Arslan Ali BCRW Assingment

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Bcrw Assignment




Submitted To:

Submitted By:

Arslan Ali MI18MBA008

MBA (insurance and Risk Management)

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Title Page …………………………………………………………………………… 1

1 – Executive Summary……………………………………………………………… 4

➢ Business opportunity and vision.................................................................... 5

2 – Business Introduction……………………………………………………………. 5

➢ Mission statement……………………………………………………………. 6

➢ Company vision……………………………………………………………… 7

➢ Goals and objectives…………………………………………………………. 8

➢ The market and projection ………………………………………………….. 9

➢ The comparative advantage…………………………………………………. 10

➢ Management team …………………………………………………………... 11

➢ The offering …………………………………………………………………. 11

➢ List of key company principals ……………………………………………… 12

➢ Stake Holder of your business ………………………………………………. 13

3 – The Company…………………………………………………………………….. 13

4 – The Industry ……………………………………………………………………… 14

➢ Industry Structure …………………………………………………………….. 15

➢ Industry Trend ………………………………………………………………... 15

5 – Market Analysis and Marketing Plan …………………………………………….. 15

➢ Market Size …………………………………………………………………… 16

➢ Target Market ………………………………………………………………… 16

➢ General profile of your Targeted Clients …………………………………….. 17

➢ Market Share …………………………………………………………………. 17

➢ Competition ………………………………………………………………….. 18

➢ Sales Strategy …………………………………………………………………. 18

• Pricing …………………………………………………………………. 19

• Promotion ……………………………………………………………… 20

• Products ………………………………………………………………... 20

• Place ..………………………………………………………………….. 21

6 – Operation Plan ……………………………………………………………………... 21

7 – Description Product and Services ………………………………………………….. 21

➢ Competitive advantage ………………………………………………………….. 22

➢ Product development stages ……………………………………………………… 23

➢ Maintenance and Support ……………………………………………………….. 24

8 – Organization and Management ……………………………………………………… 25

9 - Financial Plan …………………………………………………………………………

➢ Projected Income Statement ……………………………………………………… 25

➢ Projected Cash flow statement……………………………………………………. 26

➢ Projected Balance Sheet ….………………………………………………………. 27

10 – Working Of App ….………………………………………………………............... 28

Executive Summary:

AUTO-M8 Pvt Ltd is a leading advertising agency in Pakistan who provides information services

as well as state of the art products that gave an advertising market a whole new level.

Five university students; Aiman Aftab, Hammad Azmi, Mohsin Raza, Husnain Jabbar and Unaib

Butt. The business developer in guidance and learning of Dr. Sheikh Usman Yousaf – HOD Hailey

College of Banking & Finance, University of the Punjab joined hands; decided to startup by

offering something that brings a new level of innovation and scope for advertising agencies and

information services industry.

Business Opportunity and Vision:

AUTO-M8 is an innovative on-vehicle advertising concept like advertisement on cars, which

happens first of its kind in Pakistan.

Our vision is to be the first point of contact when a customer is looking at owning a Brand new car

image and becoming a Brand ambassador to be the market leader in direct marketing solutions.

Our aim is to provide a globalized network; from Franchises to outsourcing that performs to their

chosen goals and gain the rewards of a successful business partnership. Acquire and develop staff

that are valued and trained to perform to the best of their ability and rewarded for the endeavors

they put into the business and their local community.

1. Introduction to

AUTO-M8 is a free software application from the Food & Drink subcategory, part of the Home

& Hobby category. AUTO-M8 is based out of the densely populated city of Islamic Repulic of

Pakistan – Lahore and providing information services with a whole new level of creativity and

state of the art digital advertising concepts for businesses and consumers at a single diversified


AUTO-M8 Logo:


“It’s All About The Drive”

Mission Statement:

“Everything that moves or got wheels can be turned into a rolling billboard”

Our aim is to deliver the best solutions available for our customers and potential customers need.

