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Journal of Marine Science and Application (2018) 17:101–111


Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore

Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic
Identification System
K. B. Artana 1 & T. Pitana 1 & D. P. Dinariyana 1 & M. Ariana 1 & D. Kristianto 2 & E. Pratiwi 1

Received: 8 September 2016 / Accepted: 31 December 2016 / Published online: 5 June 2018
# Harbin Engineering University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

The aim of this research is to develop an algorithm and application that can perform real-time monitoring of the safety
operation of offshore platforms and subsea gas pipelines as well as determine the need for ship inspection using data
obtained from automatic identification system (AIS). The research also focuses on the integration of shipping database,
AIS data, and others to develop a prototype for designing a real-time monitoring system of offshore platforms and
pipelines. A simple concept is used in the development of this prototype, which is achieved by using an overlaying
map that outlines the coordinates of the offshore platform and subsea gas pipeline with the ship’s coordinates (longi-
tude/latitude) as detected by AIS. Using such information, we can then build an early warning system (EWS) relayed
through short message service (SMS), email, or other means when the ship enters the restricted and exclusion zone of
platforms and pipelines. The ship inspection system is developed by combining several attributes. Then, decision analysis
software is employed to prioritize the vessel’s four attributes, including ship age, ship type, classification, and flag state.
Results show that the EWS can increase the safety level of offshore platforms and pipelines, as well as the efficient use of
patrol boats in monitoring the safety of the facilities. Meanwhile, ship inspection enables the port to prioritize the ship to
be inspected in accordance with the priority ranking inspection score.

Keywords Automatic identification system . AIS . Real-time monitoring . Subsea gas pipeline . Offshore platform
Ship inspection score

1 Introduction Court) reported 293 cases of major accidents (Mahkamah

Pelayaran Indonesia 2009). Such accidents can be classi-
Ship accident is fatal to the ship as well as its crew and fied into several groups: ship sinking (31%), ship ground-
cargo. Moreover, it has a direct impact on the sea and ing (25%), ship collisions (18.27%), ship fires (9.67%),
coastal environment. Environmental losses include the and others (16.06%). Based on reported data, the main
compensation for the marine industry, the costs of pollu- accident causes are attributed to human (78.45%) and tech-
tion prevention, as well as losses brought on by lost busi- nical (9.67%) errors, prevailing weather conditions
ness opportunities resulting from the contamination. In (1.07%), and a combination of weather conditions and
2009, the Mahkamah Pelayaran (Indonesian Maritime technical errors (10.75%). Another study based on statisti-
cal data on maritime accidents attributed those to human
error (90%) and ship collisions (30%) (Gong 2002).
Based on IMO Resolution MSC.74 (69) (IMO 1998),
* K. B. Artana ships with capacities exceeding 300GT are required to
use an automatic identification system (AIS) in their oper-
1 ations. The utilization of an AIS device aims to reduce the
Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia likelihood of ship collisions occurring. An AIS system au-
2 tomatically sends dynamic data, such as speed, location,
Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia course, and heading, along with static data, such as length,
102 Journal of Marine Science and Application

