking the sufferer

to the ground, beating them, tearing their clothes, and raping them.

The enjoyment for the perpetrator is one this is of aware anger and rage.

 Sadistic Rapist:

For those rapists, there’s a sexual affiliation with diverse concepts, so that aggression and the infliction of

ache are eroticized. For this rapist, sexual exhilaration is related to the inflicting of struggling upon their

sufferer. The culprit unearths the intentional maltreatment in their sufferer intensely enjoyable and takes

satisfaction withinside the sufferer’s torment, anguish, distress, helplessness, and struggling; the culprit

unearths the sufferer’s suffering an erotic revel in.

Sadistic rape generally entails extensive, extended torture and restraint. Sometimes, it can tackle ritualistic

or different weird qualities. The rapist may also use a few kinds of tools or an overseas item to penetrate

their sufferer. Sexual regions of the sufferer’s frame end up with a particular awareness of damage or abuse.

The sadistic rapist’s attacks are calculated. They will frequently put on a conceal or will blindfold their

sufferers. Prostitutes or different people whom they understand to be “promiscuous” are regularly the

sadistic rapist’s targets. The sufferers of a sadistic rapist might not continue to exist the attack. For a few

offenders, the final pride is won from murdering the sufferer.

pg. 16
 Sexual Gratification:

One kind of rapist is the sexual gratification rapist. For this rapist, the inducement is to achieve intercourse.

Such a culprit may also in any other case be lonely and might have a problem acquiring an outlet for his or

her sexual goals in different methods because of being unsuccessful at courtship.

 Opportunistic Rapist:

Offenses are unplanned and impulsive and on the spot sexual gratification is sought, with the pressure used

as vital. Offenses are pushed in large part with the aid of using on the spot antecedent events (situational

factors) instead of non-public psychopathology, for example, past-due night, lone remoted female, no

witnesses around. Sexual attack is certainly considered one among many times of bad impulse control.

 Vindictive Rapist:

His force is predominantly anger, however, in contrast to the indignant rapist, his anger and aggression are

focussed solely on women. His conduct is meant to humiliate and degrade sufferers with little/no proof of

eroticized aggression and occasional degrees of impulsivity

pg. 17

It is tremendously unlikely, basically impossible, that a man will voluntarily admit to rape and concern

himself to a psychiatric comparison as he runs the hazard of being apprehended and prosecuted. He is,

therefore, exceptional from most different individuals who seek an assessment. They are a hard crew to

determine compared to persons who are no longer dealing with fees of crime or even in evaluation with

violent offenders for motives of deception and denial that often represent their presentation for the duration

of an assessment. Being despatched for mandatory assessments by crook justice agencies, coupled with the

disgrace of what they are alleged to have done, are two of the many elements that make such assessments

difficult. Consequently, it is necessary to have a clear process (structure), knowledge (of sexual and

criminogenic issues), and techniques (skills) instead of theories and trip (of evaluating non-offenders or

offenders with violent crimes) when it comes to assessing sex offenders. The focus of a psychiatric

assessment is as tons about the “what” of the behavior, as well as the “how” that conduct is assessed. The

following section is written primarily based on a fictional problem that is being assessed at the request of

criminal justice corporations (police, prison, probation, etc.) or courts. It is of path relevant to those

voluntarily looking for help.

pg. 18

The interview ought to encompass data that permits a building-up of a picture of the person rather than a

truncated intellectual country comparison alone. Some of the subjects to cover in the medical interview are

given below.

 Early existence experiences: Details of any war experienced as a child and how this used to be

managed, family history of mental illness, drug abuse and criminality, important points of how

women/children had been handled in the household home and how this can also have formed

subsequent attitudes and behavior

 Education history: Details of bullying (victim or perpetrator) and hostilities with authority figures,

their capacity to shape and sustain relationships

 Occupational history: Information about any hostilities with employers and colleagues, any

indication of sexualized behaviors at a location of work, how long they spent in jobs, and why they


 Psychosexual history: This needs to be assessed in notable detail and we have discussed it much as


 Hobbies/interests: These grant a glimpse into more healthy elements of one’s life

 Previous forensic history: Nonsexual offending history, specific records sought about what, when,

who, and so on to strengthen the appreciation of the sample of offending

 Offense Analysis: Since most of the stress and depression come via this branch so this evaluation

has to be accomplished carefully.

 Previous and modern-day psychiatric issues: Record age of onset each of intellectual ailment and

sexually inappropriate (even if no longer rape) as this will provide clues to links between the two;

examine the presence of fantasies, urges, and sexual preoccupations and ruminations that may

additionally turn out to be uncontrollable under sure situations; verify if deviant fantasies occurred

pg. 19
before, during, or after the onset of any axis I disorder; association of alcohol or drug use in relation

to rape.