We believe that our knowledge and expertise means that we are in the unique position of being

able to provide the best possible service and products throughout the Pakistan. We aim to become

the Sun in the Universe and put light to the words “Pakistan shining”.

• To operate the Company on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth, increasing

value for our stakeholders and expanding opportunities for development and career growth

for our employees and staff within AUTO-M8 Network.

• To have a full network of profitable, commercially aware global partners who are proud to

be part of our largest growing network.

• To be in a position to put something tangible back into the community that we work in.

6 Vision: believes that if you own a car, you own a company instead by just utilizing your

primary asset- your vehicle. People like to make extra money by being a part of something bigger

than them.

Our goal is to have millions of outstanding community members around the globe earning simple

and easy side money and driving free of cost. Honestly! How many ads do you remember seeing?

- But every time we saw an ad on an automobile, it stood out. Think of the Red Bull cars with the

can, or Ice Cream vans with a big cone Ice cream on top. Why not giving brands the same

opportunity? We help advertisers by providing the same opportunity let their message be so visible

by taking advantage of a seriously underutilized medium. We desire to help people every day in

saving money and earning free fuel with just their daily routine driving.

Sky is the limit and the story is just getting started.

Goals and Objectives:

In the corporate world; our goal is to operate on sustainable basis, our objective is to increase the

value for our stake holders as well as expanding opportunities for development through innovation.

In resource development; our goal is to make partners and employees feel proud of being with

us, by offering professional growth tracks and broad spectrum business prospects.

As a social responsibility; our objective is to payback something tangible to the communities we

live in to mutually prosper. Charm to improve public transport as the public transport car owners

can earn extra.

In Market we target to become the top advertisement medium around the globe. We want every

brand and advertiser to choose smartly and spend efficiently from a solo platform.

Alternate for Environmental hazard billboards that’s reducing the city’s outlook and beauty all

together. LDA supported concept to reduce number of billboards & we brings you the alternate.

In terms of Business, Our goal is to register be registered in Pakistan, and our long term target is

to get registered in International market, cause this APP has the feature to work in any corner

around the globe, just start registering driver and ads. Software, just a click away.

In terms of Profit, First of all, according to the pricing stats, petroleum companies can get us 2Lac

profit from first month and We can see growing 5X from second month onwards,

our goal is to sustain on gradual growth till we establish & expand from cities to countries.

We want to deliver our best to shine in the skies to pour light on “Rising Pakistan”.

The Market and Projections is majorly targeting 3 different potential markets:

➢ Advertisers/Brands

➢ Petroleum Companies

➢ Car Owners

In terms of Advertisers, every brand and advertiser is a potential market and there is no limitation

as every advertiser can register a marketing/advertisement campaign starting from months till a

complete year.

The win-win situation for Petroleum companies in two major dimensions is:

First of all, a marketing plan promising a fixed return of 30% to all fuel companies. Apart from

that, there is an advantage of huge increase in number of consumers.

Lastly, every car owner is an independent contractor and every vehicle is our market and every

automobile is our potential platform to advertise.

Projection for fuel Companies: We aim to capture 10% of market share from the Fuel

companies initially.

Projection for Advertisers: We forecast to grab 2 % of market initially among all of the brands

and advertisers.

Projection of Car owners: Every car owner is a potential prospect to be provided with the

opportunity of advertisement. The registration fees for the car owners is 100% refundable till they

get their vehicles wrapped with advertisement for the very first time.

New Ride hailing companies like I-Cab, You Ride are the most potential markets for

advertisements as they don’t have policies of keeping their vehicles non advertised or non

stickered. For example, we understand that Careem has the policy of no stickering or advertisement

on the private cars they provide for riding services, but the new upcoming companies will not have

that in their policies when they will encounter the reduced hailing rates due to massive advantage

on free fueling. They will have a great opportunity to sustain in market and will for sure give them

a chance to compete new giants like Careem & Uber.

The Comparative Advantage:

Our competition is primarily from other hybrid advertising agencies. Looking at a broader picture,

there is also a competition from the “do-it-yourself” resource providers. Hybrid advertising

agencies offer both physical and digital advertising mediums and services.