width, draft, and other related information. At present, AIS pipelines and sea cables, which is located on the right and left
is not only used in ships, but is also used at base stations as outermost points of the pipe/cable up to a distance of 1250 m;
a vehicle monitoring system (VTS) to monitor ship traffic. and (c) an exclusion area for platforms, which is located
VTS has been developed as intelligent, real-time multi- 1750 m from the outer edge of the platform (or approximately
vessel collision risk assessment system to help VTS offi- 1250 m from the restricted areas.
cers and ship captains during operations through the pro- Meanwhile, the lack of implemented safety standards is
vision of real-time data (Bukhari et al. 2013). one of the major antecedents of ship accidents that occur in
Meanwhile, the majority of Indonesia’s oil and gas in- Indonesian seas. The Tokyo MOU Annual Report 2009
frastructure are located at sea. For this reason, offshore (Tokyo MOU 2009) has obliged port authorities to inspect at
conventional onshore technologies are integrated in order least 25% of the total population of foreign vessels operating
to conduct exploration and exploitation. The technologies from local ports.
used comprise subsea manifolds and flowlines, wellheads, In order to conduct the inspection, port authorities re-
offshore platforms, export pipelines, and floating produc- quire a ship inspection priority ranking system. The pri-
tion units. ority ranking inspection score is needed to prioritize the
Potential hazards may occur, particularly for offshore plat- ships to be inspected, especially in ports with a high-
forms and subsea pipelines associated with ship operation density ship population. In the current work, a ranking
while at sea and during anchorage near pipeline areas (i.e., system using inspection scores obtained by weighing the
anchor drag, drop anchor, vessel–platform collision, ship sink- inspection variables set by the Tokyo MOU through AHP
ing, and so on (Artana et al. 2013). Past studies have proposed is introduced. The inputs for the inspection score calcula-
risk assessment methods during ship operation at sea, such as tion include the AIS data and vessel specifications data.
risk assessment of pipelines and subsea gas pipelines related The calculation results are displayed via a digital map for
to mooring vessel operation in tie-in spool installations easier visual observation. As per EWS, both the priority
(Dinariyana et al. 2015), and risk assessment of subsea gas ranking system and ship inspection score are running in
pipelines related to the development of jetties or ports (Artana real time and are displayed on a digital map.
2009; Artana et al. 2015). A real-time monitoring system is required to enhance
The present research further developed an early warning the safety of offshore platforms and subsea pipelines as
system (EWS) based on a real-time monitoring system for well as to reduce operational costs incurred by patrol
maintaining the safety of offshore structures and subsea pipe- boats when inspecting ships that have entered the restrict-
lines. In this system, the ship’s position data and dynamic AIS ed zone. This system is not only used for monitoring, like
data are obtained in real time; hence, the relative distance any other existing VTS in Indonesia, but is also used to
between vessels and offshore platforms or subsea pipelines generate early warnings for incident with high risks. The
can also be accurately calculated in real time. The boundaries proposed system can also be integrated with all existing
of the restricted and exclusion area of offshore platforms and satellite-based VTS in Indonesia.
subsea pipelines can be used as triggers to facilitate EWS
notification. The overlay technique complements the EWS
interface in such a way that vessel movement and relative
distance to the offshore platforms and subsea pipelines can 2 Related Works
be visually monitored.
Visual monitoring is often required by port authorities and In their respective works, Masroeri et al. (2012), Pitana
platform owners. One study developed an alert system called et al. (2008, 2010), and Kobayashi et al. (2010) reviewed
collision alert system (CAS) to prevent collision accidents in a several research that employed AIS data, including dan-
real-time operational environment (Goerlandt et al. 2015). We ger score, hazard navigation map, ship evacuation assess-
design a CAS as an EWS by integrating VTS/AIS with marine ment, AIS for emission distribution and monitoring, and
geographic information system to obtain the optimal decision AIS for vessel inspection. Artana et al. (2011) combined
for ship collision avoidance by using an analytical hierarchy AIS data and fuzzy clustering to measure the danger
process (AHP) and fuzzy logic theory (Su et al. 2012). scores of ships.
In accordance with Decree No. 68/2011 issued by the To estimate the distribution of emissions generated by
Ministry of Transportation of Indonesia (Menteri ships, Ariana et al. (2013) and Artana et al. (2014) combined
Perhubungan Republik Indonesia 2011), the government the geographic identification system (GIS) and AIS data.
established several security areas for platforms, subsea cables, Meanwhile, Pitana et al. (2011) utilized GIS, AIS data stream,
and subsea pipelines with specific provisions as follows: (a) and danger score to develop a hazard navigation map based on
restricted area for platforms, which is a region that is 500 m the weight criteria obtained from an analysis that employed
from the outer edge of the platform; (b) an exclusion area for the AHP. AIS has also been applied to obtain the risk of ship
K.B. Artana et al.: Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic Identification System 103