 Personality: Usual patterns of stress-coping-social help available, attitudes, self-image, and so on.

 Barriers to treatment: Motivation to change, guilt, denial, realistic difficulties, and so on.


As mentioned earlier, rape is now not a mental disease by means of itself. As a psychiatric analysis is a

prerequisite for civil and crook commitment, forensic intellectual health clinicians have tended to use the

paraphilia not otherwise distinct (PNOS) diagnosis. Controversy exists around the usage of such as “rag-tag”

diagnosis for a commitment of rapists underneath the sexually violent individual or sexually dangerous

predator legal guidelines in the United States to detain high-risk rapists in invulnerable stipulations past their

terms of imprisonment.

There is, however, a large moral difficulty past several arguments that professionals may additionally

provide and scientific diagnostic criteria. Psychiatrists are first and foremost medical doctors and should

work within the ethical ideas of “beneficence” and “nonmaleficence,” which is doing good and avoiding

harm. However, their involvement can be ethically justified via arguing that by using detaining and treating

the patient (no longer considered simply a “bad guy” who needs only punishment), the psychiatrist is

assisting the person, which in any other case would now not have been possible. The Royal College record

suggests that there are potentially 4 ways in which this question can be answered and ethical justifications

are furnished for each of the positions adopted.

pg. 20
Do psychiatrists have a duty to get worried in crime management and prevention by way of the regulation

enforcement agencies, even if some offenders might also go through from intellectual disorder, if psychiatric

involvement may lead to uncovering of greater offending behavior, presence of severe antisocial personality

disorder, or longer than ordinary time in detention? There are four possible moral positions that a

psychiatrist can take. She can undertake the standard medical ethics mannequin of beneficence and

nonmaleficence as one excessive stance and refuse to be involved in even assessing individuals, except there

is a “welfare” disposal, that is, there is some scintilla of gain to the individual. A further extension of this

function is to only act for the defense when the evaluation is in reality within a framework of workable

benefit to the person. At the other extreme, the psychiatrist can grow to be worried as a pure “forensics,” that

is, in doing so they are now not appearing as a doctor but a dangerous professional who can supply proof

that should lead to more advantageous punishment. In between these poles, the psychiatrist can pick out to

operate from the framework of justice ethics, that is, it is in everybody’s pursuits that there is good-quality

proof reachable to the court docket in relation to making simple decisions.

However, there is a higher question when such troubles are considered with regards to Asia. It has been

lamented elsewhere that forensic psychiatry, the profession that is at once implicated in the type of work

described in this paper, does not exist as a specialty in Asia even although some customary psychiatrists in a

variety of establishments deal with the courts and police. As such many would possibly regard the content

material of this paper with alarm as it puts the psychiatrist in the gaze of media and prison highlight with its

negative aspects if one gets it wrong. It is, therefore, fundamental that the Asian psychiatric society and the

law consider what contribution and influence mental fitness authorities can make in crime prevention and its

management. It is imperative that individuals do now not bounce into the field besides perfect coaching and

journey as the subject can be quite difficult and can frequently spell the doom for unsuspecting docs if she

gets it wrong.

pg. 21

The current surge in sexual violence toward ladies requires a multi-pronged response that has to include now

not just organized and non-organized sectors, but additionally humans as humans of that society as

perpetrators of rape often have intellectual fitness and psychosocial danger elements that trigger, preserve

and perpetuate the offense. Psychiatry can play a fine and educative characteristic in supporting crook

justice agencies in managing this scourge. For the discipline to do so, it requires management and vision in

developing the ignored vicinity of forensic mental health. National intellectual fitness planning needs to

consist of centers that can train the subsequent technological know-how of experts in the assessment and

administration of offending behaviors such as rape. In doing so, the self-control and its practitioners want to

be cognizant of the ethical and moral standards that govern their movements as a medical practitioner and as

caretaker of folks with intellectual fitness experts and protect themselves from immoderate and unjust needs

from others as properly as an act to reduce the stigma associated with being buyers of intellectual fitness


pg. 22

Psychiatric disorders and recidivism in sexual offenders by Langstrom N, Sjostedt G, Grann M

Forensic psychiatry in India by Sarkar J, Dutt AB.


An integrated theory of sexual offending by Marshall W, Barbaree H.

Psychiatric disorders and recidivism in sexual offenders by Langstrom N, Sjostedt G, Grann M

Forensic psychiatry in India by Sarkar J, Dutt AB.


pg. 23

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