There are a lot of advertising ideas and competitors in the potential market around the globe like

Wrapify, Wrollit etc who are offering same opportunities for drivers and brands to integrate and

work together, but what they are missing and what every advertiser looks forward to; is the

monitoring and evaluation of their advertisement campaign. The App that is installed on GPS

tracked cars, and the driver drive with the App gaining number of impressions that are easy and

accurate to advertisers to monitor that how successful their campaign is.

Competitors like Wrollit offers fixed income to drivers where AUTO-M8 offers you to “Earn as

much as you drive” opportunity distancing us from competitors and making it very first of its kind.

We provide the ease, speed and accuracy in the world of digital advertising via advertising the

brands on your vehicles we call “rolling billboards”. Ads keeps your product or

service in the public eye by creating a sense of brand awareness. We strive to deliver advertising

in a targeted and cost effective manner that is more successful than most other forms of advertising

Management Team:
Chairman : Aiman Aftab

CEO : Hammad Azmi

Secretary : Unaib Butt

App Developer and Support : Mian Husnain

Director : Mohsin Raza

The Offering: offers a single versatile platform for Car-Brand Partnership by offering a win-win

opportunity for both car owners and advertisers/brands.

➢ We provide the opportunity of connecting brands with consumers through consumers by

Out Of Home (OOH) digital advertisement.

➢ Car owners can earn Free Fuel up to 3500 of liters a month for advertising on your car by

driving your daily routine.

➢ For advertisers is a Careem/Uber by advertising their advertisements on

GPS tracked cars with the highest cost effective possibilities by wrapping their

advertisements on cars to reach out there target market efficiently and effectively.

➢ provides you an idea of not just keeping your vehicle as a ride sharing

service like Careem & Uber but trying to buck the trend of putting money back into the

pocket of car owners

➢ Advertisers can actually track the exact location through app that where the advertisement

money has been invested.

➢ Media Monitoring Cost is totally waived off for advertisers by offering them the best

feature of track history and detail information of where there investment has been spent

➢ Campaign extension – accurate decision making data analysis

➢ Advertiser can advertise on specific location by marking it and setting a peak factor

List of key company principals:

Our key principals follow the footsteps and principals of our, Founder & Father of the Nation.

“Work, Work, and only Work” – Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. “Unity, Faith and

Discipline” are the key principals that we as an organization wish to follow in every aspect of

life. is employee oriented and Human Resource is our best asset we acquire and we
believe that: “No religion is higher than humanity.” ― Abdul Sattar Edhi
AUTO-M8 brings an ideology of creating an economical growth opportunity for the ones who

can’t afford their daily fuel to work, to educational institute as the fuel prices are reaching sky.

We create an opportunity of earning fuel & money to help the ones who need to save each penny

to survive each month. We as in organization believe in the life principals of the Greatest

scientist of our nation;

“Hatred, intolerance, poor hygienic conditions and violence all have roots in illiteracy, so

we're trying to do something to help the poor and the needy” – Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan.

Stake Holders of

AUTO- M8 provide list of opportunities and benefits to its stake holders and partners.

Shell: Shell Petroleum is one of the major Stake holder and Key partner to support the idea as well

as being a brand and advertiser, Shell is grabbing the opportunity of being a client and partner at

the same time.

Car Owners: Similarly, Car owners are the most important stakeholders and independent

contractors. Rent a Car Services and Transport Hailing Services by iCab and You Ride are one of

the major key stakeholders.

2. The Company:

12 – an ingenious mix of the latest digital and mobile technologies is the first ad

platform with an ANDROID application that creates economic value of consumers by paying them

fuel, while providing a marketing service to the brands that transcends contemporary trends for the

advertisers and the ad agencies. empowers you to monetize one of your primary

assets: your car, ridding you of the worries about affording your daily drive and fuel. A true win-

win approach not just for drivers but for brands and advertisers as well.