Table 1 AIS message

specifications Function Remark

1 Position report class A Scheduled position report; Class A shipborne mobile equipment
2 Position report class A Assigned scheduled position report; Class A shipborne mobile equipment
3 Position report class A Special position report, response to interrogation; Class A shipborne
mobile equipment
18 Position report class B Standard position report for class B shipborne mobile equipment to be used
instead of messages 1, 2, 3
19 Position report class B Extended position report for class B shipborne mobile equipment; contains
additional static information
27 Long range AIS Class A and class B shipborne mobile equipment outside base station
broadcast message coverage

Source: ITU standard (ITU-R 2014)

collision by using fuzzy inference system (Pratiwi et al. 2016; Table 1 presents AIS message types 1, 2, 3, 18, 19,
Chen et al. 2014). and 27, which contain the ship’s latest location data.
The above-mentioned research utilized AIS data for vari- These dynamic data are translated into numerical data,
ous assessments. Hence, the current paper presents an appli- such as longitude and latitude. Apart from the location
cation of AIS data into a real-time monitoring system to track data, other data are used to determine the safety levels
the safety of subsea pipelines as well as ship’s danger score of offshore platforms and subsea pipelines. Such data
based on academic research. include direction (heading and course), navigation sta-
tus, timestamp when transmitting data, and speed over
3 Prototype of the Real-time Monitoring AIS data are received and then compared with the lo-
System for Subsea Pipelines and Offshore cation of the offshore platform and subsea pipeline.
Platforms When the analysis results indicate that the object is in
danger (i.e., the ship is located in the limited or exclusion
The AIS consists of 27 messages, each with a different spec- zone with low or zero speed, indicating that the ship
ification and utility, in accordance with the ITU standard tends to drop anchor), the EWS automatically sends a
(ITU-R 2014). warning notification to all the port and ship stakeholders

Fig. 1 Main concept of the AIS

ITS software
104 Journal of Marine Science and Application

provides information on the pipeline safety status to top-

level management (stakeholders).
Each stage of the computation process, database que-
ry, requires time to complete and fall into race condi-
tion. Meanwhile, the AIS data stream is received con-
tinuously when a ship enters the reception area of the
AIS device. To overcome these problems, we created
several worker processes (slave program) that run in
parallel with one another. Each stage of the computation
process now has a set of worker processes that are
controlled by one master process (controller program).
Master and worker process of the AIS ITS software is
shown as Fig. 2.
The main task of the master process is to ensure that
incoming data are processed as fast as possible and that
there are enough worker processes for every computation
stage. If the incoming data volume increases while all the
worker processes are busy, the master process creates a
new worker process to do the job. When a worker pro-
cess is finished performing the assigned duties, it reports
its status to the master process. This way, new incoming
data can be delegated to an idle process (Fig. 2). To
Fig. 2 Master and worker process ensure that all worker processes can perform their func-
tions properly, we test these with dummy and real data
via SMS, big screen notification, or mobile notification (Fig. from testing servers. By conducting the performance test,
1). The system reduces the frequency of patrol boat opera- we can ensure that each worker processes’ conditions
tions, lowers total cost of pipeline safety monitoring, and simulate actual operating conditions.

Fig. 3 AIS software

K.B. Artana et al.: Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic Identification System 105

Table 2 Open source software specifications

Software Version Function

Socat Receives AIS datastream in the form of UDP packets from Furuno FA30
PHP-CLI The server-side script engine; changes AIS data received from Socat into numerical data
mySQL 5.6.23 Stores numerical AIS data from PHP-CLI into storage
Redis 3.0.2 The data structure server; management of in-memory variables list. Redis uses PHP-CLI
Memcached 1.4.13 Key-based Memory Cache; Saves process control variable and status of computing process with PHP-CLI
PHP-FPM Server-side script engine; fetches data from mySQL database and sends it to web server Nginx
Nginx 1.8.0 Web server; AIS data visualization
Javascript 1.6 Client-side script engine; user interaction with the interface
Mapproxy 1.8 Map tile proxy; proxifying map tile request from the client