A new advertising platform that connects brands with drivers to create splashy on-vehicle ads.

“ uses technology not just for its own sake, but to teach an old dog a new trick.”

AUTO-M8 is a company that sells advertising on cars. We pay you a voucher of free fuel to get

your car wrapped with vinyl advertising and then you go about doing your normal day to day

driving and get paid for it. Sounds like a great, easy side hustle.

AUTO-M8 matches drivers with advertisers, helping brands connect with millions of people every

day. Drivers get paid each month, earning fuel as they drive, and for advertisers it is a unique form

of advertising that creates buzz and sparks conversations in towns and cities up and down the

Pakistan. Drivers can get started by completing the driver sign up form, where you can tell us about

your car, lifestyle and driving habits so that we can get you matched to one of our advertisers.

Legal Status of

The legal status of is PRIVATE. It’s a privately held organization and so called Private Limited.

3. The Industry

The primary industry for is B2C – Business to Consumer Information Services.

AUTO-M8 is providing information services with a whole new level of creativity and state of the

art digital advertising concepts for businesses and consumers at a single diversified platform. The

IT industry took a huge switch globally from web based services to Application based services

that provides the ease and speed to both consumers and businesses.

Industry Structure: is providing a single platform to let the advertiser and car owners to work and earn

at the same time. is a platform that handles the both dimensions of Advertiser and

car owner mutually together at the same time while providing them the opportunity of Car-Brand

Partnership. It provides a technology with features and benefits to advertisers so they can reach

out to their consumers in the best ways possible, as fast as a blink of any eye to, a method of for

a brand recall and brand recognition to achieve the brand equity for advertisers and businesses.

Industry Trend: offers a medium to the industry that does not exist in the market. The opportunity

doesn’t exist in the market till now and AUTO-M8 brought a whole new scope and future, not

just only to this industry but to advertising agencies, information service providers and vehicle

owners. The trend is leading towards Metro Bus Service, Railways and even Airline Services as

they are our next target markets.

4. Market Analysis and Marketing Plan:

AUTO-M8 is a concept and ideology that came in physical form after a detailed market research

and analysis. A little broader and different look can make you see a lot of different market gaps in

your day to day life. AUTO-M8 fills the gap between brand and consumers by bringing them on a

one single platform by providing equal opportunity by saving consumers money in form of

providing free fuel and allowing to earn as much as he drive. And by saving advertisers money by

free monitoring services, by offering 30% fixed payback and by offering the cheapest

advertisement rate that is even cheaper than a cut out rate in Lahore.

Marketing Type: Mass marketing for businesses and consumers Market


We have the capacity & aim to go global. In startup we aim to cover all major cities nationwide.

Advertisers/Brands: There is a wide variety and huge markets of brands out there who are willing

to pay anything to get their brands advertised, recognized and spread around to increase sales and

profits. Our goal is to provide a platform for every brand and advertiser in the City, Nation and the

whole World.

Car Owners/ Contractors: Almost everywhere, we have cars in over 123 cities and towns across

Pakistan. All of the major cities are well covered and we have thousands of cars for you to choose

from just in Lahore. Every car owner is an independent contractor and is a potential market for

Target Market is majorly targeting 3 different potential markets:

➢ Advertisers/Brands
➢ Petroleum Companies
➢ Car Owners

In terms of Advertisers, every brand and advertiser is a potential market and there is no limitation

as every advertiser can register a marketing/advertisement campaign starting from months till a

complete year. The win-win situation for Petroleum companies in two major dimensions is: First

of all, a marketing plan promising a fixed return of 30% to all fuel companies. Apart from that,
there is an advantage of huge increase in number of consumers. Lastly, every car owner is an

independent contractor and every vehicle is our market and every automobile is our potential

platform to advertise. Rent a car services, Cab and Metro Cab Services are our targeted contractors

for businesses and advertisements. Our target market includes the Public transport owners and

their vehicles on the fixed daily routes around the cities and town. The fixed route will provide the

ease to advertiser plus public transport is the best platform to advertise in order to grab more

number of impressions and viewership

General profile of Targeted Clients:

Car owners are the major targeted clients as they are the ones providing their primary asset to be

consumed and branded. Car owners who drive on daily routine basis are the potential clients and

consumers at the same time.

Public and Commercial Transports: We are targeting the public and commercial transport

services as well as private transport services which includes day to day travelling and transporting

logistics, cargo, distributors, rent a car and travelling services, trucks and hino buses, ride hailing

services like iCab and You ride.

Fuel companies: Attock, Total Parco, Hescol and Shell are the major petroleum and fuel

companies are to be targeted as potential clients. Fuel companies are our clients being a brand and

an advertiser and at the same time, they are the partners providing fuels to AUTO-M8d vehicles

through their fuel company cards and franchises.

Brands/Advertisers: Every brand out in the market is our potentially targeted client. We provide

every brand and business an equal opportunity for the advertisement and enrollment with Carvetise

with endless benefits and features

Market Share:

Fuel Companies: We aim to capture 10% of market share from the Fuel companies initially.

Brand Advertisers: We plan to grab 2% of market initially among all of the brands and

Car owners: Every car owner is a potential prospect to be provided with the opportunity of

advertisement. The registration fees for the car owners is 100% refundable till they get their

vehicles wrapped with advertisement for the very first time.


There is a huge competition in the market already as the advertising agencies are growing and

developing on daily basis like Ravi advertising, Blitz Advertising, Wrollit & Advertise on my

car etc. The market is saturated with a lot of creative and eye catching ideas of advertisements by

hybrid advertisement agencies in the market. All it takes a detailed overview by taking a step

backwards to overlook the market gaps and opportunities available. That’s how we came in the

market with something different that does not exist in the market currently. AUTO-M8 provides

you the App to monitor your advertisement Live and get charged per kilometers and similarly the

car owners are provided with the opportunity to earn in kilometers for their daily drive. We expect

to see a lot of better ideas coming up in the market and that’s why AUTO-M8 needs to keep on

developing and creating something valuable and remarkable for its clients to sustain the market.

Sales Strategy: serves two interfaces for sales, One is the Car owner interface and the other one

is advertiser/vendor interface.

Car-owner Interface: The sales pitch for car-owners comes out differently as they have the best

benefit of earning as much as they drive, there is no maximum cap for fuels and earnings.

➢ Car-owner needs to submit 1000Rs Registration Fee and that is 100% refundable till the

first ad is wrapped on the car.

➢ Car owner can instantly withdraw the earnings older than past 48 hours.

➢ Car owner will get fuel allowance on card as he will be earning fuel in liters per XXX

number of kilometers, but also have the option to take out cash instead of fuel with a 10%

deduction to cash withdrawal (no hidden or service tax charges included).

➢ A free Car tracking feature available for the car owners, a free tracking service.

Advertiser/Vendor Interface: The sales strategy for Advertisers/Vendors is pretty unimaginable

and “sounds too good to be true” phenomenon.

➢ Advertisers can get the complete advertisement campaign done with the lowest rate

possible, that are even cheaper than a cut out cost.

➢ There is no monitoring cost whatsoever as AUTO-M8 app provides you the monitoring

feature live and at no cost out of pocket.

➢ AUTO-M8 provides advertisers a promising 30% fixed payback on rolling billboards in the

lowest price imaginable.

➢ There is no registration cost for the advertisers starting a campaign of over One Million

Rupees startup.


There is a startup initial cost of registration for both interfaces; Car owner and Advertiser,

➢ Car-owner has to pay 1000 Rs enrollment cost, that is 100% refundable till the first ad is

wrapped on car.

➢ Advertiser has to pay 10,000 Rs Registration Fee if the campaign advertisement worth less

than 1 Million.

The car owner will be making his earning on per Kilometer basis and similarly, Advertisers will

be charged for the advertisement campaign on per Kilometer basis.