The main idea behind the master and slave process is to The AIS-based EWS also utilizes some open source
overcome the race condition problem. Let us assume that software available in the Internet, in addition to develop-
there exists a job stack consisting of several jobs that must ing a dedicated software with PHP script.
be completed by the system. If each job in the job stacks For more details, see Fig. 3.
consumes one time unit, one process technique can only All of the software listed at Table 2 are run on a 64-
solve one job/time. Using the multi-process technique, we bit Debian 7.8 Linux (Wheezy) operating system. They
can then solve N job/time. In the PHP-CLI mode, several come with configuration files, all of which have been
methods can be used to perform parallel computing, i.e., fine-tuned to match the needs of execution speed, server
exec, fork, and threads. In this research, exec is used hardware power, and computational load. Moreover,
because it is lightweight, simple, and does not need addi- some configuration parameters are specifically set to
tional extension to install (Pitt 2015). meet the requirements of memory capacity (RAM), net-
work configuration, variable capacity, and storage type
(see Fig. 3).

4 Prototype of the Real-time Monitoring

System for Ship Inspection

Inspection score is measured using the multi-criteria deci-

sion method called AHP. AHP is a technique that is

Table 3 Function and inspection score: flag state

Criteria Weight Function Inspection score

Flag state 0.306 1000

Sub criteria:
Indonesia 0.082 306 25.092
China 0.086 306 26.316
Korea 0.066 306 20.196
Panama 0.095 306 29.07
Filipina 0.151 306 46.206
Cambodia 0.252 306 77.112
Cyprus 0.062 306 18.972
Hong Kong 0.072 306 22.032
Liberia 0.086 306 26.316
Singapore 0.048 306 14.688
Fig. 4 Hierarchy chart of criteria inspection score
106 Journal of Marine Science and Application

Table 4 Function and inspection score: classification Table 6 Function and inspection score: ship age

Criteria Weight Function Inspection score Criteria Weight Function Inspection score

Classification 0.256 1000 Ship age 0.248 1000

Sub criteria: Sub criteria:
NK 0.038 256 9.728 < 5 years 0.026 248 6.448
LR 0.042 256 10.752 5–10 years 0.042 248 10.416
BKI 0.219 256 56.064 10–15 years 0.085 248 21.08
BV 0.057 256 14.592 15–20 years 0.157 248 38.936
GL 0.042 256 10.752 20–25 years 0.250 248 62
ABS 0.055 256 14.08 > 25 years 0.440 248 109.12
CCS 0.114 256 29.184
DNV 0.069 256 17.664
IRS 0.093 256 23.808 4.2 Classification
KR 0.116 256 29.696
RINA 0.087 256 22.27 Classification is regulatory body that issues the certifica-
RS 0.070 256 17.92 tion of ship building and ship worthiness. Its role is
significant because it lays down the ship building foun-
dation regulated by the world’s ship safety agencies.
employed for measuring items using pairwise comparison Moreover, it also serves as a quality assurance indicator
and expertise of judgments to derive a priority scale. AHP of marine insurance.
is structured by multiple criteria, each with their own sub
criteria (Saaty 2008). Based on the Tokyo MOU PSC
(Tokyo MOU 2009), the following criteria to construct 4.3 Ship Age
AHP affect ship inspection targets.
Ships that are 5 years or older may undergo heavier
inspection. Generally, ships are designed and built for
4.1 Flag State 25 years of operation. The types of inspection also de-
pend on the ship’s age.
Flag state gives a ship an identity and an issue sail permit
that complies with the laws applicable in the ship’s origin
country. Flag state must ensure that a ship flying its flag is 4.4 Ship Type
seaworthy. Among others, this factor is the most signifi-
cant one. Ship type identifies the function to be performed and
the payload carried by the ship. Ship type affects the
regulations used in buildings and types of inspections
Table 5 Function and inspection score: type of ship
that need to be conducted.
Criteria Weight Function Inspection score To assess the safety index of the ship (danger score),
Pitana et al. (2011) considered other criteria apart from
Type of ship 0.190 1000 those mentioned above. The additional criteria for the dan-
Sub criteria: ger score, which are obtained from AIS data, include the
Container ship 0.046 190 8.74 following: relative distance between vessels, ship speed,
LNG 0.129 190 24.51 current, and wind, as well as the ship’s principal dimension,
VLCC 0.078 190 14.82 trajectory, and so on.
Ferry 0.158 190 30.02
Large passenger 0.112 190 21.28
Table 7 Inspection score computation example
Bulk carrier 0.066 190 12.54
Leisure/fishing 0.042 190 7.98 Flag state Indonesia 25.092
LPG 0.139 190 26.41 Classification NK 9.728
PCC 0.114 190 21.66 Ship type Container ship 8.74
Reefer ship 0.056 190 10.64 Ship age < 5 years 6.448
Towing vessels 0.060 190 11.4 Inspection score 50.048
K.B. Artana et al.: Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic Identification System 107