The promotion strategy for sales includes the number of mediums and tools that are used for

promotion of the business and its need. For promotions:

➢ Social Media campaigns are placed, via groups and pages to extend the reach and approach

the targeted clients. Social media ads, websites and profiles are in completion.

➢ TVC ads has been directed and recorded as per targeted interfaces for both Advertisers and

Car owners. Animated voice over ads with detailed overview of App and registration

process along with benefits and need for it.

➢ Promotions already started on Radios, bilingual ads made for both English and Urdu radio

channels nationwide. Our mostly drivers and travelers listen to radio in peak hours while

driving; and are our desired market.

➢ Promotions in Universities and Colleges for students and teachers to earn free fuel through

their daily driving. Promotions in cafe’s, restaurants and public

places/markets/malls with musical evenings, concerts.


19 is providing a state of the art application that is developed and supported by our

technical staff. This application based software itself is a beautiful innovation in the industry of

information technology.


AUTO-M8 is offering services all around Pakistan including all major urban cities starting up from

Lahore. AUTO-M8 is offering services that are completely location based so AUTO-M8 can be

used with a location based approach all across Pakistan and soon to a global level.

5. Operation Plan
Operation plan for initial start up and operational process will include:

➢ Ad placement for availability of Car drivers or advertisers branding.

➢ Getting car owners and advertisers on board on the active campaign.

➢ Training, Sampling and Testing of devices, interfaces and working.

➢ Car-owners have to drive from 500 to 1000 Kms to get a badge from Demo to TOLET.

➢ Advertiser will select the area, location, drivers and routes for advertisement

➢ Car owners have choice of accepting and selecting from the campaigns they want their cars

wrapped with.

➢ Cars will be in workshops for wrapping the advertisements and GPS installation.

➢ Car owners can view the earning per kilometers via app and similarly advertiser will see

Day to Day operations: Day to Day operations will include Database Management system’s

monitoring. Registration and installation processes for drivers and advertisers and providing

customer support services 24/7.

6. Description of Products and Services:

20 is providing a state of the art application that is developed and supported by our

technical staff. This application based software itself is a beautiful innovation in the industry of

information technology.

➢ AUTO-M8 is providing an App based DBMS for the Advertisers and a comprehensive user

friendly interface for car owners who are even not too handy with technology and smart

phone apps.

➢ AUTO-M8 offers great features to both advertisers and car owners free of cost that they

cannot get free of cost if they want to acquire them separately.. If the GPS tracking device

stopped working accidentally due to any technical problem, the driver can turn on the mobile

app and start driving through the app and the app will keep the track of your daily drive and

your earnings.

➢ 24X7 Customer support services available for both interfaces, calling feature available in

app to reach the customer support in real time and greater access. Service,

repairing/replacement of device and wrapping will be available according to the ease of the


➢ AUTO-M8 is offering Value Added Services (VAS) for its car owners to make money and

fuel as much as they drive. Advertisers are spending and Car owners are earning; at per

kilometer rates.

Competitive Advantage:

AUTO-M8’s major competitive advantages are:

Fixed Earnings Earn as much as you drive
Variety and list of services
Limited services available
Limited market size Larger market size
Limited target market Larger Target market
Limited offerings Greater and distinctive offerings
Expensive rates for advertisement Charged per kilometers.

Charges deduction per kilometer

Consume the complete amount of
covered plus non-spent amount
advertisement once paid
can be withdrawn anytime
GPS Installation, no back up if GPS feature available in app if
failed during drive. device fails.

Monitoring cost for Free monitoring feature is

advertisement campaign available for advertisers
No product Application based software

Product Development Stages:

➢ Idea generation and screening for a business opportunity came in contact with a thought

for offering something that is not available and is much required in the market.

➢ Ideology/Concept building improvised the Idea of AUTO-M8 – Advertising on cars.

➢ A detailed analysis of the idea and its implementation was driven; considering the market

and brand requirements for advertisements and its monitoring. The need for an

Application was identified

➢ Changes subject to locality; The processes were changed according to the feedback and

analysis report through market search. The gaps and loop holes were identified to fulfill the

need for both consumer and business end by adding a value to economy.