Fig. 7 Shortest distance

A single destination exists at the top of the tree; this repre-

sents the goal of the decision-making problems. The decision
has a 100% weight at this point. Just below the goal are all the
criteria that affect the inspection score. Based on the rating
Fig. 5 Outer bounding rectangle (OBR) obtained, the weights of the goals should be shared between
the points of criteria. Several methods in the expert choice can
The next process is the creation of a questionnaire for expert be used to accomplish this task, and these are initiated by
judgment. The port state control officer (PCSO) is then request- comparing all the criteria to determine the weight distribution
ed to fill the form with a scale value of 1 to 9. The survey results or dissemination of such criteria. The comparison results
are then processed with Expert Choice software. using this software consist of the criteria with priorities taking
Artana et al. (2011) utilized the same approach in the precedence and the value of consistency ratio. These indi-
determining the danger score of a ship. The same approach cate whether the value of the weighting of this risk is consis-
is utilized to accommodate the four criteria set by the Tokyo tent enough to be used.
MOU to identify the need for inspection by using an index The weights of the criteria and sub criteria in Tables 3, 4, 5
called inspection score. This is calculated using the formula: and 6 are obtained from past studies published by Artana
n et al. (2011) and Masroeri et al. (2012). All values in
Inspection score ¼ ∑ wi f i ð1Þ Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 are used to calculate the inspection score
in real time as new AIS data captured by the AIS device.
where wi = weight of ith criteria, and fi = function values of ith For example, if a ship has the flag state of Indonesia, is a
criteria. container-type ship, has an NK class, and has a ship age less than
The calculation of the inspection score begins by cal- 5 years, the inspection score is computed, as shown in Table 7.
culating the relative weight of each sub criteria and the
criteria presented in Fig. 4. Data processing by Expert
Choice software is then employed to determine the prior- 5 Prototype Development
ity level of each criteria and sub criteria. AHP structure
models used by Expert Choice comprise an inverted tree 5.1 Outer Bounding Rectangle
model. Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6 show the AHP calculation
results of Expert Choice according to answers extracted The computational load of AIS data processing is influ-
from the questionnaires accomplished by experts. enced by several key parameters, including the number of
ship, the number and complexity of the underwater object

Fig. 6 Ship location checking algorithm with OBR Fig. 8 Distance of point to segment
108 Journal of Marine Science and Application

Name : Bow Fraternity

MMSI : 563621000
IMO : 8420517
Callsign : S6BV7

Type : Chemical/Product Tanker

Flag : Singapore
Class : Det Norske Veritas
Age : 1986-6-6 (29 years)
Insp.Score : 156.292 (Medium Risk)
Fig. 9 Locate feature in use
GT : 27,963
or area to be monitored, and the AIS class types. The DWT : 45,507
amount of data variation is usually large, resulting in re- Length : 176.84m (lbp: 169.02m)
duced server computing capacities when the calculations Width : 32.23m
are done for all data (all ships and all objects). Draught : 12.82m (max: 17.45m)
The easiest way to limit the amount of data to be calculated
is to use the basic concept of R-tree indexing. Figure 6 explains Speed : 13.3kts (max: 14.5kts)
the basic concept of R-tree, which is to create an outer bounding Heading : 0
Coordinate : 37.466,-122.73109
rectangle (OBR) of each object, and then merge any overlap,
Nav.Status : Underway using engine
adjacent, or subset of an OBR, which becomes a greater OBR
LastReport : 2 days
(Fig. 5). The OBR is not an error, it is a rectangle (also called
Zoom | Locate
the OBR level 2) that is created to enclose a pipeline segment to
a distance of 500 m on both sides of the outer point of the Fig. 11 Ship info interface
pipeline (i.e., the limited area). If two adjacent rectangles are
observed, a new OBR (OBR level 1–ABCD rectangle) is
formed. Hence, in using this approach, the definition of all location of the ship to the pipe segment. Further details
limited/exclusion areas of the pipeline can be defined easily. are shown in Fig. 7.
Moreover, such an algorithm makes computer coding easier. For each segment, such as segment S shown in Fig. 8, the
The basic concept R-tree indexing is used to determine shortest distance of point P to line segment is P-P(0) and not
whether a particular ship with a specific location within a spe- P-P(b).
cific time deserves to be a candidate data to be processed in the The distance calculation is preceded by a calculation of
next computing process. This is the basic criteria used to restrict the angle between the locations of ship toward the ends of
the universe of ship data. For more details, follow Fig. 6. the pipe segment. The perpendicular formula is used to
calculate the shortest distance if it is in one corner of the
5.2 Calculation of the Ship Distance to Some Object upright. Otherwise, the shortest distance is calculated at
each end of the pipe segment (Sunday 2015).
Calculating the ship distance to a certain object not only
requires a simple calculation of the perpendicular dis-
tance of the ship, but must also pay attention to the 5.3 Main Feature of AIS ITS

5.3.1 Location

The locate feature is employed to locate the ship in the

map as well as to reposition the center of the map to the
location of the ship as can be seen in Fig. 9.

5.3.2 Zoom

The zoom feature is used to increase or decrease the zoom

level (zoom in/out). It also repositions the center of the
Fig. 10 Zoom feature is being used map to the location of the ship (see Fig. 10).
K.B. Artana et al.: Real-time Monitoring of Subsea Gas Pipelines, Offshore Platforms, and Ship Inspection Scores Using an Automatic Identification System 109

Fig. 12 Base map

5.3.3 Ship Information 5.3.4 Base Map

The ship information feature in Fig. 11 is used to display Just like any other GIS software, the AIS ITS software
the information window containing AIS data and ship also uses base map for visualizing ship location (Fig.
specifications. Data shown in the info window is the latest 12), offshore platform location, and subsea pipeline lo-
AIS data received by the server. cation. Several main sources can be used as a base map,
including Open Street Map (, Map Quest
(, Carto Light (, stamens
(, Open Street Browser (openstreetbrowser.
org), Ovi Normal Day (, and Ovi Satellite (ovi.

5.3.5 Inspection Score Ranking

The inspection score ranking list is a list of ships that are

sorted based on the value of the inspection score.
Fig. 13 Inspection score rank list Figure 13 shows the inspection score of ships.
110 Journal of Marine Science and Application

Fig. 14 Vessel tracking using AIS

5.3.6 Vessel Tracking System system also gives broader opportunities through which to
develop more advanced features in the future, which can
In analyzing ship incidents and accidents, historical data help incoming new technology, infrastructure, and
before an incident/accident are highly needed. Assessment regulations.
on risk and avoidance/mitigation effort is needed to en-
sure that the same accident is not repeated. The applica- Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to Kobe University, Japan
for the AIS receiver grant provided to ITS Surabaya to conduct the re-
tion developed in this research also provides a way to
search. Appreciation is also extended to the Ministry of Research,
track the path of one vessel, two vessels, or a group of Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia for providing the grant
vessels in a certain time duration. Using this application, through the PUPT and CPPBT Program.
forensic data on ship accidents can be easily performed,
and accurate analysis and recommendations can be pro-
vided. Figure 14 shows the display interface of a vessel References
tracking system.
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