➢ Designing of the Application; its features, working, graphics, colors, options, interfaces,

maps designing, area coding etc.

➢ DBMS development; Database Management System and software development is

completed in this process, subject to fields and areas for the data to be stored and shared.

➢ User interface development; for both Consumer and Businesses.

➢ Testing was conducted continuously for over a period of month

➢ Debugging and troubleshooting; the problems in the DBMS software to improve


➢ Achieving sustainability according to performance measures and services being offered.

➢ Creating redundant; A strong back up for DBMS servers and software is created.

➢ Launch; Application and Business launch process is planned and emplaced. Ready to hit

the market by the end of 2020

Maintenance and Support: provides a well trained technical staff improving and supporting application based

software and its working. AUTO-M8 keeps backup for its DBMS for both hardware and software.

Application support staff and technical teams for both hardware and software are available 24X7.

AUTO-M8 has vast setup of call center and customer support services to take calls, help with the

app, solve queries and answer the frequently asked questions. GPS tracker support and

maintenance will be taken care by the app integration, if the GPS is disconnected from the battery,

it will disconnect the daily drive tracking and will not be valid to work until the car owner get it

reinstalled by our technical staff. Organization and Management

AUTO-M8 is based upon set of skillful and technical management team, came up with an idea of

a business opportunity within Business to Consumer Information Services. The management of is the backbone and make the organization complete as in whole. The strategical

and analytical approach of BODs, the effectiveness and relation of Key managers in building and

managing team in order to achieve one unified goal by providing the quality of service and

opportunity that is not limited to businesses, but for the consumers as well.

Financial Plan:
Projected Income Statement:

(All values PKR Million) Amount(Rs.)
Sales/Revenue 1,897.70
Cost of Services Sold (CGS) (1,388.7)
Gross Income 509.00
Operating Expenses (3.0)
Operating Profit 506.00
SG&A Expense (464.3)
Earnings before Interest and Tax
Depreciation and amortization expense (0.2)
Interest Expense (2.1)
Pretax Income 39.40
Income Tax (37.1)
Net Income 2.30

Cash Flow Statement:


Cash Flow Statement
AS AT 30 JUNE 2020
Fiscal year is July-June. All values PKR Million.
Cash Flow From Operating Activities Amount
Net Income before Extra ordinaries 41.70
Depreciation and Amortization 0.20
Other Funds 7.00
Receivables 0.70
Inventories (2.3)
Accounts Payable 52.50
Other Assets/Liabilities 297.90
Net Operating Cash Flow 397.7
Cash Flow From Investing Activities
Fiscal year is July-June. All values PKR Million. (Rs.)
Capital Expenditures (Fixed Assets) (2.7)
Capital Expenditures Growth 0.00%
Other Uses -
Other Sources 2.6
Net Investing Cash Flow (0.1)
Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Fiscal year is July-June. All values PKR Million. (Rs.)
Net Financing Cash Flow -
Net Financing Cash Flow Growth -
Free Cash Flow 397.6

Projected Balance Sheet:


(projected) BALANCE SHEET

AS AT 30 JUNE 2020

All values PKR Millions All values PKR Millions.

Assets Amount(Rs.) Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity Amount(Rs.)

Cash &Short Term
Investments 493.5 Accounts Payable 56

Total Accounts Receivable 13.0 Income Tax Payable 38.5

Inventories 8.5 Accrued Payroll 6.7
Total Current Assets 515 Miscellaneous Current Liabilities 318.2
Net Property, Plant
& Equipment 2.5 Total Current Liabilities 419.4

Long-Term Note Receivable 5.1 Total Liabilities 419.4

Other Assets

Deferred Charges 133.3 Common Equity (Total) 103.2

Tangible Other Assets - Common Stock Par/Carry Value 6.1

Retained Earnings 126.3

Total Equity 235.6
Total Assets 655.9 Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity 655.9

Working of App:


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